Saturday 28 August 2010 Top 10 Books On Shamanism

Top 10 Books On Shamanism
This is a list of the ten books that most influenced my path of shamanism. I have read many other informative books, but these are the books that most resonated with me on my shamanic path of learning and fulfillment. Shamanism offers a valid and effective path back to our soul and its purpose for being here. By engaging life from a shamanic perspective, we rediscover our core values and deep loves, find others who share them, and recommit our lives to living from what has heart and meaning. Listed in order of year of publication, my top 10 books are:

1. "The Way of the Shaman: A Guide to Power and Healing" (1980) by Michael Harner. Founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Harner blazed the trail for the worldwide revival of shamanism and shamanic drumming with his 1980 seminal classic. This informative guide to core shamanic practice set me on a new course in life. From this guide, I learned to hone my skills of shamanic journeying. Harner teaches core shamanism, the universal and common methods of the shaman to enter "non-ordinary reality" for problem solving and healing. Particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey; one of the most remarkable visionary methods used by humankind to access inner wisdom and guidance by the teachers within. Learning to journey is the first step in becoming a shamanic practitioner.Read more >>
