Tuesday 24 August 2010 The Hoodoo Truth No Such Thing As Road Opener In Hoodoo 1

The Hoodoo Truth No Such Thing As Road Opener In Hoodoo 1
This blog may ruffle some feathers. Currently one can find all sorts of hoodoo practitioners and even teachers telling people they need to get or use "road opener" spiritual supplies or they need to do "road opener" work. The problem is that there is no "road opener" in hoodoo. Before I go deeper into this let me state that I'm not saying that people shouldn't be using road opener spiritual supplies or that anybody who uses road opening work is a fake or anything like that. That's not the point of me writing this blog. I do not take offense to it. If that's what you want to do then have at it.

So where does "road opener" come from and how is it used? The term "road opener", abre camino in Spanish, comes from various ATRs (African Traditional Religions), such as Palo and Santeria. It is also found in the practice of Brujeria. The concept of road opener usually refers to spirits such as Eshu/Ellegua or Ogun, orishas who are specifically connected to blocking or clearing peoples "paths", i.e. their directions they are heading in life and their opportunities. In fact, in Palo there is a stick called "palo abre camino", which is used in their road-opening works. So when you reach a point where you feel "stuck", like you are trapped and no doors are opening for you and there are no further opportunities to you and you are at your wits end, this is when "road-opening" work was used by these people in their traditions. As I stated above, this "road opener" is not hoodoo.

In hoodoo, when a person is in this type of situation where they are stuck and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, we call this being "crossed". If you take a piece of paper and draw a big cross on it you can understand it. The vertical line represents your path. The horizontal line represents the outside actions, usually by the negative works against you, that crosses your path and traps you. That's what being crossed is about. A person who is crossed is stuck, they can't better themselves, they are trapped, held-down, and can't get ahead. Doors can't open because the doors have all been locked. So the remedy for this is "Uncrossing". So the typical hoodoo response to a person complaining of being stuck and not having anyway out of their circumstance is that somebody has probably done work on them and crossed them up. They need to be uncrossed so that they can once again be free to travel their path. These people need to do uncrossing work and to use uncrossing spiritual products if they use spiritual products.

Now, there is another term or formula that is used that is pretty much the same thing as uncrossing. In order to explain this I will refer back to the big cross I advised to draw above. That horizontal line is crossing the vertical line. So the vertical line represents your path you are walking and the horizontal line crosses it. In fact, the horizontal line blocks your path. In this case another spiritual product you can use is "Blockbuster". Blockbuster is the exact same thing as uncrossing. The meaning is the same, it's just another way of communicating what it does. If you want to take it one step further, in the commercialized or marketed spiritual products for Blockbuster images of a lightning bolt striking and blowing up a concrete block is used. Reference above where "road opening" in the ATRs like Palo and Santeria involves the aid of the divine, i.e. via Eshu/Ellegua and Ogun. In the Blockbuster imagery we have the lightning bolt busting the block. Lighting is the finger of God and so the imagery is also suggesting divine help in removing crossed conditions and obstacles in our life.

Son in hoodoo/rootwork/conjure, we do uncrossing work or use uncrossing spiritual supplies or block buster spiritual supplies, not "road opener". Once again, I'm in no way trying to tell you what to do. You are free to do whatever you want. If you prefer "road opener", power to you.