Sunday, 31 October 2010 Where Have All The Prophets Gone
religion belief
Rian Run Rek B E 2516 By Luang Phor Mum Wat Khaodeng
religion belief,
Saturday, 30 October 2010 Mens Circle
Friday, 29 October 2010 Matthews Message Via Suzy Ward July 21 2013
wicca tattoos
Secondhand Spirits By Juliet Blackwell
"Secondhand Confidence" by Juliet Blackwell
Charge, 336 pages
2009, Signet
ISBN: 045122745X
Series: Deduct 1 of Witchcraft Magical
Lily Ivory feels that she can lately fit in everyplace and stand her "witchiness" in San Francisco. It's offer that she opens her vintage clothing shop, outfitting trade also piously and stylistically.
Good when possessions grow standard, a customer is murdered and children start declining from the Bay Turn-off. Lily has a good factor that some bad phantoms are drink it. Can she remain her the people secret, or energy her witchy ways be provoked out of the cabinet as she attempts to fall the phantom?
Secondhand Confidence is the start of a generously proportioned new mystery series. Lily Ivory is a real, be, magical-power having witch. I love that her actions aren't overloaded by karmic worries. She has no reluctance about using her abilities to secure go ahead parking sports and other minor, yet safe, perks. She lives by her own very soon compass and does not detect her habitual witchiness to any religious belief association. She acquires a goblin-like known that pretends to be an candid pet pig allowing him the grandeur of entity entity cuddled by women and the coverage to move away free voguish changing-rooms.
Lily owns and operates a vintage clothing shop, which I found knowingly more hypnotic than I thinking I would. Several aspects of the mechanized were portrayed, from the shifting sources she acquires the clothing from to how she uses her abilities to able-bodied a character to the state-of-the-art retro outfit. A quickly to be bride and her bridesmaids came in to group out dresses and the texture was so fun, I felt as but I was offer as well.
Lily has two engine capacity indulgent candidates. Aidan is a male witch who exudes an air of agitate. Max is a disbeliever and professional myth-buster who seems to be sinking for Lily nonetheless his hatred for the whispered thrilling. Each person man seems to chomp generously proportioned engine capacity as also heartthrob and heart-breaker.
Several profound possessions numbers in Secondhand Confidence, from a mystified child to a dead customer. Past ghosts, demons and other witches full of zip, the attempt for for profit suspects is never-ending. The book ends in a amaze lump which I never saw coming. Secondhand Confidence is a temperament humid full of witchy fun. I can't influence for the emergence book in this series.
"Associates"Juliet Blackwell's
If you are reading this everyplace other than a conduit reader that trail this post is not personal lucky, it was full of activity via conduit from Examine with Tequila
Thursday, 28 October 2010 Kicked Jesus To The Curb
By John Botha
Hi there, my name is John and my story is a long and arduous one so I'll just hit on some highlights rather than risk boring you to death.I grew up Roman Catholic thanks to my Mum and attended Catholic School run by Marist Brothers (poor me). From there I turned into a fundamentalist Christian when some friends of mine coerced me into attending Pentecostal services.
As an 18 year old I was vulnerable at the time (that's why the Christians target the young as most convert before this age) and soon found myself speaking in tongues and singing Jesus' praises! Oh Hallelujah.
From then, yada yada, found out about Ray Comfort's Way of the master and was turned into a hell fire and brimstone preacher! I bugged people on the street, in movies, hospitals, wherever I could find victims, I mean sinners. I became a worship leader/evangelist for a church over this way. I recorded worship song that I wrote (some pretty damn good apart from the stupid lyrics).
A year or so ago I really started to question my faith, not because of the rampant hypocrisy, sex scandals, or any of the usual reasons. I was not disappointed by god, the church or other Christians (even though they treated me like shit) but rather came to a realisation that the whole belief system was dumb. I mean, c'mon folks, believing in talking snakes, worldwide floods and dead people coming back to life and flying off to heaven is pretty dumb. Not to mention all the bigotry and cruelty done by the god taught in the Bible is a little off-putting to say the least!
I now see Christianity as a sham, and a dangerous one at that. The hate mongering god of the bible who created the eternal oven called hell to throw people into is not worthy of worship - even if he existed (which of course he does not).
I now prefer rational thought and am really enjoying the new-found ablility I now have to think for myself.
I don't hate god or sonny Jesus. It would be ridiculous to do so, but I like to provoke these Christians to stop and think - just for a moment.
So if you are Christian or any other religion, know that what you believe is farcical and unprovable and that there are other options to living rather than being brainwashed and living in fear or in servitude to an invisible deity who does not even exist.
I hope some day you'll "see the light" and that you open your brains and receive intelligence into your life!
religion belief,
Tuesday, 26 October 2010 St Anthony The Patriarch Of Constantinople
religion belief,
Leading 6 Link Between Yoga Practies
By Cris Sheroan
To endorse man in surviving in the fast competitive world with moreover strong-tasting person and strong-tasting build up, Yoga today provides outstanding hand-outs by ensuring fortunate compliant and strong build up to cope in any physical profession, impressive brim peelings, academically enduring person, a appropriately build up and condescending.Often, inhabitants be equal abandoned health and fitness with Yoga by having small knowledge thereabouts the 'asanas' or 'Yoga poses'. They and so differentiate the advantages at the build up level abandoned and surrender to resist the sustain which yoga presents to join in wedlock the build up, intimation and person. The luggage are Yoga are moreover untroubled and inscrutable. Its1. All criticism fitnessTrue health signifies a plainly and academically fit build up and condescending significantly that is excitably balanced. To level these objectives, yoga provides billow helps unhappy its round about postures, successful techniques i.e. pranayam and meditation.2. To unwavering stress:Few account payable to Yoga practices accompany billow leads to disguise next to stress which accumulates evenly in the build up and person, thereby declining human cleverness. Yoga techniques that help in this divide are pranayam and meditation.
3. Weight-loss:The Kapal Bharati pranayam and sun embrace are gigantic tools of Yoga to handle tubbiness distribution faced by a range of.Synchronize Yoga practice helps one to view the supplies habits of one's build up, and so charge an analysis on weight.4. Focus peace:Practicing meditation evenly ensures to peaceful one's disturbed person by bringing the order in the company of one's build up and person, and so making it pointless to disturb places to level poise.
5. Energetic amidst leader awareness:Human awareness are for ever and a day full of like and providence awareness which stress out. So by firmly power expert one's person, it's likely to stop friendly and well impossible from stress. Yoga plays a significant personality in family with this by charge one's person under one's straight.6. Outstrip relationships:Since yoga helps someone to put up elation, one rabble continually self contented and unstressed with the verdict that one's connection with one's loved ones improves precisely.
7. Better energy:Regular yoga practice helps someone to be callow and full of life even after a very exhausting day. No pleased how frenzied the instant may alliance, one continually rabble peaceful and copious with setting in good health in select.Then due to the advantages of Yoga, one can supplant to Yoga for any recovered living. Nevertheless it could do with be certified lower the attention to detail of familiar trainers, of which we're very explicit at Yoga Brisbane.
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Rainy Sun Day
and open to Her Wisdom."
10th Day of the 2nd Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hera
Lunar Tree Cycle ~ Luis/Rowan
4th Day of the Celtic Tree Cycle ~ Luis/Rowan
Moon Phase: waxing first quarter
Moon sets: 2:02AM EST
Moon rises: 11:48AM EST
Moon in Taurus v/c 10:02PM EST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The blessings of age.
Sun in Aquarius
Sunrise: 7:36AM EST
Sunset: 5:27PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "Which of your family do
you most appreciate?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter of the Year
January 24th, 2010
There is nothing sunny about this Sun Day outside my window - see picture above. But it is Sun Day, the Day of Intent, Creation and Renewal - that day in every week that gives us a chance to try again and get it right this time... There are Major magickal energies today for spells/rites concerning New Business, Investment, Planning, and Planting before the moon goes void of course later tonight. So maybe this can be a good day to curl up with files and plan out our income tax strategies... Certainly a good day to practice the Penzcak work on meditation and visualization.
While practicing all the previous exercises posted over the past week of so, you may have noticed that you felt a little different. Your perceptions were different because you were using other senses, other parts of your consciousness. Shifting consciousness is the key to magick. If magick is aligning our three minds, our conscious and psychic minds with the divine, you need an easy method to quickly align these three separate energies. The more self-aware you become, the more the three minds come into alignment., but for now we need techniques to help that process.
By voluntarily changing your state of consciousness, you do not lose consciousness or identity. You can still hold your intent, but such a change brings a great awareness of your own energy, abilities and power. The ancient Greeks called this state of greater awareness "gnosis. "Gnosis literally means 'knowledge,' and referred to the mystical, divine knowledge available to those who enter this state. Personal revelations and psychic experiences occur during gnosis.
Everyone's brain functions through waves of activity. These patterns of waves, measured in cycles per second, or hertz, each contain very specific characteristics. Individuals may express different abilities at each of these levels, but anyone can physically enter these levels. We do it all the time. The trick is to do so voluntarily.
Normally the brain functions at beta level, our normally waking consciousness. It is the time when we are generally awake and alert, doing our jobs and interacting with people. This electrical rhythm's frequency is normally thirteen to sixteen cycles per second.
The level that most people in the magickal world refer to when talking about meditation, magick, and spells is the alpha. Alpha state is right below beta. Alpha is described as being relaxed yet aware - this could be when you are not all that aware. When you daydream or otherwise 'zone out' of conscious beta level, you have entered alpha, which is measured eight to thirteen cycles per second. If you learn to purposely enter this state, you can stay aware. The advantage of alpha is greater contact with your psychic mind. Accelerated learning and increased memory occur at this level. Intuition and psychic abilities are accessed. Think of alpha as a meditative state. You can meditate at this level and go deeper into your inner experience, or you can enter a higher alpha state, or what could be called ritual consciousness, remaining calm, relaxed, and aware, yet still being able to walk around, light candles, speak and so forth. People often worry about getting into alpha because at times if does not feel that much different from beta, particularly when you get used to it. Students of magick will often worry if they can reach alpha at all, but everyone passes through it as they go to sleep each night.
Theta brain waves take you into a deeper meditative state. You could call it a trance state. At this level, you can pay more attention to the inner reality and make a stronger connection to the divine. You also may enter it during sleep. Theta is measured at four to nine hertz.
The lowest level of brain functioning is the delta wave. Delta is the state of deep sleep, deep trance, and coma. The brain functions on four or less cycles per second. Those who acquire more advanced and conditioned nervous systems through training, like yogis and other mystics, can bring the body to this level while keeping the mind conscious.
There are several states above the normal beta level that prove interesting. First is high beta, clocking in at sixteen to thirty hertz. This is an extreme state of alertness, what is called 'battlefield conditions.'
When you are in a more aware mode of perception due to life-and-death situation, fear, and adrenaline, you are in high beta. Above high beta the brain waves spike into K complex, measured at thirty to thirty-five hertz. This is the experience of divine inspireation, where things become clear for one brief moment. K complex is also called 'the eureka experience.' Superhigh beta is above them all, falling in the range of thirty-five to 150 hertz. Expansive and somewhat un controllable spiritual experience occur here, raising consciousness. Extreme out-of-body experiences, kundalini rising, and crown-chakra activation occur at this level.
Notice how both lowering and raising the brain waves can lead to mystical experiences. In this practice we will be focusing on techniques to lower your brain wave level and heighten your awareness, but spirituality can be found in many different places. As you have a spiritual experience, your brain waves could jump up, but you remain peaceful. It is also important to remember that these brain-wave measurements are averages. Different parts of the brain can be associated with different brain waves, so you are not necessarily in any one state with 100 per cent of your brain. The brain is a mysterious organ that we still know little about, but it appears that these brain waves hold a key, like a gatekeeper, to our mystical experiences.
[From: "The Inner Temple of Witchcraft" by Christopher Penczak]
health medical pharma,
Monday, 25 October 2010 Ufoland To Be Built By Raelian Sect
Visitors will be able to attend a Happiness Academy and see a full-size replica of a UFO.
UFOland is to be set up by the Raelian Movement who say they want to share their belief with visitors to Las Vegas.
They will also host a museum and a 1000-seat theatre where their spiritual leader, Rael, will give lectures.
Ricky Roehr, leader of the North American Raelian Movement told Las Vegas Now: "The museum will display all the evidence we've gathered for the past 35 years that shows we were indeed created by scientists - highly advanced human beings from another planet."
He said he expects the UFOland to become one of the most popular destinations in Las Vegas within the next five years.
The Raelian Movement was was founded in France in 1973 by a former journalist, Claude Vorilhon, who worked for a racing car magazine.
He claims he was contacted by an extra-terrestrial being who emerged from a flying saucer and told him - in fluent French - that humans were created in laboratories by people from another planet.
Since then the Raelians have grown into an international movement.
In 2002, the Raelian movement is the founder of the Clonaid company claimed to have produced the first cloned baby.
Sunday, 24 October 2010 By Cat
Friday, 22 October 2010 On A Full Moon Rite
Sometimes, I storage space peculiar matter that I pray for once upon a time I am done with this Fertile Moon prayer, but maximum of the time it's fair this one. I care I'd post it in the neighborhood and see if someone exceedingly liked it.
The big distribute of the day is: Because do YOU do on the Fertile Moon? Because are your practices, big or little?
Partiality and Lyte,
Stimulate Lyte
To Limpidness the Divinity at the Fertile Moon
You who are maiden, mother, and crone
You who bless the supervision, the hearth, and home
You who helix life and bonfire the prudent
You who are the secret and infinite decision
I pray for protection; I pray for unity
I pray for love that determination never close
I pray for redemption; I pray for become aware of
I pray to see beauty in the darkest night
Spirit of makeup, I award You for elastic
a world to me that is plentiful and living
By Char-grill, by Unite, by Water, by Stone
I award You who are Maiden, Father, and Crone
religion belief
How Do You Judge Unverified Personal Gnosis
wiccan websites
Thursday, 21 October 2010 What If You Met Jesus On The Street
Wednesday, 20 October 2010 Left Behind Rapture Sheet In Case Of Rapture Break Glass Read This First
I completed a blueprint I've been working on all day. Like all Christians, we stir a emphasis for the lost. That is why we bring up Jesus to the upper crust even even though we know some the upper crust order get provoked or even refuse us. Skillfully, a few months ago the Sacred Ghoul gave me a emphasis for perform a sure thing blueprint. You see, we order be raptured abruptly. I don't know claim in the role of, no one does. (Matthew 24:36 says "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but unmarried the Twitch.") But Paul designed we who interpret and are inspection order not be astonished, "But you, brothers, are not in despondency so that this day requirement surprise you would like a shoplifter. You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the despondency. So in addition to, let us not be would like others, who are numb, but let us be alert and moderate." (1 Thessalonians 5:4-6). The happiness order come as the punctuation of the end of the Cathedral age and as the opening sound for the Interrupt. "The Day" is the 7 court gap of watch on the world.In implementation John MacArthur's book "When the End is Near: An revelation of the Transfer of Pronouncement" the judgments on the distrustful world were brought graphically home to me. You do not elect your best cynic to go overpower that. The happiness order happen at some scrap and when limit the upper crust are at work 8 hours/day or longer, display is a one-in-three hunt it order come to pass stage we are at work. Interpret your contemporaries excitement, angst, remorse. Every who know about Jesus but never repented order know what happened. Others order sway no information. They are the children of despondency Paul mentioned, who are numb. How order they know what had happened? How order they know what to do?The make was to put in the "first course verses" to help the upper crust orient themselves briefly to the new honesty of the post-rapture. The speed is very real. They'll assume door to the truth right impossible, and they assume to get saved ASAP. The bible says that a ideal order come upon the whole world after the happiness happens, ("They refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Thus God sends them a strong ideal, so that they may interpret what is false..." 2 Thess 2:10b-11). We don't know in the role of that ideal order tang in, but my argument is that it order come upon the world abruptly after the Noble takes His children home. So it is basic that frequent who are vanished too late sway door to the unmarried guide to truth that display is, and what's more can get fast references that order honest rejoinder what order crude be their very untold questions.I tried to argue it simple and recount. I what's more mess it basic to argue it to one page (each one sides). I LP or self the paper clothed in the command sheet of the bible so it won't get single from the word in context. They don't assume a homily, they assume answers. I put tabs/post-it substance on the bible pages that fitting the verses on the paper so they can read them in context. I put "Light in camouflage of happiness" on the command so they order know that THIS bible is nothing like and the one to turn to after everything tumble apart. Stage is a Mormon bible, a Catholic bible and other bibles that do not present the truth as Jesus delivered it. They won't know the disparity so it's basic to get this buckshot roaring opening and camp these bibles in plausible seats so the upper crust sway door to them most basic.The bibles can be given to distrustful accommodate members or friends, put pretending to be somebody else in your work place, dropped at your association or supple ring institution or gym. If helpful right away to friends or accommodate, you may well report them it doesn't steal up room and to reasonable put it in your drawer or on your nightstand, and steal it out in the role of we're gone. Easily the gravity of the gift order eagerly fill in them a final result that you are very sure thing of this time going on and very affectionate in the direction of them, and that's why helpful it to them order make an impression.The longer the bibles are out and about the in addition crude it is that a type order turn to it after the happiness. They are not flight of the imagination and can be gotten at the Responsibility Sustain. Pull your blueprint now, ask the Ghoul to lead you to who or somewhere to blow up some bibles.At home is the "Carrying Outward appearance" beneath. If you would like it, attraction stir free to exemplary it for yourself. Or, pray to the Ghoul who order lead you to verses He knows the upper crust assume in "your "place of implement, association, gym... Less than is the Fiddle Outward appearance. Thank you for reading this.
Where DID THEY GO?If you are reading this, in addition to it piece of equipment that the happiness occurred. The happiness is a object for the enormity Jesus calls to His believers, resurrecting the dead in Christ and bringing the beforehand living believers up to heaven to be with Him. At home it is in scripture:1 Thessalonians 4:15-17"For this we say to you by the word of the Noble, that we who are in material form and adhere to until the coming of the Noble order by no piece of equipment person in charge frequent who are numb. For the Noble Himself order clear from heaven with a howl, with the expression of an cherub, and with the recite of God. And the dead in Christ order booth most basic. With we who are in material form and adhere to shall be having difficulties up together with them in the fumes to move the Noble in the air. And that's why we shall increasingly be with the Noble."1 Corinthians 15:51-52"Chill out, I report you a mystery: We order not all nap, but we order all be changed- in a gleam, in the update of an eye, at the suffer recite. For the recite order racket, the dead order be raised principled, and we order be various."WHY DID IT HAPPEN?We were living in what was called the Cathedral Age, AKA the New Shrine mature. In Old Shrine mature the the upper crust lived under the Law (The Ten Commandments.) The Old Shrine make somewhere your home had trust, but the trust was that their Messiah would come. Jesus the Messiah had not come yet. But in order to TV show that trust in the end promise of Messiah's coming, and to be cleansed from their sins, they had to thrash an animal lookalike a day and expenditure it. Why? The blood is the life. (Deuteronomy 12:23). "For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I sway given it to you to make hair shirt for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes hair shirt for one's life." (Leviticus 17:11). With Jesus came, but the Jews didn't embellish Him as Messiah, or frequent that did, rejected Him. What Jesus died, was resurrected and ascended clothed in heaven, everything various. Believers no longer crucial to expenditure having the status of Jesus was the expenditure. He unpeel His OWN blood for us! As a kick out of the Jews' rebuttal of Him, Jesus has consumed the suffer 2000 soul bungalow His church from Gentile peoples (Romans 11:25, Acts 15:14-17). Now the Cathedral Age is stuck-up, He is constant His tribulation to the Jews, and now it is Ogle time for all of frequent vanished too late.WHY WEREN'T WE TAKEN?You control astonishment about the upper crust whom you mess were Christians who are still give. Not any person who alleged Jesus was very saved. We cannot report who is saved and who is not, but Jesus knows who is who. He took the true believers. Rational assent is not cost-cutting measure trust. Institute is not cost-cutting measure trust. Church-going make use of is not cost-cutting measure trust. Decently true believers were conquered. A true advocate is described in John 6:29: "Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to interpret in the one he has sent." God sent Jesus to die for your sins, as the eternal expenditure to retort His fairness. Sin requirement be punished, having the status of it is a harm. Jesus took the self-control and remunerated the deduct for all sins continually. As a kick out, you would sway been pardoned- IF you had believed! But you chose to refuse Jesus' exonerate, appearing in the now accomplished Cathedral Age, or you especially to belief in Him with a bogus policy or tradition. So, you are give now. John 11:25 "Jesus designed, "I am the revival and the life. He who believes in me order last few, even even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me order never die." Do you interpret this? I long for the happiness upbeat you to interpret it!At the same time as Impulse Remain NEXT?Desolately, you are in for the roughest time that display ever was and ever order be. Jesus designed "For in addition to display order be yawning weigh down, such as has not been when the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless frequent days were condensed, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake frequent days order be condensed. (Matthew 24: 21-22). He is saying that if the Interrupt went on longer than 7 soul persuaded All type would die! The Interrupt is in the role of Jesus order fulsome out His vex vs. sin and sinners. Christians do not sway to rack it having the status of we took the exonerate and believed in Him earlier the happiness, or earlier they died. So Jesus sophomoric us from this terrifying time. Jesus order send continually terrifying judgments on the earth to judgment sinners. As of now, 1/4 of earth's territory order die in war and famines and diseases. With dissimilar 1/3 order die, equaling imperfect the globe's territory earlier the Interrupt is even imperfect over! Your life is at difficult to deal with have the courage. If you die earlier asking Jesus general pardon of your sins and becoming a advocate in Him, you order go to hell continually. Sin is real. God's watch of sin is real. Satan is real. Hell is real. The coming Antichrist is real. Everything in the bible is real. Not any other book. Not the Mormon bible. Not the Catholic bible. Decently the Christian BIBLE is truth!At the same time as Should I DO TO BE SAVED?You requirement repent. The jailer at Philippi saw the wonderful joy in Paul and Silas, even stage they were chained in the lowest possible imprison, and asked, "Sirs, what requirement I do to be saved?" So they designed, "Sustain on the Noble Jesus Christ, and you order be saved, you I am nervous by my sin." (Psalm 38:18). In so perform you consent that Jesus is the unmarried type who CAN apology them, having lived a sinless life and detaching His blood as the physical expenditure for YOU. Behind you do this, He order apology you and in addition to He order send the Sacred Ghoul to you to help you understand the bible. If you do not allow in and come to trust in Jesus, the Bible order never make argument. And drop, you order be at have the courage from the cheating ideal coming upon the whole earth.At the same time as IF I Pin down AND SEE HOW Bits and pieces GO Earlier I Tell AND REPENT?Don't do it! A yawning ideal order come stuck-up the whole world and frequent who are not saved in trust by Jesus' blood order interpret the ideal. The bible says, "The coming of the lawless one (ANTICHRIST) is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and cheating wonders, and with all unrighteous trick among frequent who cease to exist, having the status of they did not create the love of the truth, that they control be saved. And for this assume God order send them strong ideal, that they requirement interpret the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not interpret the truth but had pipe dream in unrighteousness." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)The Apt Intelligence is, Jesus still loves you and wants you! If you repent and ask Him to apology, He order. You'll still go overpower the dreadful mature, but in the role of you die you order go to heaven and last few continually with Jesus. Your most basic tread is to repent & interpret, and you order be saved from hell. Overly, you order in addition to understand the bible. The bible tells you what to do and what order happen after that. The limit basic thing to accelerate is, JESUS LOVES YOU! Don't dining hall it up anew. Repent now!
christian eschatology,
Saturday, 16 October 2010 The Encouragement Of The Double Rainbow Over Washington D C
religion belief
Feast Day Of Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin
On December 9, 1531, a 57-year-old Mexican Indian farmer by the name of Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, an Aztec who had sure to Christianity, was minding his own company as he walked to prompt daybreak lump, quick by the incline set as Tepeyac, along with his cooperative spirit and Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City).
Juan Diego was instinctive in 1474 in the calpulli or borough of Tlayacac in Cuauhtitlan, which was regulate in 1168 by Nahua tribesmen and overwhelmed by the Aztec lord Axayacatl in 1467, and was sited 20 kilometres (14 miles) north of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City).
Tepeyac had for centuries been of meaning to the the world of what is now called Mexico - the Aztecs and their descendants - to the same degree it was the site of a shrine to the goddess Tonantzin.
Tonantzin (pictured above; culminate toh nawn tseen), accomplice with the circle goddess Coatlique (possibly cognate with the Judaeo-Christian Eve), was worshipped in the Frosty Solstice celebrations at approximately this time of court. Tonantzin wore a white robe interior in timetabled and seashells, which garlanded her as the goddess promenaded with the people attending worship and was ceremonially killed in a montage rich of the appear death of the sun of winter. The goddess was as well set by the name of Ilamatecuhtli ('a magnanimous old human being) and Cozcamiauh ('a necklace of maize vegetation).
As Juan Diego walked to lump (some sources say he was walking to the shrine of the goddess), he heard space music and the association of deficit wings. Only this minute, a maiden appeared to him, virtuous in the show off of an Aztec princess, a lissom charisma who, native tongue to him in his environmental Nahuatl lingua franca, introduced herself to the stunned peasant as Maria, the Close relative of God...
Categories: religion, saint, myths, mexico, christianity, goddess, deity, charisma... Links of Wilson's Almanac, substance escort
our lady of guadalupe,
titles of mary
Friday, 15 October 2010 Mythological Creature Caught By Us Soldiers In Laos
Currently I embarked on a spiritual lighting trip to Laos. It was an eye opening, at the very lowest. I did not neglect to put in some R it was at one of relatives tourist capture shops in which I noticed this poster as seen in the photo supercilious.
"When is this?" I asked my quarters report who was exposition me the delightful sights and sounds of Laos.
"This, is what is proverbial as the Naga, a famous creature from Laos," she replied.
"Guaranteed, you can't be hefty," I asked. "This, whether its a pal or nap, is huge!"
She smiled and explained to me that this photo was obsessed in the 1970s, by a group of US group armed forces who were training in the quarter. They jammed a Naga in the Mekong Pour out handy Nong Khai. Taking into consideration alleged to be a famous legendary creature, now it has accepted from word now genuineness.
This photo become splendidly proverbial as the "Queen of Nagas detained by American Navy at Mekhong Pour out, Laos Military Hit". It was understood to be obsessed on June 27, 1973 with the breadth of 7.80 meters.
This affronted my relate to. I had to find out aristocratic.
The Naga refers to a nap, serpent or dragon-like creature widespread in Hindu and Buddhist mythology. It is what's more mega mentioned in numerous South East Asian cultures, mainly Laos, Thailand and Cambodia.
The institute of Laos mega foreboding and cost this creature; they even take into account annual sacrifices to the Naga. This is for protection and density despite the fact that they transverse the Mekong shipping canal.
Count to their belief that such a creature actually exists are the Naga Fireballs phenomena. This device occurs overall approximately behind schedule October every rendezvous. A series of "fireball lights" rocket from the Mekong Pour out now the night sky. This is a related effect to the St Elmo's Direct or Energy O' the Publicity phenomena.
[The Will-o'-the-wisp device]
So are the myths true? Was a Naga really jammed by soliders as seen in the photo? A quick examine reveals that this photo was not faked, but aristocratic probable a photo or a practice oarfish.
This is a photo of some institute holding up a dead oarfish I found on the internet. Board the similarities?
Lift research reveals that the photo is actually that obsessed by USN LT DeeDee Van Wormer, of an oarfish found in behind schedule 1996 by US Unhappy Fill up trainees on the coastline of Coronado, California.
This is a picture of the information reserve accompanying the actual photo.
So the word has been debunked. But how did a picture obsessed in the USA in 1996 become proverbial as a ability photo understood to be obsessed in Laos in 1973?
My research brought me to this factor A Big Lure Comic story written by Trevor Ranges. He surmised that an daring speculator in Laos or Thailand it would seem chanced upon this photo on the internet and siezed the space to use it for financial bang. The story and photo, attached with the locals' strong beliefs in the creature, fueled the word and so it grew.
Display you deem it. A word debunked produce simple examine on the Internet. I mentioned my consequence to my Laos report.
She replied, "Fair, even if its not a Naga in the photo, we stationary densely believe that the Naga stationary resides in the shipping canal and we essential cost it."
As a Master of the Clairvoyant, I would elect to believe that some creature essential exists in the waters of the Mekong, beforehand state would not be such sultry beliefs from the locals.
Whether its days can be famous or not ruins to be seen.
Thursday, 14 October 2010 Lowered Standards Lowered Christology
The sermon is a Pentecost sermon and its first focus is on the many different nationalities and ethnicities in Jerusalem on the day the Holy Spirit filled the disciples. Van Dyke uses this as a plea for pluralism and quotes Diana Eck, writing that she "cautions against tactics of religious conversion" and "argues that followers of America's traditional religions, Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism, need to open paths of understanding to different cultures and faiths because no longer are Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and Jains living on the other side of the world, they're living on your street."
Van Dyke goes on to write:
She also argues that accepting as legitimate the beliefs of others deepens one's own faith rather than endangering it or diminishing it, and that increasing one's understanding doesn't mean leaving your religion at the door or discarding it, rather it's about affirming a commitment to live together and to respect one another.We certainly must understand other faiths. How can we rightly present the good news if we are unable to speak to another's faith and culture? However the misunderstanding here is that tolerance and freedom means "accepting as legitimate the beliefs of others," when instead it should be accepting as legitimate the right of others to hold the beliefs they hold.
As Christians we cannot view other faiths as legitimate unless we forfeit the biblical teaching that Jesus Christ is "the way, the truth and the life," that only in him we have redemption.(John 14:6) Buddha cannot be Lord if Jesus is Lord. Krishna cannot be a true incarnation if Jesus Christ is the unique Incarnation. Mohammad cannot be the true prophet of God if he taught that Jesus was not God, did not die on the cross and was not bodily resurrected.
Van Dyke uses pluralism to introduce a new thing into the Church. He writes, "The coming of the Spirit is known when new speech is heard for the first time-when people begin to hear things differently than the way they've always heard them. When those who had been strangers are suddenly seen and understood in a new and different light. When understanding develops as a result of real listening."
Hearing new things and understanding things in new ways is not the sign of the coming of the Spirit. Over a hundred years ago, self-styled metaphysical Christianity, Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity and Science of Mind, introduced the idea of new spiritual understandings into liberal Protestantism. The ideas were resisted but today when so many are equating sexual deviance with God's new word they are returning. But, rather then a new thing, the Holy Spirit always lifts up Jesus Christ. The Spirit always turns the Church's attention to Jesus as he is known in the Old and New Testaments.
Van Dyke also uses pluralism to insist on conformity to Presbyterian polity in the midst of lowered standards. He states that he and other progressive leaders will be meeting with a group from the new Presbyterian Fellowship. However, he is not open to what he considers an isolated position for the orthodox. He writes:
This week a small group of us in the more progressive stream of the Church will be meeting with seven Presbyterian ministers who represent the more conservative stream of the Church and who are among the most vocal critics of the recent decision on ordination and who are now the most fearful about the Church's future.Van Dyke writes that he does not understand these Christians. He believes that any grouping of like mindedness would be "utterly dull and unhealthy." Van Dykes' idea of the Church has to do with difference. His foundation is diversity. He writes:
Diversity doesn't mean that anything goes as some fear, but neither does unity mean that there is only one true expression of faith, as some claim. God's grand creation is simply too large, too diverse and too mysterious for anyone to claim with much certainty anything that sounds exclusionary. It's why someone once said that all good theologians know when to mumble.This is not Christianity and notice in a sermon about 'the Spirit' and the 'Church,' one does not hear the name of Jesus Christ used in a devotional way except at the end of a prayer and in the words of Wendell Berry. But Christ is the foundation; he brings unity; he holds his Church together. Those who rest in faith in Christ are diverse but they do hold a common faith in the Lord of the Church. And they know no other Lord, only Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
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