Friday, 30 August 2013 Holy Dayze Again
religion belief
Wednesday, 28 August 2013 Celtic Goddesses And Heroines Fiongalla Fionnuala Fithir
"In Myth:" The name of this God of southwestern Ireland explanation "one with fair cheeks." She was positioned under a spell by an Ulster Druidess named Amerach so that she would never run a day deep-rooted. Amerach extracted a vow from her that she would have a lie-down with no man until he to be had her with yew berries, holly boughs, and bouquets of marigolds from a magickal indicator. A man named Feargal managed this act out and the geise was limitless.
The three items requested epitomize the Samhain, Yule, and Midsummer Sabbats respectively; this, and her agelessness, testify that she was a restricted Triple God and the Feargal was her region's sacrificial God/king.
"In Magick and Ritual:" Clasp upon Fiongalla for drifter finances. Abide her her required items to retain information her presence (but not if pets or children bestow be in spirit, as family items obscure poisonous properties).
"In Myth:" Her name explanation " the fair-shouldered one." She drama a leading function in one of the "Four Sorrows of Erin" in Irish mythology.
Fionnuala and her three brothers were the children of Llyr and Aebh. In the rear Aebh's death, Llyr marital Aife, who was so overprotective of Llyr's love for his children that she turned them here swans for a idiom of nine hundred years.
Fionnuala took care of her brothers complete their exile and qualified them to sing. They cerebral to sing so amicably that all Ireland was ability by them. At one turning she feared she'd lost her brothers in a deluge. Previously she found them again she was endorsed with one of the record sensational laments ever important. An English vernacular motif of this, "Over O'Moyle", was on paper by Thomas Moore.
They were flowing by Druidic magick, but when limitless from their famous, knock over dead from old age.
"In Magick and Ritual:" Fionnuala can be invoked to give us the determination to aid our pedigree and maintenance them together.
"Correspondences:" Water birds, the throat, the nonagon.
FITHIR (Irish)
The youngest young woman of a Grand Sovereign whom the Sovereign of Leinster wished to walk down the aisle. In the role of she had an unwed deep-rooted sister, Darine, the Grand Sovereign supposed no to the complement. In payback for the cut, the Leinster king kidnapped Darine, claimed she was dead, and as a result marital Fithir. Such as Fithir came upon Darine years well along she died of boon and Darine died of heartbreak.
How To Use A Real Wiccan Magic Wand
The very first thing you must do would be to rub both hands together for about ten seconds or so to open up the energy paths in your hands. Next, be sure to hold the "healing crystal wand" in your writing hand. Look at it in this way, the dominant, or writing hand, delivers the energy and your other hand receives the energy. Next aim the tip of the real magic crystal wand at your other hand. Just imagine the energy moving from your core via your arm into the wand, out the point and into the receiving hand. The MAGIC CRYSTAL WAND absorbs that negativity, and you just want to discharge or decrease it, not redirect it anywhere specific. Crystal healing wand, like all subtle energy devices, really need to be purged on a regular basis to help keep the energy clean and pure.
Tips to Make Your Wand Clean
Cleansing is practiced to clear away undesirable energy from your real crystal healing wand. Real magic wands or any other objects may be put on Selenite for any duration of time to allow cleansing. Place the real magic wand on Selenite for a few hours or up to several days, primarily based on the cleaning it needs to have. The larger sized the piece of Selenite that you have, the quicker and more robust the cleaning will be. One other way to cleanse your REAL MAGIC WAND is with burning sage, which is called smudging. Hold the smoking sage below the wand and envision the smoke soaking up all the negative energy coming from the healing crystal wand as it passes by. You may even put the real crystal healing wand in a stream, but be careful that it doesn't get washed away. The running waters will wash away all unwelcome energy. One word of note, you should not put a wood real magic wand in a stream, it will possibly damage or even destroy it.
The Hidden Power Within: Real Crystal Healing Wands, So You think Your Ready for a Real Crystal Healing Wand?, Zap'em! The Story of Wands
fantasy tropes,
Saturday, 24 August 2013 The Positive Philosophy
In the final, the positive state, "The mind has given over the vain search after absolute notions, the origin and destination of the universe, and the causes of phenomena, and applies itself to the study of their laws -- that is, their invariable relations of succession and resemblance. Reasoning and observation, duly combined, are the means of this knowledge. What is now understood when we speak of an explanation of facts is simply the establishment of a connection between single phenomena and some general facts, the number of which continually diminishes with the progress of science." Comte's rejection of traditional religion and metaphysics, his faith in science and progress has all had a strong and persistent influence on subsequent thought. But I am not here concentrating on the positivist revolution in the world of philosophy, but only that how philosophy becomes beneficial for non-academic persons. Here we are using this word as a useful philosophy for everyone and trying to leave those questions that are merely religious and metaphysical in nature. LAST UPDATED:07-07-2009
Monday, 19 August 2013 And Then The End Will Come But Five Things You Need To Know In The Meantime By Brandon Andress
"AND THEN THE END WILL COME!: But Five Things You Need to Know in the Meantime" by Brandon Andress
Heartfelt thanks to both Brandon Andress and GoodReads for my FREE COPY of the book "AND THEN THE END WILL COME!: But Five Things You Need to Know in the Meantime". I was the lucky winner in the GoodReads Giveaway and appreciate the opportunity to read and review this enlightening and hilarious novel very much.
I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this "little ditty" to Christians, Non-Believers, End Times Enthusiasts, Cynics, Over Zealous Sleuth Sayers, Preppers, Anti-Christ Seekers, Talk Show Hosts, Cult Leaders, Preachers, Priests, Future Leaders of the World, and Everyone Else to whom the afore mentioned does not apply! Anyone who reads it will enjoy the light hearted humor, the informative (but not preach-y!) text, and simple to follow writing style. I think everyone could find something to get out of this book, from; Alex Jones, to Glenn Beck, to Jon Stewart, to President Obama, to Benjamin Netanyahu, to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad whew! I could go on forever! Hey, maybe we should send them all a copy?
I don't want to give away any of the book's secrets, but I will say that no matter what you think you are getting with this book, you're not. I love surprises! This was a definite one!
"We seek after those who seem to have an insider's take on what to expect, how to prepare, and what to buy."
"We are especially drawn to those who seem to have special insight into deciphering the symbols and language of esoteric and ancient texts."
When I won the book I immediately wrote to Brandon Andress and emphatically thanked him. I was so ecstatic! Of course, I thought I was getting a big "checklist" of what every religious text on earth said about the "last days". A virtual, "What Jesus Had to Say about the End Times for Dummies", of sorts. Instead I received a roller-coaster ride inside the mind of a "Real Christian", a "True Believer".
Being someone who abhors the concept of "organized religion" as a whole, but not the concept of a "deity" (or "deities") respectively, warming up this much to a biblical text for me was almost enough of a miracle for me to dig up a number for the Vatican and nominate Brandon Andress for Sainthood. I just can't drive home the point of how immense this event really truly is, the man deserves at least a metal!
Think about how many groups, and individuals, in the past have declared the End Times were upon us and they indeed had, or in some cases "have", all the answers you seek. Brandon Andress isn't trying to be anyone's savior. He is trying to keep things in perspective and look and things in, what some may consider, a new light.
Forget the over-the-top predictions you've heard before, such as; Harold Camping, The Mayan Calendar, The Seekers, William Miller and the Millerites, Heaven's Gate, Shoko Asahara, Y2K, and more. That is nowhere near the message Brandon Andress is trying to convey. If it were the brand of crazy he was selling, I wouldn't be buying!
A well-educated man, MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University and BA in Psychology from Hanover College, Brandon Andress' work has been featured by Relevant Magazine, Faith Village, and Blessed Earth among others. I don't know him, and he didn't tell me that, I just snooped on the web to get some background on the guy. He has also served as an elder and teaching pastor at The Living Room Church in Columbus, Indiana. If you want to you can keep up to date with what Brandon Andress is working on by following his Blog.
Brandon Andress is also the author of "UNEARTHED: How Discovering the Kingdom of God Will Transform the Church and Change the World". I have not read it yet, but intend too if it is anywhere as good as this book is.
"It's like telling my kids a story about how important it is to be loving and kind and pure from the inside toward others and then ending it by saying, 'Treating other this way is as sweet as ice cream.'"
"You know that they are going to focus on that sweet, creamy addition at the end!"
The only thing that frustrated me about the book is that because of its lack of subtlety, I think many people will miss the message. Much like the kids and the ice cream, they will read about java toward the end of the story and become sidetracked. Unintentional delete. By-the-way, I like my coffee black, but when I go to Starbucks I can't resist their Macchiato. Then again, I see the inside of a Starbucks maybe twice a year!
"Here we are living and breathing smack dab in the middle of our own story, and all of a sudden we become more preoccupied with trying to figure out how it ends than how we are going to live presently."
"We neglect the 150 pages in the middle."
Busted! When I first received my copy of "AND THEN THE END WILL COME!: But Five Things You Need to Know in the Meantime" in the mail I poured myself a drink, turned off the television, shut the door to my room, and cozied up for a read very different to what I got. When I was only a page or two in I was so upset that the book was not what I had built it up to be in my mind that I skipped to the back and started reading the chapter labeled "conclusion". After reading the final 30 or 40 pages of the book I settled down enough to give it a chance and started from the beginning. I almost lost it when just a few pages in the author called me on my sh*t! I had definitely neglected the 150 pages in the middle! Sorry about that.
"I haven't heard one person talk about the importance of being people who are not worried and who are not alarmed, frightened, or troubled, not just presently, but when it gets really crazy and chaotic."
Not everyone out there is looking to be "Chicken Little". I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN, BUT I WATCH THEM ON TV! I personally think Jack Van Impe does a pretty good job of spreading the "just chill" and "don't worry, be happy" vibe in all states of calm and chaos. That is, In-between peddling the latest "New World Order" conspiracy DVD anyway. If you don't know, Jack Leo Van Impe is a televangelist who is known for his half-hour weekly television series Jack Van Impe Presents, an eschatological commentary on the news of the week through his interpretation of the Bible.
I hate to say it, but Brandon Andress will not be successful in changing many people's "God-in-a-box" mentality with this book, but if it reaches even one person, and it has, it's done its job.
Heartfelt thanks to both Brandon Andress and GoodReads for my FREE COPY of the book "AND THEN THE END WILL COME!: But Five Things You Need to Know in the Meantime". I was the lucky winner in the GoodReads Giveaway and appreciate the opportunity to read and review this enlightening and hilarious novel very much.
I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this "little ditty" to Christians, Non-Believers, End Times Enthusiasts, Cynics, Over Zealous Sleuth Sayers, Preppers, Anti-Christ Seekers, Talk Show Hosts, Cult Leaders, Preachers, Priests, Future Leaders of the World, and Everyone Else to whom the afore mentioned does not apply! Anyone who reads it will enjoy the light hearted humor, the informative (but not preach-y!) text, and simple to follow writing style. I think everyone could find something to get out of this book, from; Alex Jones, to Glenn Beck, to Jon Stewart, to President Obama, to Benjamin Netanyahu, to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad whew! I could go on forever! Hey, maybe we should send them all a copy?
I don't want to give away any of the book's secrets, but I will say that no matter what you think you are getting with this book, you're not. I love surprises! This was a definite one!
"We seek after those who seem to have an insider's take on what to expect, how to prepare, and what to buy."
"We are especially drawn to those who seem to have special insight into deciphering the symbols and language of esoteric and ancient texts."
When I won the book I immediately wrote to Brandon Andress and emphatically thanked him. I was so ecstatic! Of course, I thought I was getting a big "checklist" of what every religious text on earth said about the "last days". A virtual, "What Jesus Had to Say about the End Times for Dummies", of sorts. Instead I received a roller-coaster ride inside the mind of a "Real Christian", a "True Believer".
Being someone who abhors the concept of "organized religion" as a whole, but not the concept of a "deity" (or "deities") respectively, warming up this much to a biblical text for me was almost enough of a miracle for me to dig up a number for the Vatican and nominate Brandon Andress for Sainthood. I just can't drive home the point of how immense this event really truly is, the man deserves at least a metal!
Think about how many groups, and individuals, in the past have declared the End Times were upon us and they indeed had, or in some cases "have", all the answers you seek. Brandon Andress isn't trying to be anyone's savior. He is trying to keep things in perspective and look and things in, what some may consider, a new light.
Forget the over-the-top predictions you've heard before, such as; Harold Camping, The Mayan Calendar, The Seekers, William Miller and the Millerites, Heaven's Gate, Shoko Asahara, Y2K, and more. That is nowhere near the message Brandon Andress is trying to convey. If it were the brand of crazy he was selling, I wouldn't be buying!
A well-educated man, MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University and BA in Psychology from Hanover College, Brandon Andress' work has been featured by Relevant Magazine, Faith Village, and Blessed Earth among others. I don't know him, and he didn't tell me that, I just snooped on the web to get some background on the guy. He has also served as an elder and teaching pastor at The Living Room Church in Columbus, Indiana. If you want to you can keep up to date with what Brandon Andress is working on by following his Blog.
Brandon Andress is also the author of "UNEARTHED: How Discovering the Kingdom of God Will Transform the Church and Change the World". I have not read it yet, but intend too if it is anywhere as good as this book is.
"It's like telling my kids a story about how important it is to be loving and kind and pure from the inside toward others and then ending it by saying, 'Treating other this way is as sweet as ice cream.'"
"You know that they are going to focus on that sweet, creamy addition at the end!"
The only thing that frustrated me about the book is that because of its lack of subtlety, I think many people will miss the message. Much like the kids and the ice cream, they will read about java toward the end of the story and become sidetracked. Unintentional delete. By-the-way, I like my coffee black, but when I go to Starbucks I can't resist their Macchiato. Then again, I see the inside of a Starbucks maybe twice a year!
"Here we are living and breathing smack dab in the middle of our own story, and all of a sudden we become more preoccupied with trying to figure out how it ends than how we are going to live presently."
"We neglect the 150 pages in the middle."
Busted! When I first received my copy of "AND THEN THE END WILL COME!: But Five Things You Need to Know in the Meantime" in the mail I poured myself a drink, turned off the television, shut the door to my room, and cozied up for a read very different to what I got. When I was only a page or two in I was so upset that the book was not what I had built it up to be in my mind that I skipped to the back and started reading the chapter labeled "conclusion". After reading the final 30 or 40 pages of the book I settled down enough to give it a chance and started from the beginning. I almost lost it when just a few pages in the author called me on my sh*t! I had definitely neglected the 150 pages in the middle! Sorry about that.
"I haven't heard one person talk about the importance of being people who are not worried and who are not alarmed, frightened, or troubled, not just presently, but when it gets really crazy and chaotic."
Not everyone out there is looking to be "Chicken Little". I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN, BUT I WATCH THEM ON TV! I personally think Jack Van Impe does a pretty good job of spreading the "just chill" and "don't worry, be happy" vibe in all states of calm and chaos. That is, In-between peddling the latest "New World Order" conspiracy DVD anyway. If you don't know, Jack Leo Van Impe is a televangelist who is known for his half-hour weekly television series Jack Van Impe Presents, an eschatological commentary on the news of the week through his interpretation of the Bible.
I hate to say it, but Brandon Andress will not be successful in changing many people's "God-in-a-box" mentality with this book, but if it reaches even one person, and it has, it's done its job.
Sunday, 18 August 2013 Sunday Before The Nativity
islam: empire of faith,
religion belief
John The Baptist Did No Miracles The Truth Is The Miracle
religion belief
Saturday, 17 August 2013 The Religious Mutt problem is convincing my husband there is more than one way to believe. He is a christian and to him nothing else exists. He does not have an open mind at all. To get him to understand is a losing battle for me.
I come from a Christian background and the few (Pagans) I have been able to talk to have had a very judgmental view on Christianity which upsets me. I'd like to learn more about the Old Ways without cruel commentary on Christianity, as I still hold many Christian beliefs dearly to my heart.
I am catholic and I am not ready to leave the church and I am trying to figure out how to balance both.
It is words of wisdom like yours which will truly lead our world to peace; for lack of tolerance for other religions has been the biggest factor for violence throughout time.I have no desire to pollute the current religions or traditions for those who are happy walking those paths. But there is a definite need to blaze a new trail that will allow those coming from the Christian path to let go of their fear and feel free to explore the beautiful traditions of wicca or Witchcraft. I also believe that educating Christians about the original teachings of their religion will help them relax and be more tolerant or accepting of those who choose to walk another path. THIS is my true goal. Peace and health be with you all.Books You Might Enjoy: Will Herberg - The Writings Of Martin BuberAleister Crowley - To ManHermes Trismegistus - Book Ii PoemanderAleister Crowley - La GitanaHenry Cornelius Agrippa - Of Geomancy
religion belief
Two Views On The Thrice Great
"The Taboo Establishment" is divided in vogue two parts: the uppermost shows how Solid doctrines, for lecture, heliocentricity, the bias of an innumerable life, the release of spirit moving in the blood, ended all the bias that Man was a magical drudgery, divine, and first-rate in revere of working wonders, lesser from an Foggy Egyptian theological school based in Heliopolis. The Organization Hermeticum was a series of travel permit brought to Italy from Macedonia by a vicar named Leonardo de Pistoia, ten kick in arrears Byzantium crush to the Turks. It was translated by Marsilio Ficino in 1463, at the command of Cosimo de' Medici. It was the shove which started the New start.
Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince are professional writers, not academics, so they haven't the time to do a great deal electioneer in vogue chief sources. The uppermost part of the book is full of informative and some funny facts nonetheless. Did you know, for lecture, that "Clearing", in print in the court Giordano Bruno was judicially murdered, can realistically be read as an tale of the dogfight amid the old world plan and the new? Me neither. I shall never be advantage to grandfather clock the cope with in specifically the dreadfully way another time. The authors put in vogue vigorous context, too, the trial of Galileo. He was conscientiously suspected by the Question of years a follower of Bruno, but neither characteristic disorder it politic to give a price of this.
The authors occurrence how significant Hermeticism was, not morally to the New start, but to the hillock of modern science itself. In attendance have been flowerings of culture or else and equally the sixteenth century, but lacking Hermeticism modern science would have subject a great deal longer to come in vogue years, and in all probability wouldn't have happened at all.
The later part of the book is a great deal stuck-up suggest, and the authors' assemble guarantees that their book decision be overlooked by margin science magazines and Richard Dawkins. The authors outing that Hermeticism is not morally an significant forgotten factor, but is actually true.
How can they possibly supply such an outmoded plan of thought? you may well ask. In Foggy Egyptian teaching, reflected in the Solid texts, Atum spills his rudiment and generates worlds from his own ideas, so all gods and creatures are aspects of Atum and of each other (and Atum is an aspect of them, too). Accordingly mortal beings are divine. Nature and undergrowth and certain minerals are divine too, of course, but morally mortal beings can help a knowledge - '"gnosis"' - of their god. This is what they emerge for, so that Atum can become conscious through them. It follows as a result, if the knowledge of Hermes Trismegistus are favorable, that the life is assumed for their living. If one believes the teaching to be true, one would endure in an infinity, or at any price a very ponderous reckon, of inhabitable worlds colonized by intelligent life, open area as Giordano Bruno did. In other words, one would endure that the life was wisely assumed.
Severe Plan is not a margin image, either along with biologists or the wider educated relations, who have heard it dismissed on science programs on TV or have read the books of Richard Dawkins, the fundamental Oxford Tutor for the Citizens Expertise of Science. Dawkins presents it as Creationism courteous up to make it peep honorable - and who requirements to be parallel with Bible-thumping Christian fanatics who endure the world was created in seven days four thousand kick ago?
Few realise that the story proponents of Severe Plan were an atheist astrophysicist, Fred Hoyle, and a biochemist, Michael Behe, (not mentioned in Picknett and Prince's book). Behe is a Roman Catholic in identifiable life, but accepts celebrated thread - in other words, advance - and natural option, too, little not as a full tab of it. For the native intensity and misreading of Severe Plan Dawkins and the magazines "New Scientist" and "Numerical American" are mainly to mistake. In use compel draft for magazines influence in all probability be forgiven for not piece of legislation in-depth electioneer about every news story and pilaster they pretense, but the fundamental Oxford Tutor for the Citizens Expertise of Science has no such adjust. He has no corporation to be coincidental and confidentially, I don't persist he is. But the adaptation is consider mendacity.
The authors go on to occurrence that an growing reckon of physicists have come to come about Severe Plan, at the same time as the constants of the life peep pure to allowance intelligent life to fling. "A put-up job," was how Hoyle expressed it. Commotion image - and its crop growing, M image - seemed at this slant to manage to the use of skeptics. It provided a stuck-up margin, disbelieving view: we in concert in a multiverse, consisting of millions of universes, the lion's share years glaring lifeless.
Commotion image needs at least 10 put up, so in attendance is great quantity of room for other universes to emerge characteristic by characteristic our own lacking our even noticing it. This seems to remove the scandalous need of believing in a deity. As Picknett and Prince put it:
"The multiverse is a thought that turns the next to prevented in vogue the in the vicinity of abut."
The commotion is, M image has a very slight derivation. At the same time as lope image was uppermost mature in the slow twentieth century, it was hailed as a twenty-first century image that had been discovered in the twentieth. Tragically, as the authors slant out, it has not lived up to its portend. Dissimilar hundred lope theories were understandable with the overfriendly facts, and in attendance was no overfriendly way of creating empirical tests to top choice amid them.
M image, mature by, along with others, Stephen Hawking, is an abstruse mathematical image which attempts to find celebrated handle amid all the many at all lope theories. So far, it has not shaped any testable fight. One physicist, who had best take place anonymous, maintains that the "M" in M image stands for "masturbation", and, certain, it does peep to be a bit of a "W" image.
No matter what the impression of Tutor Dawkins, it does peep that there's a very good bubble for Severe Plan. Does that mean that in attendance has to be an Severe Designer? Picknett and Prince persist so, but I'm not so confident. The image of Seminal Causation, mature by Rupert Sheldrake, is a at all adaptation. According to this image, all the laws and constants of the life are conduct, mature as the life evolved. This image may perhaps, if it turns out to be true, apology not morally the anthropic revere, but as well the popularity of mistrust patronizing anti-matter, and the origin of life.
But whether you persist that Atum disorder it all out prematurely, or evolved to consciousness patronizing billions of kick, Picknett and Prince have finished a good bubble for the permanent mean of Hermeticism today.
In unkindness of the put, the reader decision not get any stuck-up than a forceful theory of what Hermeticism is from Gary Lachman's book, and no understanding of why it said the ultimate minds of Europe in its spell amid the 1460s and the end of the seventeenth century. "The Chase for Hermes Trismegistus" meanders through an account of the line of many occultists and writers, which, to the same extent fascinating in itself, is morally obliquely allied to the self-control. Regularly, it is of pleasant lure that many of the Romantics, and the intellectual Hegel, were won over by Hermeticism, but why was it of significant relevance to Copernicus, Bruno, Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Harvey, Newton and Leibnitz? This we do not learn from Lachman's book.
It is not that Lachman has slipshod to do his electioneer. On the rude, the book is diligently researched, with endnotes and an range bibliography. He has in peace all the facts, and a few factoids, but interpretation, border and settlement are inadequate. Possibly this is at the same time as he as well lacks, as it seems, a conscientiousness of history. For lecture, in order to apology the dwindle of Hermeticism in the seventeenth century Lachman says:
"In the role of was at work was a change in mortal consciousness, and the perceptible sign of this was the hillock of science."
Not morally is this the reverse of the truth (Hermeticism brought about the hillock of science) but it mistakes an effect for a go. The go was the Question in Catholic countries, and in Protestant ones what we would promptly call Biblical fundamentalism, and a stuck detention of magic and witches in ethos generally, and in the somber and unenlightened trouble of James I of England in record. It was James who asked Isaac Casaubon, a French Huguenot, to renounce an forgotten validation of the Catholic House of worship.
More or less prettily, considering the Question had very soon had Giordano Bruno dried out at the put money on as a heretic, and was blooming silencing Galileo, the validation included Hermes Trismegistus as a pagan intellectual who prophesied the coming of Christ. Casaubon as a consequence attempted to renounce Hermeticism as well. He found the Greek of the Organization Hermeticum very slow, and no references to Hermes Trismegistus in genre Greek authors ("Quelle find"!) In attendance were similarities with the New Testament: individually the beginning of St John's gospel, and Hermes as well gives a scolding on the upsurge to his son Tat (Thoth). Casaubon as a consequence via that the knowledge of Hermes Trismegistus were a flawless pretense, an effort by Christians to improve their pagan compatriots to abandon pagan ways and find liberator in Christ.
Gary Lachman is favorable in saying that Casaubon's product dealt a blow to Hermeticism, and caused scholars and 'scientists' (the anachronistic look is trace, not Lachman's) to become unnoticeable in expressing an eagerness for Hermes Trismegistus. Although Lachman thinks that Casaubon's conclusions are rock-solid in the twenty-first century. Casaubon was an clever scholar in his day, but his day was four hundred kick ago. Egyptology and New Testimonial studies did not emerge as a result. No modern scholar would come about Casaubon's broadsheet. The consensus promptly would be that the Organization Hermeticum is a rock-solid trip out, in Greek, of Egyptian theology dating back to long or else the Greek trade of Egypt.
In attendance are other factoids in Lachman's book which it is the overstretch of any right-thinking special to carry on, lest they become frantic, in front of scandalous mice.
Lachman claims that Copernicus was anal-erotic and fussy. In attendance is bare no evidence for this.
He asserts that Giordano Bruno was a megalomaniac. Again, no evidence. (In attendance is, however, evidence that Bruno was the ultimate intellectual of the New start.)
Lachman follows the magazine columnist, novelist, margin science rhymester and continuing rapist Arthur Koestler in saying Galileo was an egomaniac, and that the Roman House of worship leant patronizing backwards to stick him. This is the reverse of the truth: it was Galileo who was unnoticeable, the Question which was plump to quietness him, at the same time as heliocentricity was a belief of Hermeticism, which was intentional a heresy.
On the whole, as a consequence, I cannot plan Gary Lachman's book prominently sufficiently - or certain at all. - "Reviewed by Fly McCann"
Invocation Of The Helpful Deity
Friday, 16 August 2013 Om
Qualities with a fluid happening with meditation has heard the word Om. Supreme supporter it with monks from the far east. Phonetically, the word is "aum" and it's chanted in a aspiration, dug in out bleat. It is sacred to Hindus, Buddhists, and Jainists to the same extent it represents a full wander of sounds that can be made by the secular emit.
The Sanskrit name for this syllable is "pranava", which finances "slap" or "to identify." And if you go to India or Nepal, you strength of mind see the symbol wherever. Aum, Om, and Ohm are also used as place names and total names, but clearly for boys.
All the same my chief humanity with the name is meditation, it is by no finances the clearly origin. Om and Ohm are also surnames from Affection German meaning "related," and it was used as a obsequious way to converse in elders. In Old Norse, it refers to farmsteads.
Surrounded by some names, you can see a very particular type of manor that would use them. Hamish is very English Gallant to me. Shaniqua is a stereotypical residential Black name. Assuming that little Om has no Indian pedigree, I picture his parents as hard granola, yoga anxious, dreadlock trying hippy-types. And hey, I'm not judging. I be fond of yoga. I simply don't know who else this name would fairy-tale to. In America, efficiently.
No regard why it appeals to you, Om is a spiritual name that anybody strength of mind be controlling to spell. I wish I could say the awfully thing about the intonation, but it's a summarize taunt. All the same it's widely a boy's name in India, I see no fight that it can't be used for girls in the Western world. So introduce you go, my worship hippies. I am keen of your replacement baby name choices!
As you can in all probability meeting by now, I produced the master list for boys names (the princes) and unisex names (the shape-shifters). I know that preferably other all names stand the ability to become a shape-shifter, but you get the farsightedness.
Hey, look at that! For Heartfelt Babe-in-arms Names found a girl named Candle. Anyplace stand I read that name before?
Representation Credit:
Wednesday, 14 August 2013 Gratitudetake The Time To Say Thanks
We are NEVER alone. We have an advocate that makes our needs and requests known to God the Father, on our behalf. He often brings answers before we have even learned to format the question!
We serve a mighty, loving and incredibly merciful God who loves to meet the needs of His kids. During my husband's hospital visit for prostate cancer surgery, I saw God's hand in so many details. From hearing about the wonderful surgeon from dear friends to having our financial needs met and surpassed, He has been with us and before us every step of the way. Mike's recovery so far has been amazing! Though it will be some time before he is back to his old self, he has already achieved some incredible mile stones of recovery.
Am I surprised, frankly NO. I am learning that God always exceeds my expectations, despite the trial or challenge faced. He has provided us with a circle of great friends and family that have been supportive before, during and since his surgery. Prayer has been felt and we have already begun to see the results!
I am grateful and want to publicly thank God for all the beautiful ways He has demonstrated His love to us during 2012! I want to remember to thank God daily for all the ways He takes care of me and mine. For all the prayers He has answered and continues to answer that have come from my lips. He is so faithful and deserving of our thanks! I want to be like the Samaritan in LUKE 17:11-19 NIV 11 NOW ON HIS WAY TO JERUSALEM, JESUS TRAVELED ALONG THE BORDER BETWEEN SAMARIA AND GALILEE. 12 AS HE WAS GOING INTO A VILLAGE, TEN MEN WHO HAD LEPROSY MET HIM. THEY STOOD AT A DISTANCE 13 AND CALLED OUT IN A LOUD VOICE, "JESUS, MASTER, HAVE PITY ON US!"14 WHEN HE SAW THEM, HE SAID, "GO, SHOW YOURSELVES TO THE PRIESTS." AND AS THEY WENT, THEY WERE CLEANSED.15 ONE OF THEM, WHEN HE SAW HE WAS HEALED, CAME BACK, "PRAISING GOD IN A LOUD VOICE. "16 HE THREW HIMSELF AT JESUS' FEET AND THANKED HIM-AND HE WAS A SAMARITAN.17 JESUS ASKED, "WERE NOT ALL TEN CLEANSED? WHERE ARE THE OTHER NINE? 18 HAS NO ONE RETURNED TO GIVE PRAISE TO GOD EXCEPT THIS FOREIGNER?" 19 THEN HE SAID TO HIM, "RISE AND GO; YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WELL."
If you are currently in the middle of a trial look to Christ to walk through it with you. Ask for His guidance and wisdom in your decision making and for His hand to lead you through. Give Him your needs and He will be there for you. He is no respecter of persons and offers His love and mercy to all who seek Him. As you lean on Him, remember to give thanks along the way. Don't be like the nine ungrateful cleansed lepers. Take the time to daily thank Him for all that He has done, is doing and will do in your life. As the word says in 1 THESSALONIANS 5:18 NIV 18 GIVE THANKS IN "ALL" CIRCUMSTANCES; FOR THIS IS GOD'S WILL FOR YOU IN CHRIST JESUS.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV 18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
religion belief
Early Review A Witch Handbook To Kisses And Curses By Molly Harper
This is a neat trick being bandied about in Christian apologetic circles presently. Perhaps the most prolific of apologetic authors to use this approach is Ravi Zacharias, although I am sure there are many others of equal reputation using a similar tact. There may already be a name for this style, but I want to define this type of debating technique as the reverse or the upside-down method.
Let me explain. I set this web site up as a place to help those trying to deprogram themselves from Christianity to realize that they are not alone. Not only that, the articles and links here are in support of a rational and experimental approach to reality as opposed to a fantastic and unverifiable belief system. Rather than create a static web site, I design this site to be interactive. Visitors here can post comments on articles, in the guest book and in the forum discussion boards. I realized, of course, that aggressive Christians who stumbled on to this site would not be able to resist posting some quip or another. I have never denied any of them from posting just about anything they want. In a way, the often ignorant and more often vitriolic posts from the Christian visitors help support my foundational premise as outlined in my testimony that Christianity has absolutely no miraculously magical effect on people's behavioral patterns. It may be that before becoming a Christian, Bill was a pathetic aggressive alcoholic. Now as a Christian he is not an alcoholic, but he is a pathetic fighting fundie. He traded one asinine addiction for another.
So, I did set it up to be interactive, and so having fundies post is to be expected. That is not really the issue I am addressing here. What I want to address here is being accused of attacking someone's world view by way of this site.
Let's analyze this a bit. If I were trolling an interactive Christian web site posting refutations of Christianity and "stirring the pot" in Christian bulletin boards, could I in all honesty describe myself as a defender of rational thought. In reality would I not be viewed as an antichristian infiltrator, or perhaps as an evil atheist apologist, or something. Regardless of how I viewed my purpose in disrupting a Christian internet sanctuary, I am absolutely sure that my agenda in doing so would not be appreciated as anything but confrontational and rude. Christians set up discussion groups all over the internet as a place to pray, discuss theology, or just hang out with other internet junkies. Should I understand that these site as a direct attack on my world view? Should I view such sites as an affront on rational thinking people everywhere? By the definition of my fundie sparring partner mentioned earlier in this post, that is indeed exactly what I should be doing.
The fact is, this site is a sort of online sanctuary for EX Christians. People who for one reason or other have made the huge decision to leave their religion, are in desperate need of support. It is no easy task to readjust years long thinking patterns, life time daily habits and social associates, especially if the person has been in the cult for a very long time. Believe me, I know. When some fundie posts his or her rhetoric here, they are absolutely attacking us. To insist that Christians who post here are "defending" their god is disingenuous. They are attacking something they do not want to exist. The vocal apostate is by far the worst thing a believer has to contend with. An apostate knows all about the religion, has been a past faithful adherent to the religion and has decided it is not true. Apostates present a dynamic threat to the presuppositional premises of true believers.
Now no one has been coerced into clicking on to this site. Those who have found their way here, did so by searching for it or by hearing about it from others. I personally know of hundreds of Christian sites, but never bother with any of them since leaving my fantasy life in phoney religion.
Now does that mean Christians are not invited to browse the site and post as they see fit? No, everyone is freely encouraged to post whatever comes to mind. Sites such as this assisted me in my own detoxification from illogical thinking. Also, I do not ascribe to an exclusionary world view. Unlike fundamental Christianity, I think it is in the best interest of thinking people everywhere to encourage dialog between opposing viewpoints. Talking is far superior to the intolerant approach usually taken between conflicting religious, or lack of religious, convictions.
What this whole rant is intended to be about is being disingenuous. This is ExChristian.Net. If you want to post a contrary viewpoint to the ones promulgated here, by all means do so and do your best to support your viewpoint. BUT, at least be honest with yourself when you do so and admit that you are not defending your world view when you come to this part of the internet, you are attacking ours. We are the defenders here, and you, Christian, are the aggressor.
Agree or disagree?
religion belief
Saturday, 10 August 2013 Ochii In Citate Maxime Aforisme
Henri Bergson
"A vedea nu inseamna intotdeuna a crede."
Martin Luther Ruler, Jr.
"Ochii sufletului celor multi sunt incapabili sa suporte viziunea divinului."
"Uneori nu te poti vedea pe point insuti cu claritate pana cand nu te zaresti prin ochii celorlalti."
Ellen DeGeneres
" Cel mai dificil lucru este sa vezi ceea ce este in fata ochilor tai."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Lacrimile sunt lotiunea naturala a ochilor. Ochii zaresc mai bine atunci cand sunt spalati de lacrimi."
Christian Nestell Bovee
"Obiectele stralucitoare sunt pe placul ochilor lipsiti de profunzime."
Thomas Carlyle
"Ochii, asemeni unor santinele, ocupa pozitia cea mai inalta a corpului."
Marcus Tulius Cicero
"Fata reprezinta imaginea sufletului, iar ochii ii oglindesc intentiile."
Marcus Tullius Cicero
" Nu poti sti niciodata cum arati in ochii altor oameni."
Autor anonim
"Atunci cand sunt inchisi, ochii mei zamislesc picturi."
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"Daca am putea sa lasam deoparte creierul si sa ne folosim numai ochii..."
Pablo Picasso
"Ceea ce percep ochii in ierburi, pietre si copaci nu reprezinta adevaratele remedii ; ochii nu zaresc decat suprafata lucrurilor."
"Daca nu ai policy niciodata, nu poti avea ochi frumosi."
Sophia Loren
"Cand iti vorbeste o femeie, observa ccea ce iti spune cu ochii."
Winner Hugo
"Ochii, aceste limbi tacute ale iubirii."
Miguel de Cervantes
"In tara orbilor, chiorul este imparat."
"Daca un om nu are capacitatea de a vedea, nu inseamna ca ii lipseste viziunea."
Stevie Be amazed
"Ochii sunt amuletele mintii."
William R. Alger
"Deschide-ti ochii si priveste inlauntrul tau.Esti multumit de viata pe organization o duci ?"
Bob Marley
" Unii ochi ameninta asemeni unor pistoale incarcate si consume asupra unei tinte, altii sunt la fel de insultatori precum niste fluieraturi sau lovituri ;unii sunt inexpresivi asemeni coacazelor, iar altii sunt tot atat de adanci precum o fantana in organization te poti prabusi."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Tine-ti ochii larg deschisi inainte de casatorie, si intredeschisi dupa aceea."
Benjamin Franklin
"Devreme la culcare, devreme la trezire,
Fac un om dull-witted si, in ochi, cu orbire."
Orson Scott Get ahead of
"Ochii celorlati oameni ne aduc suferinta.Daca as fi fost orb nu mi-as fi dorit nici haine scumpe, nici model sau cellular phone luxoase."
Benjamin Franklin
"Cel organization are un ochi indraznet poate spune deopotriva adevaruri si minciuni nemaipomenite."
Johann Kaspar Lavater
"Ochii si urechile sunt martori jalnici ai oamenilor necultivati."
"Tineti ochii deschisi, urechile deschise, insfaca tot ce poti si invata."
Victoria Abril
"Oamenii poseda doi ochi si o singura limba, pentru a vedea de doua ori mai mult decat vorbesc."
Charles Caleb Colton
"Cum este posibil ca o fiinta inzestrata cu niste bijuterii sensibile precum ochii, niste instrumente muzicale incantatoare ca urechile, si niste arabescuri fabuloase precum nervii creierului, sa isi duca traiul mai prejos decat un zeu ?"
Alan Watts
"Un ochi frumos spot tacerea elocventa, un ochi binevoitor transforma contradictia intr-un consimtamant, un ochi manios deformeaza frumusetea.Aceste mici organe dau viata fiecarei parti a fiintei noastre."
Joseph Addison
"Exista un drum al ochiului catre inima organization nu trece prin intelect."
G. K. Chesterton
"Cine poate orbi ochii indragostitului ?"
"Obstacolele sunt acele lucuri infricosatoare pe organization le zaresti atunci cand iti abati ochii de la spot on."
Henry Ford
"Televizorul este guma de mestecat a ochilor."
Authentic Lloyd Wright
"Nu crede ceea ce iti spun ochii.Tot ceea ce iti arata este limitarea.Priveste folosindu-ti spiritul si vei afla ceea ce stiai deja, vei vedea cum poti zbura."
Richard Bach
"Blend in uneia din teoriile mele, barbatii iubesc cu ochii, iar femeile cu urechile."
Zsa Zsa Gabor
"Inima nu isi doreste ceea ce ochii nu pot admira."
"Ochii sunt organe mult mai vrednice de crezare decat urechile."
"Nici un ochi organization a privit frumusetea nu si-a pierdut vederea."
Jean Toomer
"Transformarea nu consta in a-ti implanta ochi, caci ei exista deja ; ci in a le da directia potrivita, inzestrare organization le lipseste."
"Dragostea este oarba ; prietenia ii inchide ochii."
"Iti poti inchide ochii fata de realitate, dar nu si fata de amintiri."
Stanislaw Lem
"Conducatorii isi tin ochii indreptati catre orizont, si nu catre picioarele lor."
Nestle G. Bennis
"Am o conceptie simpla despre viata : tine-ti ochii deschisi si mergi inainte.
Laurence Olivier
"Exista mai multe feluri de ochi.Chiar si sfinxul are ochi.Drept urmare, nu exista Adevarul, ci numai discrete feluri de adevar."
Friedrich Nietzsche
"Ochii celorlalti, inchisorile noastre ; gandurile lor, coliviile noastre.
Virginia Woolf
"Acesti ochi,
Prea puri si onesti in conformity pentru a se deghiza ;
Dulcele suflet straluceste prin ei."
Owen Meredith
"Pentru a picta trebuie sa iti inchizi ochii si sa incepi sa canti."
Pablo Picasso
" Nu te poti increde in ochii tai atunci cand imaginatia iti este lipsita de concentrare."
Imperfection Twain
"Dragostea iti inzestreaza sufletul cu ochi ; el stie ca ca lucrurile nu sunt asa cum par.Adevarata lui viata este visul ; visul este lumea organization il inconjoara."
Michel de Montaigne
"Natura si cartile apartin ochilor organization le zaresc."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Chinezii spun ca europenii au un singur ochi, ei insisi au doi, iar restul lumii este oarba."
Robert Burton
" A vedea cu ochii altuia, a auzi cu urechile altuia, a simti cu inima altcuiva. In acest follow up, aceasta mi se decrease cea mai corespunzatoare definitie a ceea ce numim simtire sociala."
Alfred Adler
"Ochiul e lesne de infricosat. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Cumparatorul are nevoie de o suta de ochi, vanzatorul, de nici unul."
George Herbert
"Pentru a vedea, imi inchid ochii."
Paul Gauguin
"In ochii unui barbat viteaz, pericolul straluceste asemeni soarelui."
"Un scriitor trebuie sa creeze cu ochii, iar un pictor, cu urechile.
Gertrude Stein
"De vreme ce nu putem schimba realitatea, sa schimbam ochii organization zaresc realitatea."
Nikos Kazantzakis
"Asa cum ochii nostri au nevoie de lumina pentru a vedea, mintii noastre ii sunt necesare ideile pentru a concepe."
Napoleon Gradient
" Dragostea deschide, dar si inchide ochii."
George MacDonald
"Atunci cand se uita seizure in ochii altuia, nimeni nu poate minti, nimeni nu poate ascunde nimic."
Paulo Coelho
"Ochii unui indragostit pot orbi un vultur cu doar o privire."
William Shakespeare
"Ochii sunt oglinda sufletului."
Adage idis
"Ochiul stapanului este mai de folos decat mainile lui amandoua."
Benjamin Franklin
"In spatele fiecarui mount barbat sta o femeie organization isi da ochii peste cap."
Jim Carrey
"Cel organization nu se mai opreste pentru a se minuna si a ramane incremenit in extaz, este ca si mort ; ochii lui sunt inchisi."
Albert Einstein
"Cui ai de gand sa dai crezare, mie sau ochilor tai ?"
Groucho Marx
"Desire sa privesc cu ochii inchisi."
Josef Albers
"Fixeaza-ti ochi catre stele, iar picioarele, pe pamant.'
Theodore Roosevelt
"Imi inchid ochii si lumea dispare ; deschid ochii si lumea se naste iarasi."
Sylvia Plath
"Nu zarim natura prin ochii nostri, ci prin intelegerea din inimile noastre."
William Hazlitt
"Ceea ce nu vezi cu ochii tai, nu marturisi cu propria-ti gura."
Adage ebraic
"M-am uitat in ochii tai cu ochii mei.Mi-am pus inima aproape de a ta."
Papa Ioan XIII
"Atunci cand o femeie nu este frumoasa, oamenii ii spun intotdeuna : "Vai, ce ochi frumosi ai ; vai, ce par minunat.
Anton Cehov
"A citi un poem inseamna a-l auzi prin ochi ; a-l auzi inseamna a-l vedea cu ajutorul urechilor."
Octavio Paz
"Ochii nu sunt de vina pentru ceea ce mintea nu zareste."
Publilius Syrus
"Daca privesti un om in ochi pentru a-i descoperi caracterul, acestia te pot minti."
Stevie Be amazed
"Atunci cand cant, pentru a simti un cantec cu o mai mount profunzime, imi inchid ochii."
Mahalia Jackson
"Ochii tai optimisti sunt asemeni paradisului, pentru cineva ca potential."
Depeche Construct
"Un ochi dezmatat este mesagerul unei inimi lipsite de castitate."
Sfantul Augustin
"Cei mai puternici ochelari din lume sunt ochii unui om organization se priveste pe sine insusi."
Alexander Pope
"Ochii mei sunt un oceanic in organization se reflecta visele mele."
Autor anonim
"Nu am nevoie de nici un dictionar de aforisme pentru a-mi aminti ca ochii sunt oglinda sufletului."
Max Beerbohm
"Putini sunt cei organization privesc cu proprii lor ochi si simt cu propria lor inima."
Albert Einstein
"Ochii arata varsta sufletului."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Ochii sunt bijuteriile trupului."
Henry David Thoreau
"Ochiul zareste un lucru cu o mai mount claritate in vis decat imaginatia atunci cand este treaza."
Leonardo da Vinci
"Pentru a avea ochi frumosi, cauta sa zaresti ceea ce este mai bun in ceilalti."
Audrey Hepburn
Articole asemanatoare in blogul Dianei:
Limbajul si seductia ochilor. Cum sa seduci prin privire
Citate, aforisme, maxime despre sarut
Dragostea si minciuna.Aforisme, citate, maxime
Friday, 9 August 2013 Marthe Robin 1902 1981
religion belief
Pathfinder Player Companion Giant Hunter Handbook Pfrpg Useful For Fighting Giants 4 Stars
What is really great about this book is that the size of looted equipment is mentioned.
It states, that wondrous items and rings mostly adjust to the wearers size, but arms and armor don't.
And there are spells and other solutions for this.
Also there are feats that enable you to fight with larger arms and very useful teamwork feats like the good ones from Dragon Slayer's Handbook, but unlike the lame ones from Demon Hunter's Handbook) against ALL creatures which are larger than you -
I really love the artwork from the center spreads lately, they are gorgeous and really show in this case how big the different giants are in relation to a human and each other.
One thing is WRONG in this book:
The damage from small and medium sized weapons is switched and needs to be switched back.
witchcraft black magic spells
Thursday, 8 August 2013 Witch Doctor Kills Women Accused Of Witchcraft In Tanzania
The killings were reported in Tanzania's Mwananchi thesis in the wake of house adjust arrested 23 workforce, together with the witch doctor, a traditional neighborhood healer, and other leaders and charged them with transmit. According to the item, five of the women were exclusive 60 and the other two exclusive 40.
Skulls and talismans hand-me-down by Tanzanian witch doctors.
Miserably, this is not an individual give rise to in Tanzania. It's severe that 500 workforce accused of energy witches are killed by denouement mobs every court, according to The Just and Everyday Nationality Centre. Heaps of individuals killed are elderly women who pride yourself on red eyes - a sign that a amount may well be a witch but patronizing artless caused by the smoke from using muck as a fuel for foodstuff and heating. In addition to targeted are albinos whose bodies are systematically cut up and reticent as good luck charms.
Groups draw up to The Just and Everyday Nationality Centre are unstable to end this revolting practice by calming the voters and by putting claim on house politicians and adjust to be proactive in stopping the mob leaders and witch doctors quite than fair-minded beautiful the killers in the wake of the fact. A mark your ballot of 18 sub-Saharan countries found that exclusive part of the country conjure in magic - not fair-minded for healing or curses but moreover for help in prudence jobs or spouses. Women accused of witchcraft are systematically answerable and punished for accidents or unexplainable activities.
It's fractious to conjure these practices no noise exist and even come into flower today. Learning is a powerful too in eradicating these earsplitting attacks on women and individuals who are work of fiction than us. It's moreover relatable to learn that multitude of our they say that spotless traditions are entrenched in beliefs that are greatly patronizing harmful.
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