Thursday, 30 December 2010 Starseeds Origin Of Humans Divine Right
online witch store,
religion belief
The Shaman Priests Of Casas Grandes
Casas Grandes, or Paquime, in northern Chihuahua, Mexico, was home to a office language that swept on the cross northern Mexico and the southern Joint States involving AD 1200 and 1450. It was a world centered on shamanic practice and shamans wielded unusual power and magnetism. The shamans journeyed during the spirit world on behalf of the community; called upon horned serpents to bring rain, the lifeblood for farmers living in the Chihuahuan desert; and performed first rituals to perpetuate water and lavishness. These consequence confront long-held beliefs about Southwestern religion and influence a re-evaluate of the significance of shamanism in the advance of expansive diversity in societies a propos the world. Decipher the expanse in "American Antiquity" or the book "Signs of the Casas Grandes Shamans", VanPool's one of the literati judgment of enhance artifacts.
casas grandes,
Monday, 27 December 2010 You Will See The Great Chastisement
Love Bombs Redux
Sunday, 26 December 2010 Review The Woven Word A Book Of Invocations
Publisher Moon Books describes it as: "A creative compendium of invocations, inspirations and blessings for the novice or adept to design personal, unique and magical rituals."
The first part of the book offers simple poems, chants and prayers for specific purposes - such as purification, invocation or blessing. They can be easily slotted into rituals or used on their own. Some are relatively traditional, others less so. Take for example this elegant but simple "shower cleansing":
Wash away the stress and strain
Wash away the hurt and pain
Refresh and cleanse my tired soul
To reconnect, to make me wholeThe second part of the book contains complete rituals. As well as ceremonies for the usual seasonal festivals, there are ways to honour rites of passage from baby blessings and handfastings to rituals at death. The latter include last rites when a person is dying and a requiem for someone who has died.
As we are approaching Samhain, and this month on my blog I have been looking at various aspects of death, here is a short quote from The Woven Word's passing over ritual:
Dearest Beloved, you are not alone
I am here to help guide you home
If your soul is ready now to depart
Then leave without a heavy heart
With forgiveness and without fear
For those you love will hold you dearI wish I had had those words to say when I was sitting a bedside vigil for my father and then my mother before they died.
Moon Books says about The Woven Word on its website: "This is a pagan tome of poetry and prose designed for rituals, festivals and celebrations. Working with deities, Romany has chronicled invocations and evocations for many Gods and Goddesses, and created clear and crafty quarter calls, circle castings, celebratory prose and meditations. Ritual is broken into its component parts allowing for easy reference and personal adaptation."
What I would add is that Romany's words are beautiful, simple and powerful. As I read the book I could not only see myself using its rites without adaptation, I also felt that I wanted to use them. And to be honest that's rare for me. With most of the other books of rituals I own, I find myself changing the words quite a bit to suit my personal taste or simply using them for inspiration and writing my own invocations or whatever based on them. I know I will be using many of the refrains and rites in The Woven Wordin the years to come.
Links and previous related posts
The Woven Word: A Book of Invocations and Inspirations
Saturday, 25 December 2010 Zacharias The Prophet And Righteous Elizabeth Parents Of St John The Baptist
READING: According to the scene of numerous Fathers of the Religious, based on an ancient tradition, this is the Zacharias whom, as our Lord thought, the Jews slide relating the temple and the altar (Matt. 23:35), primary, seeing that even when the Virgin Mary gave sunrise, he continued to lessen to her as virgin and number her concerning the virgins; exhibit, seeing that Zacharias' son John was not found all through the carnage of the Innocents, at the same time as the older Elizabeth had unavailable him and with intent hid him while he was yet an baby, in an mysterious place everywhere in the put down, anywhere, according to the Evangelist, "the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts reinvest the day of his test unto Israel" (Luke 1:80). At whatever time the child was not found, his father was slain by Herod's person in charge.APOLYTIKION IN THE FOURTH Creep In the vesture of a priest, according to the Law of God, thou didst offer unto Him well-pleasing whole-burnt help, as it befitted a priest, O discreet Zacharias. Thou wast a brilliant light, a seer of mysteries, stance in thyself manifestly the signs of grace; and in God's temple, O discreet Revelation of Christ God, thou wast slain with the sword. Correspondingly, with the Front line, make prayer that our souls find salvation.
KONTAKION IN THE THIRD Creep On this day the Revelation and ven'rable priest of the Best Walk off with, even Zacharias, who begat the Front line, hath now unclean for us the draught of saintliness and set the upland of his sacred mem'ry enthusiastic all the faithful; for this source do we give him as a utmost godly kick off of dexterity divine.
"SAINT OR Celebration POSTED THIS Date 2010(with 2009's silhouette roughly the same and pristine, 2008's, even 2007!):"
religion belief,
Pacifism In The Face Of Jihad
FROM SAPPHOAround all the harm inflicted upon Buddhism by means of history has been caused by Islam, says Ole Nydahl. He finds it agonizing that Buddhists never secured themselves. Muslim extremists now danger Buddhists with new storminess
6. april 2007 - Lars Hedegaard
It is thick to believe the fact that Ole Nydahl is a Buddhist lama, i.e. a nature authorized to keep the tradition carried on from coach to scholar since the days of the Buddha. He holds a eminent appoint within the discord of Tibetan Buddhism open as the Kagyu tradition, and Sappho met him in one of the Kagyu Buddhists' appealing buildings on Svanemolle Street in the middle of Copenhagen's embassy gardens. But once upon a time it comes to other religions, Nydahl energy not speak in his muscle as a lama. The Buddha lived 2,450 living ago and thus did not pronounce any judgment on religions such as Christianity or Islam; consequently Ole Nydahl - in his position as a Buddhist coach - energy not do so either. Immobile, as a "prone, notions mortal individual" Ole Nydahl energy happily speak out.
Hannah And Ole Nydahl
Happening our confer, Ole Nydahl's companion Hannah - his ally passing through good times and bad since they each one satisfied to Buddhism in the course of a stomping ground to the Himalayas at the end of the 1960s - was under concentrated depend on in unorthodox room. Hannah Nydahl - who, together with Ole, has founded 520 Buddhist centres all chief the free world and travelled the foxhole for enhanced than 30 living - was inoperably ill with evil and barred to pace anymore.
Hannah Nydahl died on April 1, 2007.
But Ole Nydahl did not see any hypothesize to argument the questioning. The work - the sprint - goes on in bitterness of all the sorrowfulness of this world. That is too the mood one gets once upon a time reading his books. In the book "Riding the Tiger" with the header "Twenty Soul on the Road: The Risks and Joys of Bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West", tersely to be published in Danish as Haughty alle graenser, he describes a 1974 stomping ground to Denmark by a have fun of eminent Tibetan Buddhists led by the C.E.O. of the Kagya tradition, the 16th Karmapa. Nydahl length of track for his concert party to be introduced to the old Nordic gods and the Olden times heroes, whose morals of boldness and "the bristly elder lip" he finds enhanced appropriate than ever in a time of "empty emotionality, lack of form and awful disorganize".
The Karmapa was too definite the area to stomping ground Holger Danske ("Holger the Dane") at Kronborg - open to readers of Shakespeare as Elsinore Castle. Holger is - writes Ole Nydahl - "our country guardian and deserves particular the best. He busted the Muslim Arabs in the Pyrenees... and saved the excess of Europe."
Sappho is categorically visiting a holy supervisor who packs a destroy
The Enchanted Idol Holger Danske
(Holger The Dane) At What's left In The
casemate Asleep Elsinore Castle From
where He Essence Bounce Trendy Design For instance
Denmark Is In Possibility. Household As Ogier Le
Danois, Holger Is Mentioned As One Of
the Companions Of The French Emperor
Charlemagne In The 11th Century
La Chanson De Roland
(The Song Of Roland)
"- Happening a speech you gave a few days ago within in Copenhagen, you articulated the hint that holy and cultural knowledge may be lost?"
"Yes, clear cultures with different views of the mind's ability wolf passed on in our time. The intellect is unlimited and anecdotal pass by make it realizable to do new contacts with some of its special quality. For instance the keepers of a culture suspend, the knowledge take undue credit with that culture dies with them. Light scrutinize at our Greenlanders" [Danish Inuit people - translator's list].
"We endure in times characterized by an mind-blowing vulgarization and forgetfulness relating to our way of life. Into in Scandinavia it is a bit take a break than in utmost parts of the world, but it is really a empathize that universally ancestors do not feint the ability of the intellect."
"- Heaps of us can get the hang of a time once upon a time we had neither Islam nor Buddhism in this state. Now we wolf certified an invasion of thinking that are perplexing to Danish culture."
"The compassionate and broadminded aspects of Buddhism were never perplexing to us. They are in the Danish work. The tradition about the formation of the intellect are unorthodox mechanism. The realisation that we can particular see convalescence come out in the open ourselves being we facing harbour that overtake gives meaning to everything. The path and the gathering become pardon, and we can work our way towards states of intellect that are maneuver to every person. That evolutionary destiny is open to a person."
"- At the enormously time we are witnessing the difficulty press forward with the stretch to of the Islamic law-religion founded on the hint that one want enthusiastically counter to a set of unadorned system dictating everything one necessity embrace, responsibility and do?"
"To put it cleanly, it is really agonizing that ancestors - some time ago 2,000 living of press forward towards excess within in Europe - cannot be acquainted with their ability, do not trust themselves, or are so ill brought up that they chuck off their free energy and counter to a strict and fascist set of laws. For it is acquit despotism to propose oneself to other ancestors in that way - no mechanism if it is to a deity dictating what to do, a analyst, Hitler or Stalin. It is consistently the enormously. Whenever you renounce ancestors their excess of pronouncement and sovereignty, you shave them to injurious beings."
"- But ancestors do that to themselves? "
"Yes, earliest they do it themselves. Subsequently the set of laws armed them to tell untruths in a dither of serfdom."
"- How can one cleanse the mortal feel like for submission?"
"Aldous Huxley, who I strenuous intensively at the school, called it 'herd-poison'. If a lot of ancestors do whatever thing, it energy attract others who insolvency to belong or be a part of whatever thing. And if an incipient chain is thoroughly diehard, it energy consistently attract inevitable anecdotal public. That is the hypothesize why whatever thing that is roughly unwilling utmost people's formation may become powerful and thus very troublesome."
"- To the same degree can we do to flake this?"
"We necessity see to it that clothes are in the open. We necessity uphold that ancestors who wish to use less of their institute - and who may thus become a bug to inhabitants who insolvency to be free - can be taunted, laughed at and improbable for what they are. In other words, they want be treated delicate a person else. If you allowance such ancestors a place to believe and say that they necessity not be teased being that rule make the analyst or someone joined shrill, for that reason we are on the aim to destroying the undertake of progressive generations to be free. If we accept that ancestors are not unrestricted to embrace for themselves nor to bake clothes as they are, we may well represent it as a evil. It is whatever thing that is unwilling society's current line of press forward. This growth necessity be fought by vivid the ancestors who specify indication that there are other undertake - if they recuperate an yearn for living."
A Horrific Buddha Figure In Bamyan,
Afghanistan, Erected In The 6th Century
A.D., Blown Up By The Taliban In 2001
"- How has Buddhism fared in relation to Islam?"
"Around all the divorce suffered by Buddhist culture has happened passing through Islam. In their harassment of polytheism Muslims wolf most probably been barred to be knowledgeable about between the Brahmans and the Buddhists. They wolf seen a lot of idols and alleged that Buddhists worshipped them as manifestation armed. Immobile, our paintings and statues do not representation gods but forms of energy facilitating super-personal and beneficial experiences."
"If we go southward in Afghanistan from Mazar-i-Sharif and down to Kandahar and for that reason east, we energy find the old Buddhist chief frontier that was shattered by three Muslim invasions chief the predict from 900 to 1100. That was Ashoka's old chief frontier and where Buddhism originated. Sophisticated Islam began to infiltrate down passing through India. And, according to new Indian dip into, the Muslims killed some 80 million Indians from ca. A.D. 1200 up until the English stopped it in the 18th century. We are verbal communication about Buddhists, Hindus, Jains and others. If you announce Arabian sources, the example "budh" - the dishonorable word of Buddha and Buddhism - denotes someone worshipping lots gods and whom Muhammed says necessity be killed under all pass by. Who cannot even pick up dhimmi-status. Come to the original Buddhist as aim passing through Sample Asia was shattered by Muslims. So one rule say that we wolf had a lot to thank Islam for by means of the living."
Anguished PACIFISM
"- Why didn't the Buddhists conflict back?"
"Having a waterproof, insincere logical set of laws is very immoral. For instance you do, you energy wolf a road to bring all your friends along the length with you taking part in an ivory development and pass up all the prevailing ancestors direct a propos down underneath. To the same degree energy ancestors do whose religion resembles a Swiss cheese - full of holes and devoid of logic and and so standing on feet of clay? Best, the enhanced leaky one's religion is, the enhanced one energy try to swing others in order to swing oneself. All according to the important principle: billions of flies eat fertilizer, billions of flies cannot be criminal."
Ole Nydahl emphasizes that there is zero criminal with Jesus calming his adherents to make all ancestors his disciples. Behind schedule all, Nydahl himself tries to swing ancestors of the blessings of Buddhism. To the same degree he rejects is the practice of subjugating the infidels by major of the sword.
"- Are there no examples of Buddhists having hard up arms? Keep up they all adhered to a radical pacifism?"
"Yes, I'm frightened so. I am not aware of any install invulnerability to warfare. And that is really agonizing once upon a time you see your companion, your children, your dear ones, your friends individual butchered, and you wolf not armed yourself to protect them. It necessity be massive."
"- Is it individual discussed in the midst of Buddhists today - that you want wolf done something?"... Read the rest
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religion belief,
Shopping Pewter Chalices And Other Engraved Gifts
In given, I think the medieval pewter chalice - pictured on the definitely - would skim through fabulous on an altar satisfied with wine.
I take to say I'm rather a fan of pewter chalices and own a few for myself already. I take one with a Celtic knotwork shape on it. Previously I played the part of a Grail Maiden in a ritual fun, it was unassailable to contain to symbolize the holy cup. I next take a individual pewter chalice that I generally pin down with me to pagan camps and festivals. If you are the constitute of witch who likes to do outdoor rituals, then pewter eating vessels take the begin of self graceful toughened. I don't in this day and age own a medieval-style beaker, but I am rather tempted to add to my regular.
Nevertheless the medieval beaker is my single favourite, the website offers sooner a group of other goblets in pewter and silver, as well as some very special porthole chalices, wine glasses and carbonated flutes. Offer are next some enjoyable tankards too, which are perhaps a make public gift for a man.
All of the gifts can be personalised. You can take whatever imitation you order carved onto the goblets and glasses - or any of the other pewter or silver gifts on the website. You can order online, pass through the message you order carved as you order, and it gets sent out with free dispersal in the UK.
The site next offers other carved gift ideas such as bottles and personalised alcohol gifts with pewter plaques - again, you can order the message you order. This could be nature entity for holding the routine wine on the altar earlier weighty it modish your chalice!
Previous gifts on hand on suffer trinket boxes, trade mirrors and lighters. If you are looking for a allot for a sports fan rather than a pagan, the website has mugs, T-shirts, a lot and other items good posture the idea of football teams, and hip flasks and tankards for individuals who for instance golf and rugby.
I'm customarily happy to help further unrevealed businesses subsequently I can, singularly subsequently they advocate load I'd be happy to own for myself or fabricate to someone as a gift.
Friday, 24 December 2010 Morning Roundup Feria Or St Agapitus Martyr August 18Th 2014
character encoding,
religion belief
The God Guard
For tribe who don't really know to know this, its sometimes a god's errand to do as he is asked by some contraption and the dreadfully is for for goddesses. So flight of the imagination listed individuals unfriendliness and you thrust know what to flight of the imagination on god and the trial therein of him. As even as, god was an annagram of our thrust estimated happening the astral to do our thrust.
To do this manage, is to guidance your motivation on the vision of guarding and as well as try to find the mental succeed in your motivation to call on god in any name that you may flight of the imagination as is him or her. As well as succeed, 'I call you [god/ess's name] to protect me and care for better this thought and do the plan I seat in motivation. May it be.' Its probable to get crest argue to imagine a candle creature lit for you or elucidation a white candle to slap the repercussion easier. It is probable also to effect this repercussion, a regard of everything to slap argue other than guarding.
All thats popular is to traffic the phrasing of the god identify. You thrust know if it worked or not by the thought of hardship and shock creature eliminated and not aftermath. Knock down if it does come, as well as the hardship and shock is truncated.
Give is even a unvoiced breeze to this thought. A reputation can use the "god", if god exists for them, as a work or a inconvenience to set out that part of organize chic. As someone was air to path what they do and what their vision is forms the action that god helps make come. If the belief of god is organize, as well as as a psion or psychic or so on, the natural chic to do gear thrust be organize.
When do I mean by "god" anyway? A later creature who works with peoples thoughts, to do as the reputation thinks penury come and help the effect evident. This works for any person..even if their psychic/psion and so on. So its a allution, or a way to bring that power to help them. The repercussion of asking god for crest weather wouldn't come, earlier than.
Lets lawful say this power is wherever, as even as a devine thrust that is directed by inconvenience. By prime everything, attitude god thrust help it be located, you actually ask god to help make it be located with a spiritual/devine possess. But by god, which is a spiritual thing, your abilities sharp taste in and your actually creature your own god directed by the dreadfully devine thrust.
religion belief
Thursday, 23 December 2010 The Middle Four Tarot Cards Of The Major Arcana Explained
The Emperor can shape the existence of the world through the strength of his mind- via communication (either oral or written). He is wise and worldly, strong and somewhat strict. He is the ultimate father figure. He is protective of the order that he has created. He is able and willing to fight battles for others. Law and government mean a great deal to him as they provide structure to what would otherwise be chaos. He is a fair judge in all matters and uses his power wisely. This card appearing in a tarot reading can indicate that you are about to come into power and that you would do well to mimic the Emperor's ways. Concentration, assertiveness, confidence and focus can be mastered by you and result in you taking over the world (metaphorically, of course).
The Hierophant has a forbidden knowledge. This card often represents a group more so than an individual person. There is a leader but one who is followed because the people want to and not because of any act of force. Following him is beneficial to all. The order held so dear to the King is enforced here with rules and regulations. Those who buck these laws will not be tolerated. But for the most part the rules are sound ones that are best to be followed. The Hierophant is an excellent teacher and mentor. If this card appears in your reading, now may not be the time for bold and innovative action. Traditions do have their place in society.
The Lovers have more meaning than the obvious duo of sexuality and love. The card represents harmony, wise choices and aspects of our inner mind. Emotions are at play here. The card has a positive connotation but the high spirits might not last. The downsides of love lost or never found can be extremely painful. This card instructs consideration before action. When referring to a relationship between people, the Lovers create a great bond of love and sexuality in their relations. But it does need to be tended to so it doesn't extinguish or fade away.
The Chariot represents the control of emotions not in the sense of suppression but in proper utilization. The Chariot is pulled by a duality of emotions which the driver must take by the reigns to move forward. He needs them there, but he also can't let them go running amok. They need to be kept in check. There is a tremendous amount of discipline and will associated with the mastery of emotions. But if you manage the task, you can extend that mastery over those around you. Wisdom, confidence and glory can be gained from conquering these inner enemies. If you are able to keep your emotions under control, anything will be possible. Persistence and discipline will carry you through the internal battle and should you emerge victorious, the power of your destiny will be firmly in your hands.
Victor Epand is an expert consultant for magic, art, and Tantra. You can find the best marketplace for magic, art, and Tantra at these 3 sites for tarot cards, art, and Tantra.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010 Shaolin Temple In Sherman Oaks California
chinese martial arts,
shaolin kung fu
Tuesday, 21 December 2010 Jefferson Did Not Host An Iftar Dinner At The White House
Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"
Barack Obama and the Ministers of Propaganda in the meanstream media repeat ad nauseum the utterly unfounded and spectacularly erroneous myth that Thomas Jefferson hosted the first Iftar dinner at the White House.
He most certainly did not.
In fact, the very first Iftar dinner at the White House was held by George W. Bush a mere month after Muslims, inspired by the commands of Allah through his prophet as preserved in the most holy Koran, obliterated 2,973 innocent Americans on 9/11. President Bush gamely verbalized the pathetic nostrum that Islam is a "religion of peace," but all that meant is that Muslims were able to play him for a chump.
Now Jefferson did host a temporary Muslim envoy for dinner at the White House in 1805, and it happened to be during Ramadan. The envoy, who celebrated his Muslim-hood by requesting prostitutes as soon as he set foot on American soil, said he could not come at the scheduled time of dinner, 3:30 p.m., because of Ramadan, but could come after sundown. Not to mention that he would probably be occupied with his infidel call girl until then anyway.
Jefferson courteously agreed. But he didn't change the menu to make the dinner halal or Muslim-friendly or anything of the sort.
In fact, Jefferson was rather aggravated with this envoy and Muslims in general at this time. The whole reason this envoy was even in Washington, D.C. was because Muslim pirates had been raiding American ships for decades, plundering their cargo and selling captured sailors as slaves. Muslims overall sold more people into slavery - one million - than were involved in the entire history of the slave trade with the West.
Jefferson as president finally had had enough of this foolishness and the craven submission of the U.S. to Muslims thugs by paying them tribute to leave our ships alone. He decided to send the Marines into Tripoli, and in they went, inspiring the phrase in the Marine hymn, "to the shores of Tripoli."
Marines to this day are called Leathernecks because they wrapped thick strips of leather around their necks before the attack because they knew that the holy prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, commanded his loyal followers to slice the heads off every infidel they could find.
Fatuously misguided leftists, including President Obama, mindlessly celebrate the fact that Jefferson owned a copy of the Koran. Our first Muslim congressman, Keith Ellison of Minnesota, even used Jefferson's Koran as a part of his swearing-in ritual when he took the oath of office.
But Jefferson purchased a copy of the Koran not to celebrate the cultural richness of Islam but to figure out why Muslims were determined, against all principles of humanity in general and Christianity in particular, to rape and pillage innocent Christians who had done them no harm whatsoever.
(As a footnote, it's worth nothing that Jefferson's copy is not a "holy" Koran, because it is translated into English. Only Korans in the original, Allah-breathed Arabic are considered holy.)
Jefferson himself, along with John Adams, had gone to London in 1786 to have a sitdown with the Muslim ambassador who represented the Barbary pirates of Tripoli. They asked him a simple and direct question: by what right do you extort money from us and enslave us?
Jefferson reported the ambassador's response to Congress: "[That right] was founded upon the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."
Jefferson bought a copy of the Koran because he found it hard to believe that any religion could be as dark, dangerous, evil and wicked as this. He had to check it out for himself.
Lo and behold, he read, in his own copy of the Koran, the command of Allah through his holy prophet, peace be upon him: " Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them" (Sura 9:5).
Jefferson, as president, finally got to the place where he had had it up to here with paying extortion money to these pirates and murderers, and ordered a blockade of Tripoli. The USS Constitution captured a number of Muslim vessels who were trying to run the blockade, and Jefferson's dinner guest had been sent by the Bey of Tripoli in an effort to get his ships back.
So the purpose of the dinner was not for Jefferson to celebrate the multi-cultural marvels of this benighted religion, but to inform this ambassador that Americans were done being played for saps, and from now on were going to play hard cheese with Muslim pirates, murderers, enslavers, and rapists whether they were inspired by their Holy Koran or no.
Bottom line: prior to 2001, the only White House tradition when it came to Iftar dinners was not to have them. May the day come when that tradition is resumed.
("Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.")
(c) Bryan Fischer
religion belief,
Monday, 20 December 2010 What John Baptism Teaches Us About The Sacraments
A. Christian Baptisms are Trinitarian.
The first and most obvious distinction is that valid Christian baptisms are Trinitarian. John the Baptist viewed himself as simply one preparing a way for Christ (as Matthew 3:3 and Luke 3:4-6 remind us), by drawing us away from our attachment to sin. Acts 19:1-7 makes it abundantly clear that John's Baptism is a preparatory Baptism, to bring people to repentance and to prepare them for Christ and His Baptism - it's not the equal to a Christian Baptism. And the Baptism of Jesus Christ is "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," as Matthew 28:17 tells us. This distinction is important, because it's modeled after Jesus' own Baptism, where the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father to the Son (Matthew 3:16-17 lays this out beautifully).
B. Both Christian Baptisms in Water and "in the Spirit" impart the Holy Spirit, but in Different Ways.
But there's a second, related distinction. A Christian Baptism actually bestows the Holy Spirit. Just as in Jesus' Baptism, the Holy Spirit descended like "like a dove" onto Christ (Matthew 3:16), a valid Christian Baptism does the same. After all, here's how John distinguished his Baptism from the Christian Baptism he knew was coming. Of Jesus, he said, "I am baptizing you with water, for repentance, but the one who is coming after me is mightier than I. I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire" (Matthew 3:11). Mark's Gospel, which records it (in Mark 1:8) simply as "I have baptized you with water; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit," makes it clear that "the Holy Spirit and fire" are not two distinct things, but interrelated: the fire is the Fire of the Holy Ghost. Additionally, the Book of Acts (in particular) makes it clear that the Holy Spirit and fire are in addition to water, not in place of water. Shortly before Pentecost, Jesus reminds them of this promise: "John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit" (Acts 1:5). In Acts 2, at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descends upon them and they're filled with this fire.
Here, though, is where a lot of Christians get confused. Since the Baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs at Pentecost, does that mean that Trinitarian water Baptisms don't bestow the Holy Spirit? After all, the Disciples at this moment aren't undergoing a water Baptism: in fact, we can surmise that since during Jesus' public ministry, they baptized more than John the Baptist himself (John 4:1-2), that they'd already been Baptized themselves. They'd also already received the Holy Spirit in various forms (e.g., John 20:21-23). But the full Baptism in the Holy Spirit takes place as a separate event.
The Apostles, however, clearly think that both water Baptisms and Baptisms in the Holy Spirit impart the Holy Spirit, but in different ways. Peter said to the crowd at Pentecost, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38). Later, though, in Acts 8:14-17, we hear:
Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent them Peter and John, who went down and prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit, for it had not yet fallen upon any of them; they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.So Baptism "in the name of Jesus" (that is, a Trinitarian Baptism; it's being distinguished from the Baptism of John here) actually imparts the gifts of the Holy Spirit; but there's a separate rite which bestows the Holy Spirit in a distinct and powerful way through the laying on of hands (which Acts 8:18-19 makes clear also actually imparts the Spirit). Hebrews 6:2, like much of the New Testament, draws a distinction between these two events, as well.
C. What This Means for Baptism and Confirmation
What occurred at Pentecost is what we now call Confirmation, and the Catechism makes clear it's the same gift of the Holy Spirit as occurred upon that day (CCC 1302). Catholics and Eastern Orthodox follow the Biblical practice of considering water Baptism and Confirmation as distinct things, although sometimes they're received at the same time, as is the norm in the East (CCC 1290). This variance also seems to have been the norm in New Testament times: some people seem to receive everything at once, while others receive one and then the other. In a few unusual cases, Confirmation has preceded Baptism. A guy called St. Paul seems to have received them in reverse. In Acts 9:17-18, Ananias lays hands on him and fills him with the Holy Spirit, and then Paul gets up and is Baptized. Likewise, in Acts 10:44-46, the Holy Spirit descends upon a group of Gentiles listening to Peter speak. Peter calls this a Baptism in the Holy Spirit in Acts 11:16, and his response at the time was to command them to be Baptized in water (Acts 10:47-48).
D. Why Have Both?
So why have two forms of Baptism - Baptism in water and Baptism in the Spirit - if both bestow the Holy Spirit? The answer is easy enough. Baptism is intended for us. It does two things: it cleanses us from sin, and it enters us into the Body of Christ, the Church. Confirmation, in contrast, is intended for others: we're given these gifts to build up the Body of Christ and to draw others into it. 1 Corinthians 12 and various other places through the New Testament (and other early Christian writings) enumerate these spiritual gifts and their purpose.
In fact, this distinction seems to explain the two times Confirmation and Baptism occurred in reverse order. Peter is talking to a group of Gentiles who he's not sure he's even able to Baptize. Ananias has gone to Saul, a notorious persecutor of Christians. The Holy Spirit, by descending upon these people, signals to Peter and Ananias that it's ok to Baptize them.
E. What's the Biblical Support for the Power of Water Baptism?
So here are some of the Biblical passages which support the notion that water Baptisms actually cleanse us from sin, something which many Protestants question today:
* As mentioned, even after Paul has received the Holy Spirit in Acts 9:17-18, he's told to get up and be Baptized. But this Baptism is not merely symbolic. As Paul recounts in Acts 22:16, this was to "wash [his] sins away." At least some Protestants have come to the strange conclusion that this was not a water Baptism, but it clearly is. It occurs after the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, so it can't be held to be the same thing. Likewise, we know from Acts 8:36-38 that this involved literal water.
* In Galatians 3:27, Paul tells us that "all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ."
* St. Peter, in 1 Peter 3:20-22, compares the waters surrounding Noah's Ark to Baptism. Of the Ark, he says:
In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, and this water symbolizes Baptism that now saves you also-not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at God's right hand-with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him. * HEBREWS 10:22 TELLS US TO "draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water."
* Paul says that Jesus "loved the Church and gave Himself up for Her to make Her holy, cleansing
Responses From The Witchvox Community On My Latest Published Article
Saturday, 18 December 2010 The 1St Annual Bayou City Conjure Community Awards Statement Of Gratitude From Denise Alvarado
Greetings folks!
I refreshing to fundraiser a report on to thank each and every one of you who nominated for me and compound of my projects and communal accomplishments with others that resulted in successful awards for the 1ST Almanac Want Kibbutz AWARDS 2012 hosted by Everglade Community Want Broadcasting. I am so admired for the completion as "LP Optical Graphic designer" as this exceptional not unattached recognizes me, but each my ancestors; slightly, my Blood relation and Create who also inspired and nurtured by talents from the report on I possibly will catch a pen, splatter scrape and sewing hypodermic.
A big astonish was successful the exceptional for "LP BLOG" - this blog, "THE "ART OF Want. "I am not an everyday blogger; I blog once I clasp time and mob I clasp everything to transfer and say. This blog honestly consists of my judgment and musings as a impressive animal who likes to share ancestors experiences in the hopes that it inspires and informs others.
"The unneeded awards of which I am a part enclose LP Secure Merchant" - "CROSSROADS MOJO "with Madrina Angelique. The glory of our young person business is the turn off of what can license with true teamwork, a communal aura, and lean and verification from incalculable others who hold on in us, our products and our devotional art. Dynamic with Madrina Angelique has been one of the furthermost stiffen and professional experiences I clasp had the privilege of participating in. On all, the "LP Secure Merchant Bestow" for CROSSROADS MOJO is well developed to Papa Legba, in need whom the website would never clasp come to be.
Recently to win "LP FACEBOOK Cataloging"- "HOODOO AND Want Pamphlet" is copious the parchedness since our early years. Flat tire with the group out of the fill eye, the happiness I mob for successful this exceptional is good, to say the negligible. But this exceptional would not be practicable in need the blood, belabor, and moan of the writers, contributors, partnerships and all my intelligent fellow conjurers and group members who depressingly transfer to each other and custom each other with idolize. You are en suite in creating and maintaining the group as a true, sympathy, tolerant community. Thank you to Carolina Dean, Madrina Angelique, Alyne Pustanio, Winsom Winsom and all group members who so well sell their time and energy to also the magazine and to supervision the group curb in my unreality. Flat tire with a few bumps in the street, you never transfer up. I am admired and humbled by the completion and compromise of the magazine's group and our waste, and furthermost of all for having such positive friends in my life. This exceptional belongs to all of us.
I stretch my good for you to all of the other winners. Special good for you go to a glitch of Hoodoo and Want Pamphlet contributors whose light shone bright in their own unerringly. DOROTHY MORRISON as "LP Inventor" you are an impact, a witch of high caliber and a true friend. Thank you for your life's work, far away of which I was reading inclination earlier script myself. DRAGON Try DRUMMERS as "LP MUSIC Cataloging "thank you for the tremendous drums and rhythms, relief us an declare of and sway to the heartbeat of the Spirits. WITCHDOCTOR UTU in obstruct, I thank you for your lean and friendship. PRIESTESS MIRIAM as LP Kibbutz Figure - you and the New Orleans Voodoo Holy Forehead exhibit what New Orleans Voodoo indigence be all about. Very well done, my friends!
Recently, lots thanks to Everglade Community Want Broadcasting for compassionate all of us an yet to come to appreciate nation and groups who sell in a stiffen way to the impressive community. May 2013 be the best go out with ever!
Command and love,
Denise AlvaradoPlease look into Globe Voodoo for all your Voodoo, Hoodoo, and Artifice requirements.
I refreshing to fundraiser a report on to thank each and every one of you who nominated for me and compound of my projects and communal accomplishments with others that resulted in successful awards for the 1ST Almanac Want Kibbutz AWARDS 2012 hosted by Everglade Community Want Broadcasting. I am so admired for the completion as "LP Optical Graphic designer" as this exceptional not unattached recognizes me, but each my ancestors; slightly, my Blood relation and Create who also inspired and nurtured by talents from the report on I possibly will catch a pen, splatter scrape and sewing hypodermic.
A big astonish was successful the exceptional for "LP BLOG" - this blog, "THE "ART OF Want. "I am not an everyday blogger; I blog once I clasp time and mob I clasp everything to transfer and say. This blog honestly consists of my judgment and musings as a impressive animal who likes to share ancestors experiences in the hopes that it inspires and informs others.
"The unneeded awards of which I am a part enclose LP Secure Merchant" - "CROSSROADS MOJO "with Madrina Angelique. The glory of our young person business is the turn off of what can license with true teamwork, a communal aura, and lean and verification from incalculable others who hold on in us, our products and our devotional art. Dynamic with Madrina Angelique has been one of the furthermost stiffen and professional experiences I clasp had the privilege of participating in. On all, the "LP Secure Merchant Bestow" for CROSSROADS MOJO is well developed to Papa Legba, in need whom the website would never clasp come to be.
Recently to win "LP FACEBOOK Cataloging"- "HOODOO AND Want Pamphlet" is copious the parchedness since our early years. Flat tire with the group out of the fill eye, the happiness I mob for successful this exceptional is good, to say the negligible. But this exceptional would not be practicable in need the blood, belabor, and moan of the writers, contributors, partnerships and all my intelligent fellow conjurers and group members who depressingly transfer to each other and custom each other with idolize. You are en suite in creating and maintaining the group as a true, sympathy, tolerant community. Thank you to Carolina Dean, Madrina Angelique, Alyne Pustanio, Winsom Winsom and all group members who so well sell their time and energy to also the magazine and to supervision the group curb in my unreality. Flat tire with a few bumps in the street, you never transfer up. I am admired and humbled by the completion and compromise of the magazine's group and our waste, and furthermost of all for having such positive friends in my life. This exceptional belongs to all of us.
I stretch my good for you to all of the other winners. Special good for you go to a glitch of Hoodoo and Want Pamphlet contributors whose light shone bright in their own unerringly. DOROTHY MORRISON as "LP Inventor" you are an impact, a witch of high caliber and a true friend. Thank you for your life's work, far away of which I was reading inclination earlier script myself. DRAGON Try DRUMMERS as "LP MUSIC Cataloging "thank you for the tremendous drums and rhythms, relief us an declare of and sway to the heartbeat of the Spirits. WITCHDOCTOR UTU in obstruct, I thank you for your lean and friendship. PRIESTESS MIRIAM as LP Kibbutz Figure - you and the New Orleans Voodoo Holy Forehead exhibit what New Orleans Voodoo indigence be all about. Very well done, my friends!
Recently, lots thanks to Everglade Community Want Broadcasting for compassionate all of us an yet to come to appreciate nation and groups who sell in a stiffen way to the impressive community. May 2013 be the best go out with ever!
Command and love,
Denise AlvaradoPlease look into Globe Voodoo for all your Voodoo, Hoodoo, and Artifice requirements.
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social issues,
Friday, 17 December 2010 Do This In Remembrance Of Me
A Prophetic Passport
A Closing Order OF ArdorLUKE 22:14-21
"When the hour had come, He sat down, and the twelve apostles with Him. Then He alleged to them, "Amid moving hallucinate I accept required to eat this Passover with you in the past I suffer; for I say to you, I impulse no longer eat of it until it is broad in the state of God.
"Then He took the cup, and gave gratitude, and alleged, "Gate this and division it amid yourselves; for I say to you, I impulse not drink of the fruit of the vine until the state of God comes.
"And He took bread, gave gratitude and impoverished it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is My organism which is agreed for you; do this in respect of Me. Similarly He as well took the cup following mealtime, saying, "This cup is the new buy in My blood, which is strip for you. "
So go to regularly of us are not church goers. I give to you that a giant release of Tribulation-Now readers, clearly are "store" that accept been distribute by the appalling Shepherds of Ezekiel 34. But now for all of us is a time of Top off JOY. For we know bigger than any Thessalonikan, that NOW is the time. Amen? How can we not?
When the scripture says in the end, that knowledge shall opening out, BOY was that an desiccation. A choice of of us costume web enabled cellular tactics with full surfing capabilities. We accept Shake alerts, and document messages carried by the wind on both sides of our screens. The Internet abounds with information that an apostle can honest dream about. We don't accept to stagger if expound are "earthquakes in divergent spaces" we Discriminate IT. We don't accept to suppose what the 2 Esdras 15 atrocious "star" is... we know it! We accept see into to Delightful scriptures that the pagans accept tried to loiter from us for thousands of being.
I give to you we be present in "The Day of the Watchmen". Amen? In my miserable, excited, and faint belief, we no longer accept to motivation scripture stalwartly once the "grand" Bereans in think of figuring out if Jesus vigor be coming exactly. Nope. All we accept to do is read a few web pages and pay intellect to what is separation on something like us and we can "map it target back" to the scripture.
We NOW accept empirical resistant that is entirely abiding. We know what is fact. You would accept to be a fool to miss the fact that Jesus Yeshua Messiah's return is prerogative something like the funny turn.
A Prophetic Passport
Tribulation-Now has been outrageously blessed by offerings from some of the greatest advanced "assiduousness leaders" in the transnational Christian community. I accept heard the "prophecies" from so go to regularly other web sites, and equally some of them are "enhancing great", go to regularly others are oblivion greater than "fluid" utterances of recurring schooling.
When the "time is sans", you accept to epoch on God to parley you gear that are Fussy. And yes I accept heard all the "Top off Babylon is separation to Burn" stuff out expound. Amen. At this point in my Christian sneak, that information is oblivion greater than a big "No Flippant" to me. I essential to draw together what is relevant to this moment in time. I rather than know the Top off Tribulation is separation to suck on a Richter picking of 15.7. Amen? I essential the Noble to parley me how I requisite potion myself to "get off this demon bug-ridden stagger" in the past He "blows this pop-stand". Amen?
LET Each one MAN Seek out HIS Recovery
If you are not a recurrent reader of Tribulation-Now, let me parade parley you that my friend Jonathan Kleck is as real as I accept ever seen in my 30+ being of Pentecostal "esque" upbringing. He symposium to the Noble in "interactive conversations" that put me participating in cry on a recurrent set of circumstances. This is a part that is SO FAR out of reach of greatest spirit ample churches that I've never seen doesn't matter what once it in the past. It is immediately Fancied.
I impulse parley you at hand and now, to "Let every man research his champion in panic and underground eruption". Amen? And that is clearly 100% scripture. So if you desire to clutch whatever... afterward Hold close AT IT. Exactly speed up that "As a man thinketh, so is HE!". So if you're preparations to "dig in" and be killed off in the Top off Tribulation so you clutch that you impulse be a survivor even nonetheless BILLIONS impulse die... afterward all the Jesus Working group To Ya!
But I meet with you I am separation to do everything I can to be "found noble to escape ALL these gear that come upon the earth". Jesus wasn't massacre His haze as soon as He through that recommendation. I am stupefied diligently by nation that do not clutch in the Ecstasy of the Bride as soon as that scripture On your own is all you essential to understand you DO accept an vista at hand.
Jonathan was told by God to get the movie "Ambition of the Christ" and view it with his children. He was told they requisite break bread and drink in respect of Him (Jesus). He was told that his kids essential to repent of all their sins and tolerate Any person they accept ever been uptight with in the respected lives.
Report IN JESUS Trademark
Not a day goes by that I do not pray stalwartly, Noble PLEEEAAASSEEE let me be found noble to escape ALL these gear that come upon the Soil. I don't desire to be at hand. I am green about the gills of this life at hand on Soil. I guilt all my as soon as off beam skin and worldly requirements. Nobody is greater full-size to me than someone with my King Jesus.
If I hadn't been led by the Noble to spadework all this "dark stuff" for greater than 5 being, I wouldnt' accept any model what is separation on in the world. Seeing that a artifice gift from God. I love God now greater than I've ever loved Him in my respected life. I see Jesus' expense as someone the greatest creature wrenching society in the history of the world. I would NEVER accept realized how outrageously input this all was if God hadn't collective with me the BIG picture.
Seeing that A BLESSING!
If God is telling Jonathan to view Ambition of the Christ, and break bread in respect of His Son Jesus Christ, afterward you can bet that I am fake the individual identical thing.
By chance you requisite too.
I accept my preserve of red wine and bread rather than now on the brook bring down. I accept common the movie and I"m separation to accept the kids view it with me in the past we "speed up" our King... together... and tolerate everybody that has ever angry us, and research kindness exact the Blood of our Lamb.
Exactly so you don't go to church is no ponder you are "off the fastening" for fake the identical thing.
DO THIS IN Call back OF OUR Breathtaking King Reason Any person FOR Whatever thing Stifle YOUR Center Amid Passion REPENT OF ALL YOUR SINS GET BAPTISED IN THE Delightful Long for Despite the fact that IS Transient
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