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I ORIGINALLY POSTED THIS TO THE SPIRIT BLOG, BUT FELT THAT IT RIGHTLY BELONGED HERE, AS IT'S MORE OF A SPELL. IT CAN BE USED FOR A MYRIAD OF REASONS, ALL YOU NEED IS INTENT AND VISUALISATION. I have a favorite way of sending energy/healing/love/hugs out into the universe to my friends, family, loved ones, and generally people that I see that need help, and that I feel would be open to accepting it. I call them Love Bombs. First, to send these out, you need to make sure that whomever these are going to is willing to accept magick. Don't send to anyone that doesn't believe it will work, or whose beliefs do not allow for this type of exchange. My grandmother is Jehovah's Witness, and when she had some "VERY "serious medical problems, I was not able to send her any energy, no matter how much I love her. It is not acceptable by her religion, so I respect that. Remember your ethics, and don't do magick on someone unwilling. Now, Place your hands together, as though praying. Then, begin rubbing them together, building up the energy, the friction, the heat of your aura between them. Focus on the intent that you're going to send out. Love/healing/friendship/hugs/smile whatever it is that you're going to be sending out. Most of these intentions will have a color association. You can picture the ball of energy that builds in your hands as that color, all warm and fuzzy. I used to send pink ones to my best friend's house, not for her, but for her dog. Yup. He was wild in the evenings, and had trouble settling down, so she'd ask me to "bomb" her dog. And it worked. He'd calm down even while we were still on the phone, laying flat on the floor, sprawled out and loving the feeling. I could do this in person (he used to bug me till I did it ~ funny, he was like an addict about it), or over the phone. Either way worked. He loved the way the "pink fuzzies" made him feel. Healing energy is generally blue, or blue/green. Love comes as either pink or red, or some hue in between them. Friendship, hugs, smiles usually come across as yellow. The colors that yours will become will be a translation of how colors make you feel. Emotion dictates how well these Love bombs work, as well as what they look like. Last, but not least, you want to "address" these love bombs. Visualize the person that they're meant for. See them, if possible, where they are right now, or see the place you want to send the "bomb" to. See the person's face in your mind's eye hear their voice get their identity stamped on this love bomb before you send it. If this is someone that is unconscious, but you know they'd be open to it (i.e. another pagan), you can simply see the energy bomb near them, and if they need it, it will be there for them to draw from. Now, important step coming up. Sign your name on this, and separate it from yourself. Do NOT keep a tether line on this lovebomb. Think of this like mailing a letter. When it leaves your hands, it's gone, no longer a part of you. This keeps the other person from unwittingly continuing to draw energy from you. This is a gift. Not a life-time commitment. When you have your destination visualized, your named signed, and you're ready to let go, cup your hands around the ball of energy, see it lift from your palms, and send it out into the universe. You may want to ground at this point, make sure any "left overs" don't get you buzzing! I've used these with friends, family, and pets. It works, and I enjoy hearing about how they received them. Love Bombs Away!