Thursday 1 November 2012 Death For Preaching Christ In Liberated Libya Ibrahim In Fpm

Death For Preaching Christ In Liberated Libya Ibrahim In Fpm
Notice THE Average EAST Convention MEF Lodge Research TEXT-DECORATION: NONE; TEXT-UNDERLINE: NONE;">MIDDLE EAST QUARTERLY MEF @ FACEBOOK MEF @ Chirrup Represent Gist pocket a size to wait and log in at the subscriber neighborhood, and try your town margin-bottom: 0cm; margin-left: 0cm; margin-right: 0cm; margin-top: 6.0pt;">by Raymond Ibrahim "" February 22, 2013HTTP://WWW.MEFORUM.ORG/3453/LIBYA-CHRISTIANS-ARRESTED Mail Send a reply to RSS Share: Be the early on of your friends to close to this. Four weird Christians-including one who holds American-Swedish citizenship-were arrested days ago in Libya. According to the Warden, their wrongdoing is stirring "plan of staple missionaries and distributing Christian literature, a charge that may perhaps have a supply of the death punishment." Visibly the four Christians had "established a municipal printer to construct pamphlets explaining Christianity." Proselytizing to Muslims-that is, preaching to them dissimilar religion-was shown even under the late Col. Muammar Gaddafi. Libyans-strongly supported by U.S. Cranium Obama in the name of "discharge"-got rid of Gaddafi but unfriendly the admirably anti-freedom law. Discussing this disagreement, Libyan luxury conventional Hussein Bin Hmeid, complex to relieve the Islamic ban on free speech, observes: "Proselytizing is unmentionable in Libya. We are a 100% Muslim country and this kind of action affects our home-made luxury." Exceptionally, Muslim governments-most highly Iran's-constantly keep in check any entrance of Christianity, claiming it threatens "our home-made luxury." Such is the tribal take care of Islam which where on earth seems to declare: "If you're not one of us, you call for be an opposing complex to subvert our way of life". Is the head-over-heels flanking of this predominant take care any true-that if Muslims are not one of us, they call for be complex to subvert our way of life? Nor ought the arrested Christians involve far-off contemplation from finer "ebb" Libyans. According to Benghazi lawyer and "at all responsibility for activist" Bilal Bettamer, Christians ought not offend Muslims by complex to packet their faith: "It is disrespectful. If we had Christianity we may perhaps munch reason, but you can't exposition scope Christianity. The maximum punishment is the death punishment. It's a dangerous thing to do." Exceptionally, close to "bad language"-whether in the character of Muhammad cartoon strips or movies-proselytizing to Muslims is one of the a number of forms of free speech to be simply shown by Islamic Sharia. According to Muslim tradition, this ban goes back to the thorough "well" caliph, the 7th century Omar. On one occasion conquering a group of Christians, he specific any distribute of humiliating coarsen for them to be present by, including: "Not to construct a trek or [Christian] book in the markets of the Muslims.... Not to interface any signs of polytheism, nor make our religion worthy of note, nor maintain or proselytize anyone to it." As Muslims hoodlum change to Islam-all to Western thanks and encouragement-expect the ram of Islam to hoodlum lasting in big ways. The Warden journal adds: "Libya, a even Muslim country, has no recognizable Christian minority, and churches, the stock of weird inhabitants, munch seen few of the attacks seen in Egypt and Tunisia, but expound munch been church burnings." The Warden speaker may munch longed-for to residence out that, less than two months ago, on Sunday, December 30, an describe rocked a Coptic Christian church not quite the western town of Misrata, in the very place but U.S. backed rebels haven a zenith checkpoint. The describe killed two take possession of and reorder two others. And even at the same time as it is true that expound are few church attacks in Libya, that is perfectly while expound are few churches to go round in the early on place-not while of some Libyan "appreciative" to churches. On one occasion all, one never hears of church attacks in Saudi Arabia. Yet that is not while Saudis are "accommodating," but if possible while they munch nipped the church employ in the bud by not allowing a single church to animate on Saudi terracotta. Subsequently, no churches for Muslim mobs to go round, fold or do too much. But, but expound is a hulking Christian the people, such as in Nigeria, which is strictly shortened Christian, Muslims are bombing churches on effectively a essay base. Most recently, expound is the rewriting of history that is foisted by Muslims where on earth, not to mention unconscious Westerners, as exemplified in this journal. All of public quoted-including the writer-seem to regard as that Libya was natural a Muslim country. Subsequently, in the words of Libyan "at all responsibility for" activist Bilal Bettamer, "you can't exposition scope Christianity." Anything, hence, do we do with "real" history? The fact is, still Libya is today effectively reasonably Muslim, it certainly wasn't ever so. In fact, back the 7th century Islamic invasions, Libya was acutely Christian. The fact that Libya's sudden neighbors to the west and east, Algeria and Egypt, were backbones of archaic Christianity-giving the world giants of theology close to St. Augustine and St. Athanasius, to name but a few-certainly suggests that Libya was primarily a Christian nation, other than some Berber tribes. Yet Islam came and killed and transformed them all to itself. And now, to tell stories them in line, it decision kill any who try to publish a differing news item, especially the news item of their in use forefathers. "Raymond Ibrahim" is a Shillman Guy at the David Horowitz Transfer Nucleus and an Regular place Guy at the Average East Convention." Comparable TOPICS: Anti-Christianism, Libya Raymond Ibrahim "This course book may be reposted or forwarded so desire as it is existing as an inherent whole with complete and exact information provided about its writer, think about it, place of delivery, and different URL." To SUBSCRIBE to the MEF mailing lists, go to subscribe.php THE Average EAST Convention