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EDGAR CAYCE ON DEALING WITH PERSONAL FINANCIAL PROBLEMSKEVIN J. TODESCHI Considering the fact that EdgarCayce lived during a time of global uncertainty, the Great Depression, personaland economic hardship, and the world at war, it may not be surprising to learnthat nearly 200 of Cayce's psychic readings mention the topic of personalfinancial problems and economic healing. People from every imaginablebackground and occupation came to him seeking answers to questions about theirhealth, their personal challenges, their family situation, their careers, theirdirection in life, and their finances. The information they received continuesto be helpful - studied by individuals the world over - as Cayce's insights forevery imaginable issue and personal problem remain just as relevant today. What may be surprising is thatthe information in the Cayce files on personal financial problems is about muchmore than money. Ultimately, material gains cannot be an end unto themselves.Instead, Cayce's premise is that any economic challenge faced by an individualis inextricably connected to a personal lesson or an opportunity to applyspiritual or universal laws in everyday life. Rather than seeing financialhardships as some sort of punishment or mistakenly assuming that the experienceof poverty can somehow make someone more spiritual, the Cayce readings suggestthat - seen correctly - the process of achieving economic healing can embody aworthwhile experience in personal growth. Ultimately, everything we thinkwe possess is in fact lent to us by God for the purpose of stewardship andservice. Forgetting or ignoring or remaining ignorant of this premise isfrequently one of the reasons that we encounter challenges in our personalfinances. However, it is not that we are asked to give away everything we have.Instead, we are encouraged to become cognizant of the fact that personalsuccess is best measured in terms of how we use our success to assist others.In terms of giving money away, Cayce specifically recommended giving a tithe often percent to charity, service activities, or to an individual in need. Another issue that sometimesleads to financial lack is fear. Whether fear of the future, fear of monetaryproblems, or fear of situations that arise from personal challenges - such asthe loss of a job - all of these things can work contrary to the flow ofuniversal abundance. In the case of fear, Edgar Cayce often encouragedindividuals to have faith and to use what they had in hand in order to draw tothemselves additional opportunities and financial assistance. He often remindedindividuals of economic healing principles from scripture, including Matthew6:28-33, which is not an encouragement to sit idle and do nothing but rather anadmonition to make certain one's focus is in the appropriate direction: Considerthe lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin... Wherefore,if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is castinto the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Thereforetake no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or,Wherewithal shall we be clothed? ... for your heavenly Fatherknoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seekye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shallbe added unto you. In addition to overcoming fear,cultivating faith, using what you have in hand, and practicing stewardship andpersonal tithing, the readings provide a number of suggestions for improvingfinancial well-being. These include working with spiritual ideals, becomingcognizant of personal lessons needed by the soul (and attempting to learnthem), living your soul's purpose, and being of service to others. During the 1940s, a group ofCayce enthusiasts from New York City began working with various concepts fromthe Cayce readings and universal laws in an attempt to overcome the financialchallenges that each of the individuals had been experiencing. Members of thegroup immediately recognized that their own economic problems were not linkedto a lack of talent or potential but instead to other factors. For that reason,group members chose to begin applying spiritual principles to their materiallives, while removing any of their own mental blocks regarding the challengeswith their own finances. The group began working asessentially an economic healing support group and undertook a three-monthprogram of prayer, meditation, working with spiritual principles, and improvingattitudes and their relationships with others, as well as tithing money andtime. Although the group was small and not all of the individuals in the groupcompleted the program, those who did continue working with economic healingbegan to see some amazing results. What may be most impressive, however, isthat the group's exercises have been replicated since that time by countlessgroups and individuals over many decades, causing many others to attest to thevalidity of this material. Some of the exercises and disciplines undertaken byvarious groups and individuals have included the following: * Daily prayer and meditation, not only to facilitate personal attunementand getting in touch with one's spiritual core but also to assist in overcomingany fear of lack. * Ongoing work with personal relationships - at home, school, work -wherever they may be. Rather than seeing people as personal challenges thathave to be put up with, the Cayce readings encourage us instead to approach allof our relationships with the ideal of "What am I supposed to be learning fromthis person?" or "What is this person trying to teach me about myself?" * Being a good steward of the resources that have been entrusted to you.This includes paying bills promptly, not overspending or overindulging, givingyourself the freedom to buy what you "need"(although not necessarily everything you "want"),and tithing of both money and time without thought of receiving something inreturn. * Finally, it is also a good idea to keep an ongoing chart of yourprogress. This chart can include your daily prayer and meditation time, thesuccess of paying off your debts, the notation of any surprise economicassistance that has come your way, personal tithing, positive experiences withimproving your relationships, and so forth. By working with these ideas,many individuals and groups have found the Edgar Cayce information extremelyhelpful. This book of verbatim excerpts from the Cayce readings has beencompiled to provide an understanding of economic healing and personal prosperity,and suggestions for improving personal financials by working with universallaws and spiritual principles. The approach found in the Edgar Cayce readingsfor achieving personal material success is about much more than money. It is anapproach that encourages individuals to use what they have in hand and todiscover and live out their life's mission. It is an approach that admonishespeople to become good stewards of the resources they have been entrusted withand ultimately to be able to use every experience encountered in life to becomeall that they were meant to be. Introduction from the new book Spiritual Healing for Personal Prosperity by Edgar Cayce. KEVIN J. TODESCHI is Executive Director and CEO of Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. He is also the author of countless articles and more than twenty books, including "Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates", "God in Real Life: Personal Encounters with the Divine", and Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records. Share