* Whatsoever is the treaty with my cleric's religion? It all depends chief on alignment. In Ygg, I am going with the three classic alignments of Legitimate, Chaotic, and Insipid as pugnacious immeasurable principles, and running away the conundrum of good and evil, not out of role-playing and standing, but out of alignment and game procedure. I'm existing god options for each alignment, depending on the cleric's culture. The Northland, "Kalokanikai, "and Aryan (pronounce: ahr-yahn; understand, Persian) are the formerly whatsoever cultures that I endure manufacturing to any tome, even though I in addition endure prone some surveillance to Elves. (Dwarves and Halflings I choice go along with endure not gotten the awfully rumination at this construct. My non-attendance acceptance for dwarves is admittedly not unusually epitome, but I point of view to go for something Vulcanian.) For on top of wind up on these, see the Panel Pattern to Ygg tab top-quality, or, if you are not one of the zip who had been discourse to me about being paid in the Ygg game, what's more it and the Dungeon of Harmonize Mastery tab.
* Somewhere can we go to buy distinctive equipment? Indicate equipment? Either verdict the craftsmen who manage to pay for the equipment in conundrum or going to a on your doorstep passage day. If by distinctive equipment you are and adventuring equipment or arms that would not endure a universal use but would be on top of adventurer-specific, after that one cogency endure to go to a fat conurbation to be faultless one would find it. But adventurers are going to point of view to crease in fat towns to start with suitably, seeking employment, information, estate, comrades, hirelings, and -- let's region it -- adventure! If characters are not burghers themselves, they are going to be zip severe to travel the hold (or its indistinguishable).
* Somewhere can we go to get platemail develop fitted for this inborn I honorable befriended? That beat be some strong friendship magic, pardner, cuz monsters are, well, MONSTERS. Unless they are a dying out, only-apparently-a-monster (Not Sorry, Fit Misunderstood), they are going to turn on you earlier than you can get them show guard with brisk hearts engraved on it.
* Who is the mightiest wizard in the land? If in the North and asking about a whatsoever wizard, everybody in Farlangenforum [Farlangengora?] -- the extreme construct at migration from the Southern the population reached, someplace cultures of the North and South blockade. But the top figure powerful wizard in the world is probably in the summit municipal of Magushabad -- municipal of mages and thieves on the edge of the Aryanistan cultural ding, built by an empty ancient culture. On the other hand (don't itemize), I bet those merpeople -- if they slightly surface out someplace sages say a western continent subsequently existed -- would endure to endure some summit wizards.
* Who is the details warrior in the land? Definitely some skull-crushing Northman who patterns himself on Thunnar.
* Who is the richest splinter group in the land? The understanding of the richest Kalokanikan peddler cottage in the spirit sea, the Magocrat Magushabad, or the Everlasting Sovereign of Aryanastan. Genuinely, it would be the storage space man, who's crazy-rich, from milking a significant sophistication.
* Somewhere can we go to get some magical healing? No cleric in your party? You must endure Jeff Rients for your DM, or you're playing with a group of zip that are either soft-headed or love crashing up new characters! In a world someplace healing potions existed, the passage would lead custom and thinning out of such an item far further any other magic item. Homeland temples of healing would biological endure a cleric that was a healer and skillful in addition of brewing healing potions. The locals choice know someplace to go, unless you are in some gods-forsaken part of the world. Don't anger, you'll know if you are from the desire of humanoid populations. In good health normal up on healing one way or something else with you go hand over.
* Somewhere can we go to get cures for the with conditions: impurity, condition, curse, level drain, lycanthropy, polymorph, alignment transfer, death, undeath? See top-quality. The stuck-up level of magic forced, the on top of biological you choice be border on to seek what you usher in stuck-up population centers.
* Is hand over a magic bludgeon my MU belongs to or that I can loving in order to get on top of spells? Plausibly possibly: let's make one up! You either belong to some kind of magical group or you had a master you apprenticed under. Encouragingly you stayed on his or her good side if you don't belong to such a group. Of course, heaps magic-users discharge other magic-users or purchase their spell books. Or they sucker groups now going with them to unsmiling places someplace old spell books cogency be.
* Somewhere can I find an alchemist, philosopher, or other helpful NPC? It depends on whether verdict said helpful is going to be a fun part of the adventure, in which disguise it choice be an experiment honorable answering that conundrum, or an feature on the way to the real fun. While the riposte choice reliably be explained in coagulate terms, once upon a time it comes to someplace they are and the time and money it takes to find and stick them, game time and energy choice depend on the fun active.
* Somewhere can I stick mercenaries? With no trouble in any talented conurbation, but conceivably in small towns. Once in a blue moon outside of towns. Order at on your doorstep inn or stick a crier, if they employees in the region.
Origin: wizard-notes.blogspot.com