Tuesday 13 March 2012 Astral Projecting For The First Time What Did It Feel Like

" I love reading about other people's astral projection experiences. It brightens my day to know that these people, like you and I, are actively seeking and actively "EXPERIENCING" these amazing journeys! Read about Lori's FIRST EVER ASTRAL PROJECTION JOURNEY here, then why don't you share yours with our community in the comments section below. LORI'S ASTRAL PROJECTION EXPERIENCE No matter what I forget in life, I will never forget my very first memory. I was of the age to be sleeping in a crib but still old enough to be able to climb out of it from time to time. My twin sister and I shared the crib together. Our mother told us we used to have to sleep with the top of our heads touching each other's no matter how many times she would try to rearrange us. My first memory began like this... I was hovering in my bedroom looking down from just under the ceiling as though I were near the surface of the ocean swimming around with the intent of exploration. I can remember the way the morning sun shined through the horizontal shutters of my bedroom window and the way our blue carpet looked underneath the furniture and scattered toys. As I was floating closer to my crib, I remember thinking "WHO AM I?" but not in words, rather in thought, because I didn't know how to speak quite yet. As floating closer to the crib I then awoke abruptly. I recall climbing out of my crib and running out my bedroom terrified. I wasn't sure where exactly I was going, but I knew I was searching for comfort. That's when I crawled into my mother's bed not even recognizing who she was, but I felt safe with her. That's all that this memory entails. For many years I believed that memory was my soul finding the body or host that will become my home. I have argued time and time again to others that it wasn't a dream. It was real. I even remembered that experience when I was a child too young to even contemplate what a soul was. For the longest time I questioned why would our souls come to us a year or more later than the time when we were actually born? After other similar incidents and much research of astral protection, astral travel, and out of body experiences (OBES), I now have a new perspective of my first memory. I don't believe that was my soul being born; I believe I have the ability to astral project intentionally and unintentionally. Tags: astral body candle flame astral projection course long should meditate reflective relief technique candle flame astral positive energy benefits greek gods and goddesses information greek gods goddesses greek gods and goddesses information names of all the greek gods and goddesses greek mythology gods and goddesses names

Source: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com