Monday 26 March 2012 The New Age Maze Fantastic Beasts And How To Lose Them

The New Age Maze Fantastic Beasts And How To Lose Them

Era Denmark

Waking Times

"Those who fall off from our living human Mahatmas to fall into the Saptarishi - the Star Rishis, are no Theosophists." Such were the words of H.P Blavatsky, the 19th century author and founder of Theosophy*. Throughout her writings, Blavatsky repeatedly emphasized that the "Masters of Wisdom" with whom she communicated were Tibetan and living human beings (she called them Mahatmas) and not the so-called "Ascended Masters" that the New Age movement champions.

Upon examination of ancient teachings and spiritual texts around the world, one will never encounter the term, "Ascended Master", not even once, anywhere. Neither Jesus, Buddha (note, the Bodhisattvas are not "ascended masters") the Tao te Ching, the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, Plato, Socrates, Gurdjieff, Rumi, Rudolf Steiner, Rene Guenon or any other teacher throughout human history has ever used the term or claimed the existence of "Ascended Masters". If ascended masters existed and were important to the spiritual development of humanity, one would think that they would have been mentioned, at least a few times, over the past millennia.

In fact, the concept of ascended masters was dreamed up in the 1930s by a prolific con man, with fascist leanings, named Guy Ballard. Guy Ballard believed he was the reincarnation of George Washington and began creating his cult based on the premise that he was in contact with an entity he referred to as, "Saint Germain, the Ascended Master". Ballard created the concept of ascension and used it to lure members into his cult with the hope of leaving their unhappy, heavy human existence behind and becoming god-like. To ascend one only needed to be kind, "work on oneself" (but follow the rules of the cult) and believe. Like all traps, the cult sprinkled truths in with half-truths to cover the lies and preyed on the gullible, those with no true esoteric training or properly developed intellectual capacity.