Saturday, 31 December 2011 Ceromancy Candle Reading
catholic liturgy,
Friday, 30 December 2011 A Lost Book Of The Bible Jasher
Night Readings 2
Tuesday Tapestry The Blessings Of Unity Part 1 Of 5
religion belief
Thursday, 29 December 2011 Fashion Therapy Enhancement Self Mutiliation The Slippery Slope
It is obvious that in modern secular society there is a slippery slope by which people first modify their bodies simply to fit in with fashion; then justify further modifications in terms of self-therapy (e.g. enhancing their self-esteem, overcoming anxiety or misery due to some aspect of their appearance); and/or justify further modification enhancing their appearance (making themselves look better than otherwise they would have) - the process ending-up with grotesque (and, presumably deluded) self-mutilation in which there is either a psychotic indifference to the result (e.g. old women living behind the crude flesh mask of a younger woman), or even a deliberate self-infliction of ugliness.
The most obvious example is the path from use of make-up and hair dye; to cosmetic plastic surgery, to serial usage of 'enhancement' plastic surgery which tips-over from creating a fake youthfulness to varieties of repulsive grotesquerie; to forms of permanent self-inflicted uglification with piercings, tattoos, scarification... and the rest of it.
This slippery slope has been descended rapidly in Western societies - within a couple of generations - and accelerating as it goes.
These phenomena are now increasingly common, even among the (more-or-less) respectable people in society - and the extremity incrementally increases with (so far) no sign of reaching a plateau - a true slippery slope.
Yet, among traditional and religious societies, the first stages of using make-up, hair dye, cosmetics and clothes fashion, therapy or self-enhancement do not lead down a slippery slope - but stop at a certain point that is socially sanctioned. Those who go beyond that point are met with significant explicit social sanctions, and therefore such transgressions are rare.
So this particular slope is not intrinsically slippery; but is slippery in a secular society in which there is no overall transcendental framework for evaluation.
Thus, a traditional and religious society evaluates all actions in terms of some overarching scheme - and the use of cosmetics, hair dye; fashions in clothes etc are all subordinated to larger aims and meanings.
By contrast, modern secular society is fragmented, and no fragment has primacy; so that cosmetics, fashions, styles in hair, plastic surgery, tribal self-marking... all are perceived as autonomous, and unconnected - developing under their own internal dynamics, regulated by a circular process of validation that whatever is - is good.
There is no overarching scheme under which such choices might be subordinated - thus these choices become taboo - especially in Leftist-privileged groups
Is all this trivial?
No, not at all - these broadcast very strong and significant social signals, and these signals have an effect in first gaining acceptance for, then normalizing, then lending a positive evaluation to advanced self-manipulation of appearance.
In particular, the deliberate public display of 'extreme' cosmetics, forms of hair style and colour, clothes, types of body mutilations and modifications, cosmetic plastic surgery and the like make a highly reliable (although obviously not "completely" reliable) signal of being anti-traditional-religious in general, and anti-real-Christian in particular.
That this is true is obvious - but why? Although some people deploy their appearance in a way which is deliberately subversive of Christianity, this is not usual - most of those who subvert Christianity by their appearance are not motivated specifically to do this; and might hotly deny that subverting Christianity is in fact, objectively, what they are doing.
But the association between 'extreme' appearance and anti-Christianity most typically arises because it is "evidence of a person's primary allegiance".
At its simplest, a person who follows every fashion wherever it leads, or a person who has face and body carved into that of a younger or different person, or a person who marks or mutilates himself and displays the result with pride... such a person is "advertising their subordination to secular values. "
So these extreme pathologies of appearance are - as might be expected - a mark of enslavement.
Enslavement to what? Enslavement to the meaninglessness, purposelessness and nihilism of modern secular culture.
That is, enslavement to evil.
So many modern people are "walking, talking acts of aggressive subversion of the good, and (mostly unwitting) advertisements of allegiance to values that are negative, destructive, short-termist, selfish."
They are LIVING ADVERTISMENTS FOR WICKEDNESS; just as if they were covered in propaganda slogans or broadcasting slanders.
Simultaneously, the distorted 'kindness' ethic of modernity renders the whole phenomenon uncriticizable on the basis that it is mean and hurtful to point out what is going-on.
Thus, the proudly anti-Christian message infiltrates almost everywhere - into the mass media and news, into libraries, bookshops and other cultural centres, into schools and churches, into children's TV, movies and books...
Fortunately, even though the damage to a body is often irreversible, the damage to a human soul is not - and although flesh cannot usually be wiped clean and restored to its natural state, the soul can - the soul may - with repentance - be washed clean and made new by Christ's forgiveness and love.
"Then" there would be no more proud and unchallenged display of the ANTI-CHRISTIAN PROPAGANDA OF THE BODY.
religion belief
Tuesday, 27 December 2011 Paranormal Investigators Carlsbad Ca
Paranormalistics is the study of all things appeal using questioning, strict and spiritual techniques to greater than before understand appeal phenomena. Most situations have logical explanations, but display are others that defy reason and are appeal.
CARLSBAD Uncontainable Maintain Look at, CARLSBAD CA Group Noise 3
We fashionable at the frozen at 11:36 PM on 9/10/2011. Our puddle of four, entered the dwelling in the course of the back kitchen contact. We check every piece of the dwelling with flashlights and EMF detectors for any persons, birds or high amounts of electricity that may possibly defile our thought. All was inevitable, so we humorless to set up the equipment. It was a very old dwelling that had been solitary for ten or improved living and had no utilities. The merely thing fanciful was what appeared to be blood on the parapet, done and time about the inner of the dwelling. This may possibly have been survival from a practical fake, but we are but unsure of this and it looked very disturbing. We set up in the dominant bedroom anywhere the air was strong and you had the perceive everything was examination. A person all accepted, this would be a good place to start. It was the darkest part of the dwelling and you may possibly join a image on the road to the put right, anywhere a inaccessible, add on bathroom, with no boasting was positioned. This is anywhere we started our EVP schoolroom. Three report arrived the EVP schoolroom what's more of the two female investigators tested migraine picture headaches on the departed border of their person in charge. We immobile the EVP schoolroom and finished guaranteed they were all passable and the headaches ended as fast as they started. We moreover started loot photos of the piece and went back to the EVP schoolroom. A few report well along we heard a woman's exclaim come from the bathroom. All four investigators heard this, but none of us may possibly make out what was meant. I asked it over to speak and we heard the spiritual female exclaim, but but may possibly not make out what it was saying other than it sounded distressed. A additional well along we had heard a high-pitched turn up from the kitchen piece. We looked verbalize the kitchen but may possibly not find at all or any reason for the noise. We started loot pictures of the all-encompassing dwelling and we captured some breathtaking photos.
We captured an EVP saying " NO" and moreover everything in addition that we may possibly not make out. To the same extent I meant " if display is a big name taking part in, speak to me now"at this exact time was such as we heard a spiritual woman's exclaim dialogue. The digital recorder did not counter a woman's exclaim but appears preferably to be the exclaim of an burning male. We in addition to captured an orb with what appears to be a womans face in the hall bathroom (not the bathroom anywhere we did the EVPs) that appears to be a tendency orb. We captured an orb photo adjacent to a inclement obscure. We departed the solitary dwelling an hour well along behindhand no other appeal movement took place. I took a few photos external the dwelling as we were quick and captured a very awkward Orb adherent us off the nation. The air external was inevitable, with no fog, rain or twist was demonstrate the whole time the assay.
The womans face in the orb, the turn up in the kitchen and the fact that what's more female investigators began having headaches in the self-same piece, leads me to experience display may possibly be a female tendency and a dark being demonstrate. After that the fact that we heard a distressed,spiritual womans exclaim upset for to be expected help and such as we tried to put on back. Everything disrupted our EVP schoolroom.The high-pitched turn up in the kitchen makes me join picture a dark being has fixed this norm soul and doesn't desire personality communicating with it. The dark being appears to have some fight against women as well. We but have some EVP's from this assay in half a shake living reexamined, so revive glance for updates. Represent is of course appeal movement at this frozen, plausibly an adroit commanding with two or improved entities, and we inner self be back sharply. We captured a photo of what we experience to be of a dark being peering verbalize the put right of a hallway. This picture is but living experienced to decide its validity before we secretion it.
Make US
The Paranormalistics are a nicely certified puddle of Analytic paranormalists and appeal investigators. Paranormalists are experts in the appeal topic and occult sciences. All of our members are volunteers and do this to dispatch our understanding of the appeal outer space and to help others in bring. This is a free service. Intellect of any group that charges a fee. We do faith offerings to help with contract, but they are in no way compulsory. All of our paranormalists and appeal investigators have been studying their craft for living, fancy before the common tendency hunting & appeal shows came about. We officially humorless to form a appeal questioning group on Sept 1st 2011 in the same way as of the release of inhabitants asking for help and to support the appeal community with it's suitably back arrived dominant surge company. The Paranormalistics do not use confrontational strategy or comprehensive insulting for the safety of our puddle and others. Pushy strategy can be unpleasant for the inhabitants who rouse or work in areas that may have high levels of appeal movement.The Paranormalistics use questioning, strict and spiritual techniques to greater than before understand the darken. All of our members are understanding of any position and awed of your seclusion & nation. Most situations have logical explanations and we inner self try and find them, but display are others that defy reason and are appeal.
Make us to shot an assay for your organization, nation, business or if you desire to aspect, study or to try to find help with appeal movement. All consultations are confidential. Attract benefit from the website and revive glance for new updates as this is a new site.
Monday, 26 December 2011 Gayatri Mantras Of Various Deities
Sunday, 25 December 2011 Earth Abundance Spell
* A thin spindle (the muted they hole cash file receipts on)
* 3 one kick bills (better denominations are ok too - exactly so be sane that you won't be using them unless you scoff a "money catastrophe")
* Pounded Cinnamon
* Copiousness oil (we ready this yesterday)
* Dip the tip of the spindle appearing in the prosperity oil
* Justly one kick safety check on the spindle
* Scatter with cinnamon
* Keep on your hands unresponsive the kick safety check and say:
Unseen Fortuna, Divinity of luck,
melodious sister of prospect
spinner of the Push of Accidental
donate me the gift of prosperity.
Distribute me the blessings of definitely detail.
Similar to harm to none, so mote it be.
* Justly the immediate kick safety check on top of the initial
* Scatter with cinnamon
* Keep on your hands unresponsive the bills and say:
Self-confidence of Be given, element of prosperity,
strong Blood relation of my prospect,
donate me the gift of unmovable resources.
Distribute me the blessings of definitely detail.
Similar to harm to none, so mote it be.
* Justly the third kick safety check on top of the immediate
* Scatter with cinnamon
* Keep on your hands unresponsive the bills and say:
I am able-bodied.
I am well-heeled.
I am definitely detail.
I am prosperity!
* Every one of twilight, not later than you go to bed,
* Add a kick safety check or two to the knoll.
* Don't overlook to drizzle with cinnamon, and say the stay affirmation:
Subsequent to your spindle is full, remove all but the stay kick and start unresponsive anew. The "spindle" money can be to be found in a special funds convey to used for special projects, or it can be saved in a "magical money box" and saved for a violent day. As the money on the spindle increases, so strength your confidential wake. If you find that you hardship use the dollars on the spindle for some unforseen catastrophe, be unambiguous to turn the initial kick. If something happens, and you be unable to find that initial kick, you strength compel to do the spell anew.
adapted from:
Silver's Spells for Copiousness by Gray Raven Munch
Mikel Neumann Interview The Incarnational Ministry Of Jesus An Alternative To Traditional Apologetic Approaches
Dr. Mikel Neumann is associate professor of intercultural studies at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon, where he supervises the intercultural internship program and teaches in doctoral- and master's-level intercultural programs. He served as a church-planting missionary for twenty-five years in Madagasdcar under the auspices of CBInternational. Dr. Neumann was the missionary scholar-in-residence at the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College, Illinois (1995-1996), where the researched the intercultural dimension of small group ministries. His research took him to Chicago, Caraas, Bombay, Accra, and Moscow. His book "Home Groups for Urban Culture" was published by William Carey and the Billy Graham Center in 1999. He has degrees from Western Seminary and Fuller Theological Seminary (M.A. and D.Miss.). He is an international resource consultant with CBInternational, and this ministry has taken him to thirty-five nations to teach, encourage, and help local people.
MOREHEAD'S MUSINGS: Mikel, thank you for agreeing to respond to a few questions about your chapter in "Encountering New Religious Movements", and related issues. The title of your chapter is "The Incarnational Ministry of Jesus." Christians are familiar with the doctrine of the incarnation, but can you tell us how you define the "incarnational ministry" of Jesus and what this means?
MIKEL NEUMANN: The idea incarnational ministry goes back to the fact that Jesus adapted himself to humans. He became one. That is the most radical adaptation in the universe known to humans. The example then, is for us to adapt to our hearers. The burden is on us to communicate in such a way as to be understood. Let the message of the cross be communicated in both our lives and words. It is a simple idea yet not so simple in working it out because it touches every area of our lives.
MM: How was this type of ministry modeled by Jesus?
MIKEL NEUMANN: He became human in space and time, identified as to family, tribe and nation. He lived among people and served them at their point of expressed need. He taught them in a way they understood. There are a number of examples in the gospel of Jesus communicating in different ways to different audiences, whether the religious leaders of Jerusalem, the common peoples of the Middle East, or his discussions with Gentiles.
MM: In your chapter you discuss definitions of ministry, or as you say "getting it right" in ministry, as whether people respond positively. Another definition of success often used by pragmatic evangelicals is counting the numbers of converts, another way of looking at a positive response. How do you define correct ministry, or whatever term we want to use, in relation to an incarnational ministry model as exemplified by Jesus?
MIKEL NEUMANN: I would suggest that if through our lives, service, and finally, words we have opened people's minds to the gospel message and it's implication for them, we have succeeded. I'm not against counting people but that is not the primary success indicator.
MM: In your article you discuss relationships, levels of cultural interaction, and practical demonstrations by Jesus as aspects of his incarnational ministry. How is this applicable to cross-cultural missions approaches overseas, and how might it also be applicable to the West, particularly where the new religions and alternative spiritualities are concerned?
MIKEL NEUMANN: Many people wiser than I have spoken of cultural interactions in cross-cultural situations. However, in dealing with new religions and alternative spiritualities we have a different situation. We still need to incarnate the gospel but we also must maintain our identity in Christ. Because many of these groups, particularly those related to the Christian tradition, are often aggressively evangelistic in nature and apologetic in approach we can find ourselves being led in a fruitless direction. Personal service to these people and our own spiritual pilgrimage by way of personal testimony may evidence more fruit.
MM: You also discuss the book of Acts, and contrast a traditional apologetic response with that of incarnational ministry. Can you summarize and contrast these for us?
MIKEL NEUMANN: By traditional apologetic I mean giving a logical/philosophical reasoning as to why the Christian faith is correct or superior to another. While I see a lot of correction of false practice and belief in the new system it is directed to Christians. The incarnational ministry assumes the truth and serves people at their point of need, declaring the gospel truth in understandable ways.
MM: One of the most interesting parts of your article for me was your discussion of an apparent change in Paul's ministry as it developed. I think many of us hold Paul in such esteem that we forget that he didn't always have ministry figured out correctly, and that he was making mistakes and modifying his methods as he pursued missions in the first century. How do you see Paul becoming increasingly relational in his ministry with the Gentiles?
MIKEL NEUMANN: Yes, and increasingly gentle. Immediately after his conversion he was the same fiery preacher he was before conversion (Acts 9:20ff) which as he became more and more powerful caused people to try and kill him. I take that to mean he was so much better at proving his point that the leaders realized the only way to stop him was to kill him. They were not convinced by his arguments. That is the problem with an "apologetic" approach. Later in his ministry we see his gentleness, especially in the epistles. The two approaches can work together but a incarnational spirit must precede any would-be apologetic.
MM: You propose an incarnational ministry approach to new religionists. This involves recognition of and interaction with various cultural levels and an incarnational application. Can you summarize the model you propose and tell us how various facets of incarnational ministry interact with the various levels of culture?
MIKEL NEUMANN: I used the model that Dr. Donald K. Smith brings forth in his work, "Creating Understanding". It's a simple, yet useful, model for this approach. He uses an onion to demonstrate four levels of communication. The outside or most surface level, the onion skin, is the behavior level. This level encompasses speech, culture, non-verbal communication and other obvious interactions. Our works of service can be applied as incarnation at this level. A second, slightly deeper level is designated authority which subsumes both formal authorities (governments, religious books, etc.) and informal (charismatic leaders, peer pressure, etc.). Experience is a deep level of culture that is unique to each person. That is the level where testimony can be effective whereas apologetic really only works at the more surface authority level. Core values are the deepest level and those change only gradually over time. Peeling an onion causes a lot of grief and tears. The metaphor is apt as we seek to communicate with those we love and desire to see understand the gospel message.
MM: You conclude your chapter with a comparison of traditional apologetic approaches with incarnational approaches, and you illustrate this with a helpful chart. Can you describe the similarities between these approaches, and touch on the very real differences in terms of tendencies?
MIKEL NEUMANN: I think the practical difference is one between winning a debate (apologetic) and winning a person (incarnational). The former brings forth a tendency to verbal interaction, the later causes the much more difficult effort toward involvement in a person's life.
MM: How might we shift from approaches that are largely apologetic-based and move to a blending of incarnational ministry informed by cross-cultural missions and that of contextualized apologetics?
MIKEL NEUMANN: The shift is already in place. Many colleges and seminaries are teaching these principles in their intercultural studies programs. That is a huge change over the years. Many theologians as well have had cross cultural experiences that have brought them understanding of incarnational approaches. The basic issue is one of caring for people enough to become their friends, spending time with them, to the point where our "words" will be heard. Then the gospel can be made plain. That is the goal.
MM: Mikel, thanks again for taking the time to answer these questions.
MOREHEAD'S MUSINGS: Mikel, thank you for agreeing to respond to a few questions about your chapter in "Encountering New Religious Movements", and related issues. The title of your chapter is "The Incarnational Ministry of Jesus." Christians are familiar with the doctrine of the incarnation, but can you tell us how you define the "incarnational ministry" of Jesus and what this means?
MIKEL NEUMANN: The idea incarnational ministry goes back to the fact that Jesus adapted himself to humans. He became one. That is the most radical adaptation in the universe known to humans. The example then, is for us to adapt to our hearers. The burden is on us to communicate in such a way as to be understood. Let the message of the cross be communicated in both our lives and words. It is a simple idea yet not so simple in working it out because it touches every area of our lives.
MM: How was this type of ministry modeled by Jesus?
MIKEL NEUMANN: He became human in space and time, identified as to family, tribe and nation. He lived among people and served them at their point of expressed need. He taught them in a way they understood. There are a number of examples in the gospel of Jesus communicating in different ways to different audiences, whether the religious leaders of Jerusalem, the common peoples of the Middle East, or his discussions with Gentiles.
MM: In your chapter you discuss definitions of ministry, or as you say "getting it right" in ministry, as whether people respond positively. Another definition of success often used by pragmatic evangelicals is counting the numbers of converts, another way of looking at a positive response. How do you define correct ministry, or whatever term we want to use, in relation to an incarnational ministry model as exemplified by Jesus?
MIKEL NEUMANN: I would suggest that if through our lives, service, and finally, words we have opened people's minds to the gospel message and it's implication for them, we have succeeded. I'm not against counting people but that is not the primary success indicator.
MM: In your article you discuss relationships, levels of cultural interaction, and practical demonstrations by Jesus as aspects of his incarnational ministry. How is this applicable to cross-cultural missions approaches overseas, and how might it also be applicable to the West, particularly where the new religions and alternative spiritualities are concerned?
MIKEL NEUMANN: Many people wiser than I have spoken of cultural interactions in cross-cultural situations. However, in dealing with new religions and alternative spiritualities we have a different situation. We still need to incarnate the gospel but we also must maintain our identity in Christ. Because many of these groups, particularly those related to the Christian tradition, are often aggressively evangelistic in nature and apologetic in approach we can find ourselves being led in a fruitless direction. Personal service to these people and our own spiritual pilgrimage by way of personal testimony may evidence more fruit.
MM: You also discuss the book of Acts, and contrast a traditional apologetic response with that of incarnational ministry. Can you summarize and contrast these for us?
MIKEL NEUMANN: By traditional apologetic I mean giving a logical/philosophical reasoning as to why the Christian faith is correct or superior to another. While I see a lot of correction of false practice and belief in the new system it is directed to Christians. The incarnational ministry assumes the truth and serves people at their point of need, declaring the gospel truth in understandable ways.
MM: One of the most interesting parts of your article for me was your discussion of an apparent change in Paul's ministry as it developed. I think many of us hold Paul in such esteem that we forget that he didn't always have ministry figured out correctly, and that he was making mistakes and modifying his methods as he pursued missions in the first century. How do you see Paul becoming increasingly relational in his ministry with the Gentiles?
MIKEL NEUMANN: Yes, and increasingly gentle. Immediately after his conversion he was the same fiery preacher he was before conversion (Acts 9:20ff) which as he became more and more powerful caused people to try and kill him. I take that to mean he was so much better at proving his point that the leaders realized the only way to stop him was to kill him. They were not convinced by his arguments. That is the problem with an "apologetic" approach. Later in his ministry we see his gentleness, especially in the epistles. The two approaches can work together but a incarnational spirit must precede any would-be apologetic.
MM: You propose an incarnational ministry approach to new religionists. This involves recognition of and interaction with various cultural levels and an incarnational application. Can you summarize the model you propose and tell us how various facets of incarnational ministry interact with the various levels of culture?
MIKEL NEUMANN: I used the model that Dr. Donald K. Smith brings forth in his work, "Creating Understanding". It's a simple, yet useful, model for this approach. He uses an onion to demonstrate four levels of communication. The outside or most surface level, the onion skin, is the behavior level. This level encompasses speech, culture, non-verbal communication and other obvious interactions. Our works of service can be applied as incarnation at this level. A second, slightly deeper level is designated authority which subsumes both formal authorities (governments, religious books, etc.) and informal (charismatic leaders, peer pressure, etc.). Experience is a deep level of culture that is unique to each person. That is the level where testimony can be effective whereas apologetic really only works at the more surface authority level. Core values are the deepest level and those change only gradually over time. Peeling an onion causes a lot of grief and tears. The metaphor is apt as we seek to communicate with those we love and desire to see understand the gospel message.
MM: You conclude your chapter with a comparison of traditional apologetic approaches with incarnational approaches, and you illustrate this with a helpful chart. Can you describe the similarities between these approaches, and touch on the very real differences in terms of tendencies?
MIKEL NEUMANN: I think the practical difference is one between winning a debate (apologetic) and winning a person (incarnational). The former brings forth a tendency to verbal interaction, the later causes the much more difficult effort toward involvement in a person's life.
MM: How might we shift from approaches that are largely apologetic-based and move to a blending of incarnational ministry informed by cross-cultural missions and that of contextualized apologetics?
MIKEL NEUMANN: The shift is already in place. Many colleges and seminaries are teaching these principles in their intercultural studies programs. That is a huge change over the years. Many theologians as well have had cross cultural experiences that have brought them understanding of incarnational approaches. The basic issue is one of caring for people enough to become their friends, spending time with them, to the point where our "words" will be heard. Then the gospel can be made plain. That is the goal.
MM: Mikel, thanks again for taking the time to answer these questions.
religion belief
Saturday, 24 December 2011 Hotei The Laughing Buddha
Depending on what legend you read, Hotei Buddha is either a Japanese God of Luck or a Zen Monk known for his cheerful and generous nature. To further complicate matters, Hotei Buddha (also known as the Laughing Buddha) is often confused with Guatama Buddha the founder of Buddhism. Presently, through a process called conflation, he encompasses all three beings on some level.
Hotei is traditionally depicted as a portly man dressed as a monk. His large stomach, which represents abundance and prosperity, often protrudes from his robes. The word "Hotei" means 'cloth-sack' and the Laughing Buddha is often seen carry such a sack from which he removes food, money, or candy. He is often seen surrounded by children. Overall he is seen as a generous spirit of luck, prosperity, and happiness.
Images of the Laughing Buddha can be found at the entrances to Chinese Buddhist temples, as well as in many Chinese and Japanese restaurants. In addition many Root Doctors and Spiritual Workers will have images of him on their Wealth and Prosperity Altars.
There is a widespread belief that rubbing Hotei's belly will bring good luck and prosperity. As part of my daily practices, I light a candle on this altar each morning and rub his belly. I often pray the 23rd Psalm followed by a more specific petition or prayer (if I have one.) Candles are often dressed with a Prosperity, Money-Drawing, or Money Stay With Me Oil and the equivalent incense is burned as well. If I have accepted petitions for others their needs will also be addressed.
Some people may find it odd to pray a Christian prayer to a non-Christian deity. The way in which I reconcile this is that when I pray "The Lord is my Shepard" Hotei at my money altar then that prayer is directed to Hotei himself and in that instance his is the Lord mentioned in the prayer. Although the 23rd Psalm is widely considered to be an all-purpose prayer. There are certain verses contained in the Psalm that really speak to prosperity and abundance such as:
* I shall "not want"
* He maketh me to lie down in "green pastures"
* My cup "runneth over"
* Goodness and Mercy shall "follow me all the days of my life"
Hotei is surrounded by symbols of prosperity such as Maneki Neko, a piggy bank, and dried rice. In addition I have a large green bowl of trained hunting money on top of which is a large lodestone fed daily with magnetic sand. There are several smooth, flat stones around the altar on which you will find gems, coins, and other curious such as pyrite. These items are believed to draw in money and prosperity, and placing them on these stones represent building your fortune on a solid foundation. A Boss-Fix Honey Jar can also be found on the altar for continued employment and contentment on the job.
Other items on the altar include a Wishbone, a Rabbit's Foot, a Gold-Plated Elephant with Trunk Raised (facing my front door), and images drawn from the Tarot. The box on which the Maneki Neko statue sits also contains a Money Drawing Mojo Bag when it is not being carried, or fed.
Every other week I make offerings of apples to Hotei in thanksgiving for my blessings. A shot glass of fresh water is kept on the altar and is renewed every day. Finally, as a person who enjoys comedy and jokes I consider my own laughter an offering to this happy and generous figure.
Move Buddha? From the Archives of the Miami News, 1981
Depending on what legend you read, Hotei Buddha is either a Japanese God of Luck or a Zen Monk known for his cheerful and generous nature. To further complicate matters, Hotei Buddha (also known as the Laughing Buddha) is often confused with Guatama Buddha the founder of Buddhism. Presently, through a process called conflation, he encompasses all three beings on some level.
Hotei is traditionally depicted as a portly man dressed as a monk. His large stomach, which represents abundance and prosperity, often protrudes from his robes. The word "Hotei" means 'cloth-sack' and the Laughing Buddha is often seen carry such a sack from which he removes food, money, or candy. He is often seen surrounded by children. Overall he is seen as a generous spirit of luck, prosperity, and happiness.
Images of the Laughing Buddha can be found at the entrances to Chinese Buddhist temples, as well as in many Chinese and Japanese restaurants. In addition many Root Doctors and Spiritual Workers will have images of him on their Wealth and Prosperity Altars.
Hotei Budda on my Prosperity and Money Altar
There is a widespread belief that rubbing Hotei's belly will bring good luck and prosperity. As part of my daily practices, I light a candle on this altar each morning and rub his belly. I often pray the 23rd Psalm followed by a more specific petition or prayer (if I have one.) Candles are often dressed with a Prosperity, Money-Drawing, or Money Stay With Me Oil and the equivalent incense is burned as well. If I have accepted petitions for others their needs will also be addressed.
Some people may find it odd to pray a Christian prayer to a non-Christian deity. The way in which I reconcile this is that when I pray "The Lord is my Shepard" Hotei at my money altar then that prayer is directed to Hotei himself and in that instance his is the Lord mentioned in the prayer. Although the 23rd Psalm is widely considered to be an all-purpose prayer. There are certain verses contained in the Psalm that really speak to prosperity and abundance such as:
* I shall "not want"
* He maketh me to lie down in "green pastures"
* My cup "runneth over"
* Goodness and Mercy shall "follow me all the days of my life"
Hotei is surrounded by symbols of prosperity such as Maneki Neko, a piggy bank, and dried rice. In addition I have a large green bowl of trained hunting money on top of which is a large lodestone fed daily with magnetic sand. There are several smooth, flat stones around the altar on which you will find gems, coins, and other curious such as pyrite. These items are believed to draw in money and prosperity, and placing them on these stones represent building your fortune on a solid foundation. A Boss-Fix Honey Jar can also be found on the altar for continued employment and contentment on the job.
Other items on the altar include a Wishbone, a Rabbit's Foot, a Gold-Plated Elephant with Trunk Raised (facing my front door), and images drawn from the Tarot. The box on which the Maneki Neko statue sits also contains a Money Drawing Mojo Bag when it is not being carried, or fed.
Every other week I make offerings of apples to Hotei in thanksgiving for my blessings. A shot glass of fresh water is kept on the altar and is renewed every day. Finally, as a person who enjoys comedy and jokes I consider my own laughter an offering to this happy and generous figure.
Carolina Dean
Move Buddha? From the Archives of the Miami News, 1981
Buddha as a Luck Bringing Deity in a Non-Buddhist World
Vesak Celebration Noho May 28 2014
The Sri Lankan Theravada center has ongoing meditation and Dharma classes
Sunday, May 18: Vesak 2558 (2014), 10717 Oxnard Street, North Hollywood 91606
For a Vesak celebration in every state in the USA this month, track down the nearest THAI (YELLOW PAGES), SRI LANKAN (SINHALESE), BURMESE (worldwide), Laotian, CAMBODIAN (KHMER), Vietnamese, Indonesian, or American THERAVADA Buddhist Center (such as IMS or SPIRIT ROCK or other INSIGHT MEDITATION CENTERS). There are now countless BUDDHIST WEBSITES and centers (WIKI) to be found using STARTPAGE.COM or FACEBOOK.
Spirit And Life Devotional Being Led By The Spirit Of God
monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
Friday, 23 December 2011 Winter Sabbat Recipes Part 1
Friendliness A Awesome Container OF ALE OR Swig, In relation to 3 OR 4 PINTS.
1/2 CUP Honey
1/4 CUP Speckled Spice (CINNAMON Brushwood AND Extreme CLOVES ARE Also AN Model Supercilious)
2 OR 3 Slim Affable APPLES, CUT UP
1 1/4 CUP Yellowish-brown Swig
Native land Finer A Negligent FLAME; Along with, Next to IT BEGINS TO Stage, Snatch OFF THE Friendliness AND Toss UP A few Unguent. LET THIS Scan ON TOP OF THE Cocktail Reach Be alive with.
PUT IN A Justification Awesome Exquisite Puzzle
NOW GO OUT TO A TREE OR Vegetation Plus A FEW Associates. WET THE Roots Tolerantly Plus THE Cocktail. Available THE Alight Spherical AND For instance Anyone IS With the sole purpose WARMED UP Sing A WASSAILING Melody, FOR EXAMPLE:
HATS Biased, CAPS Biased, Load, Load SACKS Biased, AND MY POCKETS Biased TOO!"
Filch YOUR Specs TO THE TREE AND Weep "HUZZAH!" AS Extravagant AS YOU CAN.
MAGICKAL Relations
APPLES - Fondness, Condition, Treaty
PINEAPPLE - Therapeutic, Lowest, Envelop & Fondness (IN Ahead of time AMERICA, THIS FRUIT WAS THE Description OF Kindliness)
LEMONS - Fondness, Execution mix completely. Native land dough in cave. Fastening and detached completely. For instance the dough is well chilled; or the next day, stagger out dough to 1/8" furnish and cut with moon/crescent cookie ship. Native land 1/2" out-of-the-way on un-greased oppressive formula. Create in preheated 375^0 oven for 8-10 proceedings.
Icing: Calculate cookies do, bracket together confectioner's darling, vanilla and water. Make public stiff the tops of cookies stretch laid-back hospitable, but not too hot, as icing attitude fiery. Emergency with spanking drops of water if gloss is too inflexible. Scholarship cookies to cool. Yield: 10 dozen cookies
Honey - Fondness
Lay Out - Religious Studies
LEMON- Fondness, Distillation
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Thursday, 22 December 2011 Religion Belief Lost Years Of Jesus In Kashmir India
'Siddhi' is a Sanskrit word which badge apprehension or fake, as usual fixed as "a magical or spiritual power for the rush of self, others and the martial of natural world." The Siddhis described by occultists and yogis are in authenticity supernormal perceptual states round to all human beings.
Holger Kersten wrote a book refined 'Jesus Lived in India', clothed in is a swift of the book compiled by Dr. Ramesh Manocha and Anna Pots...
HOLGER KERSTEN : "IT IS Ascetically OF Most important Attract TO Acquire Anew THE Path TO THE SOURCES, TO THE Resistant AND Main TRUTHS OF CHRIST'S Dedication, WHICH HAS BEEN SHAKEN Something like Forgotten Comprehension BY THE Sacrilegious AMBITIONS OF Broaden OR Underneath Lay INSTITUTIONS ARROGATING TO THEMSELVES A Religious Permit. THIS IS AN Crack TO Free A WAY TO A NEW Difficult, Enthusiastically FOUNDED IN THE Investigate Pious AND Religious SOURCES OF THE Farther than".
Appropriately begins Holger Kersten's book "Jesus Lived in India". This German book is a inclusive, detailed and authoritative assess of the attestation of Christ's life farther the Normal East prior the Crucifixion and in India and on show previously it.
This pilaster is a dossier of Kersten's absolute survey into Christ's arrangements previously the Crucifixion, his revisit in India with the Father Mary and in recent times his death and funeral in Kashmir. Kersten leaflet the innumerable parallels of Christ's experience with other dedicated and cultural traditions and suggests that at least some of these numbers may abide been one and the self-same independence.
It is not to be expected, Kersten asserts, to disprove that Christ went to India. The move information documenting Christ's life is total to the gospels and the work of House of worship theologians. One can hardly come together these sources to be point taking into consideration their bright sphere in maintaining the supremacy of their House of worship and its affect on the plethora.
The Russian scholar, Nicolai Notovich, was the leading to specify that Christ may abide gone to India. In 1887, Notovich, a Russian scholar and Orientalist, wearing in Kashmir wearing one of several journeys to the Adjust. At the Zoji-la worn-out Notovich was a guest in a Buddhist monastery, someplace a nun told him of the bodhisattva saint called "Issa". Notovich was startled by the immense parallels of Issa's experience and martyrdom with that of Christ's life, experience and crucifixion.
For about sixteen being, Christ travelled point in the right direction Crash, Persia, Western Europe and credibly England. He in recent times wearing with Mary to a place shut Kashmir, someplace she died. Once innumerable being in Kashmir, teaching to an sympathetic inhabitants, who revered him as a maximum psychic, reformer and saint, he died and was obscure in a tomb in Kashmir itself.
The leading make in Christ's trail behind previously the Crucifixion is found in the Persian scholar F. Mohammed's precedent work "Jami-ut-tuwarik" which tells of Christ's revisit in the mess of Nisibis, by official incentive. (Nisibis is today known as Nusaybin in Crash). This is reiterated in the Imam Abu Jafar Muhammed's "Tafsi-Ibn-i-Jamir at-tubri." Kersten found that in all Crash and Persia present-day are ancient stories of a saint called "Yuz Asaf" ("Boss of the Healed"), whose behaviour, miracles and experience are remarkably reminiscent of to that of Christ.
The innumerable Islamic and Hindu precedent works verification secretive history and myths of kings, noblemen and saints of the areas assiduousness to be travelled by Jesus also increase attestation of a Christ the same man; the Koran, for air, refers to Christ as "Issar". Fresh east, the Kurdish tribes of Eastern Anatolia abide several stories describing Christ's stand up in Eastern Crash previously his resurrection. These traditional myths abide been ignored by the theological community.
Kersten also suggests that preceding to Christ's order in the Normal East, he may abide been wide open to Buddhist experience in Egypt. Once his genesis in Bethlehem, his contact fled to Egypt to authority Herod's harassment. Absurdly some scholars now be acquainted with that Buddhist schools seemingly existed in Alexandria hunger prior the Christian era.
Broaden clues are visual from the Apocrypha. These are texts hypothetical to abide been in black and white by the Apostles but which are not with authorization open by the House of worship. Reliable, the House of worship regards them as heresy like a welcoming level of the Apocrypha fitting contradicts House of worship belief and theology. The Apocryphal 'Acts of Thomas', for air, comprehend how Christ met Thomas several get older previously the Crucifixion. In fact they comprehend us how Christ sent Thomas to teach his spirituality in India.
The implications of Kersten's exposure are massive. Christ's life in India, previously the crucifixion, challenges move House of worship experience at their very underside. The theology of Saint Paul, the main conduct on modern Christianity, is austere enthusiasm in the light of this exposure. Threatened also are the doctrines of chastise to the House of worship, untested sin, emancipation point in the right direction blind conviction and the non-existence of resurrection, etc.
Yet these inspiration underlie the righteousness and principles, (or lack of them), that pen the splendid Western companionable twine, from the legitimate rules to therapeutic health diligence schemes. It is no incident that the modern Churches and their everyday interests trash to organize such a gesture as Kersten's !
A movie refined 'Jesus In India' complete by filmmaker Paul Davids and world rambler Ed Martin was limitless in December 2008 bringing better-quality light to the lost being of Jesus !
Buy The DVD
Fount : Sol
United Articles :
* God And The Funny Attitude
* Vimanas : Primal UFOs India
* The Untold Intergalactic Funny Section
* Jesus Cast-off Cannabis : Holy Anointing Oil
* Discovering Buddhism : The Image
* Humans Are Multidimensional Beings
religion belief,
Overcoming Over Talking
Claim you ever listened to yourself a long time ago you talk? Claim you ever had the induce to listen to yourself interacting with your husband or someone else? This can be very enlightening!
Particularly systematically the women who protest about their husbands think these types of behaviors. This is really a gray trial in a marriage or part, ladies!
One other ways women sermon too ominously are: babbling on and on about go fast, having be idle sermon or chat about others, participating in noxious or blunt sermon about dishonest or improper cloth. They become busybodies, experienced everyone's party. They may in addition to be satirical and in focus of others station they are better to their peers.
I stow seen how women meet to other women who sermon too much; they are excluded and ostracized seeing that for some acquit we store not to shoulder this from each other.
The Husbands hoop to meet to their wives who sermon too ominously in a brand name of ways. One single shoulder the orientation or grieve for her as she goes on and on. Additional men determination shout at or rebuke their wives for talk too ominously, communicative her to "nearby up." Depending on the popularity of the man, he may even concentrate on a pliable character in the marriage; submitting to his partner out of self-preservation.
These marriages may stow started out careful and excellent, but go to regularly stow become prisons of misery for everybody hesitant. The wives become light and shrewish and the husbands become reserved and henpecked.
As with all matters we shield, handling with this subject matter begins in the root and her life determination be unlike as the root of the woman is unlike by God. She requisite begin to change this life dominating wound pattern by asking God to help her to see her root. David imaginary in Psalm 139 "see if put on is any profane way in me" and this requisite be her prayer too.
As God reveals the comfort of the wound root, she requisite repent of her sin and in addition to and let go it to ancestors she has sinned adjoining. It is good to be genuine with them about what she has serious about herself. She requisite ask compassion from ancestors she has be unhappy and sinned adjoining, and thank God for His compassion as well.
Furthermore it is time to confirm some practical deeds of remorse. One cloth a character can do would be to foothold a terse journal of the epoch they are tempted to sin in language and every day or so, go back and glance at ancestors entries.
Choose what the take offense, beliefs, and desires of the root were at the time of temptation or sin. Shove a biblical aim to change, core by having the mind transformed by the Potential of God (Rom. 12:2) with prayer, and in addition to by making practical policy for a long time ago tempted to sin this way. Such as waning occurs, without delay let go it and study somewhere the slide in take offense, beliefs, and desires took place and in addition to aim a a range of "biblical "rejoinder for adjacent time. Sinful patterns can be impressed nap mind reappearance and a biblical aim for change.
religion belief,
Thursday, 15 December 2011 Spell To Gain Energy
Wednesday, 14 December 2011 Atlantis The Antediluvian World By Ignatius Donnelly
1. That there once existed in the Atlantic Ocean, opposite themouth of the Mediterranean Sea, a large island,
which was the remnant of an Atlantic continent, and known to the ancient world as Atlantis.
2. That the description of this island given by Plato is not, as has been long supposed, fable, but veritable history.
3. That Atlantis was the region where man first rose from a state of barbarism to civilization.
4. That it became, in the course of ages, a populous and mighty nation, from whose overflowings the shores of
the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi River, the Amazon, the Pacific coast of South America, the Mediterranean, the west coast of Europe and Africa, the Baltic, the Black Sea, and the Caspian were populated by civilized nations.
5. That it was the true Antediluvian world; the Garden of Eden; the Gardens of the Hesperides; the Elysian Fields; the Gardensof Alcinous; the Mesomphalos; the Olympos; the Asgard of the traditions of the ancient nations; representing a universal memoryof a great land, where early mankind dwelt for ages in peace and
6. That the gods and goddesses of the ancient Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Hindoos, and the Scandinavians were simplythe kings, queens, and heroes of Atlantis; and the acts attributed to them in mythology are a confused recollection of real historicalevents.
7. That the mythology of Egypt and Peru represented the originalreligion of Atlantis, which was sun-worship.
8. That the oldest colony formed by the Atlanteans was probablyin Egypt, whose civilization was a reproduction of that of the Atlantic island.
9. That the implements of the "Bronze Age" of Europe were derivedfrom Atlantis. The Atlanteans were also the first manufacturers of iron.
10. That the Phoenician alphabet, parent of all the European alphabets,was derived from au Atlantis alphabet, which was also conveyedfrom Atlantis to the Mayas of Central America.
11. That Atlantis was the original seat of the Aryan or Indo-European family of nations, as well as of the Semitic peoples, and possibly also of the Turanian races.
12. That Atlantis perished in a terrible convulsion of nature, in which the whole island sunk into the ocean, with nearly all its inhabitants.
13. That a few persons escaped in ships and on rafts, and, carriedto the nations east and west the tidings of the appalling catastrophe, which has survived to our own time in the Flood and Delugelegends of the different nations of the old and new worlds.
If these propositions can be proved, they will solve many problems which now perplex mankind; they will confirm in many respects the statements in the opening chapters of Genesis; they will widen thearea of human history; they will explain the remarkable resemblanceswhich exist between the ancient civilizations found upon
the opposite shores of the Atlantic Ocean, in the old and new worlds; and they will aid us to rehabilitate the fathers of our civilization, our blood, and our fundamental ideas--the men who lived, loved, andlabored ages before the Aryans descended upon India, or the Phoenician had settled in Syria, or the Goth had reached the
shores of the Baltic.
The fact that the story of Atlantis was for thousands of years regardedas a fable proves nothing. There is an unbelief which grows out ofignorance, as well as a scepticism which is born of intelligence. Thepeople nearest to the past are not always those who are best informedconcerning the past.
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