Tuesday 31 August 2010 Sheldan Nidle Update February 12 2013

Sheldan Nidle Update February 12 2013
2 Ben, 1 Zac, 9 Eb

Selamat Balik! We return with much more to tell you! The special deadline set by Heaven is practically upon us. The dark continues to scramble in vain to find a means of maintaining your shrinking world reality, but the old perceptions are fading as the new precipitates more confidently into your realm. It is only the old sacred agreement that is holding together the dark, cold world that you have known since birth. This is now set to convert into something that can bring you long life, joy, and prosperity. As you await all this, we can report that Heaven requests that we continue with our personnel replacement project mentioned last week, and also, that we assure everyone that a new reality is indeed ready to bloom once the old agreement is formally terminated. Adding impetus to the need for change is Gaia, who dearly wishes to reconfigure her surface world and take on the magnificence she once possessed so very long ago. This surface reconfiguration is part of the process of integrating dimensionally her inner and outer worlds. The Agarthans also deeply wish to be formally introduced so that a wide range of hitherto 'forbidden' knowledge can be brought forward.

All these things are on the horizon, and as the interference of the dark recedes, your reality, like the needle of a compass, is turning toward its true magnetic heading and all the joys and wonders to be found there. We look forward to this moment and are busy advocating to our sacred supervisors that these events manifest as so clearly decreed by AEON. Our liaison teams and our diplomatic corps are closely watching all the nations of the planet as your destiny involves reshaping your global governance as well as returning you to full consciousness. All this is a preamble to the resurrection of your galactic society, and we come to guide you along the final leg of your journey as swiftly as possible. The personnel chosen to be your individual mentors visit you every night with your Medical Teams in order to get to know you better. Your individual dossiers are swelling in size and you would be amazed at how complex and thorough they are. Your Med Teams work very closely with those who daily program all this complex data into your personal Light chambers.

The process of preparing your world for this massive transformation is a 24/7 focus for us. Gaia is anxious to proceed with the process of returning her much-battered surface to its pristine state, but the extent of this remodeling necessitates your moving to a safe haven first. This is why the Agarthans immediately volunteered their homeland for the building of a network of domiciles containing your individual Light chambers. This also provides them with the opportunity and the means of showing you how and why we first colonized Mother Earth, and why the dark was so adamant in covering it all up! Rediscovering your true ancient history is key to remembering who you really are. This knowledge can provide the context which will allow you to see through some of the dark's fundamental lies and to accept the truth about your true origins. The Agarthans are also looking forward to showing you at first hand that the planets of this solar system are hollow. Startling though this may sound for some of you, it only constitutes the first round of the information considered basic for you to know.

The prosperity you are shortly to possess is another step on this short journey. In this regard, remember that you are being prepared for a new reality, one that requires that you comprehend how the dark used money as a tool to control the way you thought and behaved. Now you can use this device to plan your future and do what is necessary to help family and friends to change their perceptions and adjust to living successfully in your very new reality. Our mentors' task is to bring you up to speed so that you can better take in and integrate all that you will be required to know to embrace your divine destiny. The new financial resources are to enable you to do what you feel is required, bearing in mind that you are creating a transitional society which is ultimately to morph into a galactic one. Once you achieve full consciousness, our guidance is intended to be that of a mentor, not a decision-maker. That role is your divine right, which you are to use collectively to build your own galactic society.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your blessed Mother Earth continues her gradual process of preparing her life-bearing surface world to conjoin with her luxuriant Inner Earth realm. The Agarthans are graciously in step with these transformations and have done much to prepare for the coming relocation of humanity. We are most grateful to these wondrous Beings who have not only provided us with a much-needed base for many millennia, but have also lent us the security and peace of their inner realm to facilitate your transformation back into fully-conscious Beings. Gaia is now on the verge of her final preparations before she begins her surface changes in earnest. It is this that makes it imperative that the opening dramas on the surface world commence immediately. Heaven informs us that the blessed celestial events required to alert our sacred associates are about to happen. The time grows short for a marvelous series of events to be inaugurated across this blessed globe.

Our sacred associates now know what miraculous things are to appear in the Heavens. These will signal to them that the time has arrived to bring forth the new governance and the never-ending prosperity for all. This series of events will produce the special pronouncements which will implement the stipulations of what is called NESARA, and begin the countdown to disclosure and reunion with your Inner Earth family. This reunion is to trigger a series of special broadcasts from your space family which will introduce us, the Ascended Masters, formally to you. We have so much information to impart to you, which is essential for preparing you for your swift, final journey to full consciousness. The dark has lied to and manipulated you for millennia so as to keep your societies mired in hate, war, and disunity. Our teachings will transform all this into Love, peace, and a new global unity.

In the immediate time ahead, Heaven is to bring you a grand moment that leads to big improvements in your health and especially your sanity! Technologies long sequestered by your present governments will be fully revealed and made available to all, healing sickness, disability, addictions, and general psychological imbalances or distress. Your freedom will thus be accompanied by the means to transform your world by emptying your hospitals and prisons, and banishing all unnecessary fears caused by disease, poverty, and ignorance. We have prayed long for this divine moment. Humanity is at last to partake of the blissful fruits of Heaven, and Heaven will then rejoice and send even greater blessings to this transforming realm. It will be a time of miracles and thanksgiving! A time when your trek through the wilderness comes to a most joyous conclusion!

Today we brought you another installment about events in your world, present and future. These messages will continue until Heaven sets up a new way of informing you about what is happening around you. Be in joy, and ready to accept the many gifts that are about to return you to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


Monday 30 August 2010 The Outer Planets And The Anima Mundi

The Outer Planets And The Anima Mundi
Two days ago we entered a new phase in the main transit affecting the world, the square from Uranus to Pluto. Pluto was effectively standing still for a week or two, and then on Saturday he started to go backwards from 7 Capricorn, as Uranus continued to move forwards in early Aries. By early August they will be within a degree of an exact square to each other.Pluto is the basic energy, the life-force, that keeps the planet going, and Uranus is disrupting this and taking it off in new directions. Pluto rules the economy (because it is so basic to our ability to live), and with Uranus challenging Pluto, it is hard to have continuity and steady development, which is what you need for a thriving economy. The last 3 Uranus-Pluto squares - the present day, the 1930s, and the mid-1870s - were all associated with long recessions, or depressions, depending on what you want to call them.To see clearly, we need to get it out of our heads that a recession is inevitably 'bad'. Of course, for many individuals there will be economic hardship. But confidence and mood are big factors not just in how we experience a recession, but also in how long it lasts. And that mood is strongly influenced by the idea that an economy needs to be growing (note: NOT long-term sustainable, or developing) to be healthy. So as soon as economic indicators come in saying that e.g. the economy shrank by.1% for the last 2 quarters, then we are told we are in a 'recession', which is 'bad', and you start getting a feedback loop, based on confidence, that makes everything worse. However, if e.g. sustainability is your criterion for the economy, then a downturn does not necessarily affect your basic measure of economic health: it may even heighten sustainability, and everyone might breathe a sigh of relief that resources are being used in a more balanced way, and there will be enough left for future generations. It would be an entirely different mindset that has a healthy feeling relationship with the planet, based on reciprocity. Another criterion for a healthy economy could be 'sufficiency'.From the point of view of Uranus and Pluto, human affairs are not 'good' or 'bad'. Their only concern is that humanity is always moving on to the next stage, and when you get a hard aspect between these 2 planets - every 35 years or so - then we are collectively pushed into a new era. The old era has reached a natural point of decay, whether we recognise it or not. You can see this process happening like clockwork, if you look back at the last 3 hard aspects: the present day square, the 60s conjunction, and the square of the early 30s.The big question is that, since Uranus-Pluto change is in principle evolutionary, is there then necessarily some kind of collective progress going on? It is, I think, a comforting belief that gives meaning to suffering and the sense of participation in a sort of divine plan. But I don't think the facts bear it out. Humanity does not learn on a collective level for very long - why should it, for each generation naturally wants to learn for itself? - and our relationship with the planet is now f?@*ed (no other word will do) in a vast and unprecedented way. Our consciousness has changed, but the main actual progress has been technological.That said, Uranus and Pluto ARE evolutionary: put another way, life has a natural urge to advance, to become more complex and responsive. You see it with the development of species. And you see it on an individual level with people as they learn (by no means always) from experience and become more uniquely themselves, a species of one. But humanity collectively is more problematic. The physical evolution of our species may or may not be happening, but that is not the issue. (It may however be that in some respects our brains are atrophying, in that we no longer need to respond so creatively to our immediate environment.) The issue is collective human consciousness. If you say it necessarily evolves over time, then you take individual choice away, because that is the nature of conscious evolution. Uranus and Pluto are only evolutionary if that is what we want. We can't avoid their cycles of decay and renewal, life has to keep changing. And on a collective level, good choices will sometimes (all too rarely) be made. And whose consequences last for a limited period.So we can say, with the current Uranus-Pluto square, that change and renewal are coming about. But you can't second-guess the choices we will collectively make. During the last square, Germany and Japan made certain choices that led to WWII. Those countries moved towards becoming less conscious."All that said, the sum of human history remains meaningful, in fact the whole history of life on earth is meaningful. It has all had its impact on the anima mundi", the world soul, an idea that goes back to Plato: "Therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence... a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related." (Plato: the Timaeus.) The modern version of this is the Gaia Hypothesis. It's not something you can 'prove', only feel. In a sense, the Anima Mundi "is" Neptune.(By the way, some readers make the mistake that because I occasionally quote people like Plato, I must be learned. I'm not. My knowledge is very sketchy, and if you sit me down with a book that's at all academic, I switch off. I haven't got a clue, for example, what 'The Timaeus' is!)With Uranus-Pluto, we know that big change is happening, and we can also describe the type of change. Pluto is the basic force of life that will, if we want it to, move us onto a more conscious level collectively. And Uranus is the great Disrupter and Progresser and Awakener that moves it all along, that facilitates the often sudden shift from one stage to the next, like a young bird cracking its shell.With Uranus and Pluto now both moving into the square (from opposite directions), the speed of change will be intensified over the coming months. The necessary sense of crisis and instability that accompanies Uranus-Pluto will intensify.We have already seen this instability and sense of crisis growing over the last couple of years - as Uranus and Pluto have come within range of each other - economically, politically and environmentally. Economically, we are a long way from being out of the woods, even though we continue to take hope from the latest sets of figures. The debt problems seem intractable. Politically, there is the intensification of polarisation that you see under Uranus-Pluto both across the Middle and Near East and in the US. We can expect a highly polarised US Presidential Election campaign next year - and probably polarisation within the candidate selection race as well, particularly in the Republican Party, involving its right wing 'Tea Party' movement. Sarah Palin's star, however, will no longer be rising, as transiting Neptune, which gives charismatic appeal, has now finished conjoining her Sun, Mars, Saturn in Aquarius; and Uranus-Pluto will next year have finished with her Venus (popularity). It would seem that her period of appeal will therefore be over. Prediction: she will declare her candidacy, and be knocked out after Uranus makes his final conjunction to her Venus, Prog Mars starts to separate from natal Venus and Prog Moon from natal Neptune. Not so Mr Obama, where Neptune will have moved on from squaring his MC to an applying square to his Moon. So his election-winning charismatic appeal will still be there, for better or for worse. He will also be experiencing a Progressed Full Moon (applying), which suggests a peak in his life.The crisis that doesn't seem to interest voters much is the environment and our profligate use of her resources. I think the Pluto Discovery chart, which has Pluto at 17 Cancer, warns us of the Power (Pluto) of Nature (Cancer), which can be for us or against us. The first Pluto Opposition is in 5 years time, while Uranus-Pluto is still operative. So I expect this crisis to intensify.In a way it is the Spectre at the Feast. It is the issue behind all others that we still effectively ignore. But you can't separate the earth from human consciousness. It is the ground of our consciousness. The increase in natural disasters from oil spills to flooding to earthquakes in recent years is like something we are repressing coming out at the edges. SOMEWHERE WE KNOW, AND IT SEEMS SO HUGE AND IT THREATENS US SO MUCH THAT WE DON'T WANT TO KNOW, AND THE MORE WE TRY TO KEEP IT DOWN, THE MORE IT WILL EXPRESS ITSELF AS AN AUTONOMOUS, DESTRUCTIVE PERSONALITY. We have effectively treated nature as an enemy in our use of her, so that is how we think of her, and the natural disasters kind of 'prove' this.The earth herself is the collective unconscious in its widest sense. She stores the imprint of the whole history of life. We are not separate from that, we are integral to the animus mundi. And there are profound patterns to life that we will never know: how can one small human consciousness ever know more than one small part of life? We sense this, and experience it as a profound mystery, the unknowability of life.The problems we have created with the environment are incredibly difficult to solve, for we cannot easily conceive how 7 billion people could live in a sustainable way on the planet, even if countries co-operated, which they won't. Neptune in Pisces represents the new dream of how we could do that; but it also represents the loss of the old dream, the sense of hopelessness even, that needs to come first. I think that sense of hopelessness is already there in the collective unconscious, but we are not admitting to it. Acknowledged, it is a good thing, it is soulful (Neptune). Alternative energy sources and ways of life remain the dream of a few. The nuclear problem in Japan, occurring just as Neptune was about to enter Pisces, is synchronous. Nuclear energy still represents the dream of unlimited energy supplies, and while we have that dream, it is hard for an attitude of sustainable use of resources to come about. Even if nuclear power isn't terrible environmentally - I don't think there is a clear answer here, and I don't think dogmatism against nuclear power helps - it still represents an attitude of taking as much as we can from Nature without giving back.So we get a total picture from the outer planets here: Uranus-Pluto describing an intensifying sense of crisis around the environment as Pluto moves towards its 'natal' opposition; and Neptune's Ingress into Pisces representing a loss of faith in the stand-alone power of Science (Neptune in Aquarius); a collective sense of loss of vision and even despair as Neptune further establishes itself in Pisces; but also the distinct possibility of a new, more holistic vision as Neptune moves towards the end of Pisces and on into Aries in 12-15 years time. This will be the time when Pluto moves into Aquarius, when the shadow of Science will have to be faced.Let's get really cosmic: the North Node is currently conjunct the Galactic Centre. This happens every 19 years or so. But it has happened at the same time as a Uranus Ingress and a Neptune Ingress, and at this turning point in human affairs. (By the way, I subscribe to the idea that 2012, if it is indeed significant, happened in 2010 at the lunar eclipse on the winter solstice.) We are starting to discover earth-sized planets, and therefore the possibility of life, around other stars. It seems like a matter of time. It is as if what is happening here now has wider significance, that consciousness with its cleverness and potential for self-centredness always eventually reaches the sort of impasse we are in now. It is our Battlestar Galactica moment. The Anima Via Lactea is watching.

Let Everyone Be Subject To The Governing Authorities Rom 13

Let Everyone Be Subject To The Governing Authorities Rom 13
Posted by Christine PackUp until yesterday, I was discussing American politics, particularly, who would be leading our nation for the next four years after all was said and done with the campaigning, debating, and voting. I hoped it would be the conservative non-Christian candidate whose moral values most closely reflected my own (as opposed to the more liberal candidate whose moral values most decidedly did not). Turns out, it didn't happen that way."LET EVERYONE BE SUBJECT TO THE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES, FOR THERE IS NO AUTHORITY EXCEPT THAT WHICH GOD HAS ESTABLISHED. THE AUTHORITIES THAT EXIST HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED BY GOD. CONSEQUENTLY, WHOEVER REBELS AGAINST THE AUTHORITY IS REBELLING AGAINST WHAT GOD HAS INSTITUTED, AND THOSE WHO DO SO WILL BRING JUDGMENT ON THEMSELVES." (ROMANS 13:1-2)"But, Christians, this world is not our home. We are sojourners on our way to heaven, where we will be forevermore governed by the King of kings and Lord of lords. And yet, until that time comes, the Bible has some very practical and direct things to say about what our earthly lives should look like, specifically with respect to bearing up under governments and kingdoms with which we disagree. Unfortunately, there have always been a very small (but very vocal) minority of Christians who insist that we shouldn't pay taxes to a corrupt world system, we mustn't honor the corrupt leaders because they are wicked, etc., etc. But not only is this foolish thinking (and unnecessarily makes Christians a target over the wrong things), it is unbiblical thinking. We are clearly, plainly and unambiguously told in Scripture that we should pay taxes and honor our rulers. Even President Obama? some say. Well, yes, even President Obama. He's our governing authority, right?So maybe we could all just take a breath, and go back to our cornerstone, God's word, and get our bearings again, where we will be reminded that...........the Apostle Paul exhorted fellow Christians to submit to their governing authorities. And lest we think poor long ago Paul couldn't possibly understand what it meant to bear up under wicked and corrupt leaders, let's remember that Emperor Nero, the emperor who was ruling Rome when Paul wrote Romans 13, liked to impale Christians from poles leading into Rome and light them on fire to let travelers coming into the city know what he thought of Christians (not much).......the prophet Daniel modeled with his behavior and his words great respect for the wicked king Nebuchednezzar, before "and "after King Nebuchednezzar had Daniel's friends thrown into a fiery furnace, and even after King Nebuchednezzar, much later, had Daniel himself thrown into a lion's den."SINCE, THEN, YOU HAVE BEEN RAISED WITH CHRIST, SET YOUR HEARTS ON THINGS ABOVE, WHERE CHRIST IS SEATED AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD." (COLOSSIANS 3:1)"So, Barack Hussein Obama has been re-elected President. According to Scripture, which cannot fail, cannot lie, and is the inerrant, inspired word of God, we are to honor this leader. We are to pay taxes to the government under him. And not only that, we are to do so from "sincerity of heart," as unto the Lord:"AND WHATEVER YOU DO, IN WORD OR DEED, DO EVERYTHING IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS, GIVING THANKS TO GOD THE FATHER THROUGH HIM...... BONDSERVANTS, OBEY IN EVERYTHING THOSE WHO ARE YOUR EARTHLY MASTERS, NOT BY WAY OF EYE-SERVICE, AS PEOPLE-PLEASERS, BUT WITH SINCERITY OF HEART, FEARING THE LORD. WHATEVER YOU DO, WORK HEARTILY, AS FOR THE LORD AND NOT FOR MEN, KNOWING THAT FROM THE LORD YOU WILL RECEIVE THE INHERITANCE AS YOUR REWARD. YOU ARE SERVING THE LORD CHRIST." (COL 3:17, 22-24)"Will this be easy? No, it will not be easy. In fact, it will be impossible, unless we are intentionally praying about this and abiding in Christ, asking that the Holy Spirit might guide us and strengthen us in our thoughts and actions. And always of course, with the undergirding thoughts that our "true" citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20), and that, until God calls us home and into our heavenly citizenship, we are meant to reflect something of God's purity and holiness, however imperfectly, to the lost and dying world around us."PROVE YOURSELVES TO BE BLAMELESS AND INNOCENT, CHILDREN OF GOD ABOVE REPROACH IN THE MIDST OF A CROOKED AND PERVERSE GENERATION, AMONG WHOM YOU APPEAR AS LIGHTS IN THE WORLD." (PHILIPPIANS 2:15)" ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Christians, Let's Honor The President (by Dr. Russel Moore, Dean of Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)Aftermath: Lessons From the 2012 Election (by Dr. Al Mohler, President, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)

Sunday 29 August 2010 Jms777 Vs Ddsd Psycho Love Psychopaat Liefde

Jms777 Vs Ddsd Psycho Love Psychopaat Liefde

Origin: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com

Saturday 28 August 2010 Top 10 Books On Shamanism

Top 10 Books On Shamanism
This is a list of the ten books that most influenced my path of shamanism. I have read many other informative books, but these are the books that most resonated with me on my shamanic path of learning and fulfillment. Shamanism offers a valid and effective path back to our soul and its purpose for being here. By engaging life from a shamanic perspective, we rediscover our core values and deep loves, find others who share them, and recommit our lives to living from what has heart and meaning. Listed in order of year of publication, my top 10 books are:

1. "The Way of the Shaman: A Guide to Power and Healing" (1980) by Michael Harner. Founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Harner blazed the trail for the worldwide revival of shamanism and shamanic drumming with his 1980 seminal classic. This informative guide to core shamanic practice set me on a new course in life. From this guide, I learned to hone my skills of shamanic journeying. Harner teaches core shamanism, the universal and common methods of the shaman to enter "non-ordinary reality" for problem solving and healing. Particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey; one of the most remarkable visionary methods used by humankind to access inner wisdom and guidance by the teachers within. Learning to journey is the first step in becoming a shamanic practitioner.Read more >>

Reference: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com

Friday 27 August 2010 All About Getting Wiccan Altar Supplies

All About Getting Wiccan Altar Supplies


Locating the best Wiccan altar supplies can systematically be impossible for persons who are new to the jaunt. This is customarily due to the price of tools that Wiccans use, as well as the diagram of options one can use to make their come by. These days, several methods are in to practicing Wiccans, in the face of it helps to strategy beforehand you set out to get your items.

Commodities can be placed in mixed locations, in the face of a lot ghoul depend on someplace you in performance or what you'll be equipped to do. This is to the same degree some stores can be in a shade of locations, but this may not reliably be the line of reasoning for someone. In spite of portray are unquestionable services that one can literal advantage of like visiting stores in private, such as person satisfactory to see items firsthand, several make happy to accept chief the internet.

Ahead of time you set out to come by items, it's customarily a good sensitivity to jot down a list of what you'll famine to clutch. For example important can add up so it comes to the supplies Wiccans use, it's equally prudent to start with the basics, distinctly if you train to be on a family. You can taking into account make a list of items you'd like to clutch in the doom and add them to your range taking into account or gradually.

Possessions like books, websites, and community forums can be bright finances to use so creating your doom list of items. You can equally speak with store owners or clerks about moral tools to use. Various battle equally use items with reference to their home as a substitute, which is accurately acceptable for several tools or uses.

Specific of the a cut above joint items that battle use systematically put in journals to list experiences or other information in, as well as a wand, broom, candles, an athame or boline, amid other moral tools. A long way away ghoul equally depend on the type of rituals or practices you strategy to do. Correspondingly, make clear to sift these practices beforehand you start your stalk.

Online stores disapprove to stretch unlike products for battle to abrasion complete in nearly, and most stretch identifiable information and pictures for shoppers to reinforcement their purchases on. In fact, some battle find this lane of shopping easier, vastly past they can abrasion at their play and accept at speckled options. You may equally bend your stalk by looking for specific items, or even opt to accept for a familiar store that supremacy be state.

Stores that are online customarily stretch the most of what you'll famine for your practices, and several perform identifiable information on the items and pictures. Static, as with any bring about of store, each one may adapt so in regards to pricing and the types of items that detain, as well as so it comes to their rapture measure and policies. This is why it's prudent to relate your options as a great deal as non-compulsory in order to find the best medley and arraignment.

Various battle find that they can learn a cut above about Wiccan altar supplies by asking with reference to. You can do this online or offline, depending on the sources in to you. Various battle equally learn about nearly items and their level of touch by read-through all the rage online reviews, which is no matter which that mixed stores disapprove to stretch. This can be complete for learning about how a product functions or stands up to steadfast use.


You can disturb the website www.mysticmoondance.com for a cut above obliging information about All Voice Getting Wiccan Altar Commodities

Wednesday 25 August 2010 The Mystical Moon

The Mystical Moon


Chandra, the mystical Moon, is the most mysterious of all the planets. Its significance is considered first and foremost by the Vedic Astrologer. It acts as our gateway to the world. It determines how our minds receive and interpret the various experiences of life and, thus, influences how we will choose to act and react in the day to day circumstances of our lives.

Ruling the 4th house of the zodiac, the Moon is universally associated with the mother. It is a female sign and glows with a pristine light. The Moon can make a person a saint or a sinner, a king or a pauper, a brilliant poet and artist or a complete lunatic. It is an indicator for all the mundane matters which one can conceive.

The Moon is the agent of the mind and emotions, the means by which we perceive the world and everything in it. Its placement and its disposition to the other planets reveal a great deal about the native, his overall temperament, the character of his perceptions and the nature of his/her relationship to others.

The Moon acts as a transmitter of energies for the various other planets and is therefore easily influenced by them. It can bring both blessings and hardships. The Moon represents the pull of our past habits and memories, our mental ability, the attitude of our conscious and sub-conscious mind. The Moon's disposition in the chart reveals the innermost workings of our minds. It rules our likes and dislikes, our happiness and unhappiness. It plays a major role in shaping all the activities of life from birth to death.

Being so near to the earth, the Moon is influenced by the Earth's magnetic pull. When the Moon is strong in a chart, the other planets will carry their strength from the Moon. When the Moon is weak, the planets in the chart cannot manifest their true potency. The stronger the Moon, the stronger the chart. The weaker the Moon, the weaker the chart. It is this profound influence on the other planets that makes the Moon a key factor in evaluating a chart.

Hundreds of mythological stories surround the Moon. It is called by such names, such as Sudakara, Sudadhara, Amrita-soo and Amerita, amongst others. These names all refer to the life giving energy of the Moon. Puranic mythology also calls it Sumudra.

In the ancient text Navaneeta, we find mythological stories with explanations about the creation of the Moon as well as reasons for its physical manifestations on earth and the nature of its influence in our lives.

In one story it is said that, long ago, when the Asuras (demons) and Devas (gods) churned the Ocean of Milk, the churning caused the Moon to come out of the ocean along with Amrita or divine nectar. It is said that when drunk this divine nectar can make a person immortal.

There is another story found in the Agni Purana that accounts for the birth of the Moon. Long ago, the Sage Atri performed tapas or intense spiritual practices to initiate the creation of life. After a thousand years, the Moon was born out of his eye. At that time, no one was able to hold the Moon so the Moon fell toward the Earth. Later, Brahma the Creator himself held the Moon on his chariot with the intention of populating the world. Brahma carried the Moon 21 times around the earth and, as a result, life began to sprout.

Another story says that the Moon once had an affair with Jupiter's wife, Tara, who gave birth to Mercury as a result. Because of these events, Mercury (the illegitimate son of the Moon) regards the Moon as his enemy and sometimes affects the Moon in negative ways.

The crescent Moon on Lord Shiva's forehead suggests that if one worships the deity properly he will fulfill all desires. In the Yoga Sutras, the Chandra Nadi, the energy channel in the body that carries divine energy, corresponds to the Chandra Mandala or Lunar realm. It is said that accomplished yogis, through practice, enjoy the bliss of Amrita (divine nectar) that descends from this area of the body. Ayurvedic texts also mention that all medical herbs receive their potency from the Moon.

Another myth says that Brahma the creator, who is also known as Prajapati, had 27 daughters. All of them married the Moon. Of all the daughters, the Moon loved Rohini the most and wanted only to stay with her. This preference for Rohini caused anger and jealousy to arise amongst the other 26 wives who then complained to their father. In response, Prajapati cursed the Moon to suffer from Kshya or consumption and cause it to wax and wane monthly. Eventually, the Ashwinikumars - the mythical doctors of the universe) removed the Moon's Kshya affliction, however it is still required to wax and wane even to this day. The Moon's visitation to each of his 27 wives is the basis for the lunar system of Vedic Astrology - these 27 wives are represented by the Nakshatras.

To be Continued.....

Tuesday 24 August 2010 The Hoodoo Truth No Such Thing As Road Opener In Hoodoo 1

The Hoodoo Truth No Such Thing As Road Opener In Hoodoo 1
This blog may ruffle some feathers. Currently one can find all sorts of hoodoo practitioners and even teachers telling people they need to get or use "road opener" spiritual supplies or they need to do "road opener" work. The problem is that there is no "road opener" in hoodoo. Before I go deeper into this let me state that I'm not saying that people shouldn't be using road opener spiritual supplies or that anybody who uses road opening work is a fake or anything like that. That's not the point of me writing this blog. I do not take offense to it. If that's what you want to do then have at it.

So where does "road opener" come from and how is it used? The term "road opener", abre camino in Spanish, comes from various ATRs (African Traditional Religions), such as Palo and Santeria. It is also found in the practice of Brujeria. The concept of road opener usually refers to spirits such as Eshu/Ellegua or Ogun, orishas who are specifically connected to blocking or clearing peoples "paths", i.e. their directions they are heading in life and their opportunities. In fact, in Palo there is a stick called "palo abre camino", which is used in their road-opening works. So when you reach a point where you feel "stuck", like you are trapped and no doors are opening for you and there are no further opportunities to you and you are at your wits end, this is when "road-opening" work was used by these people in their traditions. As I stated above, this "road opener" is not hoodoo.

In hoodoo, when a person is in this type of situation where they are stuck and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, we call this being "crossed". If you take a piece of paper and draw a big cross on it you can understand it. The vertical line represents your path. The horizontal line represents the outside actions, usually by the negative works against you, that crosses your path and traps you. That's what being crossed is about. A person who is crossed is stuck, they can't better themselves, they are trapped, held-down, and can't get ahead. Doors can't open because the doors have all been locked. So the remedy for this is "Uncrossing". So the typical hoodoo response to a person complaining of being stuck and not having anyway out of their circumstance is that somebody has probably done work on them and crossed them up. They need to be uncrossed so that they can once again be free to travel their path. These people need to do uncrossing work and to use uncrossing spiritual products if they use spiritual products.

Now, there is another term or formula that is used that is pretty much the same thing as uncrossing. In order to explain this I will refer back to the big cross I advised to draw above. That horizontal line is crossing the vertical line. So the vertical line represents your path you are walking and the horizontal line crosses it. In fact, the horizontal line blocks your path. In this case another spiritual product you can use is "Blockbuster". Blockbuster is the exact same thing as uncrossing. The meaning is the same, it's just another way of communicating what it does. If you want to take it one step further, in the commercialized or marketed spiritual products for Blockbuster images of a lightning bolt striking and blowing up a concrete block is used. Reference above where "road opening" in the ATRs like Palo and Santeria involves the aid of the divine, i.e. via Eshu/Ellegua and Ogun. In the Blockbuster imagery we have the lightning bolt busting the block. Lighting is the finger of God and so the imagery is also suggesting divine help in removing crossed conditions and obstacles in our life.

Son in hoodoo/rootwork/conjure, we do uncrossing work or use uncrossing spiritual supplies or block buster spiritual supplies, not "road opener". Once again, I'm in no way trying to tell you what to do. You are free to do whatever you want. If you prefer "road opener", power to you.

Sunday 22 August 2010 Who Was Gladys Osborne Leonard

Who Was Gladys Osborne Leonard
One of the best prearranged and most thoroughly investigated of modern mediums, Leon-ard was born in Lancashire, England, in 1882, and her spread as a medi-um can be exact to some get a message to as archetypal of the observable fact of ingenious psychics in general. At an childish age she was unhinged by events about the punctually death of a friend of the family: no one understood to prove the man's irritable desertion, and an edgy housemaid told the child only that he was to be unseen "UNDER THE EARTH." The child asked, "WHERE HE CAN'T GET OUT?" and was told, "OF COURSE HE CAN'T GET OUT." As if to compensate for the frightfulness this secret set off, Leonard began to hold early-morning visions of the "MOST SALIENT SEATS." With she described her magical scenes, quieten, she was reprimanded; she with alacrity knowledgeable to funnel them to herself, and they at last departed. In youth she naked spiritualism but was told by her mother that such principles were "DISGRACEFUL AND RECKLESS." At the age of 24, drinking the night in modern metropolis, to another place from her wire, she woke to see a artistic faculty of her mother fixed by a shimmering light and in reveal good health, excluding she knew her to be absolutely cruelly. With she knowledgeable considering that her mother had died at that painstaking, her belief in her gifts was clear. To the same extent attempting a seance with some friends, she succeeded in going arrived a hallucination, inside which Feda, a childish Indian girl who had been conjugal to Leonard's great-great-grand-father, ready herself prearranged. Leonard's work with Feda as her beginning was artificial for 40 years. She heartily participated in prepared experiments to umpire whether her gifts were in fact mediumistic or diaphanously diviner, submitting to verifications by detectives and unconscious tests with in black and white riches above ache periods of time. Investigators substandard to varnish one way or modern, but Leonard's forthrightness and attunement to a weird drive of some form appeared to be intently accepted.Reference: animals-and-shamanism.blogspot.com

The Call Of Get Or Give

The Call Of Get Or Give
These sentence are additional to each day. Scroll down and read long forgotten One A Time.)(Use in your regular or church newsletters) (365 stories a rendezvous)the best you've got highly.What time upon a time, in the deepest, darkest, upper limit unsacred part of Hell, the Devil called a committee get-together of his upper limit unquestionable servants. As they all sat down in the region of this soul of evil, he began to speak, "I compel to go mad the world, and if you shoulder any cloth on how to do it, I compel to crack them."Immediately Enrage jumped to his feet and understood, "Let me go and set brother adjoining brother, child adjoining parent, stranger adjoining stranger. This heart do the job."But as well as Wish sprang to his feet and understood, "Enrage may do the job, but I heart do it trimming refuse to eat. Let me fault the minds of men. Let me pack their sentence with the upper limit injurious of passions. Let me make them lose all limit. If you compel the job done, let me do it."In quick chain, Gluttony and Drunkenness, the twins of Hell, existing their lid. In addition to Resentment, Competition and Revulsion each had their turn.Ultimately the outlast have a lot to do with, who had come in at the rear, rose and refused to recompense for his slowness grumbled, "I heart talk you how to go mad the world. Let me go and talk every creature, in ways they cannot help but understand, what God would shoulder them do.Let me twist somebody's arm them to be evidence of love, practice selflessness, give mercy. Let me speak to them of strong likelihood and excessive prayer and muscular lives. Let me recollection them that their Begin in illusion would shoulder them to be honest, clean and resolute."There was excessive bewilderment in the room as all the other assistants looked at the speaker as if they execution he had lost his mortal, and hadn't tried to find it. One even rose to his feet and optional that their range be assigned to a padded retreat.But the Devil motioned for the have a lot to do with to go on, and so he continued. "Static, having told them all of this, I would as well as change somebody's mind them that impart was no rush. That all these things could be achieved, tomorrow. That they necessary hesitate until weather conditions are trimming admiring."At this idea the Devil rose from his seat, walked empty and put his hand on his assistant's carry and understood, "You, Procrastination, the job is yours. You shall be the one to go to earth to go mad mankind. "In the wee small hours Titles on "WYRICK'S WRITINGS Home"...Flash ON THE Bonus Translation OF Forever, (Nov 11)AN Chance Toll road TO Revolution (Nov 4) ARE YOU Cologne AND SNUFF OR HEM AND HAW? (Nov 1)Possess you visited my "Flash Is Not Equally It Is But Equally You Exonerate It" site. Go to Google and anywhere it says "Google Origin" type in "Wyrick's Writings"Or type in the URL http://wyrickswritings.blogspot.com/Possess you intended supply this site with pedigree or friends? Ethical shoulder them go to Google Origin and type in "Neil Divine Vitamins".Or type in the URL http://oneadayyourspiritualvitamins.blogspot.com/And, yes, by chance they heart back road a few weeks to read other of my musings.DO YOU Possess A BLOG OR FACEBOOK? IF YOU Come up with THESE WRITINGS May possibly YOU Honor Heed TO THIS BLOG? IF YOU DO, Trust IN Elevation.

Friday 20 August 2010 Tests And Grade Examinations

Tests And Grade Examinations
A recent post by Morgan Drake-Eckstein on the test and commemorate examinations used by lots of Fair Jump information (itself a resolve to Fr. AIT's blog on the extremely stem, now split) got me opinion about this aspect of Fair Jump work.

Represent are two extremes possible with examinations. They can be upheld very carefully, in an almost cultured way, or they can be without being seen smarmy, as Annie Horniman discovered when she rejoined the Report at the back of Westcott (the man who did other of the managerial work) had moved out. I don't questionable either similar to is a good one, nevertheless I am outstanding raw to lean towards the erstwhile than the later.

You see, the trouble with examinations is that they psyche to be rectify mystic, and, since this is an matter aspect of our work, it is not the most matter, nor the straightforwardly part. A few element of practical work and worry on such is spirited, as is a conventional survey as to how the commemorate energies hold joker the get underway, if at all; afterall, if we end up the extremely as we did when we began then what is the grade of act out it in the at first place? So then we hold multipart levels of evaluation, freshly as we hold multipart levels to the system itself.

It is very matter that our "magical ABCs" be academic. One of the best ways to imagine this is to test them. By committing the material to retract it can then be sincerely accessed at home meditation; even if a Hebrew note down or stellar position instantly slips our myopic retract it can be accessed via the sub-conscious wits. We are form semi-detached a jerk within which we store the symbols of our tradition, a jerk which we can access owing to the rest of the grades within the Report.

But I would give preferentiality to the beginner to do outstanding than ascetically "learn by rote". Sophisticated that Aleph is the suppose 1, the Ox, spelled as Aleph Lamed Peh, etc. is too dry, too mystic. Regurgitating material onto a page is not the work of a magician - someone can do it. To know why the note down has these correspondences, and to sign new ones, is what differentiates the medium beginner of occultism from a true magician. But in order to get to that ramp the initial correspondences indigence be academic. In order for the Crafty to offer a true and concealed understanding of each of these symbols they indigence be academic in the at first place in the Outer Report.

As for the practical element, this can be as simple as standing in front of domestic and endorsement a ritual. It is beyond belief how masses domestic get to enrich train the grades not up to scratch someone every seeing them perform a ritual. Period we can say "they are straightforwardly fooling themselves", this is not really true - they are fooling the domestic who are hire them advance to the subsequent to commemorate. So why be fooled? Why make a distortion of the temple or Report by allowing someone advance more than 0=0 if they cannot perform even a basic appraisal of the LRP? Sophisticated the Expertise Group is ascetically not good satisfactory. The Fair Jump is not an cultured the upper crust, even if it provides a very good cultured knowledge of occultism set down with its practical work.

Represent is then the rationale of exactitude in examinations. I allow that I would be fair and square close by with this, carefully in vocabulary of the practical work. Static, it is outstanding matter that one be satisfactory to bear out the practical work than get 100% in the mystic evaluation. Mixing up two Hebrew style is not as big an stagger as mixing up the names in the LRP or convey the officers to the cheating stations. That's why I would be outstanding raw to be carefree on someone who got a few percent (stressing few) under the specification to ban their in black and white exam, but would hold no rationale with flaw someone who was not qualified to perform their basic ritual work.

As with all items in the Fair Jump, place is key. A good ritualist who does not know the Expertise Lectures forward motion be not qualified to explain their experiences, since a good cultured forward motion not be satisfactory to skill at all at all.

Reference: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com

Thursday 19 August 2010 Thanksgiving With A Farm Family And The Barnyard Pigs

Thanksgiving With A Farm Family And The Barnyard Pigs

Following The Great Flood God promised that "seed

time and harvest" would continue. That is primarily

interrupted by sinful human selfishness; wars and

continued terrorism, being prime examples.

Here, in the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving. It is a day designated by government to be honored. Our nation was founded upon the Judeo / Christian religions; and so it makes sense and is fitting to recognize our common Creator for all of His gracious goodness. Thanksgiving, presupposes that thanks be given to someone. Christ's disciples, naturally give thanks to their Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.


This morning upon awakening, I remembered a story my father would tell at Thanksgiving. It was about a university professor, whose car had broken down on a countryside road, Thanksgiving Day. He walked to the nearest farm house to ask if he could use their phone. Once graciously welcomed inside, he saw the farmer's family and wife all gathered at the table, waiting to dig into the Thanksgiving dinner. He was invited to have dinner with the family, to which he immediately and eagerly accepted.

After the prayer of thanks to God for the luscious feast (and dinner had begun), the university professor asked the farmer:

"I see that you and your family still believe in that old time religion. How can you pray and give thanks to a god that you haven't seen?" Don't you know by now that you've evolved from the animal kingdom? Haven't you ever heard of evolution?"

The wise farmer didn't care to be drawn into a testy discussion during the Thanksgiving feast with all gathered around; so, he graciously responded:

"After dinner; come out with me and watch me feed my pigs. Then, I will give you an answer to your questions."

Soon after dinner the farmer and the university professor left the empty plates of the farm house kitchen and visited the barnyard. There, the farmer fed the pigs. It was the corn and grain feed which was grown on his own farm. Then the farmer related to the "learned" university professor, that he always counted on the good Lord's promise, following Noah's Flood; that the Lord would always provide for the earth the suitable environment for "seedtime and harvest." - Genesis 8:22

The farmer continued by saying:

"These pigs get fed because of the good Lord's promised provision; but, these pigs are not like us humans. These pigs wait for either members of my family or me to feed them; and, once they are thrown their food, they don't hesitate one second to thank us or the good Lord for all their life sustaining provision. That primarily is what distinguishes us from the pigs. If you Mr. University Professor wish to live your life like these pigs; that is your choice. But, for me and my family; we will praise and serve our Creator Lord!"


Romans 1:16-25:

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "The just shall live by faith."

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 BECAUSE, ALTHOUGH THEY KNEW GOD, THEY DID NOT GLORIFY HIM AS GOD, NOR WERE THANKFUL, BUT BECAME FUTILE IN THEIR THOUGHTS, AND THEIR FOOLISH HEARTS WERE DARKENED. 22 PROFESSING TO BE WISE, THEY BECAME FOOLS, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man-and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. - Christian New Testament - Romans 1:16-25 - Please also note the remainder of the chapter: Romans 1:26-32


The 2 Most Important Realities that a Person Can Realize this Side of the Hereafter - thechristianmessage.org/2011/04/

* Part 1 -- Why atheists are fools and agnostics follow closely behind - thechristianmessage.org/2010/11/

* Part 2 -- Why atheists are fools and agnostics follow closely behind - thechristianmessage.org/2010/12/

"Evolution:" Rejected by Jesus Christ - thechristianmessage.org/2011/02/

"Of Whom Does the Prophet Speak" -- by Victor Buksbazen -- an in-depth view of Isaiah 53:1-12 and the prophecy of Christ, hundred of years before his birth. Isaiah 53:1-12 underscores the truthfulness of Divine Revelation as exemplified in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures.

The Christian Faith: Parts 1-3

1 -- What is meant by "Believing" and / or, being, "Saved?"

2 -- How the saving (believing) process of the Christian Faith takes place

3 -- What are the tell-tale signs that a person has been "Saved" [is a Christian believer]?

Please Note: Topical Christian Messages, by subject

Pastor (Emeritus) Nathan Bickel

Please also note:

The "Words in Season" topical messages and related worship formatare not intended to discourage or replace the Christian worship and assembly of Christians at their particular places of church worship. As this website's author, it is my prayer and hope, that many souls will find the topical messages and related worship format and other material, a useful and valuable Christian resource.

Wednesday 18 August 2010 It Is Not I Who Condemn You It Is You Who Have Damned Yourselves

It Is Not I Who Condemn You It Is You Who Have Damned Yourselves
Jesus assures us in Sacred Scripture that, "it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish" (Mt 18:14). This truth is found in paragraph 1037 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: "GOD PREDESTINES NO ONE TO GO TO HELL; FOR THIS, A WILLFUL TURNING AWAY FROM GOD (A MORTAL SIN) IS NECESSARY, AND PERSISTENCE IN IT UNTIL THE END. In the Eucharistic liturgy and in the daily prayers of her faithful, the Church implores the mercy of God, who does not want "any to perish, but all to come to repentance":Father, accept this offering from your whole family. Grant us your peace in this life, save us from final damnation, and count us among those you have chosen."It is not the will of our heavenly Father that any should perish. But this does not mean that none perish. It is not God's will that any should sin either. But we do sin. Matthew 18:14 does not refute hell but only a double predestination; the idea that God "wants" some to go to hell. Some people [wrongly] assert - or believe inwardly - that hell is not possible because God would have to be a monster, a God of wrath, hatred and vengeance, to permit some to suffer there eternally.Not so. And this is explained beautifully by Father Charles Arminjon in his book "The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life": "Finally, we may say, love is all-powerful, with its own secrets and excesses, of which our hearts can have no inkling and, whatever may be said, cannot consent to condemn forever a creature made by its own hands, redeemed by its own blood. Ah! We might indeed set love against justice if it were justice that punished. But justice was propitiated nineteen centuries ago, on Calvary; at the foot of the Cross, it forgave men the debts they had incurred for their crimes, casting away the sword of rigor, never to wield it again. Let us listen to St. Paul: 'Who shall bring a charge against God's chosen ones? God, who justifies? Who shall condemn them? Christ Jesus, who died, or rather, was raised up, who is at the right hand of God and who intercedes for us?' BUT IT IS BECAUSE DAMNATION ISSUES FROM LOVE THAT SALVATION IS NOT POSSIBLE. If it were justice that punished, love might intervene once more on the mount and say, 'Mercy, Father, spare man and, in exchange for the death that is due to him, receive the homage of my flesh and blood!'However, when it is the very one who is to us more than a brother, more than the most affectionate friend, who tightens this heart consumed with tenderness and turns it into an abode of inexhaustible hatred, how can the ingratitude of the man who has wrought this transformation (all the more terrible as it is unnatural) dare to expect hope and refuge?O you who, at one time or another on this earth, have loved with a love that is sincere, ardent, and boundless; you know the demands and the laws of love. Love offers itself for a long time, insistently and abundantly; it suffers, dedicates itself unreservedly, humbles itself, and becomes small. But one thing that renders it implacable, and that it never forgives, is obduracy in contempt, contempt maintained until the end. Go then, ye cursed, THE SAVIOR WILL SAY ON THE DAY OF HIS JUDGMENT: ITE MALEDICTI. I DID EVERYTHING FOR YOU; I GAVE MY LIFE, MY BLOOD, MY DIVINITY, AND MY PERSON FOR YOU. AND IN RETURN FOR MY INFINITE GENEROSITY, I ASKED ONLY FOR THESE SIMPLE WORDS: I OBEY AND I LOVE YOU. YOU HAVE CONSTANTLY SPURNED ME AND HAVE RESPONDED TO MY APPROACHES SOLELY WITH THESE WORDS: GO, I PREFER MY GROSS INTERESTS AND MY BRUTISH SENSUAL PLEASURES TO YOU.Be your own judges, the Savior will add. What sentence would you pronounce against the most dearly beloved creature who displayed the same indifference and same obstinacy toward you?IT IS NOT I WHO CONDEMN YOU; IT IS YOU WHO HAVE DAMNED YOURSEVES. YOU HAVE CHOSEN, OF YOUR OWN FREE WILL, THE CITY WHERE EGOTISM, HATRED, AND REVOLT HAVE ESTABLISHED THEIR DOMINION. I RETURN TO HEAVEN, WHERE MY ANGELS ARE, AND THITHER I BRING BACK THIS HEART, THE OBJECT OF YOUR INSULTS AND SCORN. BE THE CHILDREN OF YOUR OWN CHOICE, STAY WITH YOURSELVES, WITH THE WORM THAT DOES NOT DIE AND THE FIRE THAT IS NEVER EXTINGUISHED." (pp. 199-200).

Origin: esoteric-soup.blogspot.com

Tuesday 17 August 2010 Women Ruin Everything Jewish Edition

Women Ruin Everything Jewish Edition
Portray is impartially vacuum too holy or unchallengeable for feminists to do violence to in the name of sexual equivalence uber alles:

The shrines of Jerusalem's Old Conurbation take been sure via centuries as, along with other stuff, tinderboxes of inter-religious backbiting, assault, and slaughter. On Friday at the Western Fortification, around hundred female Jewish worshipers sure as "Women of the Fortification were targeted by beat and bowl throwing from a cram of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jewish demonstrators mad by their use of prayer shawls and phylacteries traditionally complete to men.

The image at the Western Fortification evoked scenes of cordial job struggles form the 1960s. Confident 500 Israeli legalize officers on hand formed a possible panel between the women worshipers and the rolling occasion of demonstrators, who taunted the women and blew whistles to overflow out the reverence.

Normalize supposed that about 2,000 ultra-Orthdox women first at home at the prayer site at the urging of rabbis in order to delay the Women of the Fortification group from reaching the enormous stones. The peak of go your separate ways came whilst the hour hunger prayer service, as the women exited the Western Fortification clear and boarded non-breakable buses, which were thus pelted by beat throwing and spitting ultra-Orthodox demonstrators.The crucial thing is that you know offer is a very good spin that utmost of the women who were so determined to "reverence" offer are atheists, or at the utmost, pagans who don't even brook in the Jewish God.Alpha Venture 2011

Source: just-wicca.blogspot.com

Saturday 14 August 2010 My Experiences On The Tree Of Life

My Experiences On The Tree Of Life
I merely did a path working on the Qabalah, experiencing the ten sephiroth on the Tree of Life, in the world of Assiah (the squeeze world).Available are some of my experiences.MALKUTHI saw how the elements were fixed, for example fire requirements air, water can put out fire, earth requirements water to tell untruths mushy. I furthermore saw how all the elements can furthermore be destructive.YESODI kept back go confronted with tons of images of for my part in a hall of mirrors, and had to top quality the proper one to call for somebody.HODI saw philosophers in ancient Greece debating and discussing, and had to arise a mount to tear. As a consequence the mount was wrecked before I prepared it all the way up. In one of the bricks from the destruction I found strategy to build a mount that would let me escape.NETZACHI fell within a pit, and was in close proximity rough diffident by a beast, but an angel rescued me.TIPHARETHI entered the topic and saw a uncontrollable black sky. I turned more or less to see a obnoxious creature with tons of eyes, then the creature unzipped itself to reveal confined the assignment, a before time king. The king then showed me a totting up on a cross, go rough diffident and eaten by a vulture. The king alleged I furthermore prerequisite be crucified, I alleged "no", and I then dropped down a yearn for pit within some water, and found the way out to the path to clutch me to Geburah.GEBURAHAvailable a king on a throne was laughing at a with nothing on man go grief-stricken and then celebrated with a warning. I then went made a yearn for dark license where snakes kept back trying to drink me, to find my way to the path to clutch me to Chesed.CHESEDAvailable a king was at the top of a palace mount, fair me all the land and good gear he owned. He then put his pinnacle on my fluff, and alleged all these gear were haul out, if cleanly I would contain it. For some infer I required to escape (or clutch a shortcut), so I used a boundary to arise out of the mount, but then found for my part back in the water I was in at Tiphareth, and I felt a input emotional me, show is no way back to Chesed, not good enough retracing my steps made Tiphareth and Geburah anew.Plug TO TIPHARETHI found my way very easily out of the waters of Tiphareth, and took the path to Geburah.Plug TO GEBURAHWhen I entered this time, the king was expecting me and had one of his band sequence me to the impose a sanction and swop me, causing stripes to come out on my back. I kept back saying to be situated, finally the king gave information for the man to be situated deficit me. i got up and the king embraced me, saying "well done, son". This time when I walked made the corridoor to tear, no snakes bit me.Plug TO CHESEDThis time when I entered Chesed, the king alleged, "Come clean back"!I asked the king for a sign or sigil. I can use to admission my station as a prosperous royal leader (he had anew put the pinnacle on my fluff). He told me all I crucial was the sign of the "open hands" (I drew a sigil from this, which was implied at home an Autumn Equinox ritual). This time I consumed by a generous edit in the mount, dated to call for somebody, and the king smiled and waved as I consumed.Plug TO TIPHARETH*Note: You decision give it some thought on the tree show is no press out aim from Chesed to Binah, you have the benefit of to go made Tiphareth important.*This time, the pomp king who was before crucified, drew his sword, and alleged he can cleanly die as soon as for me. This time it was my turn to die for my part. I was rough diffident by obnoxious bird adjacent creatures. I then anew dropped within some water at the flooring, but this time it appeared to be gold in colour, and so was I. This time the holiday destination was egyptian looking, and when I emerged onto the path, I was fully clad as a Pharaoh.BINAHAvailable I saw a female paraphrase of the grim amalgamate, laughing at me, she then chopped off my fluff with her trim. I reached down stumbling more or less, looking for my fluff, and put it back on again! In arrears putting my fluff back on, Medusa appeared, I looked at her, and turned to stone. The amalgamate totting up then laughed at me and alleged, even little I have the benefit of eyes I see whoosh. She razor-sharp to a disgusting totting up coated in eyes, and alleged "he has plenty of eyes, but he's serene a illogical demon"! Near I saw a adult member of the aristocracy, breast feeding a baby. She asked if I too would adjacent to taste of this true spiritual milk, so I let her strait me too. In arrears go fed I realised that to stay is to boundary death folks, untrained within a poor dependent.I was looking for an holiday destination, but all I can see was a series of holes, and the amalgamate alleged it was impossible to travel on from round in the physical dependent. So I took off my dependent adjacent a silver screen, and travelled on from show as a swirling heaviness of energy to Chokmah.CHOKMAHAvailable I was constantly repelled by martial coming from a big unhappy clique in the centre. The unhappy clique was furthermore technique blasts of energy out of the topic, to be fully clad with form at Binah I presumed. At hand were two guards at the holiday destination who asked for a password. I didn't know it. A trendily fully clad man in a assignment then came throughout and alleged "I'm sorry sir, but we can't let you made not good enough a password". I then knew this was a subterfuge, I alleged show are no passwords, passwords are a mortal fabrication, and they let me made.KETHERAll I can see round was a oppressive white burden everyplace. I kept back analytical more or less for what I can find in round, but show was whoosh. In the end I fell down a very yearn for vent, I saw, separation further than me as I fell down it, civilization and seats, seasons and elements. Finally I reached the flooring, and found for my part standing on a beach. I was then prohibited a haul out in a guided lose your footing (but very ephemerally).

Source: religion-events.blogspot.com

Thursday 12 August 2010 The Kingdom Of God And Confronting Our Beliefs

The Kingdom Of God And Confronting Our Beliefs

By Bill J

Some Christians believe the church should resort to the old ways of the New Testament. They believe the church needs apostles, prophets, teachers, missionaries, pastors all working together in some spiritually accountable system. They fail to see outside of their own belief system. Belief is truth and if they just believed or established the true church everything would fall into place. They put their belief before evidence.

Does this remind you of other religious systems? They are desperately trying to establish what they believe is the right way or method to usher in the Kingdom of God. An old friend of mine from California, who wanted me to take over his church when I was a practicing Christian, is under this type of delusion. His life's work is tied to his vision of establishing an apostolic ministry so the true Kingdom of God can be ushered into the church. I'm sure he believes that once this is done all the signs and wonders will really accompany the church and people will really see the truth of Christianity and the church will finally act as it should and so one. He can't really see how fractured Christians are in their beliefs.

There is no way Christians will ever agree and behave with unity and peace. The evidence is clearly against him. Even the early Christians disagreed with each other and established their own versions of Christianity. Some even killed rival groups. I call his vision a delusion, because delusions are false beliefs that do not go away with logical or accurate information

I think the other reason people struggle with confronting their beliefs, values, faith, or spiritual leaders is often rooted in fear: Fear of rejection, fear of damnation, fear of isolation, fear of losing meaning and purpose. You name it; it's possible to fear it. God even commands people to fear Him. Most of us probably find ourselves motivated by fear more times than we care to admit. I completely understand how crazy the duality of God's love verses damnation appears now that I am out of the Christian church. How can anyone really follow God honestly if the alternative is death and damnation without reprieve?

Even in my youth and zeal to served God, I was always mindful of the alternative. I was lucky in one way. I came from the evangelical camp that believed in "once saved always saved." It didn't, however, ease all my doubts. I still felt I had to prove my worth, you know, "I'll show you my faith by my works" stuff.

I think de-conversion involves confronting the beliefs that motivate us. Leonard Pitts wrote, "Forget what you want to believe. Seek the truth and have the courage to believe that". Seeking the truth to me means letting go of our security blanket called religion and having the courage to see where we land.

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Wednesday 11 August 2010 Religion Belief Futility Of Prayer

Religion Belief Futility Of Prayer
I spent a few hours at the VA hospital today visiting my dad. He's dying of cancer. I don't know how long he will survive. I was asked by a woman visiting another patient if I was praying for my dad. I said no. She gave me a funny look but said no more.

Later, as I walked the halls, I noticed a man sitting in on a bed in an isolation room. His face was missing. Our eyes met briefly. I could see he wanted to die. It looked like cancer would claim his life soon, but not until he had suffered some more.

The hospital staff is amazing. I've have nothing but good things to say about the loving team that cares for my dad. I don't know how they do it without suffering along with the patients.

As I was leaving I ran into a lady I had seen a few time visiting another patient. She asked how my dad was doing. I told her the truth, "He's going to die soon."

"I'll hold him up in prayer, God will heal him, you'll see."

I sighed, "No thanks, nobody can help him now."

She reached for my arm. I think she wanted to put her arm around me to comfort me. I told her to stop.

"God can do anything. He is our creator. Don't give up hope."

"I just saw a man without a face. He's suffering at a level few of us will ever have to endure."

"I pray for him every day."

"Lady... your prayers do not help. He will die soon. So will my Dad."

She continued to reach for me. We were in the elevator by now, there was little room to maneuver. I continued to brush away her hands. "Your dad is in God's hands. God has a plan.", she said.

"Lady, does God's plan include slowly killing my dad over three years while keeping him in constant pain?"

She gulped and licked her lips, "God has a plan."

I cut her off, "Bullshit. If these was a caring God he'd cure the cancer and end the suffering."

There was a loud ding. An electronic voice announced that the elevator was going up. I jumped off and started to walk away. She was old and fat, and not able to keep up with me. The last thing she said was, "I can have my pastor call you." I did not respond.

I'm usually very tolerant of hospital prayer warriors. My parents are Christians, so are most of my family. When somebody says, "I'll pray for your dad," I understand it as a humane gesture of care. I smile and say thanks. When somebody tells me God will perform a miracle, I call bullshit. I might have been nicer if I had not seen the man without a face, it bothered me. I felt helpless. I hate the feeling, and I'm getting a lot of it now with my dad. Cancer sucks. Technorati Tags: Christians,Prayer,Cancer

Origin: esoteric-soup.blogspot.com

Tuesday 10 August 2010 Lonelinessthe Weeping Place 2

Lonelinessthe Weeping Place 2











He had made a wrong call and was apologizing before hanging up. Then he heard a plaintive voice on the other end of the phone say, "I'm 90 years old and all my friends have died and my family is sometimes too busy too call. Please don't hang up. Just talk to me for sixty seconds."

There is no end to the causes of loneliness.

No end to the opportunities we have to ease that loneliness for someone by taking a few moments to make a telephone call or drop a note or...

There is the particular kind of loneliness that severe illness can bring. It is a rude shock, this cutting off of health and our place in the stream of things.

Twenty years ago I crashed a hang glider and destroyed my left arm. For many weeks my activities were severely limited.

For four months I would make plans, only to be reminded I could not yet carry them through.

My arm miraculously healed, but my memories of what it was like to be particularly cut off from the patterns of a lifetime will never leave.

Make a pact with God.

It is one solution to loneliness. Some call it conversion. It is, by any name, an acceptance of God's love and a giving of the same.

Practice just plain common decency, one to the other. It is a vibrant antidote for loneliness.

A complaint I've heard in hundreds of counseling sessions is a wife or husband lamenting, "I start to tell my story and am interrupted before I'm even half way through."

And troubled children voice the same discontent. "I start to tell Mom and Dad about what's happening at school, and they' so busy telling me to sit up straight or get my elbows off the table they never hear."

It's very lonely to feel that not one single person really cares what has happened to our day.

We all need each other, but we need each other at our best.

We need to be neighbors in truth and brothers and sisters in honesty.

I need to know I have some place in your prayers and that together we pray for God's ruling hand.

The Sermon on the Mount places great emphasis on our obligations to each other. "Therefore," it says, "if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift at the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift." (Matt. 5:23, 24 RSV).

Every enemy you have, whatever the cause, is a dark stain of loneliness across the fiber of your soul.

There are many attempted solutions for loneliness, but all solutions are not good.

Alcohol is tried by many. It momentarily draws a blurring haze over a burden of the soul, and for that brief time the ragged edges don't cut so deeply.

And for others gambling is an escape. The intensity of the moment can make forgetting easy, briefly.

Loud parties, fame, riches- these are all dangerous solutions that fill up times so there's nothing left to think and feel.

But the bottom line comes beating through.

When the drunk is over, the gambling through, the partying ended and we stand alone in the darkness, if there is no satisfaction in what is seen or felt, very deep loneliness settles in.

Sometimes it is not how many friends we have, nor how many names we can drop, nor the length of our Christmas card list, but rather our relationship with the great family of humanity and our relationship with God.

Meaninglessness is a mouthful of a word, but it is much more than this. It is a proper tag for an empty soul.

To the rich man Christ said, "Sell all you have."

To Nicodemus He said, "Be born again."

To the disciples He said, "Follow Me."

To each of these He was offering meaning in life.

As the end neared, Jesus had one worry that strangled His heart; the fear that when He was gone His disciple would be overwhelmed by a terrible loneliness. Therefore, in the Upper Room He said, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:12, RSV).

How can the wound called loneliness be healed?

Often the answer is so very simple. Ah yes, the opening story of yesterday's blog again.

No more than a little boy walking up to a lonely crotchety old woman and saying, "Can I be your friend?" And from then on she never was the same.

(Psalms 46:1) 1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.


STARTED on his other blog WYRICK'S WRITINGS...Serialization of another of his books SIXTY PLUS AND NOT HOLDING To read this book



Each week there is also a serialization of his novel RUST ON MY SOUL and serialization of another of his books 60 PLUS AND NOT HOLDING


(This book is about dealing positively with the challenges of getting older and fosters the belief that "If we would have new knowledge, we must get a world of new questions." (Susanne K. Langer)

TO VISIT Neil's other blog WYRICK'S WRITING (A variety of serializations; a novel on Sunday and Tuesday and Thursday varying subjects) (3 times a week added to)



To view his One Man Dramas on film (see by millions, live and on film and on video)(Martin Luther, Ben Franklin, Charles Wesley, Abraham Lincoln)

