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Ever wondered how to create a Book of Shadows before? You will find a comprehensive list of items that nearly every Wiccan Book of Shadows should include. Creating a Wiccan Book of Shadows, is not as daunting as many have been led to believe. There is really no right or wrong way to create a personal book of shadows, as each is different in their own way. The only real exception to this is where a coven may have a single Book of Shadow that is shared among all their coven members during rituals.Many who have believed in Wicca for an extended period of time, and that have come to teach others usually will have two different Book of Shadows. One will be their personal version, which only they will see while the other is open to anyone to be read, learned from, and copied as necessary. An example would be a neophyte whom may be copying down the "standard" Full Moon Ritual so they can grasp the basics of how it is conducted before entering the circle.General Information:Tools - Describe each tool used, and their purposes within a circle Invocations - Of both the Wicca God, and Goddess Divination - Information on Tarot Cards, Stones, Crystal Ball, and other means of divination Symbols - The various symbols, and their meanings should be included within this section. There are a lot of symbols most will rarely be used, however this provides you the information needed if it should arise Book List - Create a list of great resource books that would like to be owned, or shared with others as great resource books to learn from Recipes - Is there a favorite recipe that is used frequently used, then this would be the opportune place to write it down. The greatest part of having a recipe section is no more trying to remember a certain one, or locating that small piece of paper that it was written down onRituals & Sabbats:Full Moon Ritual New Moon Ritual Invocations How to cast a circle Preparations for conducting a circle Ritual information on Samhain- October 31st Ritual information on Yule (Winter Solstice)- December 21st Ritual information on Imboc- February 2nd Ritual information on Ostara- March 21st Ritual information on Beltain- May 1st Ritual information on Litha (Summer Solstice)- June 21st Ritual information on Lammas- August 1st Ritual information on Mabon- September 21stHerbalism:A list of frequently used herbs should be included here, some choose to include every herb available within their region. It is best also to include the uses of each herb, along with their dangers or side effects if any exist.Astrology:Astrological charts, birth charts, and any other astrological information that may be needed should be included here. Note that each coven due to the immense knowledge necessary fully to understand how Astrology works within the craft will have a single person who presents this information as needed. That single person would be the one to include this information within their Book of Shadows, but feel free to include Astrology if it is of interest.Personal Information:Poems, Songs, Dances, Chants, and Prayers - Record favorite poems, songs, dances, chants, or prayers. Spells- Frequently used spells, or ones personally created should all be organized within its own section. Magical Journal- This is the most important of any section of your Wiccan Book of Shadows. Include thoughts or images while doing spell or circle work. Some may include notes within their journal of struggles during their Year in a Day. Anything that would be personal that others should never read like your inner most thoughts during mediation should be included here.Dedication Page:Write your personal dedication down on paper to your beliefs, and include your start/end date for your Year in a Day, as well the tradition chosen to be followed. Some include the date that they started, or finished creating their Wiccan Book Of Shadows. A true Book of Shadows however is never truly completed, as many continue adding content for years to come.Conclusion:Some have begun in our generation to abbreviate Book of Shadows to just B.O.S for short. There will be huge variations among peoples Wiccan Book of Shadows, so remember there is no wrong way to create your personal BoS. Some will be small containing only the necessary information, while others will include all information they may ever need in regards to the craft. me my stats Member Since February 24, 2007Account Type PREMIUM (Until 15 Mar 2012)My PTC Clicks today 0 total 4,607 earned 49.7630My ClixGrid Clicks today 0 total 21 earned 0.00My Balance 39.7451 CashoutMovements payouts 1,068.56 fundings 499.95 purchases 687.14