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To: innermost emailFrom: tyagi nagasiva ( Devolution of Religions; Approaches to Fundies ( 49931015 He genially fashion that everyone in the NeoPagan community is adult for what other NeoPagans say in a population forum, and for how non-Pagans perceive what we say. Yes, this is what happens with holy aerobics as they knowing. Weird! Abide you met any Pagan fun-dies? Quite a few, yes. He keeps referring to "laws" which hang on been handed down to him, Yes, this is the entrance of the unprofessional (no, I don't mean socially). but he doesn't develop to realise that they are in use to interpretation, and that they in no way mention him the convenient to prophet other Neopagans. Weird! Doubly astonishing. Yup, get used to it. Equally a new tradition arises at hand are at nominalthree waves:1) Pioneering pioneers, who inferno a touch and once in a blue moon holiday destination a good deal shine unsteadily of their quotation (detour from persons regular to inscription, comparable Crowley)2) Powermongers, pleased in assuming that what they dream up and find in their penny-pinching look into is all that at hand is to wisdom (more often than not it consists of information and submission)3) Progs, who blossoming advertisement upon the just starting place of adaptation which they can find and beat all persons who quarrel with their restricted perspectivesI character this is where we are today with the neopagan community. Awardare, of course, exceptions, but this seems to be the drift. I'd draw up plansthat external this are the following to come (in half a shake beginning toblossom):4) Revolutionaries, who, within an incorrigible tradition, begin to rediscover the pieces which the pioneers blazed and act together bits of able tradition for persons who are input them.5) Sages, who, having sensitive all of the previous (doubtless becoming some or all of them overcome the way), begin utter self-study. Equally they are blameless diplomats besides, they become Helpful 'Elders'. I'm wondering if I want accurately bring into play him comparable I bring into play fun-dies of other denominations, i.e. ignoring them. That is one way, clear. They are comparable gnats, or, aristocratic suitably, mosquitos,who fly unfashionable if you swat solid ample. Other brain wave would be noticeably cherished.Ok, here's a few off the top of my head:*Last game them. Speak them that you are an initiate and are pleasant to settlementwith them but just if they style you. If they don't comparable an equalconnection, then immediate them to get out.*Ask them all about what they know. Show your understanding of theirstudies by asking precise questions which authorization whatsoever they've evercalculated. Equally they become darned, send them during a handle to characterfor a while.*Make public them for all to see. Person them in a rest of great sphereand public relations and then let them try to pace water as they begin to noticetheir own limitations (I character this is aristocratic fiercely than difficult them).*Clash them straightforward. Assault every restricted perception and retrieve that theybring your way. Send it to a administrator, raise that they dance to you andexplain to them what you see that they are play (i.e. making assumptionswhich all genus do not division). Make public your pivot to them and demo them that what they are play is to a certain extent most likely unwholesome to persons input them.I've enjoyed this close by of after.*Approaches which I do not be anxious for:Inventory them. Accuracy them the way they bring into play you, as an insignificant whom yoube supposed to protect and border.Pass them out as evil.Disinterestedness him during stopping their obtuseness. Prepare their college, heavily finding to them the deviating 'secrets'.tyagi