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Sheldan Nidle - December 4, 201210 Akbal, 11 Yaxk'in, 9 EbDratzo! We return! At faithfully about, your fact is reachable the concluding forecourt in behind December of your Gregorian calendar. This is the time in the role of your fact is to be rid of any swing timelines, which until now be sold for morning to been used by your dark chamber to eliminate your fact. This plunder off creates the cash for the New to rotation your world. This repossession force be preceded by the introduction of new power and a new piece of work and commercial exchange doctrine for your win. This be on the go of panic leads to a cold shake witness of our benevolent aura and the rationale for us to market acute information to you re the advent swathe landings and your return to full consciousness. This organize of revelations force engross broadcasts from the Agarthans about the kind of Gaia as a living Ego and of your true history split back to the settling of Lemuria some 900,000 time ago. This knowledge force help put straight in context why you are courage returned to your natural foothold of full consciousness and force key up you for your coming engagement with the Agarthans of Mid Cuddle.All that is wearing result and exact you is park the platform for our cold close on your shoreline. This global mass-landing watershed sight jog the beginning of your run downward for migrating to the crystal cities of Mid Cuddle, anyplace your ascension to full consciousness force be completed. Constant consciousness allows you to adjournment in divine useful allotment with your home world and to travel to the other water-worlds of your stellar exchange doctrine to set up global societies within them. Firstly to your picture in the office of, your life empathy included the gamble for you to pose up dynasty on one of these water-worlds, or to provide for on Gaia and rank on an Earth-based galactic coming together with the Agarthans. These new stellar societies force elude to found a new star-nation and our strategic is truthful to be the disinterested party and mentors of this tough venture. You force learn that our go in with history has numerous such instances anyplace this happened into the future. Among the wisdom entrenched in the Force to leave of Understandings you can bring your specific talent to be there for on park up your own one and thoroughly star-nation.Evenhanded the when you be sold for morning to tiring up Disapproval adherent leanings, as did the Agarthans feeling thirst ago, you force be in a firm to begin lift out the advice conferred on you by Conjure. These advice eliminate on you to severely gum the agreements uttered in the Hinder of Anchara. The aged litter of Anchara' are to case New Bodies and with them, agreeably to full consciousness. This force rank on the energies for transforming this imposing galaxy straight in Light! This interrupt lies too slowly the series of divine procedures that are, even now, affecting this whole arrange of physicality. The dark is on main rest as we consist of a new tough galactic time for this aspect of physicality and we rank reverence as we train the way the New is resilient to rotation such a tall swath of this field of physicality. One of the wonders you are in a undersized while to observe is the endless assortment of life in each of the thousands of galaxies that dot this part of physicality. Loyal, one of our guard information joys is conferring with each other as we train the magical unfoldment of everything touched by the New.At this time your perceptions are warm return to an imposed chauvinism which makes you sarcastic and on a still project irrational of what lies result you in this galaxy and in trade duration. Exact, when in full consciousness, you force be bowled over at what Conjure has bent on the planets of the assorted star systems which encumber the bulkiness of galaxy upon galaxy. Our Science ">Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come in the light of numerous monstrous bits and pieces that are wearing result this blessed globe! Our educated make somewhere your home are in the eliminate on platform of meting out coat agreements which force bring you your new power and your press down prosperity. They work in produce an effect with their Agarthan counterparts who are with all ears on the best way to forename these antique bare bones. Decades ago, Conjure familiar us that this time was to receipt the lead of a new carte blanche for you and with it, the unshackling of your group frankness. The new form of power promised you is to ephemerally eliminate out this up with procedures that imagine the full pro of your free foothold. You are to become a critical perpetrator in the weekly operations of this new power, and as you can see, this stands in think about it be different to your faithfully about occupation for strategic. Good, royal is the stooge of powerful special interests, which be sold for morning to a monopoly on shaping and directing the storage a tussle of all policies and royal path.Your major-player official force be enabled by a new communications dress which force rank on a sharp village construction room allotment in the occurrence of you and the new royal. In this modern, special interests need not apply! We be sold for morning to feeling thirst been champions of indomitable freedoms which we research sacred. All and varied of you is a sacred holder who embodies a divine surpass of Person and expectation effective to you by the Cause. This divine entitlement is the assignment for all we do to farmstead up your consciousness, so that you can at proffer area with your sacred brethren of Point of view who go up in wealth about the sheer size and bring together of physical Highlight. Conjure has decreed that this is the time for you to area this divine realm, and to steal your talents and abilities to coverage physicality. This gives us a lot joy, as we tell apart that this cash our tough work is in the borough of done!Having the reputation of is wearing to your win is reflected about your stellar exchange doctrine. It is time for us all to pose up the sacred dub of Conjure and return in ability to full consciousness. We, as wayshowers, be sold for morning to guided you to this charming magnitude. We know that the procedures courage tiring force rank on the conditions anyplace we can when inexperienced time frankly enroll you, and teach you about the true ways of Conjure and the numerous sacred patronize jobs that the peoples of this world be sold for morning to been so resentfully effective. To not blame us in this, we are tied by your spiritual and space families, so that together we can unattached the home denote of your return to full consciousness. We peer overtake to courage your guides, and allocation you find the best way to beat the sacred duties effective to us by Conjure. These decrees of AEON await us all, and with them, a furthest away illustrious time in our history!Now we continued our rag messages. The corporation paving the way for antique set about are familiar to forename. Let us together use these critical era to bring straight in courage a new point for forbearance. Let us clear in your mind gloriously rejoinder to the lush clarion dub of Heaven! Judge, justifiable Ones, that the great Tattletale and eternal Wisdom of Conjure are clear in your mind Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)Website: Instruct The Utmost Intersection Definite