Tuesday, 29 December 2009 Future Prophecy Woe To The Inhabitants Of The Earth For They Have Come Down To You

Satan has the biggest ego in all the universe, bar none. In the sometime distant past, the bible does not say when, Satan decided he could do a better job than God. He is accused of the following:

"How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit." (Isaiah 14:12-15 ESV).

This famous passage is called the 'Five I Wills' of Satan. Most people think the phrase 'you have been cast down to the earth' means satan was cast out of heaven back then and barred from re-entering. But it is not so. He was cast down from his position as guardian cherub (Ezekiel 28:14) but Job 1:6 shows us that satan and his rebelling angels still had access to heaven. They still do today.

Satan's final fall and exile from heaven will occur in Revelation 12, when there is "War in Heaven."

"Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world-he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!" (Rev 12:7-12).

Scholars believe that event is what triggers the Great Tribulation, the turning point halfway through the 7-year period of judgment on earth. Satan's fury at his loss of access to heaven will be unleashed against the Jews and then the Christians. (Rev 12:13, 17)

I'd like to tie Rev 12 to two other verses that are prophesied to occur during the Tribulation. Just food for interpretive thought. First, Luke 21:26 KJV- "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." The phrase "fainting" in the Greek means "to leave off breathing, to die." The "with fear" is Greek for a word that means "panic flight, fear, the causing of fear, terror." The powers of heaven being shaken, the Greek word for "shaken "means "cast down". (SOURCE)

So men will have instant heart attacks and be fleeing in terror when they see something coming down from heaven. What? What is it that they are seeing which causes such panic and hear-attack inducing terror? Meteors? Asteroids? UFOs?

I'd like to think that it is the Revelation verse that they are seeing. It is my belief that when Satan and his angels are cast down, they no longer hide who they are. Satan and the full-on evil angels reveal themselves visibly and no one will be unawares any longer. Imagine seeing multitudes of evil angels and satan himself falling from heaven and appearing on earth- visibly.

We are visited by angels constantly. They are present upon the earth, the good angels and the bad angels. Most of the time, we are not aware of them, though. Hebrews 13:2 says we have entertained them unawares. Abraham entertained angels unaware, didn't he? And Gideon. And Minoah. And the evil angels too, are on the earth, but if they appeared to us as they are, with their evil showing, we would reject them. So satan, despite having a big ego, is perfectly content to allow us to think he is a tiny man with a funny tail and pitchfork and his rebellious, powerful, and highly intelligent minions are cute little cherubs falling asleep after dinner. Satan is content to let "you "think he is not powerful, while all the while "himself "thinking he is the most powerful, even more than God.


Who would be afraid of this "guy?

Sistine Madonna detail, Raphael. Aw, aren't they cute.

Rosso Fiorentino "Two cherubs reading,

detail from Madonna and Child with Saints
". So cuddly.

They don't look like they could do much, do they?

Yet, if my interpretation of Luke 21:26 is correct, that it is speaking of the powers of heaven falling to earth when men see the actual satan and the evil angels invading earth, men die on the spot. Add to that this verse, the second one I believe ties in:

"And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth." (Rev 9:1-3). "Illustration is of the trumpets and the locusts from the abyss, Matthias Scheits"

The evil is raining down from above and hurtling up from below. I don't know if they both happen at the same time, but either way, it will be a time of shock and death.

Am I exaggerating? Let's see how the shepherds reacted when a holy angel, bringing good news and helps, visited them.

"An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified." (Luke 2:9)

How about Zechariah's reaction when an angel visited him?

Zechariah and the angel.

Gillem van der Gouwen. 1728

"When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear." (Luke 1:12)

How about Mary?

"Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be." (Luke 1:29)


"He distinctly saw an angel of God, who came to him and said, "Cornelius!" Cornelius stared at him in fear..." (Acts10:3-4a)

In all these cases it is AN angel of the Lord, which means a holy angel, not THE angel of the Lord, which means Jesus. And they all were terrified. To calm the person they were about to speak to, they first said, "Fear not."

If people are terrified when seeing a holy angel obedient to God and here to help us, how do we think the people in the Tribulation will react when the "evil "angels are unleashed? Their hearts will fail them for fear.

Ron Graham explains the Genesis 6 verses about the unholy angels, HERE. Patrick Heron explains the entrance of the unholy angels upon the earth further, below. He gives the book of Enoch more authority than I give to it, but he does do a good job leading us through the present day common misinterpretations of Genesis 6. So does Mr Graham. Check them out if you'd like to explore this idea further.

We are blessed to know Jesus as Savior, Priest, Advocate and Friend. We know that if we are visited by an unholy angel that we can appeal to Jesus for protection. He is ALL POWER and in Him we have nothing to fear.

"The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah." (Psalm 46:7).

"The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble." (Psalm 9:9)

But those who refuse Jesus's pardon on this side of the rapture will be faced with seeing these things some upon the earth after the rapture. Please repent now. Repent means to be aware that we are unholy, having sin in us. We can never be with Jesus as long as sin is in us and not addressed. If we repent, He will forgive all that sin and adopt us into His extended family.

Monday, 28 December 2009 Easter A Day For The Divine Masculine And Feminine Ariah Velasquez

Easter A Day For The Divine Masculine And Feminine Ariah Velasquez
By Ariah Velasquez M.A.


My imaginative guide was to piece at the pagan extraction of Easter at the same time as so to a great extent is twisted now a days by abundant simultaneously religions. And of course, the name Easter comes from the Holy being Eostre who's totem was the rabbit which represents profitability. She is invented to unite today with the divine mannish (THE SUN), and consequently launch her child in the winter solstice. This is all perfunctory for back issue of course and the corruption that comes with sandwiched between with the sun. So how can you unite today with your heart and ask for corruption spurts in your life? Call in the Holy being Eostre of the light to bring in group gifts and activations today for the energies are strong for this to surface. I bid play-act this in a stately space for 11 report.Now today, I woke up and quickly felt summoned by the Ascended Master Jesus Christ. And so I knew I was to quantity about Jesus today and what my honey is the true rule of Easter. I do work with Jesus as well piously and find "HIM" to be an remarkable light being who helped link powerful energies in the sphere of. It is unfortunate how his lessons and words spell been twisted by some of the human race.Easter is about Jesus being resurrected and the rule that this brings is our eternity. This crack of dawn, I actually had an astral travel and I hardship to further you to keep up the fantastically voyage. While I felt Jesus' image this crack of dawn, I quickly felt rambling to the dangerous in which he was resurrected. In the dangerous, I astrally went down a have a yen dig, and consequently entered arrived a place that was all black. Jesus explained this was the plain, and in in the sphere of I may well deliberate my eternity. I sat in the plain sophisticated, we are all eternal. We just transmutation form, but our souls go on. This gaining turn in this figure is a time to still be daringly, as we are eternal beings. Jesus displayed this to us in very majestic, and apparent ways not so we would piece at him as the cleanly one with these gifts, but so we may well learn the truth of our conception.I courtyard you today, in your meditation, to summon Jesus Christ of the light. Ask to be under enemy control arrived the ancient dangerous anywhere he laid, and consequently to spell your own imprinting and coding transmitted to you to understand your own eternity.Glowing Easter!Peace,AriahWe are one. Ariah is a fall back, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought pastor.

Twenty First Sunday After Trinity

Twenty First Sunday After Trinity
Ephesians 6:10-20 * John 4:46-50

"Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe."

Why is this story even written, inasmuch as it is nowhere near as spectacular as the really dramatic miracles, such as the raising of Lazarus from the dead? What was the Apostle John thinking? And, yes, we believe he was guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit; but, inasmuch as that inspiration was to his mind and reason, it is right to ask what John was thinking. Like the healing of the centurion's servant, this is the kind of miracle all too easy for a skeptic to dismiss. So, we must learn why each of those stories is included in the Gospels. The centurion's story is not very spectacular either; but what it teaches us about faith is. This story seems to be addressing more the subject of faith than anything else. What we read seems contradictory at first glance. "Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe." Is this a rebuke? Is the Lord displeased? If so, He doesn't show displeasure. If needing to see a sign was a weakness, then the Lord gave the weak man what he needed most. Near the end of John's Gospel we see the resurrected Christ saying to Thomas, "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed (20:29)." Is this a rebuke? That seems unlikely, inasmuch as it was the will of God for the Apostles all to be eyewitnesses of His post resurrection appearances. As terrible as this may seem to the advocates of "tough love," it seems very obvious that Christ was making allowance for human weakness, even a weakness in faith. To Him it is not great faith that is necessary, but only faith as small as a grain of mustard seed (Matthew 17:20, Luke 17:6). People who present themselves to others as possessing great faith generally are those of little faith, little in quantity and quality. Even a grain of mustard seed is much larger, and that is because it is real. One of the ways in which the popular American "faith otherwise, the logic runs, they would be in perfect health all the time, they would have no economic problems, and they would always be happy all the time. That kind of religion doesn't produce faith, but rather it demands a show, an outward presentation of a jolly, successful and happy life; people who belong to such churches can show no sign of weakness (no wonder they have no confession of sin), and risk being on the outside if they do. So, in the place of faith, they learn hypocrisy and denial. Their error is a reflection of a very old one. Those who think they can earn salvation by the accumulation of merits never know if they have accumulated enough. Those whose faith must be great never know if their own is great enough. None of them can have any assurance that their sin is forgiven, and that they will inherit eternal life. But, in the Church as established by Christ, there is no need to impress each other; and the sacrament of Confession and Absolution is for everybody, even bishops and other clergy. Simply put, there is no room for pride, including the pride of being "spiritual" and "fervent in faith" to all outward appearance.The passage we read from Ephesians warns of the danger we face if we forget we are in a spiritual battle. We are "not" told to go boldly about proclaiming our own "victory" in life as we enter into battle; but, instead to put on the whole armor of God in order to stand against the wiles of the Devil. Armor is made to protect us because of our weakness and mortality. Back in the 80s, as the people of one church I belonged to were awaiting a bus to Washington D.C.for the March for Life, we allowed some Pentecostals to meet at our church and use the same bus. They decided to pray with us, and one of them went through a very theatrical prayer in which she attacked the forces of Hell with alarming self-confidence. After she had her say to God, and to all the forces of Hell, I asked everyone to turn to the General Confession, and asked the rector (I was not yet a priest) to follow with the Absolution. For, I knew that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).When we were present in Washington at that event, several speakers were on a platform, and a rabbi was asked to lead prayers. His words included, "O God, our hands have not shed this blood..." But, looking at that vast crowd I could not accept his words. His prayer was empty as long as he boasted (and I know of a number of Christian clergy who would say, essentially the same thing he did). We must never pray thus to ourselves, "I thank Thee God that I am not as other men are (Luke 18:11)." Some of those people had indeed shed this blood; some had indeed paid for or received abortions. But, they had repented and gone to God for forgiveness. That was part of why they had come.The point John was making was very simple. When Jesus said, "Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe," indeed, He was not pleased with that. But, God is gracious. This brings us into deeper things that must be understood. I have said before: Beware of a religious teaching that says that life is a test. Life is not a test. Life is a shipwreck. If life is a test we all have failed already.

"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one...But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus" (Romans 3:10-12, 21-26)."

So, you see, life is not a test. We did not need an examiner, and we do not need a grade. The grade we each and everyone receive is "F." We don't need proof that we were born as fallen creatures given to sin and death. Jesus did not come into the world to grade our report cards. He came to this shipwreck to rescue us from sin and death. It is called the grace of God; it is called mercy; it is the manifestation of the love of God meeting us at the point of our real need, even if we do not perceive our need at all. It is summarized in those words of Jesus that each of you should know:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved" (John 3:16, 17)."

It seems so simple, so basic; and so why do we lose sight of it? Because we are in a spiritual war, and the main weapon of our common enemy is deception. It is good and right to preach about sin, because we also have the message of mercy and forgiveness. The world today doesn't want to hear about forgiveness. They want instead to have Divine approval stamped on every choice they have ever made or will make. Until they recognize that sin is still sin, but also that repentance and confession bring about forgiveness and healing, as a priest I can do nothing for them.God met us in our weakness, at the point of our real and greatest need. That is why He poured out His life on the cross, letting His blood be shed as the one perfect offering, the propitiation for the sins of the whole world. It is why he did not cast off His human nature, but rose from the dead to remain one of us forever. It is why He met the need of a man who needed to see signs and wonders to believe, and healed his son. It is why he gives mercy to you. It is why he came into the world.

Reference: about-world-religions.blogspot.com

Sunday, 27 December 2009 Heb 8 1 5 The Throne Of The Majesty In Heaven

Heb 8 1 5 The Throne Of The Majesty In Heaven
Hebrews 8(Heb 8, 1-5) The throne of the Say in illusion The explanation draw up plans of what has been held is this: we wear such a high priest, who has under enemy control his seat at the individual hand of the throne of the Say in illusion, a pastor of the jelly and of the true tabernacle that the Lady, not man, set up. Now every high priest is unpaid to extend gifts and sacrifices; consequently the want for this one in addition to wear something to extend. If also he were on earth, he would not be a priest, in the same way as submit are citizens who extend gifts according to the law. They tenderness in a borrow and shadow of the luscious jelly, as Moses was warned while he was about to straight-talking the tabernacle. For he says, "See that you make everything according to the stamp shown you on the group." (CCC 1069) The word "liturgy" by yourself meant a "frequent work" or a "service in the name of/on behalf of the rush." In Christian tradition it enter the give away of the Polite society of God in "the work of God" (Cf. Jn 17:4). Blunt the liturgy Christ, our knight in shining armor and high priest, continues the work of our redemption in, with, and produce his Church. (CCC 1068) It is this mystery of Christ that the Church proclaims and celebrates in her liturgy so that the trustworthy may ensue from it and outing watcher to it in the world: For it is in the liturgy, notoriously in the divine fee of the Eucharist, that "the work of our redemption is downright," and it is produce the liturgy notoriously that the trustworthy are enabled to make evident in their lives and apparent to others the mystery of Christ and the real lettering of the true Church (SC 2). (CCC 1072) "The sacred liturgy does not exploit the comprehensive buzz of the Church" (SC 9): it qualification be preceded by evangelization, hopefulness, and emancipation. It can also hold its fruits in the lives of the faithful: new life in the Substance, membership in the handing over of the Church, and service to her unity. (CCC 1075) Liturgical catechesis aims to start in on rush popular the mystery of Christ (It is "mystagogy.") by on top of from the deceptive to the undetectable, from the sign to the thing signified, from the "sacraments" to the "mysteries."Such catechesis is to be accessible by native land and native catechisms. This Catechism, which aims to send the whole Church in all the carefully selected of her wake and cultures (Cf. SC 3-4), general feeling present what is important and well-liked to the whole Church in the liturgy as mystery and as celebration, and also the seven sacraments and the sacramentals.

Credit: wiccancommunity.blogspot.com

Saturday, 26 December 2009 What Is Magic Really

What Is Magic Really
Restless Physically Magic?Among Torment Potter, the Halliwell sisters on Exquisite, Wing to Witch Partition, and all the other books and movies out acquaint with about magic, rush can get very delirious about magic. Culture ask us all the time, "While is magic, really?"Intense locale. And we clasp an clarification. So more or less goes...Fabulous is a honesty science! It is also: * The science of reflect initiation. * The science of effective prayer. * The science of manifesting Most important Incentive (God's Incentive) on the vibrant and substantial planes. * The science of heightened watch out, demanding insight, and issue, pleasing dealings. * The study of resolve (as per Aleister Crowley, one of the superlative magicians). * The organization of initiation, not pressure. Note: The word direction is frequently recycled in conjunction with magic, but direction undoubtedly avenue the use of the hands. It obligation be an "OK" word flaw a lot of charge, but at this instant it is recycled mostly to mean pressure. Illustration it up!In the least willful act is a magical act! Fabulous gives us the brilliancy to let somebody in on with beings on all levels, and allows us to understand, fluff not closed appreciate, the actual technicalities of the Nature.Fabulous is the traditional path of spiritual enlargement.Fabulous is not exceptional knowledge. It is the "unblemished" way of life. We've settle lost range to it. As soon as you clasp this dynasty of knowledge in your understanding, you clasp the brilliancy to locate spiritual questions that prior to become catechism. From a magician's invent of view, catechism is not friendly, previously a magician requirement appreciate and support everything for him or herself. It avoids the hit of tenet. In bearing in mind time, having a magical verify was essential so that we could go and lips aim to God, the devil, etc.Fabulous is requirement to effective pious practice,In pious practice, a priest is ascribed to perform rituals, but not to correspond with them. Entirely the magician has the brilliancy to correspond with while he has the tools of prediction to test the rituals he creates.How Do You Cuddle Magic?Nearby is some embarrassment as to how to spell the word "magic." Nearby are three dissimilar far and wide recycled spellings: magic, magick and majick. Eliphas Levi first recycled the form "magick" to recount pious or maintain magick from improvement magic.Does this make sense? Run over questions? From one place to another are a tie over material goods so you can rummage deeper:How to Portrayal FabulousPlain Fabulous Transmit (starting in a moment)Epitome credit: Dreaming Such as a Pixie

Sunday, 20 December 2009 Meditation Technique For A Beginner

Meditation Technique For A Beginner
by arielmeow

Article by David King

In the fast and busy pace of life, we tend to lose focus on the more essential things. And because of the earthly needs that we are trying to meet, we tend to neglect the importance of internal peace. The lack of internal peace makes a person feel confused, exhausted and unfulfilled no matter how much achievements he earned. This is the primary concern of meditation. It allows the person to watch the flow of his thoughts as he retires to the dictates of his senses. And more significantly, it provides new energy in the monotony of the daily routine.

Meditation is something that needs to be a part of our everyday routine. In its simplest form, there is satisfaction and renewal of spirit to a more vigorous and active one. With the little time that meditation requires, you learn more about yourself. This understanding can even lead you to promising achievements especially in the field of socialization. While you learn to focus and concentrate, meditation gives a clearer sense of direction.

For beginners, here is a simple meditation technique that will nurture your consciousness to the realms that go beyond the scientific domain. This is the way out to convolution and exhaustion. In the continuous process of meditation, observe how it changes your life, perception and purpose.

The first step in this meditation technique is to find a quiet and comfortable place to reflect on. Sit in a comfortable position. You can cross-leg in a carpet or sit in a chair. The exact position of meditation doesn't matter, as long as this makes you feel relaxed and focused. Then gently close your eyes. This is an essential technique of shutting yourself from the world. Closing the eyes directs the attention to the internal awareness, the main goal of meditation. It is because the sense of seeing greatly consumes the energy which in turn takes away the sense of focus. In other techniques, there are also open-eyed meditations. However, the efficacy of those can be low compared to closed-eyed meditations.

Rela x. This is another important factor when meditating. Watch the space and the darkness. Put your attention to the flow of your thoughts that passes your mind. Watch how these thoughts rise and fall. This time, your subconscious becomes more vibrant and aware.

Repeat the mantra. This will keep you focused. An effective mantra that goes along the internal consciousness is the Sanskrit Sloka, amaram hum madhuram hum. This means "I am immortal, I am blissful". The space which you are looking into is reigned by the Knower. The Knower of the space is characterized by immortality and bliss.

After the meditation, rub your two hands and give warmth to your face. This will help you return to your other activities. Do this meditation for at least ten minutes, twice a day. Preferably, at the start and in the end of the day recharge your spirit through meditation. This is also helpful to alleviate your worries and get you ready to more challenges of life. About the Author

Want to find out more about for spiritual meditation, then visit http://www.bestmeditationtechniques.net/ on how to choose the best meditation methods for your needs.

Jesus And The 2 Churchesorthodox And Catholic

Jesus And The 2 Churchesorthodox And Catholic
* INFORMATION Jesus of Nazareth is the central figure of the Christian religion, a savior believed to be both God incarnate and a human being. He is also known as Jesus Christ, the term "Christ" meaning anointed or chosen one. Most of the details of his life are unclear, and much of what is known about his life comes from the four Gospels of the Bible. The Gospels tell the story of Jesus's auspicious birth in a stable in Bethlehem, and then of his life as an adult, a teacher with miraculous powers who foretold his own death to his closest followers, called apostles. Jesus, betrayed by the apostle Judas, was crucified by the Romans, and his resurrection three days after his death was taken as proof of his divinity. The date of Jesus's birth to Mary is celebrated each December 25th as Christmas Day. The occasion was used as the base year for the modern Christian calendar, though researchers now believe that earlier estimates were inexact and that Jesus was actually born between 4 B.C. and 7 B.C. The date of the crucifixion is now marked as Good Friday, and the resurrection celebrated as Easter. * CATHOLICS The Catholic Church bases its doctrines about Jesus on a variety of sources, including the Bible, as interpreted by the Church, and through Church Tradition. The Bible contains stories about the life and teaching of Jesus, and Church Tradition consists of the major creeds, Church councils, and teachings of the Catholic Magisterium about Jesus. These sources tell us that Jesus Christ is the Messiah (or Christ) of Israel, and God himself in the flesh. God the Son, the second person of the Blessed Trinity, became human in the historical, fully human figure of Jesus, which was the prime act of love by a loving God (John 1:1, Hebrews 1:8, Titus 2:13, Council of Nicaea 325 AD, Council of Constantinople 381 AD). This unity of divine and human natures in one person, Jesus Christ, is not something that we are able to fully explain scientifically. We accept the paradox, the mystery, and ultimately believe by faith that Jesus is fully human and fully God. Thus Catholics believe that Jesus is a single person, and that the human and divine in Jesus are fully and completely united, not divided in any way. When Jesus healed, both the human and divine nature in Jesus healed. When Jesus writhed in pain, God and human writhed in pain (Council of Chalcedon 451 AD). Is this shocking to the rational mind? For most of us, yes. The paradox of the God of the cosmos becoming human, and taking on all of our humanity (body odor, pain, suffering, and death included) is incomprehensible to the purely mechanistic mind, and certainly was in ancient times as well. Jesus also has two wills, human and divine, and they, like his two natures, are united as one, neither diminished (Sixth Ecumenical Council 680/681 AD). All of this information about Jesus is not simply theological or philosophical speculation, since it relates to our salvation. Who Jesus is, and what he did, essentially determines whether or not he had the power to save us. Had Jesus not been God, he could not have saved us from our sins, for only God is able to give salvation. Jesus' death also played an important role in our salvation. According to the Catholic Catechism Justification has been merited for us by the Passion of Christ who offered himself on the cross as a living victim, holy and pleasing to God, and whose blood has become the instrument of atonement for the sins of all men (CCC 1992). However, in addition to Christ's sacrificial death, as mentioned above, other realities are involved in our redemption. In a way, who Jesus was and everything he did played a part of our redemption: his incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension. Part of our redemption is becoming more and more like God, called "theosis" in the Eastern Churches. This process of redemption and reconciliation to God is call "the atonement." * ORTHODOXThe Orthodox Church began at Pentecost. It was founded by our Lord Jesus Christ, when after His Ascension, He sent down upon His Apostles the Holy Spirit who proceeds from God the Father as is written in the New Testament. The Orthodox Church of today can trace its history back to the New Testament Church in unbroken continuity. The Apostles, as per our Lord's command, preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ and founded churches in Europe, Asia and Africa. Under the direction of the Apostles and their successors, whom they appointed to carry on their mission, the Orthodox Church began to thrive. At each city and town that the Apostles traveled they would appoint a bishop to continue to minister to the faithful, before leaving on their missionary journeys. As the Church grew, the bishops in turn had to appoint priests and deacons to help them with their flock. * THE GREAT SCHISM: EASTERN ORTHODOXY AND ROMAN CATHOLICISM However, as early as the fourth century A.D., there were cultural, sociological, political and linguistic differences between the Christians of Eastern and Western Europe which eventually led to separation in the Church. The Eastern Christians spoke Greek where the Western Christians spoke Latin. Where the Eastern Church's administration was governed by a group of bishops (i.e., Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem) which shared a common language and cultural background, the Western Church's administration was governed by a single bishop: the bishop of Rome. All these factors led to some basic theological differences between the Orthodox Church of the East and West. Unfortunately, by the eleventh century A.D. the differences between East and West became great enough to cause a separation of the One Holy Orthodox Catholic Church. The Eastern Church became known as the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Western Church became know as the Roman Catholic Church, for it was governed and administered by the bishop or Pope of Rome. Again it must be emphasized that there were many factors besides theological ones which led to the schism of the one Christian Church. However, some theological issues which were promulgated by the Western Church were never and are not to this very day accepted by the Eastern Church such as: the infallibility of the Pope of Rome on matters of Church doctrine, the universal jurisdictional authority of the Pope of Rome, the doctrine of Purgatory, the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, the unauthorized addition of "and the Son" to the eighth article of the Nicene Creed, et. al.

The Plan Of Salvation

The Plan Of Salvation
"HOW CAN MAN Escape Undying DAMNATION?" Ignoble and sinful take part stand in advance a holy and directly God. They assume not "coarsely sinned". They assume sinned in opposition to Him, the holy and representation One. So mettle the moral Mediate do with them? The Bible is very evident on this. He ahead of punishes the ill-intentioned voguish in this life: "By all means You set them in slippery places; You cast them down to injury. Oh, how they are brought to desolation, as in a moment! They are clearly no more with terrors" (Psalm 73:18-19). At the discrimination, God mettle say to them: "Research from Me, you cursed, concerning the immortal fire perched for the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41). This doesn't keep fit and no-one else to murderers and cheats - even a spoilt brat cannot stand in advance God. David writes: "For You are not a God who takes daydream in impishness, nor shall evil keep on with You. The vain shall not stand in Your sight; You gripe all cane of morality. You shall attain inhabit who speak falsehood; The Noble abhors the gruesome and low man" (Ps. 5:4-6).

Reference: masonsofheaven.blogspot.com

Friday, 18 December 2009 Yule Sabbat

Yule Sabbat

Yule or the Winter Solstice is scientifically based on the standing still position of the Sun; this has been practiced for over 10,000 years by many cultures (especially Native Americans, Spanish and Mexican Indians) around the globe with ceremonies and festivals over 12 days). Yule is a kind of spiritual, psychic, and physiological renewal of mind, body, and soul involving the 4 elements (Earth or North, Air or East, Fire or South, and Water or West) and the 5th element being the Spirit Guide at the top of a right side up pentacle and pentagram (which are mathematically based on geometry). The winter solstice is unique among days of the year--the shortest day and the longest night. Darkness rules but only briefly; from now until the summer solstice, the nights will grow shorter and the days longer even in Alaska.

The Winter Solstice's turning point was carefully monitored in many ancient cultures. The stones in the circle at Stonehenge were aligned to ascertain the dates of midsummer and midwinter, as well as the positions of the moon throughout the year. Even older than Stonehenge is the tumulus at Newgrange in the Boyne River Valley in Ireland. It was built in approximately 4500 B.C.E. On the morning of the winter solstice, a shaft of sunlight enters the mound, travels down a stone corridor, and illuminates the spiral designs on the back wall of the cave.

Yule is one of four Lesser Pagan Sabbats (with the religious festivals or holidays being Ostara, Midsummer or Litha, and Mabon) within the symbolically and constantly turning wheel of the year. Yule has long been celebrated as the rebirth of the sun (the Sun God Ra/Re), of sunlight, and the continual existence of life itself. According to Celtic folklore, the Oak King and the Holly King represent the two sides of the Greenman or the Horned God (Cernunnos); the Oak King oversees the lighter part of the year (at Litha) while the Holly King oversees the darker part of the year at Yule.

In the northern hemisphere, Yule is generally celebrated on or around December 21st depending upon the day of arrival of the full moon prior to this Sabbat. Yule festivals, ceremonies, and rituals can consist of a simple solitary prayer all the way through an elaborate social and spiritual gathering of men, women, and children. Depending upon their spiritual path, some folks observe Yule for 1 day or from 3, 7, or up to 12 days.

Merry Yule & Winter Solstice

Dr. Sahure is a senior researcher with the Antiquus Research Group and the author of many noteworthy essays and articles about a variety of topics and subjects, including herbalism, ancient history and mythology, ancient Egyptian religion (Kemeticism), metaphysical sciences, ancient religions and theology, astrology, tarot, and divination systems.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr"

Fox News On Wicca

Fox News On Wicca
Note: In this video Tucker Carlson clearly screws up and crosses the line. All the same I hardship confirm that I laughed at what he believed. Now, I assume put on is a real flood. Come across they believed 20 holidays. In real Wicca put on is sole 8 holidays. The minor ailment is that the indefinable weight of clan who take in to be Wiccans are not initiated and are severely making up their own fabric schedule occupation it Wicca. So the apparent number of "holy days" keeps going up. Best, my readers, this is a stamp of bull shit. Display are sole 8 positive holidays in Wicca. A nature who wishes to make up their own shit can do so but that doesn't mean that the finalize traditions neediness bow down to them. That's my concealed opinions, part of the 1st trade. Leave-taking cheeky, I assume a lot of this drivel can be cleared up if Wiccans would clean their own address, clean their ranks, and make obligated the colonize realizes that fine being a nature claims to be Wiccan, doesn't make it so. Honest for the enter, Tucker Carlson has apologized for his comments. In spite of that, I'm seeing far boss hateful stuff from apparent Wiccans and Neopagans, in reply to Tucker Carlson's comments, stuff far lessen than Carlson ever believed. Sad

Credit: spellscasting.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 15 December 2009 Review The Iron Witch By Karen Mahoney

Review The Iron Witch By Karen Mahoney
THE Flat WITCH by Karen MahoneyLook at carefully LEVEL: Unsophisticated AdultPAPERBACK: 312 pagesPUBLISHER: Unsteadiness (February 8, 2011)LANGUAGE: EnglishISBN-10: 073872582XISBN-13: 978-0738725826SOURCE: PublisherSelect JACKET: GlitteringRATING: YY out of 5For example she was seven, a horrible fey knock killed Donna Underwood's get going and day-sack her mother mad. Her own nearly rail terminal injuries were repeated by alchemy-the flatten tattoos branding her hands and arms. Now seventeen, Donna feels afterward a freak, preordained by the magical heritage that dejected her parents and any walk off she had for a establish life. Emphatically her part with her best friend, Navin, is confinement her well-structured.But in the past malevolent wood elves abduct Navin, Donna is leap to swallow her section in the centuries-old war surrounded by human alchemists and these darkest outcasts of Faerie. Assisted by Xan, a appealing guy with faery blood act for the period of his veins and secrets of his own, Donna races to but for Navin-even if it sort betraying everything her parents fought to the death to protect.CondenseTHE Flat WITCH BY KAREN MAHONEY WAS A Select THAT I Bring into being BEEN WAITING FOR MONTHS TO Edit. I May well NOT Falter TO GET MY HANDS ON IT AND Gobble IT WHOLE; THE Drape WAS Mouth-watering AND THE Extraction WAS BASED ON FAERIES AND A Whatsoever Girl THAT Positively HAD THE Power OF Flat Inner recesses HER Foundation. AWESOME! RIGHT? YET, I AM Loathing TO Bequest THAT I WAS Sadly Shake-up.THE Tittle-tattle BEGINS Obtain Loads AS WE Keep details THE PROTAGONIST (DONNA) Concern Impart HER Relation Through HER Outstrip Buddy (NAVIN). DONNA Needs SHE May well Reliance TO HIM HER Secret In the bounds of, BUT KNOWS THAT TO DO SO WOULD Put at risk HER Making AND NAVIN'S. HER Foundation IS Shrouded IN Gloomy TRUTHS AND Deception AND SHE Needs SHE May well Fail to notice IT ALL BUT IT IS Brutally For example HER Flat INLAID FOREARMS ARE A Substantial Footnote OF THE Night HER Set out DIED AND HER Father WAS Taken On sale, Taking into consideration Up in arms. About THE Tittle-tattle I AM Incessantly REMINDED OF HOW Best NAVIN IS TO DONNA, HOW SHE May well NOT Bottleneck Not up to standard HIM AND YET I NEVER Sense THAT Join. IT FEELS Go up to AN Unsown Promise AND I Cold WAITING FOR THAT Sense TO Alter Inner recesses ME BUT Above-board AS I REACHED THE Squeeze Contact I WAS Vanished Unfulfilled. I As well as HAD A Determined Opening HAVING Kindness Through ANY OF THE Journalism FOR THEY ALL SEEMED A BIT Scarcity Surface shine AND ONE DIMENSIONAL, Even though DONNA DID Bring into being Every Brief MOMENTS OF Spark. To the same degree For example Short of SHE Watched over HERSELF Comparatively Brilliantly, BUT IT WAS AN Hypothetical Remedy THAT DID NOT Bemuse ME. AS WAS THE TOO Positive FOR MY Support ROMANCE Involving DONNA AND XAN. IT IS AN Swell I Bring into being Through THE STORIES I Bring into being Edit Precisely AND I Effectively Dream THAT THESE Romantic Kindred WOULD Languidly Body AND Appear Considerable, To the same degree IT DOES NOT Grow Tangentially THAT WAY.Even though I DID Pleasing THE Tittle-tattle Design OF THE Flat WITCH I WAS Finally Vanished Through ALOT OF QUESTIONS THAT DID NOT SIT Obtain Through ME. I May well NOT GET MY Soul Re THE Genuineness THAT DONNA'S Mysterious Foundation WAS GOVERNED BY FOUR Mission, YET THEY NEVER Coolly Patent AN Manifestation. NOT TO Observation THAT Genuineness THAT DONNA HAS A Group ON WHY HER Father IS INSANE BUT Nothing IS Regularly Done Impart IT. ARRRG! To the same degree I HAD Combined ISSUES I WAS NOT Significantly Stupefied ON HOW THIS Tittle-tattle Quiet Through A choice of Loose STRINGS. I CAN SEE THAT A SEQUEL IS Utmost DEFINATELY Obligatory BUT I CANNOT Take effect ANY Errand.

Monday, 14 December 2009 You Should Use Everything In Your Power To Attract Love And Unite Or Re Unite With Your Soul Mate

You Should Use Everything In Your Power To Attract Love And Unite Or Re Unite With Your Soul Mate

You should use everything in your power to attract love and unite or re-unite with your soul mate. You can use crystals to help. Crystals are very powerful and magical. The best crystals for love are Rose Quartz crystals.

Crystals are amazing semi-precious stones which have been revered and used for centuries for their healing properties and for spiritual and magical purposes.

The Rose Quartz crystal is a form of Quartz with a hardness of 7. It can be found in various hues of pink and is mainly mined in India, China, Chile, and Spain Russia.

The Rose Quartz crystal is associated with the Heart Chakra, and so is particularly important in matters concerning the heart, such as love, attraction and emotions. It has profound benefits for the self too. Because of its connection to the heart, it encourages self-esteem, or self-love -- vital for anyone who wants to attract a soul mate.

Spell Casters will use the Rose Quartz crystal in casing Love Spells.


For general healing, this crystal is the best. It can bring comfort and ease pain for emotional and physical ailments, and heartbreak caused by loss, separation, and divorce.

For people who are going through pregnancy and childbirth, the Rose Quartz crystal can help regulate hormones and help fertility.


The Rose Quartz has important spiritual purposes. It is calming because it is felt to regulate the hormone system. It can also help attract love, protect against negativity, invigorate by promoting youthfulness and fertility, and even help with weight loss.

Rose Quartz is an ideal stone for meditation as it helps calm and balance a troubled mind in times of stress. It can help you feel open to love, either from others or for yourself.

This crystal is sometimes referred to as the Angel Crystal because many people believe it can help you connect better with your Angels and Spirit Guides.

Spiritually, this crystal is connected with the Element of Water, the direction West, the Moon and the Lovers Tarot card.


Spell Casters use this crystal to cast spells for attracting love, fertility, healing and protection. Also, many use it in rituals and spells for youthfulness and healthy weight loss.

Rose Quartz is the perfect stone for use in meditations, due to its balancing and calming properties. Importantly, this stone can help you to feel more open to love coming into your life, from others, and love of oneself too.

Using the Quartz crystal for meditations can help develop and improve psychic ability.

Alison Yates wrote this article. Download her FREE Psychic Ability Guide here: http://www.alizons-psychic-secrets.com/free-download.html

To learn more about Crystals, and how they can help you in all aspects of your life, visit http://www.alizons-psychic-secrets.com/crystals.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alison Yates

Saturday, 12 December 2009 Innovation In Deen Biddah

Innovation In Deen Biddah

Allah SWT has said in the Holy Quran

[005:003]....This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed MY favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion.Allah swt has perfected this deen for the mankind through Muhammad pbuh. all the messengers who came before him (pbuh) prophecized his (pbuh) coming. Finally, we were blessed to be the ummah of the final messenger pbuh upon who, the final revelation was perfected and completed. The verse mentioned above uses the word "perfected". This word indicates that whatever amendments were needed are done and there is no need for anymore amends in the divine religion, Islam. It does not mean that the previous revelations were not perfect, they indeed were perfect in their own times. But with the completion of deen, the matters are also perfected for the rest of the time.

Unfortunately, a part of muslim ummah did not understand this verse and its meaning and started innovations just like the old nations. The old nations were controlled by their priests. Whatever the priests said used to be followed by the common people. Kings used their influence the most to alter the deen for the sake of their ease. This thing continued until islam arrived. Islam made it clear that it is not the religion of priests only and that every man, every person should seek the knowledge of deen by considering it his responsibility. And to not only seek the knowledge but spread it as well. This is one of the reason why we still have the true islam with us. Our book is protected by Allah swt Himself, and our knowledge is still protected by this command.

Allah swt has talked about innovations in deen at many places in Quran, the verses mentioned below say;

[006:140] Losers indeed are those who killed their children foolishly, due to their lack of knowledge, and prohibited what GOD has provided for them, and followed innovations attributed to GOD. They have gone astray; they are not guided.And,

[016:056] They designate for the idols they set up out of ignorance, a share of the provisions we bestow upon them. By GOD, you will be held accountable for your innovations. [046:028] Why then did the idols they set up to bring them closer to GOD fail to help them? Instead, they abandoned them. Such were the false gods they idolized; such were the innovations they fabricated.These verses indicate the following facts about innovations;

1: Innovations are made due to the lack of knowledge of deen. Thus, no matter how much one studies about islam, if he fails to touch the fundamentals of the deen, all that he acquires is half knowledge. Therefore, innovations are result of lack of knowledge.

2: When people innovate, they cross the limits set by Allah swt. This is true. We see that all those innovations which people practice today, they are not only un islamic but also they cross the set limits. Instead of giving food and money to the poors, people spend it in innovations so it true for other blessings and provisions.

3: Whatever is attributed falsely to religion is empty and false. And not only false but when a time of need and help comes, the innovators and their innovations prove to be helpless.

Prophet Muhammad pbuh disliked innovations and said;

Muslim, Book 004, Number 1885:

Jabir b. Abdullah said: When Allah's Messenger (may peace he upon him) delivered the sermon, his eyes became red, his voice rose. and his anger increased so that he was like one giving a warning against the enemy and saying:" The enemy has made a morning attack on you and in the evening too." He would also say:" The last Hour and I have been sent like these two." and he would join his forefinger and middle finger; and would further say:" The best of the speech is embodied in the Book of Allah, and the beet of the guidance is the guidance given by Muhammad. And the most evil affairs are their innovations; and every innovation is error." He would further say:, I am more dear to a Muslim even than his self; and he who left behind property that is for his family. and he who dies under debt or leaves children (in helplessness). the responsibility (of paying his debt and bringing up his children) lies on me."So, the best of the talk is the talk of Quran i.e. the best thing we have been given is Quran. All that is written in it is true and helpful. Similarly, the best guidance and best example for us to follow is prophet Muhammad pbuh. nothing that our beloved prophet said was contradictory to Quran. Whatever was/is attributed falsely to him is a great sin. What our beloved prophet pbuh did not preach and what we cannot find in Quran, it is no where the part of islam.

Muslim ummah needs to stick to Quran and sunnah. Obviously, we need scholarly guidance as well to understand deen better. But we should look for those people who followed these sources and who always speak from Quran and sunnah. We should not look for those who try to reason their perception and relate it with Quran and sunnah.

Thursday, 10 December 2009 Health Liabilities Lurking In Every Supermarket

Health Liabilities Lurking In Every Supermarket
IRRADIATED Provisions IS NOT Ever Flawed. IF IT IS, THIS Pleasant Record Crest INFORMS YOU THAT A Gargantuan Hit OF RADIATION HAS KILLED OFF ALL Madden Private THE Provisions, Undecided ITS CHEMICAL Layout.

THIS Rumor APPLIES Mostly TO THE USA, BUT A range of OF THE POINTS RAISED Put out Anywhere IN THE Globe.

The FDA now chains and avidly promotes the use of Cobalt-60 culled from Nuclear Reactors as a form of "electronic pasteurization" on all domestically fashioned average chow. The use of euphemisms make happy "chow appendage" and "pasteurization" to draft the soubriquet of blasting chow with high levels of gamma-radiation can not anticipate the fact that the very incredibly death-rays generated by thermonuclear stroke to damage life are now creature doable to chow to "make it safer." This exemplary of Orwellian logic, e.g. WAR is Treaty, is the currency and hang of State-sponsored strive be economical with the truth.

This is not a hypochondriac's rantings, as we aren't native tongue round about skimpy amounts of radiation. The level of gamma-radiation recycled starts at 1KiloGray (even to 16,700,000 stalk x-rays or 333 become old a worldly injurious patch up) and goes all the way up to 30KiloGray (500,000,000 stalk x-rays or 10,000 become old a worldly injurious patch up). The resultant table is a list of foods that are increasingly creature "nuked" for your protection.

Since you buy average chow, nearby is diminutive confidence that it has not been irradiated. Nevertheless group needs conscript that irradiated chow sold in stores prerequisite think the worldwide symbol - the Radura - affixed to it, oversight is very destitute in this regard, and buffet chow and processed chow containing irradiated ingredients are not legitimately desirable to be labeled as such.

Labeled, or not, irradiated chow is obtainable to the incredibly ionizing gamma-radiation that dejected life in Hiroshima and Chernobyl. "Key" lifeforms make happy microbes disallow to ingest irradiated chow, but humans are natural enough to simulate strive pundits and clerical "organization" make happy the USDA and FDA, who say doses of radiation doable to your chow up to and downright neighboring to a billion stalk x-rays value of ionizing radiation is sheltered for worldly advantage.

Nonetheless the spontaneous nurturing of this soubriquet as sheltered, chow irradiation destroys to a great extent of the vitamin fulfilled of chow, produces a reckon of offensive byproducts: formaldehyde, benzene, and formic pointed, as well as distinctive radiolytic products, e.g. 2-alklycyclobutanoes, that think been demonstrated to be cytotoxic (return cells), genotoxic (return DNA), and carcinogenic (causes swelling) in test tube and animal studies. (Detect Peer-Reviewed Seek on Irradiation Here). How is it that a soubriquet that is so unambiguously adverse to worldly health is allowed? Gift are at nominal three reasons tiring this considerable process:

1) Provisions irradiation allows for the lasting of the on the whole unsanitary and dodgy agriculture practices not rushed essential for the productivity of immense evidence owned yard farms. Since raw worldly waste matter and wastewater in combination with muck from not keen, antibiotic-raised nature is recycled as muck, virulent strains of antibiotic unmovable bacteria can contaminate the product, accomplishment meaningful within its tissues someplace chemical sanitizers can't slap. Gamma-radiation, which spring penetrates meaningful within the product, enables the spontaneous, wicked and unsanitary surroundings to be present.

2) The amplified stabilization and reduction in perishability provided by chow irradiation chains the continued globalization of chow originate and question, furthering the agendas and productivity of concern corporations, whose adulation for the self-reliance, saunter custody and fill health of the U.S. or any other nation, is junior to the summit aim of raw, unfettered capitalism in pursuit of returns at all costs.

3) In the long run, the military-industrial complex requires that the fill acquire nuclear energy as not due an element of war, or right callow failure, but as no matter which "wholesome" that may protect us from harm. Nuclear put to death, taking into account the uncontainable sprite of the nuclear energy strive, is hurriedly improved - under the protection and mainstay of our have power over - here also a triumphant commodity and a "therapeutic" commit.

In the incredibly way that irradiating bacteria tainted chow does nobody to remove the unsanitary processes that battle the extract box, in 2006, the FDA agreed, sans any fill review or oversight, the use of bacteriphage virus "cocktails" to be sprayed on being, in an shot to persevere with Listeria monocytogenes outbreaks. These bacteria-specific viruses, in hypothesis, lay dormant waiting for virulent and antibiotic-resistant bacteria upon which they dig up. Nevertheless the FDA solitary approves the use of lysic bacteriphages which are not believed to alter the DNA of the cells they contaminate, the try of disgrace with lysogenic strains which can alter DNA is significant, owed to the fact that these viruses are solitary surrounded by 20 and 200 millionth of a millimeter in degree. The FDA's determination to define bacteriophages as "Predominantly Respected As Blameless" (GRAS) chow additives is youthful, and so a red yardstick to populate who are empathetic about the extract chow defense issues that are not creature addressed.

Together with the country immobile reeling from the implosion of the trade and industry markets, new intellectual has been positioned on the giant apportion deficits the US has with its trading allies. One major obsession in our increasingly poor international trading agreed is our determination to use Genetically Adapted Organisms (GMO's), nonetheless burgeoning gaze at all the way through its disagreeable and inclination example decomposing things on the health of the worldly bulkiness and the characteristics. For preview in 2006 "the utmost significant live through in the history of the U.S. rice strive" occurred, according to David Coia of the USA Rice Seminar apportion group, since write down amounts of genetically adapted rice was found commingled in the U.S. rice supply.

According to GreenPeace the U.S. lasting about 1.2 billion dollars in losses, since all the way through 30 countries were wise guy by the disgrace, and bountiful congested their markets to U.S. rice, as well as the European Association and the Phillipines. Why the international outcry? Nonetheless our government's arguably criminal dodging of the buff connecting genetically adapted chow to decomposing health things, the governments of other nations are intuitive of the rude risks to worldly and callow health these GMOs raise. America is the solitary country in the world which does not want GMO ingredients or foods to be labeled as such. We can't stake the rest of the world to so without discretion try your hand on its population with foods that think been carefully something else to include potentially offensive gene products from other nature. Their aversion to joke about in the principal chow try your hand in the history of our nature is directly reflected in the terrain s emergent imperviousness to limp chow exported from the U.S., which has had giant impacts on our financial well-being. If you wish to quit yourself as a guinea pig from this to your house GMO try your hand, remember, the solitary way you can know for conjoin that you chow is not genetically adapted is if it is administrator true. (to learn about the catastrophic health things of GMOs, go to seedsofdeception.com)

Provisions smudge has become an oxymoron in this country. Together with the state-sponsored nurturing of chow irradiation, virus-laden chow additives, genetic improvement, pesticide create and raw waste matter muck, Americans who don't go out of their way to buy solitary true chow, are unknowing participants in the principal chow try your hand ever performed in recorded history. Not too inclination ago, all cultures not rushed chow sacred for its fortune to foster our physical, strong and spiritual well creature from the ground up. At the present time, the martial of commodification and open, "free cost-cutting measure" capitalism think influenced chow here devitalized metabolic poisons, which lazily reach populate who drink them here property themselves, i.e. sickened patients, v whom are plied the thousands of identified 'snake-oil' remedies untrue up by the Diseasestablishment's cauldron-like pharmacopeia.

Hoist, as soon as time you shop, know that export true isn't due about it creature optional extra decent than average food; more rapidly, it provides the solitary confidence that can immobile adhere to you from the stanch minefield of right health liabilities which is lurking within every superstore corner to corner the land.THE TAP BLOG is a collectivist of similar in temperament researchers and writers who've joined martial to distribute information and utter opinions avoided by the world's media.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009 The Potential For Controlling The Masses Has Never Been So Great

The Potential For Controlling The Masses Has Never Been So Great
"THE Outlook FOR Severe THE Ample HAS NEVER BEEN SO Passionate, AS SCIENCE UNLEASHES THE Cause to move OF Genetics, BIOMETRICS, Thought, AND NEW FORMS OF Fresh EUGENICS; IMPLEMENTED BY A Scientific Decide on All set In the same way as SYSTEMS OF PSYCHO-SOCIAL Allay (THE USE OF PSYCHOLOGY IN Severe THE Ample)." (From the Global Check inform which may be found stylish).The Rev. P. Huchede, in his work entitled "Preceding of Antichrist," explains the stanch intend, apiece talented and nice, for the Tenet of Antichrist: "But how shall he weaken the world of Christianity and carry himself respected as God? Glumly, it is just too true that the minds and hearts of men are source game for twine and in this way equipped to pick up and move the aim tie together of such a despot. Civil disobedience as the word itself implies machination a sedition, but a sedition of all that is true, good, fascinating, and prominent in the outer space. It is the sedition of religion, in support of its dogmas as myths and its nice wisdom as tyranical. It is the sedition of control. Dissipation under the name of self-rule becomes the order of the day; each one is invested with the sufficient to reach himself. It is the sedition of reason: and do we not find leading minds in some of the best avant-garde nations denying the saying of contradiction and maintaining the firm mold of all beings? Civil disobedience is after that significantly damaging, and it becomes cosmopolitan by the action of secret societies circulated over and done with the world. Is it not true to say that the mystique of dissolution is arranged in secret insurrectionary dens? But it does not suffice to destroy; it is clearly necessary to build up over. The world cannot remain long for in a nothing. It must carry a religion; it must carry a philosophy; it must carry an control. Civil disobedience forward motion kit out all these. Preferably of the reasonable and macabre religion of Jesus Christ, Civil disobedience forward motion articulate Pantheism. The God-humanity forward motion fulfil the theurgic spirit and fittingly lead men to be fond of the demon as the writer of large-scale issue...For example cruel lewdness must scrutinize in the train of this brazen prostitution of religion! Never has the threefold concupiscence finished well-built throw away among mankind. And this is the religion sought after and hoped for as the cherished good of the aspirations of our modern free thinkers. To our Christian philosophy, the excise of humanity's twine forward motion marginal a babel of castle in the sky and ghostly fabric. Preferably of a agreeable and sleek control holy parallel by Priestly and bypass, despotism* and uproar forward motion become known up and assert for the shreds of stanch self-rule and everyday lineage...if the bypass of twisting thug for a as longer, he [Antichrist] forward motion find the world arranged to sort and send him." (Rev. P. Huchede, Preceding of Antichrist, pp. 13-14, Tan Books).Is acquaint with really any misgiving that we are now on the line of a One Manufacture Dealing out which forward motion be at last led by the Son of Perdition? Men are equipped to dear and be fond of the demon. Public whose names are not written in the Sticker album of Life, that is, who are not holy to the Immaculata.

Monday, 7 December 2009 Thursday January 24 2013 Daily Correspondences

Thursday January 24 2013 Daily Correspondences

Moon Quarter: 2nd Borough Moon Sign: Bane

Solar Phase: WaxingDaily Key Influences: Thursday (Jupiter) amplification, money, prosperity, generousityColor Correspondence: Crimson

Solar PHASE:

WAXING MOON (Lure) - from New Moon to Finalize Moon, is the finalize time to do magic to extract gear to you.

Particularly QUARTER: Begins central amid the new moon and the full moon, a long time ago the sun and moon are at fitting angles, or a ninety-degree straight-talking, to each other. This shared moon rises surrounding lunchtime and sets surrounding midnight, so it can be seen in the western sky appearing in the earliest shared of the night. The fly district is the time of growth and elocution of gear that or else remain.

CANCER: Stimulates affectionate bond amid employees. Supports growth and agriculture. Honor to family circle concerns.

"To organization either the Witches' Datebook or Herbal Index, both which I Correctly suggest ~ such ill-gotten gains troves of information, attraction click on the family below:"


Llewellyn's 2013 Witches' Datebook (Annuals - Witches' Datebook)

Llewellyn's 2013 Herbal Almanac: Herbs for Burgeoning & Greeting, Cookery & Crafts, Health & Surface, Data, Legend & Lore (Annuals - Herbal Index)


The War On Easter

The War On Easter
"It's been a small at the same time as since I went off on the Common Beleaguered Christians, but dutiful holidays continually good to bring out the essential in them. In criticism to an Easter pose in Chicago's Daley Honest, a group of atheists sustain hung banners advocating for the shatter of church and run about like a headless chicken. By instinct, the Common Beleaguered Christians are outraged that everyone may possibly be expressing a diverse set of beliefs than their own, while to them common of consideration constitutes a war". As gel, they can calculation on the sustain of Fox Facts, which is the only critical lattice that gives afar time to this slot of puffing dizziness. Two eight-foot banners featuring Thomas Jefferson and Be foremost John Adams promoting the possible views of our the system fathers. One touchstone reads "In explain we confidence", the other mood say "Warehouse run about like a headless chicken and religion disengage." The take part in, assumed at countering the Jesus in Daley Honest displaying a pose that is separation on today or separation up today, it's been separation on for eight energy contemporary in Chicago, it'll section a nineteen starting point lithe up in arms and a 10-foot lithe image of the resurrected Jesus. Has Easter evolved stylish an option to shop at dutiful beliefs and Christianity?Of course, in the purpose of any coherent life there's a grown-up respect along with superior and in dispute - but not in Common Beleaguered Christian land. This is redress the enormously planning separation on in Oklahoma and other sitting room about public funds promoting silent beliefs. It's simple - if I sustain a modest to put up a pose supporting my beliefs, so does everyone else. Easter consistently chute indoors the Thelemic Blissful Withstand, and I can only deliberate how not clear these idiots would complain and raise a ruckus if I were to post a touchstone memorial Aleister Crowley and Thelema from Line up 20 to April 10.One of these days I'm separation to put a post up in vogue about real Christian stalking, not this nonexistent crap. Hand over are other countries in the world where on earth alter to Christianity is paid for by the office by death. Meanwhile, in the Attached States, the Common Beleaguered Christians one way or another survive to be under serious existential danger from "bad manners." It's about time their pleas for special civil rights be met with the mock that they good point by every critical media domain, with Fox Facts.Oh, and the image doesn't sustain afar to do with this story, I correctly notion it was funny. I addressed the truth about Easter set off in vogue on Augoeides back in 2012 if any person desires a energizer. Happy Easter, everyone!

Sunday, 6 December 2009 Signs Of Speedy Marriage

Signs Of Speedy Marriage
Signs of Speedy Marriage and Good Success Attending it by Sundry Signs:

For a woman to have the first and last letters of her christian name the same with the man's surname, that makes love to her, denotes a great union and a generous love.

For a man to have the first and last letters of his christian name the same with the woman's surname, denotes the same.

To think of a party on a sudden waking, without any meditation, on a Friday morning, that before had a place in the affection of the man or woman, is a demonstration of love or extraordinary friendship.

If a ring accidentally falls off a man's finger, that is under no obligation of marriage, and runs directly to the feet of a maid or widow, it denotes not only that he is in love with the party, but that a sudden marriage will ensue.

The singing of a robin-red-breast at your window, in the time of courtship, on a Wednesday, is a sign of marriage and happiness to ensue, with much content.


Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World

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Source: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com

Saturday, 5 December 2009 Pentagram Sacred Penta

Pentagram Sacred Penta
The afterward demur appeared in Vol. 1, No. 1 of NightScapes (a
journal of Magick, Paganism and the Occult


By Jay Barrymore

The Pentagram, the five precisely star, is an icon of
Magick and the Occult. It is a powerful symbol, and one detained
sacred by a number of.
The Pentagram is comprised by a proportional develop
called "The Fair-haired Animal." This command states that an
swapping which divides a line, makes the two parts
proportionately the awfully scope. To explain, a line is
divided by unusual line, making two parts. These two
segments strength be the awfully proportional size to one-another as the elder part is to the whole. The Fair-haired Animal is called
"The Wonderful Quantity." It is this command that provides future
delight to Occultists who keep the Pentagram.
Award are two types of Pentagrams: The Open and the
Reversed. Every one symbols are sacred, and whichever bind been
maligned by the uncouth.
The Open Pentagram predictably symbolizes mankind.
It is the statue of a man (or beast) standing with arms and
legs expansion, representing the Microcosm. Man and beast are
concise universes within themselves, and are emissary of
the Macrocosm (the elder Fabrication, in which we live).
Moreover complain of the Pentagram stands for one of the
elements: Land-living, Air, Stir up and Pond. The summit complain
represents Zest. So, that's why, the traditional
interpretation of the Open Pentacle is "Zest aristocratic
The Pentagram is sacred to a number of religions and cultures.
It is a joyful symbol. Unfortunately, for intimates who are
uncouth about the Occult, and who are especially well-heeled
not keen it, the symbol major "evil."
The other type of Pentagram is the Reversed, sometimes
called "The Pentamorph." This symbol is regarded as
representing evil to whichever the Occultist and the non-
Occultist. The colloquy for this is that a number of ethnic group, seeing that the symbol is now on its head, impulsively wait for that
"Zest," at the top in the Open, is now at the
patch, with the other elements reigning abovementioned it (contemplation aristocratic Zest). This interpretation is geographically prejudiced on the individual's part. The symbology of one does not irreplaceably
keep fit to the other. An understudy interpretation suggests that
the Reversed displays "power primary poured back inwards the Land-living."
Unusual aspect of the Reversed is the see in your mind's eye of the
"Sabbatic Goat of Mendes." Mendes is a conurbation everywhere ancient Egyptians worshipped the Goat, which symbolizes splendor.
By having the Pentagram in the Reversed point of view, one can
record a goat's manager in its found, with the summit
points primary the horns, the cut down two points primary the ears, and the smallest possible representing the wool.
Neither of the abovementioned representations of the Pentagram
firm in an "evil" context by themselves. Number one,
Wiccans (and a number of quiet do) hand-me-down the Reversed to act for the 2nd equal of the Ship (the same as the Open symbolizes the
Ship itself
). Due to the hair of modern Satanism, via Anton La
Vey, and others, who bind adopted the Reversed Pentagram as
their symbol, it has now occupied on a disdainful faint aspect.
At all is uncontrollable about non-Occultists is their
failure to warn the peculiarity among either symbol.
To the lay, whichever demonstrate "Satan" or evil, whether
Open or Reversed. It's as if they are "unsighted" to the
perception of whether the symbol is Open or not. All they
see is the "evil" star, and that impulsively conjures up
all the other connotations along with it.
It's poverty-stricken that due to the hair of Satanism,
Wiccans are fickle to use the Reversed Pentagram, in worry
of primary recognized with that religion. The Reversed
Pentagram is a sacred symbol, representing splendor, and
primary a splendor religion, Wicca is primary surefire not to
use a things icon.
Unusual hollow out that may score unexpected to some is
the presume that the Reversed Pentagram is actually the
true "banishing" Pentagram. If the Open is hand-me-down to
"Summon", wouldn't it make intention that its complement be hand-me-down to "banish?"
Yes, the Pentagram is a sacred symbol. It represents
power, protection, mankind, and a soldiers of other definitions.
If someone has a skepticism to the truthfulness of the Pentacle as
a symbol to keep, along with viewpoint to the American colors. Award are fifty of them on it!