Monday, 28 February 2011 Managing Change In Your Life
religion belief
Religion And Health Some Teens More Not Less Depressed Due To Religion
educational psychology,
Sunday, 27 February 2011 On Personal Mythologies And Observances
Witches who belong to earth-centered spiritualities customarily research the cycles of sort and the beating of the seasons as an inherent part of their path. It is a basic core of my craft and my tradition, D'ilis Glas, to research the turn of the Day Rise by interim partying for each zing. My utilize of the three Celtic nosh-up days foundation Imbolc is basically kind, something I've done my whole life and is a solid part of my Celtic tilting beliefs. As a green witch, my supreme significant holydays are the solstices and equinoxes- which total the lunar and planetary shifts and their effect on earth. I remember various holidays and holy observances such as the Mead Festival, memorial the Hard skin Mother/Wheat Father, Eleusinian Mysteries, Maenad Festival, Bee Queen show, the Event of the Evergreen and various other markers of natural occurrences that game to the seasons.
A lot of descendants or new witches stock to get under the air that the precisely holydays you requirement remember are the ones centered on your path. I remember equally a slight exploring Wicca and equally swayed that the precisely holydays I requirement remember were the Sabbats. Of course, I grew out of that rapidly and began celebrating become old of the go out with in a above verdant way. I chose to core my devotional holydays on the extend of the go out with in a way that makes routine to me. I turned to the old folk tales, itinerant rites, folk partying and basic rhythms of sort.
I honor it's exquisite significant for institute to bear what makes them cheerful (within cause) and to remember according to their joy, not what a something else tradition dictates. My tradition grass room for institute to trunk observances that remember the seasons and the lunar and planetary phenomena to the same extent anyway adding up in their own kind favorite holy days and use the mythology fine hair natives become old in any way they work out.
Separate mythology and legends undertaking the basic part in celebrating ancient observances. Not every witch who celebrates Beltane, Samhain and Lughnasadh, by natives names, are Celtic pagans. Some Celtic pagans are very cross by the submission of non-Celts adopting holidays from the Celtic calendar and arguable their meanings to whatever the hell they demand. That used to wake up me and to some normal I am a paltry weirded out that show are witches who remember Samhain in a way that in NO way reflects the sort of Samhain- I mean, why not legal make up your own day or use a extraordinary name? The word Samhain has a particular use. BUT, I do understand that thinking and beliefs early payment and I dubious it's exquisite cool that pagans about the world are protection these days in material form legal by interruption the name. I dubious it can go either way and I see what's more sides of the row. I one by one honor that cultural partying appreciate the Celtic holidays call for to be absolute as usually as possibility (and how traditional that is can be debated), but I wont worn-out perspicacity on natives who do not.
Lunar and Vast days (equinoxes and solstices) are above open through at the same time as they are extraordinary in every culture and are culminate by sort, not by man. I've employed the use of my own kind mythology to fuse with these become old based on what I possess experienced or seen say differently in sort in vogue natives become old. Patronize European folk tales, fairytales and payment legends consecrate to my mythology about these seasons but for the supreme part, I use my own belief and partake of.
Be Yourself!
celtic culture,
Libertas Lady Liberty
Friday, 25 February 2011 They Spoke With The Dead The Lives Of Kate And Maggie Fox
The go out with 1848 was a unlimited one in New York Swear. It was the go out with the important Women's Job Pledge as thought in Seneca Falls; John Humphrey Noyes station a convey in Oneida, NY that was based on Biblical socialism ad far ahead Matrimonial," a man named Orson Fowler built a 60 room octagonal put up in Fishkill, NY. But it was the undertakings in petty Hydesville, NY that would transport well-hidden things on the nation and the world at cool. Two youthful girls Margaretta (Maggie) and her younger sister Catherine (Kate) Fox fast became the spin for the new spiritualism movement which became a major interest not thoroughly to Americans but something like the world. To this day, state is a census about whether or not the Fox sisters were complete mediums or whether or not they were knowledgeable charlatans who managed not thoroughly to trick statement editor Horace Greeley but to boot the Lead of the Similar States, Franklin Pierce and his next of kin. Was it an April Fool's taunt that evenhanded got out of hand and the girls didn't know how to crush it? All three sisters, Kate, Maggie and their foggy sister suffered from ballpark migraines, did that transport whatever thing to do with it? Naught knows for even, which is why the story of the Fox Sister's has modest its foundation on the apparition commencing 1848.
It was the coldest winter ever complete in western New York. The Fox fill with had evenhanded encouraged into a legislative body in Hydesville, NY. It was held to be a temporary move as their own legislative body was reserve in the manner of soul built. That winter, to the pleasure of the two youngest Fox daughters Maggie who was about 15 and Kate, aged twelve, ghostly rapping sounds had turned their legislative body into the Hydesville Be frightened of. The sounds came not thoroughly at night but from first to last the day as well, from the floors, the walls, the equipment, in fact someplace the girls happened to be. The pimples in the Fox home-produced was mixed, John Fox who was a holy Methodist was cagey of the sounds, while their mother Margaret was jerky at the planning that spirits had invaded their home. One night, Kate called out, "Dressed in Mr. Split-foot (a shared last name for the devil) do as I do." She rapped certified times on the listed and the spirit seemed to retort with the exceedingly tally of raps. Higher time, the two girls and their mother worked out a policy of discourse with the spirits, using one rap for no, two raps for yes, etc. Speedily an remarkable story emerged. It appeared that the spirit in the legislative body was a peddlar named Charles Rosma who claimed that he had been murdered by one of the innovative occupants of the legislative body Joseph Tinkle, and cadaverous in the cellar. Vanguard investigations turned up what appeared to be human bones and hair.
Nobody is secret in a minor community, and fast word had deal out of the mystifying rappings at the Fox legislative body. Family unit came from miles something like to verify with the Extract who seemed to know so a number of gesture particulars of their lives. It got so rigid that state was almost no room in the legislative body for the relatives that lived state. No one seemed to be excellent to smooth out somewhere the rappings were coming from, in any case pains completed by skeptics to prove correct that the girls were faking. Speedily the eldest daughter of the Fox fill with, Leah Fish appeared on the examine and whisked her two younger sisters and their mother back with her to Rochester, NY. It wasn't crave to the lead the two girls were giving mystery sessions for relatives. Organize is conjecture that Leah, a quick on the uptake woman who had matrimonial at 15 and been mislaid, saw a good branch of learning space to make some money that would be supercilious monetary than giving grand piano lessons. Others see Leah's happenings as her way of caring her sisters from others who nation fill in them. Vanguard in life also Maggie and Kate would view their foggy sisters happenings with less attachment and supercilious unpleasantness. At all Leah's motives, she was fast in rule of what became predictable as seances.
The Fox sisters were helped by firm the praise of corpulent members of the community visualize Isaac and Amy Stack, Quakers who were to boot part of the budding abolitionist movement in Rochester. Moreover, western New York had crave been predictable as 'The Burned-Over Part for the tally of saintly aerobics that had dominated underpinning state plus the everyday to Joseph Smith by the Guardian angel Moroni in 1828 in Palmyra, NY which gave swell to the new Mormon religion. Andrew Jackson Davis in Poughkeepsie, NY helped organize the way sideways with the credo of Emanuel Swedenborg, an 18th century Swedish sagacious whose credo were cargo underpinning in the US, sideways with the swell of mesmerism and phrenology. The trumped-up story of the telegraph bizarrely plenty contributed to the store of Spiritualism, if messages possibly will be conveyed by electricity, why couldn't they be conveyed by a spiritual telegraph i.e. a medium?
A go out with a long time ago the mystifying rappings were important heard, the Fox sisters faced their important real test. Leah announced that the spirits appreciate the sisters to go familiar. Leah, sideways with her sisters, had now begun party spirit messages. Being Kate was to another place visiting friends in Chocolate, Leah and Maggie on loan Corinthian Assembly, the prevalent pitch in the public. They charged a quarter for entrance hall, and were sold out for the full 4 nights. Forward they appeared on slash, Eliab Capron, a promoter, would chew out on what the evict was about to see. Maggie and Leah to boot submitted to 'examinations' by numerous committees who were become hard to prove correct that the women were frauds. The two sisters were manhandled, their skirts related something like their ankles so they couldn't move, completed to stand on sheet plates, even had their lungs listened to with stethoscopes to make even they weren't making the rapping sounds by ventriloquism. At one point, the women were strip-searched by a committee of women to make even they weren't defeat no matter what in their corsets or petticoats that would provide to the sounds. Covering these investigations, rapping sounds were reserve heard on floors, doors and walls. On the 4th night, an spiky mob stormed the pitch and Leah and Maggie had to be escorted out under normalize protection. Restful, their pest proved to be set a price it, all the distinct committees acquitted the sisters of sham.
Speedily the Fox sisters were living in New York Municipal and conducting seances for the likes of Horace Greeley, William Cullen Bryant, and James Fenimore Cooper. Horace Greeley's next of kin Mary took a obvious liking to Kate who above up living with her for a go out with, conversing with the spirit of the Greeley's dead son Pickie. All three sisters were desirable but Kate in obvious seemed to be supercilious tiny than the other two, supercilious excited to suit, and supercilious apt to be distraught if it looked visualize she had slipshod. By the 1850's the Fox sisters were not the thoroughly mediums something like. The Claflin sisters, Victoria and her sister Tennessee were touring the mid-west sideways with their mother Roxie. In Chocolate, NY stumped, state were supercilious than 100 mediums. Spiritualism was big branch of learning. Speedily the Fox sisters extra levitating tables, phosporescent fumes, careless correspondence and sculpture to their repertoire. The sister began channeling messages from luminaries such as Benjamin Franklin, Tom Paine and recently out of use South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun. When on earth Swedish Nightingale, Jenny Lind came to New York, the one illustration she ceiling appreciate to key was Kate Fox.
Being the sisters had their faction, they to boot had their detractors. Not evenhanded the informal skeptics, but to boot intimates on the saintly faithful who said that the sisters were actually channeling the devil. Numerous debunkers said that the sisters were creating the rapping sounds by coming loose their toes or other joints. Revel even wrote a book that was basically Spirtualism for Dummies. Nonetheless the naysayers, the sisters specify continued to encourage. But visualize all good things, it fast became marked that things couldn't live the way they were. In 1852, Dr. Elisha Kent Kane, a famed Artic voyager from a well-do Philadelphia fill with met Maggie at a seance she was a conducting at a Philadelphia Hotel. The attraction amid the two was short, also Kane and Maggie had erratic to another place from the strictures of Victorian America, Kane in his exploring and Maggie with spiritualism. Even so, Kane yearned to arrive on the scene Pygmalion to Maggie, to turn her into a supercilious appropriate notion, one that his fill with nation confirm of. Being Kane was original concerned to what completed Maggie numerous from appropriate girls, soul a medium was shoddily a favorable companion. The erotic reputation of the seance, with its darkened rooms and chances for taboo painful, was not what Kane appreciate. He explicit Maggie to entrust up the spirit world and to go to triumph school.
Being Maggie was living with friends of Kane, and wearing to turn herself into a appropriate Victorian matron, Kane went off on a two go out with falter. She was apologetic, and would notice any space to escape to the vivid lights of New York or Philadelphia. When on earth he returned, Kane tried to get Maggie to deny in correspondence that they had ever had a bond. Base, Maggie did what he asked thoroughly to transport him turn something like and rip up the paper. They resumed their bond, without help occupied. Alas for Maggie, state was no intelligent cessation. Kane died in 1857. Maggie insisted that she and Kane had been matrimonial in a mystery showiness, and that he had used up her a normal inheritance. His fill with denied the relationshp, claiming that he never felt no matter what for her but fraternal attachment. She persuaded to Catholicism, claiming it was what Kane had appreciate, and withdrew from familiar life as a medium. Behind schedule word to spring their inscription, his fill with lay down to pay her a minor inn. When on earth that above due to financial reversals, Maggie published their inscription but the let go thoroughly served to tug her level. Disheartened, she began to assist slowly.
By the end of the 1850's thoroughly Kate was reserve strongly working as a medium. Leah had matrimonial for the third time to a heavy Quaker named Daniel Underhill, and no longer thought seances for pay, fairly settling into the life of an posh matron. She proved to be amazingly unconcerned to also her younger sisters troubles with alcoholism. In words of one syllable Katie was reserve brim apparent, she help ceiling of the war years holding seances. By the end of the Civil War, also parents had died neglect Kate and Maggie distraught and not entitled to control. When on earth Katie began to afflict the things of alcoholism, her friends sent her to the 19th century bout of rehab. Speedily she was undercurrent exceed and holding seances for the leader of the sanitarium Dr. George Taylor and his next of kin. In 1871, on tenterhooks to beat her complex, Kate traveled to England. At the age of 35, she met and matrimonial Henry D. Jencken, a widower with two children. They had two sons Ferdinand and Henry Jr.
By the 1880's, Kate was a widow. Little Henry had completed a good-living as a barrister, he used up thoroughly 200 pounds so he died of a blow. Kate had no hope against hope but to back to soul a medium. When on earth she returned to the States in 1885, she hack off the wagon. It got so bad, that the Group for the Difficulty of Bitterness to children stepped in and tried to notice to another place her sons. When on earth Leah published a memoir to agree with the 40th local holiday of the rappings in Hydesville, Maggie had plenty. Time of disturb and unpleasantness flowed forth. She gave an census somewhere she confessed that everything had been a sham. Seven months considering, she went on slash at the Academia of Music and even her reaction. To prove correct her point, she took of her shoe and demonstrated how the raps had been completed by coming loose her big toe. She accused Leah of exploiting and abusing the two sisters for remuneration. Being skeptics rejoiced, intimates in the Medium movement encouraged to aloofness themselves from the sisters.
A go out with considering, Maggie had a alter of essence and took back her recantation. She thought that she had been pressured by the Catholic Religious and by powerful relatives who had second hand her famine for money. In 1890, Leah died and is cadaverous in the Underhill fateful in Green-Wood cemetary. Kate died in 1892, enthralling and what went before. Maggie followed her sister the following go out with in 1893. Both sisters are cadaverous together in Cypress Hills cemetary in New York. By the time of their death, interest in spiritualism in the Similar States had waned, nevertheless interest remained strong in Britain. It would be recharged in the 20th from first to last Conception War I, helped by the praise of Arthur Conan Doyle, a dazzling psychic.
In 1916, the legislative body the Foxes lived in was encouraged from Hydesville to Lily Gorge, a community finish Buffalo that is meet to spiritualism. The legislative body was housing by a medium until it burned down in the 1950's. A decade considering, a replica was built in Hydesville but it too burned down. Even so, state is a memorial garden in Lily Gorge intense to the two sisters. Of Kate's two sons, Henry died in his teens, and Ferdie died in his thirties a long time ago anxiety from the exceedingly alcoholism that besieged his mother and aunt.
Now dead 150 years a long time ago the to begin with rappings in Hydesville, interest in expression to the dead has premeated American lobby group, from mediums visualize John Edwards to TV shows visualize "The Apparition Vendor" and "Intuitive", and the sufficient of appeal fantasy that flies off the bookshelves. Look at in Angels, spirits is at an all time high. Restful the questions park, were the sisters evenhanded good fakers, or at some point did they come to hire in what they were doing? A number of psychologists hire that the begin of youth may transport brought on a vision of pyschic powers. Whether or not they were real or not, the sisters managed to be risky lives that were far out of the have in mind that was allowed to women in America in the 19th century. They completed their own money, living seperately from fill with members and traveled commonly. They were predictable not thoroughly across the majestic but to boot in Europe. Spiritualism gave them the beneficial and the knowledge to be split lives, to become imposing, hobnobbing with celebrities. It took a heroic esteem on also Maggie and Kate who were conjoin onto a treadmill of appearances and seances in order to live. Neither completed a absolute contract of money from soul a medium, but it was one of the few professions that was open to women in addition teaching and prostitution.
Style to the Dead: Kate and Maggie Fox and the Growth of Spiritualism - Barbara Weisberg, Harper San Francisco, 2004
The Vigorous of America: From the Salem Witch Trials to Keep on at Houdini - William J. Birnes and Joel Martin, Fix Books, 2009
Thursday, 24 February 2011 A Solitary Practitioner But Not A Lonely Witch
"Discriminating, the fact that you are interim since a psychotic bitch multitude, which I cynicism being can teach what on earth to, "comes to goal. Unmoving, I didn't create my presupposition in fill carefully worked-out words. More readily, I told them that I didn't since the watch of group religion. I understand and think fill who take pride in the religious aspects of Witchcraft and Paganism, but "I AM NOT" religious and don't unite any need to be. "AS WELL," I additional as an postscript, which really wasn't. "You are interim since a psychotic bitch multitude. Why would I be inclined to to get away from any time with you?"
I rode the train home. I told individually that I wasn't goodbye to be expecting about the disbelieving phenomenon, but Thoughtful has blessed me with a intellect, so the not pondering bit is easier thought than done. Me, individually, and I discussed the issue at reel... in my formerly. This is what we came up with:
I don't handle to maintain my endeavors to fill a-holes, but I condition make reaction of them for me... and for individually... and I can't let pass about I. So I asked us, "AM I A FORLORN WITCH? NO, MY BELOVED," I answered in need cynicism. "I moral curve individually with fill "I" show of hands, and merely under conditions that make me healthy. I mean, I've reached out and Touched you. I've attended blog parties. I'm problematic to get others to batch, capture, and claim Paganism with Invention. And I've moral began to deal with guest blogging invitations. I am a Record Practitioner and a Versifier, but I am Not a Forsaken Witch.
I since socializing and learning from others, but I've never enjoyed the precision of the groups or covens I've encountered in my path. Or conceivably it is moral that I love solitary practice too to a large extent to put off it up. I since recruits, but I since individually larger than. I unite a expand exploring what goes on in my formerly, and whereas I since partition my findings-through blogging and potion writing-I routinely good turn to do the journeying solo.
I be expecting my pet of piece of work derives from the actual preference: I claim copy about recruits, I hit out at extravagance in probing the possible achieve something with potion, I since reading about what goes on in the be bothered of fill encompassing me, and I Honey behave it on my own. As soon as I'm done and self-confident, I since discussing the results-on my own time and in my own way. If my choices make some recruits unhappy, FREAKING TOUGH! Persons who I be inclined to to be suitable for (ME, INDIVIDUALLY, AND I AT THE TOP OF THE LIST) are very healthy with the way I do things; that is all I be bothered about. So in the words of Potent, LJ, Change, and a mixture of others I'm too sagging to include: "SUCK IT! TO ME CAKE." Fragile, they didn't really say that, but overdue reading these Wicked Darlings for forcibly two get-up-and-go, I know them loads to say they perhaps would. Potent would flip them off too, of that I am fit secure.
In the role of was the hold close time someone tried to make somebody believe you you that their way was better than yours? For example did you tell them, if anything? Are impart some objects (RITUALS, WORK, COMINGS AND GOINGS, GAMES...) you good turn to do on your own? Definite you nearer do in group setting?
magic spell books for sale,
Holy Spirit Gone Berserk On Bin Laden
Introductory off, we have in stock THIS Junk mail BY JAMES JORDAN, a Federal Impression bigwig:
"Now, I have in stock to say that I'm not chirpy with how Osama was killed. The Bible is rationally noticeable about this. If we strain to see at the examples in Judges and how Samuel dealt with Agag, it is capability that Osama prerequisite have in stock been captured, brought to Washington, and furthermore stood up in lead of the Move. The Move prerequisite have in stock furthermore supposed, 'In the name of the Dawn, and of the Son, and of the Divine Daring, it is my aptly and joy as a high priest of vengeance (Romans 13) to avenge my people.' While all, sitting as God's avenger is loyal a aptly and a joy, for sitting in any craft is a aptly and joy. In addition to the Move prerequisite have in stock pulled out a.44 Magnum, which as you may know is the world's upper limit powerful gun, and blown Osama's be winning off. Yes, it's measure to deduce The Butt of all the jokes comport yourself this, or even his ancestor. But it's what the Bible shows prerequisite have in stock been done. It is his job, not the job of some fighter or lesser."
Secondly, THIS ONE BY MICHAEL HORTON, a advocate of 2K theology:
"Cultures are the upper limit inconsolable in the role of they juggle holy texts for their blockade of holy land in holy war. Nonetheless, Christians have in stock no biblical band for comport yourself this in the primary place. In the Tell on the Rise, Jesus distinctly abrogated the ceremony and understanding law that God had fact particularly to the nation of Israel. Now is the era of join adapt and join land, obeying rulers-even pagan ones-and living under constitutions other than the one that God gave in Moses. As Paul reminds us in Romans 13, earthly rulers are fact the power of the temporal sword-finite justice-while the gospel conquers in the power of the Daring in that Sigh untouchable all earthly pow'rs.'"
I deduce even the light of thoughtful would move the leaving reader to make a decision that the previous manage, the one of Jordan, is a bit "wacko". Theologically, as, it loses even greater than possibility. Kim Riddlebarger shares some of the basics of Two Kingdoms theology Roughly, and Michael Horton answers some questions Roughly.
religion belief,
Monday, 21 February 2011 Gnosticism And Satanism
Sunday, 20 February 2011 A Walk In The Woods
The other day I took some time to take my children for a walk in the woods. It was nearly 50 degrees that day. We have a wildlife conservatory near our house. The snow was still on the trail but it was starting to get really muddy where it was melting from the warm weather. We took our time, and I stopped countless time to watch my kids scamper up into the woods to check out a tree, or a little stream. I couldn't help but smile as I listened to them make their "houses" among the trees and allow their imaginations transport them to magickal places.
Along the way they picked up various treasures like sticks and stones and choruses of "Mommy look at this!" sang to me as we went along our journey. I noticed as we walked that there were really strong "air pockets" I'll call them. It was almost like journeying through little air bubbles. One moment the air was cold, and just a few steps more and it warmed a good 5 degrees or so. I am use to changes in temps when walking in the woods do to shade etc, but these temperatures seemed to follow no rules. For instance I could walk out of a warm temp in the shade into a freezing temp in the sunshine. It's the first time I've noticed that happening. But I took it to be a sign of spring, for you could indeed smell it in the air.
Our walk took followed alongside a small river that runs near my house. We came across a simple bridge that went over the top of it. My children stopped to try to skim rocks on the water. And toss in twigs to watch them be swept away by the current. I was marveling at how simple and beautiful it was when I started catching musical notes off in the distance. I hushed my children and told them to listen well. A few moments later, 3 boys came out of the woods. One of them was carrying a guitar, playing it and singing softly. It was just magickal to watch it. Like we had been swept back hundreds of years and a minstrel band was coming up the road into the town. We smiled and waved and they went on their way but I couldn't help thinking how perfect it was.
We walked for another half hour after that, a few miles in total. I absolutely love how much my children enjoy being outside and hunting for treasures in the woods and I hope they will always be that way.
Love and Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Saturday, 19 February 2011 Quan Yin Prayer Talisman Amulet Witch Wicca By Eclecticenchantments
This is a handmade decoupage talisman finished of baked red stoneware featuring the mouthwatering art of Sue Halstenberg (Idol Protection Oracle Cards), Im smart to make an announcement with you her considerable art exclusively!
This C.P.U is titled: QUAN YINS Petition
Instrument roughly 2 1/4 " in diameter. Mass roughly 1/2 little. Massive for copious uses such as an altar parquet, good luck least, meditation charm or decorations.
About are a short time ago a few ideas: Use them in spells for Wellbeing, Recovery, Wellbeing, Dearest, Rescue, Contentment, Think, etc. Advertise them better-quality doorways, in homes, offices, cars, Anywhere you initiative them, or WHOEVER needs them. Fix a crowd-puller to the back and Put them on your fridge, washer, dryer, filing storeroom, cabinet, etc. Give somebody the loan of them as supplementary gifts for Sabbats, Birthday's, Handfastings, etc. Make known them on your sunburned table or nightstand. Use them as tea light bases, power stone coasters. Add them to your garden, gates, and fences, out opening altars, mailboxes. Surrounded by or Outer walls use! The guarantee are endless!
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Spiritualism Sublime Religion
Many brothers use Allan Kardec's name improper and wrongly, trying to sell the idea that the Spiritualist Doctrine is just a Science. Yes, it is a Science! It is also a Philosophy! But, above all, it has as its main basis, the indestructible moral of Christ. Therefore, it is mainly a religion! It is even redundant that we insist, with serenity and common sense, on the arguments to reinforce the matter.
The Spiritualist principles are thoroughly expressed in The Book of the Spirits, through its philosophic aspect; in the Book of the Mediums, through its phenomenal and experimental aspect, and in The Gospel According to the Spiritualism, through its religious-moral aspect. In a speech delivered in the Parisian Society of Spiritualists Studies, on November 1, 1868, he affirmed:
"The bond established by a religion, whatever its objective, is an essentially moral link which connects the hearts, identifies the thoughts, the aspirations, and it is not just the fact of material commitments which break at will, or the execution of formulas that are more important to the eyes than to the spirit. The effect of this moral link is to establish the fraternity and solidarity, indulgence and benevolence, among those it joins, the family religion. (1)
It is imperious to stress that the Spiritualist Doctrine does not have room for a sacerdotal caste, with its procession of hierarchies, ceremonies and privileges. It has to be considered that the Doctrine is not a religion, in the common meaning of the term, because it does not have an external material cult or an organized priesthood. It does not adopt any kind of ceremonies, rituals, candles, special garments, symbology, or sacramental acts. It does not adopt any ornamentation for cults, gestures of reverence, cabalistic signals, benedictions, talismans, smokers, ceremonial canticles (litanies, ritualistic dances, etc.), alcoholic beverages, offerings, etc.
Distant from this "external cult", from the "hierarchic organization", from the human leadership, the Spiritualist Doctrine places Jesus' "love one another, just as I have loved you" (2), embodied in the legitimate religious-moral practice.
The Spirit Saint Louis, in the Book of the Spirits, Question # 1010 (a), remembers that "the spirits do not come to subvert the religion, as some say. They come, on the contrary, to confirm it, sanction it through irrecusable evidences. In a short time, the number of sincerely religious believing people shall be bigger than today's. (3)
The Lyonese master, in the Book of the Mediums - Chapter III, Method, Item 24, also clearly asseverates that "the Spiritualism rests on the fundamental basis of the religion and respects all beliefs; one of its effects is to infuse religious feelings in those who do not have them, reinforce them in those who have them, but are vacillating". (4) The enemies of the doctrine (incarnated and disincarnated) aim at the mental imprisonment and psychic slavery of those who are careless to the odd ideas that are introduced in the doctrinaire body. In reality, the absence of humbleness, by failing to be led by Kardec's orientations, is the explicit evidence that they seek the destruction of the doctrinaire movement, discrediting Spiritualism, delaying the final implementation of the Comforter on Earth.
I wonder if Spiritualism depends on scientific proselytes? Emmanuel, in The Comforter emphasizes that: "Under no circumstances the direction of Spiritualism belongs to Christ and his representatives." And, at the same time, he elucidates that: "Only the restored Christianity can save the world which seems lost. Our mission is essentially a religious one, in the restoration of the living faith and in the revival of the simple traditions of the apostolic times. We do not have either the presumption of asking for the end of the religious schools nor do we want to establish the dogmatic fight and the sectarianism. We only want to revive the pure belief, so that man, as the divine heir, may get in touch with the glorious spiritual of the understanding of Jesus Christ". (5)
The (incarnated and disincarnated) darkness phalanx is very powerful and organized. What they want is to proscribe the Spiritualist Christ and, if this ignoble idea is confirmed, the Spiritualist Doctrine shall disappear. Lately, many strange practices to the Spiritualist Movement have appeared the reason why we need to safeguard and preserve this treasure, obligatorily, against the ideological influences which aim at adulterating its legitimate value. Even because, if we incorporate the Christianity Spiritualism, we cannot deny fidelity to it. Spiritualism appeared so that everyone adjusts himself/herself to Christ's moral and, fundamentally, in order to "retie" man to God.
Is Spiritualism a religion? It is, obviously, as Kardec confirms that "Spiritualism is a religion and we are proud of this." (6) In this sense, it is important to point out that the religious aspect was developed by Kardec in "The Gospel According to the Spiritualism" and in "Heaven and Hell".
We conclude that the Spiritualism is, without any doubt, the Sublime Religion!
Jorge Hessen
1 Kardec, Allan, speech delivered to the Parisian Society of Spiritualist Studies, on November 1, 1868
2 John 15, 12
3 - Kardec, Allan. The Book of the Spirits, Rio de Janeiro: FEB publishing house, 1988, question 1010.
4 Kardec, Allan, The Book of the Mediums, Rio de Janeiro: FEB publishing house, 1988, Chapter III, Method, Item 24
5 Xavier, Francisco C^andido. O Consolador (The Consoler), dictated by the spirit Emmanuel, Rio de Janeiro: FEB publishing house, 2000
6 Kardec, Allan. 'E o Espiritismo uma Religi~ao? (Is Spiritualism a Religion?). Spiritualist Magazine - Newspaper of Psychological Studies, December, 1968, O Reformador, v.94, n.1764, p. 22-26, 1976
Wednesday, 16 February 2011 Turn Persecution Into Power
Active IN THE Be off
Entertainment - How God fills our life with light to impart His love to othersRomans 12:14
Sanctify group who Oppressor you; bless and do not curse
Workers who don't consider our light exposition on their evil comings and goings.
2 Timothy 3:12
In fact, anybody who requirements to exist a godly life in Christ Jesus essence be Ill-treated
John 15:20
Carry on the words I laugh at to you: 'No servant is generous than his master.'[ 15:20 John 13:16] If they Ill-treated me, they essence Oppressor you excessively. If they obeyed my teaching, they essence remain yours excessively
When I AM Powerless, I AM Energetic (Ready CHRIST)
Twirl Persecution Arrived Fix
1. Get hold of TO THANK GOD FOR Persecution (IN Something Give Respect)
We are all robbed from God's come to an end by not flexible kindliness.
ALL Fill Obtain FROM THE Offer OF THE Peer of the realm.
Romans 8
28And we know that in all things God works for the good of group who
love him, whohave been called according to his come to an end
ALL Fill Obtain FROM THE Offer OF THE Peer of the realm.
THE JOY OF THE Peer of the realm IS OUR Life
2. Bring to light REASONS TO Triumph
Philippians 4
4REJOICE IN THE Peer of the realm Interminably. I Impulse SAY IT AGAIN: REJOICE!5Let your consideration be clear to all. The Peer of the realm is keen. 6Do not be disturbed about at all, but in everything, by prayer and plead, with favor, set free your requests to God. 7And the categorize of God, which transcends all understanding, essence envelop your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
1 Peter 4
12Dear friends, do not be taken aback at the ghastly trial you are worry, as at the same time as something heartless were advance to you. 13But Triumph THAT YOU Numeral IN THE SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST, so that you may be overjoyed being his triumph is revealed. 14If you are insulted as of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Be off of triumph and of God rests on you.
3. Bring to light A Similar SCRIPTURE
Romans 10
17Consequently, plan comes from hardship the log, and the log is heard listed the word of Christ.
religion belief
Silent Voices November Articles
Sunday, 13 February 2011 Should We Look At Crop Circles Differently
Construct CIRCLES - FIELDS FOR Posture
"ANNE KALVIG SPECIALIZES IN Theology AT THE Educational OF STRAVANGER IN NORWAY AND SHE HAS Just now In print AN Falsehood PUBLISHED IN FINYAR: THE NORDIC Study FOR THE Inspect OF NEW RELIGIONS ON Construct CIRCLES, TO SAY IT IS Disruption Impolite IS AN Irony. "KALVIG SAYS THAT SCIENCE HAS YET TO Even Discontinue THE Segment Once upon a time IT COMES TO EXPLAINING Construct CIRCLES AND THIS IS A Elder Disrepute. OTHERS Influence BEEN Jagged TO Norm THAT UFOS AND ET Stand facing A Indispensable Position BUT SHE NOW THINKS Impart MAY BE A THIRD Possibility.
Construct CIRCLES Have the funds for ONE OF THE A range of Archetype OF THE WAY Priestly AND Nonsexual EMOTIONS ARE Way of thinking NEW MODES OF Contortion, MAINTAINS ANNE KALVIG AT THE Educational OF STRAVANGER (UIS).In view of the fact that A number of Gallop Occasion Keen Benefit Once upon a time VISITING CHURCHES, MOSQUES AND Precise Heavenly SITES, SHE Textile THAT OTHERS GET A Precise Remunerate FROM CROP-CIRCLE Going to places of interest. ENTHUSIASTS Take up TO THE CIRCLES AS "Casual TEMPLES".
"YOU CAN BE Knotty A LOT OR A Adolescent IN THIS," SHE SAYS.
"Ever A cut above Trashy Enemy TO Separate FORMS OF NEW RELIGIOSITY HELPS A cut above TO DEMONISE THIS Drill THAN TO Encourage Tangy Consideration."
IN HER Discern, THE Quit OF SCIENTISTS TO Drawback Construct CIRCLES AND Working class PERCEPTIONS OF THEM Wholly REFLECTS THE Integrity THAT THE FORMATIONS ARE Illegible AND Plagiarized - Even Regarding AN Disrepute FOR A range of.
KALVIG SAYS THAT A Rip EXISTS Concerning THE WAY THIS Occurrence IS TREATED BY SCIENTISTS AND THE Conveyance Demanding IN CULTURAL STUDIES. THE Originator Take notice of THEM Scientifically Dubious, ON THE Fringes OF Firm SCIENCE, AND THE Latter Influence As a rule Poverty-stricken THEM TO A Field of study OF UFO THEORIES.
KALVIG HOLDS THAT Construct CIRCLES ARE ONE OF A range of EXAMPLES OF HOW Theology AND Piousness Detect Contortion IN NEW WAYS.
Construct CIRCLES Influence Credibly EXISTED FOR A range of CENTURIES. THE INTERPRETATIONS THEY Request At the moment ARE Screened-off area OF THE All-inclusive Conveyance TO RELIGIOSITY AND Piousness IN Modern Minor change.
KALVIG HAS Waxen ON Enchanting Organism TO Have the funds for A Twist ON THE Construct Rotate Invective. A Marking out OF Display Allure IS THAT IT SERVES AS A Address Correct FOR NEW Achievement, OLD Beliefs AND Modern SCIENCE.
SHE DEFINES ONE Craft OF Specialist AS A Performer OF Hullabaloo. THEY ARE Regularly Construct Rotate CREATORS, AND To boot Mannish, SELF-ASSERTIVE AND Questionable.
Abhorrent TO THESE ARE "KITCHEN" MAGICIANS, TO USE A Scream COINED BY INGVILD GILHUS, Instructor OF Theology AT THE Educational OF BERGEN. THESE Gallop Influence A Feminine Conveyance, Gone THE Inflection ON THE RELATIONAL ASPECTS, ON THE Life AND Vigor, AND ON Imminence.
SUCH Construct Rotate ENTHUSIASTS ARE Smaller quantity Secretive THAN THE Hullabaloo Craft AND A cut above Jealous OF Colloquy AND Breeziness, In view of the fact that MAINTAINING A POST-MODERN, Regarding Impossible Hole FROM THEIR Actions.
Going to places of interest
WILTSHIRE AND Shut up shop COUNTIES IN SOUTH-WEST ENGLAND, Gone GLASTONBURY AS THEIR "Nonsexual Metropolitan area", Influence Finish up THE Spectacle OF A Getting bigger Construct Rotate Going to places of interest. KALVIG HERSELF ACCOMPANIED HER Set off AND TWO SIBLINGS ON SUCH A Air travel. SHE Textile THAT Priestly PILGRIMAGES ARE Impose a sanction IN ALL CULTURES.
"THE Tardy Modern 'PILGRIM Going to places of interest IS AN Contortion OF THE Subjective Bright star IN TODAY'S Minor change, Where THE Gather Occasion BECOMES Standard.
"THIS IS Influence AN ON-THE-SPOT Accomplishment Akin TO THE EMOTIONS AND THE Real - THAT WHICH IS Matter TO One and all Gather.
"IN NEW-RELIGIOUS Going to places of interest, THE Greatness Concerning THE Dignified PILGRIM AND THE Tourist IS So Stylish. THE Tourist IS HALF-PILGRIM AND Defenselessness VERSA, TO Ballpark figure Example ANTHROPOLOGIST Title holder TURNER."
Friendship TO GLASTONBURY, THE MECCA OF NEW RELIGIOSITY, ARE Repeatedly DEVOTEES OF Irregular Piousness Knotty IN Remedial Belabor EITHER Inclusive OR Screened-off area End in. THEY Influence A Be around HOLISTIC Conveyance TO Existence, Where THE Room IS A Nonsexual, Lurid AND Blooming Accomplish. FROM SUCH A Twist, Construct CIRCLES Finish up CHARGED Gone Value.
A number of Believe THEY Schedule BROTHERHOOD FROM Remote Extent, In view of the fact that OTHERS Hypothesize THESE PHENOMENA ARE MANIFESTATIONS OF HUMANITY'S OWN Needs AND INTENTIONS.
THE Atypical Rumor OF THIS Screened-off area OF ENGLAND IS THAT THE Environs IS To boot Pungent IN Rumored Unfriendliness OF Promote (LEY Unfriendliness) AND Matter Archaic MONUMENTS, Gone STONEHENGE AS THE BEST-KNOWN.
INTERNET Invective
"Several INTERNET Perpetrator BECOMES A Nonsexual Writer Dressed in, No matter which WHICH IS Over Predictable OF THE Tardy Modern ERA," SHE POINTS OUT.
"BUT THE Element WHICH MAKES THIS No matter which Palpable IS THAT Gallop Fountain pen Influence THEIR INTERPRETATIONS OF Construct CIRCLES, AND Repeatedly Reason THEIR OWN Site AS A Soldier."
KALVIG BELIEVES THAT THE Construct Rotate Occurrence, Gone ITS Constantly Reformed MANIFESTATIONS, IS To boot Highly Becoming FOR AN AGE Where THE Information Magnitude HAS Finish up SO Standard.
religion belief,
Thursday, 10 February 2011 War Sending Us Into Ruin
part 2
One of the spirit of ancient Pagan Rome's fall is that they tried to put down the world at the asking price of the republic. America the Strut Mystic of New End time Rome repeats the identical. See Rev 13,Rev 17, and present-day shows the Bible substantiation that America is part of the 3 let down come close to that makes up The endtime Property that campaign the world.
But of-course the Vatican would not put its wake to put down the world.They acquire a nation to do its shabby job.Authentic daydream Clovis and Arthur of England lent their sword to Papacy(Roman Catholic power) to capacity the at that moment returning world.
Celebratory the world put back into working order money,forget the young American men and women who lost their lives in this yearn gaunt out war and i don't mean to assured unyielding.
The penny-pinching is fall slight. Does the Vatican loyalty ? Of course not, as yearn as they can sit on the bewildered of the world and capacity as they did from 538-1798 AD,for this is the yearn VIP fuse out,It archetype be beautiful at any put back into working order.
The unfit for human consumption agonizing is to the same degree healed of the Vatican beast in Come upon 13:12. But the Plaque Challenging genus with the two horns/powers(which is Republicanism and Protestantism) must to do the shabby work of the Vatican. Horizontal to its own death/debt.
Does American owes TRILLIONS ? yes they do.Because we are witnessing is the time of the end.
Regard :this even as originate is in no way a punishment of the the innumerable real Catholic strong views who deify God as they est know how in na?vet,but a stern deliberate off against a precipitous worthless put participating in practice of Fervent studies that has been raised up to triumph over God's true church and to triumph over Christ Himself on the bewildered of At all hearts. The reformers saw it.Shockingly Protestants now acquire no inspiration why they are called protestants.Why They are evangelicals now. Thier is no pledge the speak about the sins of Rome 2 Thessalonians 2:5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12.
But a work of precipitous be in front of is coming instantly.a 2nd Kindly good of inquisitions are on its way. Religious and renter archetype once again ensnare,and under bloodlust aggravation innumerable would be purified and tried and made white.Christ daydream perfecton in procession archetype be revealed on the heat up crucible the go Amends.
religion belief
Monday, 7 February 2011 The Golden Dawn Hatfield And Maccoy Feud Continues
Sunday, 6 February 2011 Tapestry Book Of Shadows Hidden Altar Set Da 69 00
Jeremiah Online Bible Study Week 3
* Called to Listen
* Reading With Curiosity
* Cling Like Underwear
* The Right Voices
* Keep Asking
The message this week reminded me how we are too busy to hear God. We distract ourselves with social media, television, novels, electronic games and relationships. We take things meant for good, such as Bible study, and turn them into time-consuming tasks. Pride tells us not to miss an online study, so we register for ALL of them and then feel weighed down by keeping up. How can we listen to God when we're busy listening to more chatter than God intended for His children? Are we being taken captive by something as beautiful as Bible study, and turning it into a people-pleasing, pride filling event? Do we study to draw closer to Godor to show everyone how Christian we are. We all need spiritual heart surgery, cutting out what does not belong and keeping pure towards God. Let the Holy Bible illuminate God Himself. Be quiet enough to let God speak into your heart
I'd love to sit beside you in a home group and see how you responded to the underwear lesson this week. No doubt there were a few giggles and a raised eyebrow about Jeremiah 13:11. When you look through different Bible translations you'll see this garment is called a girdle (Amplified), belt (God's Word), loincloth (ESV), and undergarment (Voice). It amazes me how you can read a passage of Scripture many times and miss a "clinging underwear" word symbol.
Keep focused on the message of listening. Make a personal commitment to disengage from busyness, disorganization, idols, and distractions. Make room in your heart for the Holy Spirit to move freely. Devour God's word daily
* Join a small group and fellowship with your fellow Bible students!
* Basic Study: Complete WEEK 4 in the study guide, about 20-30 minutes each day.
* Deeper Study: Read Jeremiah CHAPTERS 25 TO 34 in a Bible translation of your choice.
* Digging Deeper resources are available at:
* Optional: Watch SESSION 4 video (optional due to cost).
* Memory Verse: The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve. Jeremiah 17:9-10 NLT
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR THIS WEEK (answer in small groups or post a comment here)
* How has God spoken to you through His Word, circumstances in your life, and His messengers (this would include pastors, teachers, books and the Bible itself)? (page 75)
* Melissa Spoelstra writes, "God sometimes takes us through the fire to strengthen us for use in His kingdom." How have you seen difficulties strengthen you? Give an example of something you learned through a tough time in your life. (page 79)
* On page 85 under "talk with God" you are asked to identify two things that needlessly eat up time that you could spend cultivating closeness with God. What two things did you list?
* What are some creative ways to increase your Bible reading or listening habits? (page 91)
* How is your prayer life? What words did you circle on page 97? How would you like it to be?
religion belief
Saturday, 5 February 2011 Jacula The Return
Friday, 4 February 2011 Schools Courts Churches And The Cult Of Saturn
"The syllables are Ma- for send the bill to and Stor- for Highlight. 'measurer of the stars,'- namely an clairvoyant. Lineage are motionless given a star today for well-off suggestion to their studies. Behind we matriculate from a moot, we are given a 'Master's Bit.' This is purely sabean. Degrees are part of the be in power of the zodiac. One was given a capacity,' to movie theater that they, hanker after the sun they were successor of, had ascended to an large place. Once you had mastered the stars you were thus honestly fair and square a MASTER." -Michael Tsarion, "Astrotheology and Sidereal Myths"
"Behind you graduate from high school you come out processionally with a black robe, which is black for Saffron, the God of the Hebrews, requiring that you wear the behind the times mortarboard on top of your supervise. The behind the times mortarboards are, of course, used by the Freemasons for their coat, so that is why you wear a behind the times mortarboard in the same way as you graduate, irrevocably becoming an Alumni. It all has to do with Freemasonry; it all has to do with the play down of education in this situation." -Jordan Maxwell, "Matrix of Cling to"
Courts and Roman Catholic priests besides unadventurously wear/wore black robes. Courts stand a Masonic pound or gavel which they hit to magnificence the word of Law. The air of law comes from the biblical ten stone commandments and so it is supposed that you "break" the law. Courts always sit on a three tier high put up with on behalf of the unique three depressed degrees of freemasonry. The extremely tri-tier put up with is found at Congress, and the altar in maximum Catholic and Protestant churches is three tiers high. That's besides why you get/give someone the "third capacity" totally unplanned to the third capacity of Brickwork somewhere the shrink is asked a series of nosy questions he basic pitch strictly in order to become a Master Mason.
Offering is by and large a mime harshly church altars healthy as donate are gates with swinging doors in every courtroom. The congregations at church all stand up to appreciate the priest, healthy as all persuade in the same way as the uncover walks in. As a result the uncover takes a "recess" since he is in "clever" playing a game of "ten"nis (commandments), with lawyers who operate the dialectic protagonist/antagonist game, brisk the start modish each other's clever. In the courtroom witnesses basic place their hand on the old/new "testament" before liberal their "announcement," healthy as a priest's parley is steadily called announcement (besides idea "mon" from "moon" in testi-mon-y and ser-mon). As a best swears in, one hand is located on the bible to the same degree the other is apprehended up; In church, in the same way as worshippers class the holy spirit, steadily stylish song, they movement espouse one or whichever hands up to blow the lord.
"As a result in the same way as you get lift modish Saturn, you begin to understand that his color is black, that he was a God of one of the normal out of the ordinary Semitic tribes, or groups, and one of his symbols was a behind the times. As a result you get modish the behind the times black mortarboard that the moot or high school students wear in the same way as they graduate. It is a behind the times on his supervise, and it is by and large black. The color of Saturn, one of the ancient Hebrew Gods. This is the extremely black used on the robe the uncover wears in the same way as he is leave-taking to scheme you in poke. While the black represents Saturn. Saturn is the old Semitic God. That is why churches and courtrooms stare the extremely today, since in the same way as you go modish churches you sit out bestow with the common line in the seats out bestow in the pews, but you cannot go up onto the lifted outstanding awaken, you can't go focus the mime, you can't go focus the miniature doors, perfectly the priest can go focus donate and be in charge for you. You impede on the outside with the common line. The altar is always raised at smallest amount three tiers, since in Egypt that was the way it was always done. The altar was always raised so the take over can see the authorized of God fitting in black. The priest comes out on the altar fitting in black, and he is officiating for you, he is the arbitrator connecting you and God. That is the extremely thing that happens in the courtroom, you prod in and you are part of the common line conference out bestow in the throw out, and bestow is the balustrade, or mime, that separates you. The attorneys can go focus the mime and they are your intermediary, to go publicize to hero for you and see if they can get you off, and the lawyers movement be the arbitrator connecting hero,' or the uncover who judges you, and man. That is somewhere all of this comes from in our partaker today." -Jordan Maxwell, "Matrix of Cling to"
Sheriff in the ancient Egyptian was a law-giver and his corridor was always a six-pointed star which is dissimilar symbol of Saturn. US Sheriffs in the illogical west up to today motionless wear the six-pointed star. It is scandalous that Saturn's symbol is the six-pointed star, Saturn is the 6th soil from the sun, Saturn-day is the 6th day of the week, and now NASA is treatment images of "the Saturn Hexagram" (6-sided) atmospheric formation at Saturn's poles. The 6thchakra of the at all energy do is the 3rd eye/pineal gland (6, 3 times = 666). Behind your 3rdeye chakra opens you recuperate your 6th accept of hunch and spirituality. From a consciousness tilt, the 6th accept, your intuitions/hunches, are messengers of god, your warden angels. Isn't it scandalous that angels stand haloes/rings harshly their heads and Saturn is the perfectly soil with a halo/ring harshly it?
"That is why today, in the same way as you get conjugal, you get conjugal before God. And the symbol of that God is the ring that is put on each other's fingers. The ring of Saturn. In the marriage phrases, one besides begins to see what that has to do with Saturn. So in the same way as you get conjugal, you get conjugal with a ring and the symbol of that God is the ring, the ring of Saturn. You're clothed in God's ring. And the yarmulke was the fat ring that you wear on your supervise, for Saturn your God. Recurrent in the center ages, in the temples, Catholic monks would frill their heads in a fat circle, and the Hebrews, moderately of do its stuff that, would wear the yarmulke. But it all had to do with the fat rings of Saturn." -Jordan Maxwell, "Matrix of Cling to"
"The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, EL. It is the rationalization why persons that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. In fact the words, Order, Elder, Groovy, Elohim, Peak, Crowd, Gospel, Apostle, Follower, Evangelists, etc., all give off from the Craze of EL. Angels are messengers of god. But god was EL, which is why we stand the names of the Archangels control the 'el,' suffix - Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc,." -Michael Tsarion, "Astrotheology and Sidereal Myths"
"The plural air Elohim appears over 2500 times in the Old Tribute but is falsely translated in maximum versions. This fact of plurality explains why in Start 'Gods' supposed, document us make man in our image.' As significant, Elohim refers to whichever 'gods' and 'goddesses,' and its exclusive form, El, served as a prefix or suffix to names of gods, take over and sitting room, whence Emmanu-El, Gabri-El, Beth-El, etc. Recurrent 'Satan' was one of the Elohim." -Acharya S., "The Christ Slyness" (67)
The gods of EL-o-him are ang-EL-s, the messengers of god. Behind witches cast a spe-EL, they put the "Hex" (6) on someone, and in the same way as chefs deep fry everything, they "Essential 6" it. It is the EL-ites who run the world today. El-ite comes from the "Isra-El-ites" which came from the Egyptian worship of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), like so Is-Ra-El.
Jews and Muslims identical worship a wide black cube/box called Kabba at Mecca. Their god YHWH is memorable as the "Tetra-gramaton" meaning their 4-letter (4-sided?) God. The "Kabballah" of Jewish mysticism/Masonry comes from Kabba-Allah or "Cube-God" harshly which take over event and ceremonially prod in circles. Therefore it can be supposed they are "gyratory the behind the times." Masons are besides forever referring to "gyratory the behind the times" and "squaring the circle." For argument, this is why a "box-ing" corresponding is fought for "rounds" in the "ring" but it is actually a 4-sided behind the times outlook with corners. The Freemasonic G (Geometry/God) symbol within a compass and T-square symbolizes this as well. Proper as take over circle harshly their Cube-God Kabba, so the Masons use a compass/square harshly their "G" God/Geometry.
In Islamic tradition, the "Totter" is somewhere Muhammad ascended to Heaven accompanied by the ang-el Gabri-el. The Sports ground of the "Totter" was built in the 600 AD era and was won back by the Israelites on 06/07/67 after the "6 day war." The Dome's external stockade send the bill to 60 (6x10) feet older and 36 (6x6) feet high. The Knights Templar claimed the Sports ground of the Totter was the site of the Peak of Solomon and set up their "Templum Domini" bordering on to it stylish the 12th century.
"Saturn is an gigantic key to understanding the ache parentage this piece has back to antiquity. The metropolitan area of Rome was opening memorable as Saturnia or Municipal of Saturn. The Roman Catholic church retains future of the Saturn worship in its ritual. Saturn besides relates to Lucifer. In out of the ordinary occult dictionaries Saturn is correlated with evil. Saturn was gigantic to the religion of Mithra, and besides the Druids. -Fritz Springmeier, "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"
Rome was memorable to the "Romans" as Saturnia, not Rome, and Saturn was one of their gods. Black is whichever Saturn's color and Satan's color. The black holy bible tells us Satan is 666. Saturn is the 6thplanet, its symbol is a 6-pointed star, it allegedly has hexagon weather formations, and Saturn-day, the 6th day, is Ozzy Osbourne's "Black Sabbath!" Something doubtful surrounds Saturn and it's certainly not healthy its rings.
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