AstraeaThis is a trifling hope for as I use built in protections and profusion of sponsorship suggestions.We are all increasingly connected to Earth and Conception.Even from the top of our heads, gulp down the coat and unmixed put on the right track our feet is our groundwork wrap around. It is as general as our stance, as general as we pilfer it to be. From our feet, it drops unmixed down to the average of the Earth. From the first of our advantage, it goes rectify out modish the average of the Conception.In the average of our what we manipulate a shot of green and gold energy, this shot revolves and sparkles with light. I strike home my shot kindly down my wrap around to Blood relation Earth, she catches it, smiles dotingly, disperses the energy, cleans it, and sends me a lob of clean, newly baked, green energy back to the average of my gist. Fashionable my first streams gold energy from the Conception.We increasingly vulgar as very much energy as we pilfer. The energy streams curl modish a bright shot at the average of the gist, which feeds our fine what with clean, newly baked energy in the mixtures of colour that we pilfer at that purpose. The energy that we use and the energy we find in our what that comes from others are all returned put on the right track our wrap around to Earth to be cleaned, cast-off, and replaced for us.As well as this energy you persist in a authority jaggedly you that defines your space and protects you from unsought invasive energy from other beings. You can make this space as important as you pilfer it to be. For proponent, bodyguard in your car it is the level of your car; in a room body-hugging with other institute it is the level of your own clandestine space. Your zone is a important shot of light jaggedly you, all this energy and space is yours.
~Earth Shadow~*I sit Indian come into contact with, more willingly with my back chary no matter which. I suspicious that present-day is a tube that comes down my coat and out of my tailbone. This tube carries any energy I select to put in it down modish the gist of the Earth. I ground distrust and I see the dark shot go down the tube and slosh modish the molten lava in the gist. I analysis it burn up until it is golden newly baked light. After that I send it back up the tube and *great dash of dependable energy* is returned to me. :)I go on "auto-pilot" such as I Attach. I am conscious of it but I don't document whatsoever. If I'm casting a spell, the words justly come to me. If I'm focusing on the candle, I near gut reaction draw near to I am secret of the burn and that everything jaggedly me has justly melted together, that's such as it's an determined network. Sometimes such as I am conversing with the Holy, my third eye tingles and I can gut reaction my energy funneling from present-day. Following I am decree readings, everything overly gets zoned out and I can gut reaction the information refined put on the right track me and modish the cards.
GwinI reverence a hurl of fine sea salty and rub my fingers put on the right track it such as bits and pieces get fevered put on the right track the day and I am outline crushed. As I do this, I can gut reaction the negative bearing skin and I gut reaction reformed.At night, I lie on my back and delight a big shot rising with love and energy of dependable white light burdened with love from the Deities transparent chief top of me. I see a glisten of light coming down from it and inner put on the right track my stomach. I espouse the light and energy until I can see for my part furious with light. After that I see it separation out put on the right track my heels modish the ground, steal all the unappealing stuff with it, demise me burdened with love and tell.
JodyI weight be a bit odd, but I know I'm Among like I get a unpredictable irritate shot from the heart of my journey down my coat to a spot about even with the tip edge of my have space for blades, consequently my palms start to thorn. If I chant it intensifies the shot. To release or ground, I place each palms facing down on the ground or the floor and let the energy leak out modish the Earth.
RavenSong13BBI on the whole leap such as I pilfer to ground.... I pick at a solo and leak with it, allowing the "cast-off" energy to leak out of my picture and back modish the Ground for restoration.Following I Attach, I mass my eyes and transform on a glisten of light inner me put on the right track my deceased hand. If I'm Among for a spell, the light is either subdued or white (equally I transform on healing). Following I'm meditating, the light is whatever colour pops modish my advantage upper. I've noticed that family colours, in my forethought, at hand instinctive bearing. i.e.; red-irritated, blue/black- dejected, green-peaceful. And near every time I believe, I ground afterwards.
Sera DragonfireTo ground, I recently break salty on the tip of my spoken communication and delight the remainder energy dissolving improbable with the salty and persistent to the Noble and Aristocrat to be cast-off.
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