Thursday 29 January 2015 Taoism Exorcism For Free Why Not

Taoism Exorcism For Free Why Not
Taoism exorcism is a service we provide on, and we charge money for doing the service. Sometimes I have people asking me why don't we do this for free, and they expect all religious services to be done for free, especially exorcism, which they said is because it's done for a good cause, saving lives, and helping people. I would love to have free medical care too, why don't the government or doctors work for free and so we can just live a free-life without any money spending required?

I am kind of sick and tired of seeing these people who always want things to be free, for them, and they demand me to work for free for EVERYONE. I understand that they might be working for free, but I bet they live in a wealthy family with rich daddy and mommy feeding them every day, providing the food, and living space, or even air conditioning, heating system, water, electricity and maybe even the internet service every month. Right?

In the past, I used to just ignore these people who don't understand Taoism exorcism, but today I want to directly address this problem with these people's crooked mindsets.


For me to be a professional Taoist master and exorcist today, I have been through a lot of experience, learning and cultivations to earn the knowledge and ability that this professional career requires. I can only compare this career of being an exorcist to being a doctor, a professional one that have to go through years of hard work and studying in school, university and finally being a real legitimate doctor. Being an exorcist is more dangerous though, it's like being a firefighter sometimes, because the problems with the client can burn and backfire at yourself if you are not capable of dealing with these cases! Just like if you stick your fingers into a sorcery attack case, and you don't have the power to win, the sorcerer can track you down and kill you first since you are their obstacles to manipulate the victim! If that's the case, your career will end right on the spot!

For me, today, running a local temple, with almost 2k monthly rentals, utility bills, and all my years of working, studying, cultivation, and all that hard work, I don't see how I do not deserve to be paid for my service. Of course, some can still say they do an exorcism and they can offer free service - because their exorcism is a scam, they don't have to go through learning, study, cultivation and hard work to gain the power or knowledge - because they have none! Then when things are that easily done, of course it's okay to be free, no hard feelings! Shame on those scammers and fraudsters who flood over the world claiming they are exorcist and offer free service. I know their service sucks, it doesn't work, and they are just offering "free" service while earning from people at the back. It's horrible!

Let's see, if Taoism exorcism should be free because it is about helping people who are in need, why isn't medical care or emergency medical care all free of charge? When you call an ambulance, you know you are paying for them to come over and pick you up, right? Then they shove you a bill at the hospital for whatever they have done to you too, without even giving you many options. Police are supposed to be keeping our place at peace, and why don't they work for free? Not forget that even you are paying tax for them to provide services, police can be very lazy and irresponsible too. If a Taoism exorcism service should be free, then everything people do for a service should be free, just to be fair. Why not?

Those who want Taoism exorcism to be free is purely and solely insulting Taoism and Taoist, which we do not tolerate. Please use your brain and think about what the reality is like before shoving me a comment like "Why don't you work for free?". I hate to say it, but this is just ridiculous and these people must be living in their rich parent's capsule all their life, without the need to sustain their own family or even feed themselves. One day, when the capsule pops, they will collapse and melt with the reality around. Hey dude, nothing is free in this world, including your mom and dad's care to you, and the food they shove into your mouth when you are crying. Taoism exorcism is not free, and cannot be free.

The post Taoism Exorcism for Free? Why Not? appeared first on Taoist Master Blog.