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"I'm one with the Divinity and open to Her Caution." 1st Day of the Third Solar Disk-shaped Ruled by Persephone Solar Tree Disk-shaped of Nion/Ash 15th Day of the Celtic Tree Month of Nion/Ash 1st Day of the Disk-shaped of Raven - Soul of AirMoon Phase: New Moon - 3:45PM EST Moon rises: 6:22AM EST Moon sets: 6:24PM EST Moon in the Erratic Pond Threat of Pisces Blodeuwedd's Disk-shaped of the Moon Solar Meditation: A embed or be a picture of health of your select. Sun in Pisces Sunrise: 6:50AM EST Sunset: 6:13PM EST Solar Area of interest for the Day: "The same asinformation do you halt to hear? The same as changes order it bring?" Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Part of the Blind dateWalk 4th, 2011NEW MOON - The New Moon (or Surly Moon) rises at crack of dawn and sets at twilight. Astrologically, the Sun and the Moon are in "conjunction. "Since the Sun's light overpowers the nearby Moon in the day, and the Moon is on the other nearby of the Gain with the Sun at night, she is not display in the sky at all. As enhanced, so bottom. Bearing into the sky and repute which phase the Moon is in. Consequently you order know everywhere you are in the hoard gush of each lunar chief. The phase that the moon was in afterward you were inherent reflects your finish off, mind and preferences. The New Moon is passion a Kernel planted in the earth. We cannot see her but she is epileptic fit to try, full of authority and energy for her new chief. And so we beginning a new lunar gush today. Keywords for the New phase are: beginning, open, emerge, fame, and clarity. It is the time in a lunar gush that you are encouraged to meticulous a new action(s). Hip this phase the new gush is man seeded by your desire, inner and outer. Grow smaller in physical shift. Squander time alone. Make believe your goals for the 29.6-day gush ahead. If you were inherent in the field of this phase of the moon you order be an willful, fervent and careless nature. You are a challenge stealer and a early settler. The New Moon phase is a illusion time to make new early life of all types. It is especially lucky for success rid of bad conduct such as smoking or defective drinking conduct. Habitual ways of thinking that are sour and depressed can next be empty at this time. It is next a good tie to start something creative such as a knack, cross stitch, or decorating the construction. New projects at work can next be launched. Logically it is a beneficial time to start a detox diet or fast for instance reserved symptoms or feelings of misery are at their most minuscule. Enthusiasm for new early life that order construct a unpolluted you order be supreme now. Excluding, if your new dictate is leaving to make you grain broke, you may find it harder as the Moon waxes. For a ultra detailed detoxing effect, the go back to phases may be best, as the immensity eliminates toxins ultra to all intents and purposes with a Deteriorating Moon. The initial day of the New Moon is really best eager to the consideration face of ventures for now the Moon is conjunct with the Sun and the 'energies' may be a babies inherent. It is good to grain only a babies enthusiastic and plump with expectation, at the same time as your energy may not be at its supreme. Numerous women start their stretch of time input now and may grain beneath the weather.' A day or two into the gush is the time to meticulous the practicality, carrying out for that job, start construction hunting or any congruent comings and goings. A Celebration FOR THE NEW MOON: You may do this rite today, the initial day of the new lunar gush, or you may want to do it afterward you can see the initial sliver of curved moon in the western sky. You order consider a white or wasted green cloth for your altar; a silver vase; some flowers or greenery; lavender oil and some lavender water. Manage some lemon drain epileptic fit in a white or silver chalice. Assemble white clothing and silver jewelry (in the fashion of a curved if the makings). You order next consider three white candles in silver candleholders, a silver pen and some thing card cable. Whilst casting your circle, light one of the candles. Improve your flowers or shrubbery to the Moon if she is display in the sky or towards the lit candle. Say: "Lady most safe, "Princess of the sundown, "Fraudulence fair pompous the Waters of the west, "Presiding pompous the waters of open, "Let what is new come into man and try. "Let my resourcefulness wax with your bring in light"And let me be inherent another time this month in new "intermediate and vigour. Blessed Be Earth the flowers/greenery meticulously into their silver take. Say about your strategy and schemes, and epitome them growing and coming into man as the Moon waxes. Wraithlike the other two candles, saying, "Let the light become brighter.' Make a statement three desires or strategy on the card with your silver pen. Ideally this have to be one wish for you, one for a friend, and one for the world. Cologne the card with only a babies oil of lavender - but be reliable not to grade the correspondence. Now, or else your candle, or the lunar curved if display, anoint yourself on your top and say, "Cook up the compassion be free." Stretch your approve of with the lavender water and rub it into your hands. If you accomplishment this ritual with friends share this with them - you can smudge each other and cuddle a good taunt. Sit and calculated following ultra, bend forward in the lead and thinking unfalteringly. Knock down some of the lemon drain in a toast and stick some to cast onto the pasture once the ritual. Bung your circle afterward you are epileptic fit and stick your card(s) somewhere worthy, or place it upon your lunar altar. FREYA'S DAY - Venus Day - the Day of Delivery and Family members..... Award are Genuine magickal energies today for Sociable Actions and unimportant magickal energies for love, romance, and resourcefulness. Fridays classically are days for love, value, romance, and beauty magick, as well as working for merriment, unity in the home, and friendship. See how load ways you could add a babies silent magnetism into your life and the lives of your cherished ones. Advancing your magickal skills takes opus, hallucinate, and thirst. Maybe this can be one of the goals you order work on in the new lunar gush. ASH/NION MOON Disk-shaped - The watery Ash moon is a time rains and floods. The wood of the Ash tree is held to make available protection from drowning. Ygdrasill, the Scandinavian mythic Tree of Core was a full-size Ash tree, beneath which the goddess as the fates or Norns gave mental picture and justness. She is hand-me-down to flight of the imagination rain and meeting the be with of lightning.' The Ash is a tree of profound elegance, gangling and attractive, with its black spiral buds that prevent compactly curved and resemble little sea serpents. Acclaimed as the established ash, or weep for ash, this tree belongs to the leafy band, "Oleacea, "and has an ancient mythology contemporaneous with load tradition of Celtic and northern European origin. Hip the third month of the day the Irish and Welsh Celts hand-me-down the wood of the ash to make their oars and take over from any cracked coracle slates. The wood is invulnerable to water, and in this way very unbreakable for all kinds of shipbuilding and equipment making. The ash matures ultra hurriedly than the oak and, as a woodland tree, was worthwhile for its quick hoard. It makes the toughest and most pliable woodland, and can be hand-me-down for ultra purposes than the wood of other grass. Primal rural area through the Celts, hand-me-down it for making their spears and bows, so that the cruelty of the ash mentioned in the "Conflict of Plants" becomes fine. But show is pristine down aspect contemporaneous with the ash, for its pedigree are held to check other grass. The Celts hand-me-down the ash a large amount for its worthwhile wood, but show are two restorative uses contemporaneous with Druidic remedies that are in spite of that hand-me-down today in the ceremony regions of Wales and Cornwall by myths herbalists. The drain of the leaf is prescribed for curve bites, which concurs with a right from the Roman biologist Pliny, who remarked on the integrity of ash leaves as man so full-size that 'serpents be so bold not sketch the crack of dawn and sundown shadows of the tree." The ash next has a tribute for remedial warts; each wart basic be pricked with a new pin that has been detail into the tree, and the pins are then replaced in the tree with a clear spell: "Ghastly tree, sickly tree, pray buy these warts of me." NION - The Irish Gaelic word for fantasy is "nionon, "and relates to the Gaulishy goddess On-Niona, who was worshipped in ash groves. It may be further compared to Niobe, a teenager of Tantalus in Greek mythology, whose children were slain by Apollo and his equivalent sister Diana once she had madly boasted of them to the gods. Regardless of turned to stone, she continued to raise a ruckus for them. Her sad story is an allegory: Niobe, the mother, represents winter, not easy, virus and proud; Apollo's down arrows, the sun beams, slay her children, the winter months; and her blubber are emblems of the natural cheery that comes in emanate, afterward winter's joy has melted. The month of the ash is the influence month of winter in the Celtic calendar.