Sunday 6 December 2009 Signs Of Speedy Marriage

Signs Of Speedy Marriage
Signs of Speedy Marriage and Good Success Attending it by Sundry Signs:

For a woman to have the first and last letters of her christian name the same with the man's surname, that makes love to her, denotes a great union and a generous love.

For a man to have the first and last letters of his christian name the same with the woman's surname, denotes the same.

To think of a party on a sudden waking, without any meditation, on a Friday morning, that before had a place in the affection of the man or woman, is a demonstration of love or extraordinary friendship.

If a ring accidentally falls off a man's finger, that is under no obligation of marriage, and runs directly to the feet of a maid or widow, it denotes not only that he is in love with the party, but that a sudden marriage will ensue.

The singing of a robin-red-breast at your window, in the time of courtship, on a Wednesday, is a sign of marriage and happiness to ensue, with much content.


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