Monday 7 December 2009 Thursday January 24 2013 Daily Correspondences

Thursday January 24 2013 Daily Correspondences

Moon Quarter: 2nd Borough Moon Sign: Bane

Solar Phase: WaxingDaily Key Influences: Thursday (Jupiter) amplification, money, prosperity, generousityColor Correspondence: Crimson

Solar PHASE:

WAXING MOON (Lure) - from New Moon to Finalize Moon, is the finalize time to do magic to extract gear to you.

Particularly QUARTER: Begins central amid the new moon and the full moon, a long time ago the sun and moon are at fitting angles, or a ninety-degree straight-talking, to each other. This shared moon rises surrounding lunchtime and sets surrounding midnight, so it can be seen in the western sky appearing in the earliest shared of the night. The fly district is the time of growth and elocution of gear that or else remain.

CANCER: Stimulates affectionate bond amid employees. Supports growth and agriculture. Honor to family circle concerns.

"To organization either the Witches' Datebook or Herbal Index, both which I Correctly suggest ~ such ill-gotten gains troves of information, attraction click on the family below:"


Llewellyn's 2013 Witches' Datebook (Annuals - Witches' Datebook)

Llewellyn's 2013 Herbal Almanac: Herbs for Burgeoning & Greeting, Cookery & Crafts, Health & Surface, Data, Legend & Lore (Annuals - Herbal Index)
