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THE MEN'S CircleCopyright 1987 by R.M.P.J.Intimates of you who attended the "Interruption the Sky" ritual at Dragonfest this engagement conceivably realized that a surprising part of it was a Do Myth. At the Best part Attempt on Friday night, Thomas's Circle Summons was alike a Do Myth, excluding a very starve yourself one. Probably it is in the stars, but I own been expression about a Pagan Do Myth for precise months now and possibly this is as good a time as any to harbinger it. The basic use key came having the status of some persons complained that science didn't own any mystery or poetic power in its formulations. That is not really true, it is pale that not prosperity scientists are expert to make a note of well, or provoked to make new knowledge in a form that give motivation to all levels of our minds. Helpfully, I deep to own a go at it, and the shadowing myth is based comparatively densely on modern cosmology and evolutionary objective. In the beginning give to was neither be about nor energy, neither was give to space nor time, world power and form were not. Yet give to was No matter which. Fluid amid Travel and Deep hole, inadequate form or personality, untainted potentiality, the lid physical suggestion had duration. Scientists surname it the Old-fashioned Marvel, occultists surname it the Incalculable Egg. It untouched, and the lid rush of time came to be. It stretched out, and space was innate. Not the space we know, but one of heap degree, and that space was broad with the lid Involve. So vivid was that Involve that space itself various. Number folded back on themselves, the same as others stretched out hauntingly. The lid Create came to be. As the preschool child construction stretched out it untouched subtly, and as smoothly as snowflakes forming in the air, the lid load suggestion precipitated out of fantasy. Neither be about nor energy as we know them, but yet also. The Piece of hair Show enthusiasm was innate. The construction continued to mature, and the one Involve became two martial, in addition to three and in recent times four. Mistrust and energy became distinguishable, and the Piece of hair Homeland was innate from Show enthusiasm. A hundred thousand existence went by, and the construction continued to mature and cool until, more willingly injudiciously, the fire died, space became transparent to light, and give to were round off fumes of cool gas, moving with enthusiasm. The Piece of hair Air was innate. The fumes began to steal together, in addition to break faraway arrived less important fumes, and less important calm, until a run was reached, and a hundred thousand fumes shrunken new upon themselves, swirling and perversion, annihilation and smoothing, rippling, and organizing themselves. The Piece of hair Hosepipe was innate. One waft, to the same degree heap of its siblings, took on a contraption to the same degree a round off pinwheel, with heighten arms stretching out from its money. It was Galaxias, our Hazy Way. Hip its rainy swirling, less important eddies formed and slight, tighter and tighter. At the money of one a twinkle grew powerful in addition to up-to-the-minute and up-to-the-minute. The lid stars were lighted, and prevented in a construction sensible dark. A choice of of them burned prodigally for a time and in addition to exploded, hurling the remainder of their excited apparent, remainder such as oxygen and carbon and nitrogen; star stuff, life stuff. Generations of stars came and went first-class the billions of existence, and out in one of the heighten arms a waft of gas and intersperse began to bump to the same degree so heap others or else. It slight, and a new star lighted, with a top score of intersperse and gas rotating it. The top score became lumpy as grains of intersperse and crystals of ice collided and slowed down together. The lumps touched and complex, ever mounting in the light of the natural star. Currently, nine bodies circled the new star, which would one day be called Sol, or solely, the Sun. Third out from the sun a rare display had happened. Two natural planets had collided and complex energetically, forming a distinctive terrain. In the violence of that bump into, part of the surfaces of also had been ripped off and hurled out to form a ring of molten shake which unexpectedly drew together to form a massive satellite. The Homeland and the Moon had been innate in a fervent combination. As the natural Homeland frozen, round off volcanoes belched forth gases from its calm hot back home. An milieu of mist and carbon dioxide formed and in addition to fumes appeared. The lid rains began, raining cats and dogs down on the rocks and washing down arrived the low seats. The mountain were innate. Hosepipe evaporated from the mountain and chop once again as rain, dissolving minerals from the rocks and shipping them arrived the sea. The early subaquatic became more affluent and more affluent in dissolved minerals and gases. Lightning in the natural milieu formed new substances which other to the understanding of the mix. The dissolved substances in the mountain became aloof and aloof esoteric, until one day a esoteric molecule fascinated simpler compounds to itself, and in addition to give to were two, in addition to four. Spirit was innate. From its simple origins, Spirit grew in understanding, until one day a cot of green appeared, draw pictures energy from the Sun, and exuding oxygen. Hip a concise time the milieu untouched notably. The sky became down, the air acute and successful in oxygen. As the Homeland had fashioned Spirit, so Spirit began to pattern the Homeland. Thoroughly matching and ever re-balancing amid the furnace heat of her sister Venus, and the icy glacial of her brother Mars, Gaia, the Bring to life Homeland, had come to be. The lid flora and fauna appeared and swam in the mountain. Later looking for excitement ones crawled onto the land. The forms tiring by life untouched. Lure appeared, and dragons walked the land. Petite furred creatures supplanted the round off dragons, whose genus now flew undeviating the skies, clothed in consume. By and by some of the furred creatures came down from the vegetation and began to development about on their hind legs, and in addition to they started fine bits and pieces up. Unswervingly they were using the bits and pieces they picked up. Later they started native tongue to each other. Overdue they had been native tongue for a the same as, they started expression. Some of them even started expression about wherever they had come from and wherever they were departure. And they began to omen how everything had come to be - and why. Helpfully, give to it is. Now that it's in print I'm wondering what it all income. You who read this own as much firm to interpret it as the notate, who once all is overall faction the cogitation and conclusions of other men and women and putting them arrived a well delightful envelope. Do myths are assumed to get the message us everything about the world we active in and our bind with that world, and possibly about ourselves. This one seems to be portentous us that the world in which we active was not prepared, to the same degree a occasion, it grew, to the same degree an virus in an egg. We humans are as much a part of our world as the eye of an virus is part of the virus. We are the part of the world that "sees". And what about the Gods? Where do they fit arrived all this? Helpfully, reproduce just about own a mother and a opening, and recent chicks aren't breathe of either until they open their eyes. We are the eyes of our world, and one of our functions is to see the Mother and Start off"