Tuesday 3 December 2013 Navel


Intuitive MEANING:

The navel or stellar plexus is the pose of empathy in the company of the spiritual and the physical. It is our upsetting centre and along with, as adults, principal the seat of our artless power. Any distress in this field in dreams signifies an discrimination of energy.


The navel in a dream can denote our convention on others, trimming our mother. Often in nightmares we become conscious of whatever thing, maybe a Devil or Gremlin current on our navel, and this can be a heart of our own worries.

Routine Mortal ASPECTS:

To be conscious of the navel, or bigger lightly the stellar plexus - whether our own or another's - is to be wise of the way in which we connect our inner-self with the rest of the face world. It is by way of the umbilical route that a child in the womb new becomes wise of its physicality.

"As well parley the entries for Gremlin, Devil and Umbilical Bootlace for look after information. "

Credit: esoteric-soup.blogspot.com