Monday 20 December 2010 Responses From The Witchvox Community On My Latest Published Article

Responses From The Witchvox Community On My Latest Published Article
I Don't know if this is Kosher or Appropriate or not, but I'm going to pretend it is My latest Article I wrote finally got published this week on witchvox (even though I wrote it originally like 6 months ago, lol.) It can be found here: va.html?a=usoh&c=words">Now what I am about to do is share some of the e-mails I've gotten so far, some are supportive, and some well....let's just say I loves me some hate mail. Though, I think it's sad that I'd get hate mail for simply making a common sense post. Granted not everyone who disagreed with me did so in hate mail style some were polite in stating their disagreement and politely telling me why. Without and more delay here are some of the messages I've gotten for writing my article: REPLYING TO YOUR ARTICLE ON WITCHVOX Dear Hakan Geir, My name is Claire and I happened to read your article on First I'd like to compliment you on your writing skills. I can tell you enjoy writing and it really shows. I also appreciate your open-mindedness and the respect that you showed the ecclectic wiccan community on witchvox. However, there was one thing in your article that was not accurate that I thought maybe you'd like to know about. Now, let me first mention i am not a "Christian- Wiccan" or anything near it. I blend dianic wicca and shamanism with no influence from christian teachings. I completely understand why the term christian-wiccan could be confusing and even a pet peev for some. The part on your article i wanted to comment on was the part where you said you believed that you had to be 18 years of age to be a wiccan due to the age of consent and becuase of initiation by a high priest/priestess. One does not have to be initiated to be a wiccan and one does not have to be initiated by a high pristess/priest to be initiated. I was raised wiccan by my mother and did a self dedication/initiation. I belong to no coven. If this was true that i had to be initiated by a high priest/priestess which would mean i would be a member of a coven in order to be a wiccan..this would mean that even though i have been raised this way my entire life and have known no other way that i'm not truly a wiccan. I have to admit, it is a controversial subject. Some traditions of wicca are not so laid back about the topic of initiation as i am. But low magick (as apposed to high magick which is the O.T.O,, the golden dawn, and other traditions influenced by the Kabala) tends to be much more laid back. Scott Cunningham, who i'm sure you've probably heard of, he's one of the most popular (and by far my favorite wiccan author) has a lot of good things to say about this topic in his book Wicca: a further guide for the solitary practitioner.I hope you realize i didn't send you this email as an attack or anything even close. You seem very educated and open-minded and sincerely dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. This is why i sent this email to you. So thar i could let you know that there are Wiccan traditionds out there who are much more open and accepting about the title of Wiccan regarding age and initiation/dedication rites. I wish you the best of luck on your spiritual path. Blessed be, Claire HUH?I am incredibly confused by your remarks. You continuously state your disclaimer regarding your hands-off stance towards "attacking" people's right to a path, yet you immediately denounce their right to their path. You state that someone cannot mix religious idealogues, yet you do. Your essay slices at the labels used by hundreds of pagans, wiccans and witches, yet you use the same terminology as they would. Do not call yourself eclectic, though I do the same thing; Do not call yourself a Christian Wiccan, though I follow something similar. Huh?Your entire essay is a tautological argument that says more about what you believe in, rather then what you are denouncing. In addition, if a stranger walks up to you, with no clue as to your background, and asks you your religion, what would you say? For example, as I do not know your entire path of choice, would you expect someone, in turn, to say: I am a Shamanic-Egyptian-Celtic-genetically Nordic-with a little Fae thrown in-kind of respect the gnostic beliefs-work more with animal totem-trying to get into the minerals-tarot divination-quantum mystic-Herbalistic-Holistic-naturopathic Wiccan ? Or just say Wiccan?Pagan, Witch and Wiccan are umbrella terms that hold underneath a vast number of traditions and beliefs that demonstrate the ability for people, though different in many ways, to find their path, whatever it may entail. And, by that right, and the right of each person to believe what they will "an' it harm none", to call their path what they will; whether it be long, drawn out, or as short and simple as Wiccan. You, as well as everyone else, have the right to voice their opinion, no matter how derisive and frivolous it may seem to others. But you should also have the knowledge, the respect, and awareness of this path, of all these paths, to know that labels are just that, labels. They don't do near enough justice to demonstrate the wealth of wisdom and experience gained through walking of one's if you know the proper term that can encompass all of this in a simple, clear way, please inform the rest of us, cause Wicca, Witch, Pagan is what we have to work with right now...and the adjectives and modifiers are game to those who wish to play.NOTE: The sender of this email does not have a profile at Witchvox for us to point you to. THANK YOUMany Blessings!There are many people in the Trad communities that would applaud you for this insightful and to the point essay!BRAVO!Many BlessingsLynNOTE: The sender of this email does not have a profile at Witchvox for us to point you to. YOUR ESSAY ON PATH NAMES:I enjoyed reading your essay... I think that it speaks truth in that we do need to take the time to realy understand what it is we believe and what to call it. I am also happy to see that the're still people out there that have a mind to dig a little deeper into themselves and seek the truth rather then just take someone elses off the shelf and ride it till it falls apart."If you cant live it, breath it, and take it out doors than your faith needs work or just rethinking..." X Michael ProkopecP.S. Have a Blessed Day and thank you for being a good example for people to try to emulate, your openmindedness is a great trait.NOTE: The sender of this email does not have a profile at Witchvox for us to point you to. ARTICLEi read your article today, wednesday, and i can see where youre coming from.youre the first person ive met working from the gnostic point of view, and thats something interesting.i have one thing thats sort of bothering me.a christian working with pagan gods?NOT!you cant straddle the line, youre either one or the other, there is really no middle line.its not insulting, or anything like that, its just something i believe and something ive seen in the past twenty odd years, it just dont work out. imagine calling upon jesus and budda in the same circle.kind of doesnt work.get where im going with this?hope you dont take that too personally, its not meant that way, but enjoyed the articlel nevertheless and i do hope you email me back..just dont melt the screen when you do. byeNOTE: The sender of this email does not have a profile at Witchvox for us to point you to."Anyone here have any published material either in Magazines, Books? or Websites? If so, have you ever received negative feedback/hate mail for your articles? What was your favorite "hate" message that is dear to your heart? what is your favorite "positive" note that is near and dear to you? How do you respond to negative feedback? why is is no matter how diplomatic you try to make your writing be someone still takes it as an attack? And why do some people take your writings so personally? - "published" writers/bloggers/authors sock it to me :-D I humbly await your responses. Forum: Pagan Publishing