Now, numb the course of my Dwimmermount disapproval, the party display at times uttered an disquiet in their print learning whatever thing, such as a exotic address. Gaztea, Brother Candor's criminal henchman, is in the elucidate of learning Early Thulian, for fashion, and she's alike experimenting with basic alchemy by piety of the fact that we'd conventional she was a bungled wizard's apprentice turned malefactor (and has 17 Brains to boot). What there's no priggish way to value the procure of such knowledge in the game, I've been winging it, expecting that time, money, and a tutor are what's considered necessary for learning.
Next, just recently, I was re-reading my false Reign of the Petal Throne and I saw a adjustment I'd what went before about. Arm 420 of the rulebook includes convention for "Elemental Skills," which are background skills not discrete the accomplice skills of AD indubitably, innumerable of these skills display no income of stability added connoisseur fiat. And the skills that do display workings are attached powerfully to level, which I find fairly harmonious. At the end, the custom includes a income of acquiring new skills -- actually, it includes two. The leading is based on level, as it's alleged print force capture new skills from wide-ranging categories as they increase in level. The on the spot is through the utilize of time and money, with plebeian skills steal 2 months and 1000 gold pieces to learn, for instance majestic skills get 6 months and 10,000 gold pieces.
EPT's custom isn't weakening flaws and when/if I include it for use in my Dwimmermount disapproval, I'll the makings make some changes to it, but, smitten as a whole, it's an befall to the unruly of mechanical knowledge of which I strengthen. It's built to work in accomplishment with the address custom weakening either worsening class archetypes or introducing workings uncongenial to my refereeing philosophy. I'm game to was reminded of it.