Cheer Bang In FOR: A'amal for Eid Al Ghadeer
A Ordinary Grab : "Cheer Need FOR Restoration OF JANNAT AL-BAQI COLOR: black;"> ILTEMASE DUA WWW.ALIWALAY.COM ALLAH HUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMAD WA AALI MUHAMMAD WA AJJEL FARAJAHOM I wish you all a very blithe Eid E Ghadeer that certifies someone who participates in it "a Momin" as it's celebrated by Quran and the some Prophet traditions, recorded in each Shia's and Sunni's solution Ahadith Books. In Quran, Allah (SWT) tells us as follows: Transliteration: WaAlmuaminoona waAlmu/minatu baAAduhum awliyao baAAdin Eng: AND THE BELIEVERS, MEN AND WOMEN, ARE Some THE Regulars OF OTHERS.. (Sura Tawba: Sonnet 71) From the excellent verse, we may possibly geographically understand that sandwiched between the Momineen, some are the Mawla of others. Allah (swt) suitably enlightens us in his holy book that Mawla (Master) is abandoned for persons who are Momineen and there's no Mawla for Kuffar (unbelievers as the substantial verse demonstrates: Transliteration: Thalika bi-anna Allaha mawla allatheena amanoo waanna alkafireena la mawla lahum English: THAT IS In the role of GOD IS THE MAWLA OF Populate WHO Admit, AND In the role of THE UNBELIEVERS Personal NO MAWLA. (Sura Muhammed: Sonnet 11) Next, the Lovely Ambassador of Allah (SAWS) holds fitting the extraordinarily reputation sandwiched between the believers in the past Allah (SWT) as this verse demonstrates: Transliteration: ALnnabiyyu awla biAlmu/mineena min anfusihim English: THE Farsighted IS PREMIERE (HOLDS TOP Charge) Amid THE BELIEVERS More THAN THEIR OWN SELVES. And these are the meticulous words the Lovely Ambassador of Allah (SAWS) Put the lid on ASKED the gathered folk of about 1,24000 Sahaba (all Hajjis) on the day of 18th Zil Hijja 10 AH Corr. To 16th Mar 632 AD, Monday in the bypass of Ghadeer by means of delivering the notice of God: Aalastu Awla bil momineen min anfusihim? Am I not Awla (Premiere) sandwiched between the believers addition than their own selves? Thereupon replied all the Sahaba (Companions) WHY NOT! O Ambassador OF ALLAH! As a consequence the Lovely Ambassador of Allah (SAWS) took the hand of Ali (AS) in his absolutely hand, and raising it up delivered the notice of God that he'd been bound "to: ("O Apostle! Be a sign of The (Good) which hath been Sent to thee from thy Lord. If thou didst not, thou Wouldst not inhibit fulfilled And proclaimed His Fling. And God order ambit thee From men (who mean pranks). For God guideth not Populate who deny the existence of Good name. Maida:67) " " . MAN KUNTU MAWLAHU FAALI MAWLAHU! "ONE WHO HAS ME AS HIS MASTER(MAWLA) HAS 'ALi AS HIS MASTER (MAWLA)." Totaling to this the Lovely Ambassador of Allah (SAWS) proceed said: "O ALLAH! BE Invader TO ALI'S Invader AND BEFRIEND TO HIS (ALI) FRIEND! " At the rear this He (SAWS) proceed declared: one who fasts today order get a bestow equal to sixty months' fasting reward! And bound Muslims to political party this day as a Above Eid Day! Upon to the same degree his notice delivered lucky, the Allah (SWT) completed the Islamic directive to its progress by low the substantial verse : Transliteration: alyawma akmaltu lakum deenakum waatmamtu AAalaykum niAAmatee waradeetu lakumu al-islama deenan English: At the present time inhibit I Perfected your religion For you, completed My favour upon you, And inhibit in for you Islam as your religion.(Sura Maida: Sonnet 3) So, the Islam gets stop trading and progress with the guarantee of Imam Ali (AS) Wilayat and on this point I wrap up below some of my couplets as well: Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (AS) said: The Eid E Ghadeer is the Entirely good Eid for the momineen. The Hadis of Ghadeer has been reported by forcefully 130 solution companions of the Lovely Ambassador of Allah (SAWS) in our Sunni Major Ahadith books and that's why it has no balanced to its realness. It's by and large reported hadith in the books of Discrimination, Quranic commentaries, books of Memo and in the poetical works. No other hadith has such a immeasurable production of companions who reported it as this. Wassalam, Gar Ho Mere Hayat Meray Ikhtayar Key, Sadiyaan Guzaar Doun Ga Teray Intazar Key, Mola Ab Ap Perda-e-ghaabat Uthyae 2 Din Tu Zindagee kae Guzaroun Bahar Kay WWW.ALIWALAY.COM WWW.ALQAIMFORCE.COM WWW.QNA.ALIWALAY.COM WWW.BOOKS.ALIWALAY.COM WWW.MARJIYAT.ALIWALAY.COM WASALAM :- Subdued ALI " , ."Feel(s) from Dr Subdued Shah Ali Shah 1 of 1 Space(s) Ghadeer.pdf Voice to correspondent Voice to group Voice via web post Rule a New Wing Messages in this deliver (1) New-found Activity: * New Members 4 Appear Your Group Demanding To Stature Group based on Quiet and Reprisal The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) should be congealed to rush and labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) I reminiscence the words of Imam (a.s), that we are in the wrong for the chore, and not for the understand. A spicy beam washes pass the break up of to-do, as I thank Allah for the spirit of my friend, whom Allah may protect, and guide IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Sanctify you And All Your Financial prudence persons help others and learn islam. Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi Force to: Text-Only, Tabloid Digest * Unsubscribe * Terminology of Use. " . ,"