The final spell. Up to this point, leveling as a Sorc you will start having trouble soloing, and you will have trouble keeping up with other damaged Healers. You may start to hate your class, and ask yourself, what spell could I possibly get at 48 that magically makes Sorcerer the highest damage dealing class. Well, here it is. At Level 48 you get a spell called "BURST OF CELERITY".Up until this point, you've realized you have been living a half-life, an unfulfilled caster life. I'm going to spend a lot of time on this skill, so prepare yourself.
At first glance, this spell is very lackluster. It increases your attack spell by 20%. Now, it's important to note that in TERA, attack speed is a global stat, and you are better off thinking of it as an animation speed. Because what this stat does, is increase the animation of all of your skills. The second thing to know, is that there is a difference between attack speed, and charge speed. This spell does not effect your charging up skills, but it does effect your instant cast spells. Yes, instant cast spells are effected by attack speed. Why? Because, attack speed increases the animation. Hell, it even increases how fast you jump backward when you use Glacial Retreat. Now, 20% isn't a big deal, so the first thing you are going to want to do, when you get this spell, is glyph it so that it's 70% attack speed.
Before you get this spell, your rotation would roughly be Fire Blast, into Flame Barrage, into Void Pulse, into Flame Barrage, and repeat. Fill in with Magma Bomb, and Ice Needle, and Pain Blast, when needed. Your rotation, after you get this spell, should be something like, pass every single spell you can off, cool-down, button mash. It's for this reason that Arcane Pulse is cut, because it doesn't get boosted by this spell.
Joking aside, there's a little finesse to be used, so I'll go into the proper Sorc rotation. A typical rotation should start by using Overchannel, and if you flipped your Mana Shield for the strength boost, use it, too. Then use Burst of Celerity, and immediately cast the Fire Blast. Follow it with Void Pulse, Ice Needle, Magma Bomb, Fire Barrage, Pain Blast, Ice Needle, Fire Barrage, and then Flame Blast again, with another Over Charge. If you do it correctly, you should be able to have Celerity up for every single Fire Blast you cast, making your damage skyrocket. Maintaining this rotation will do three things. One, make Bosses die incredibly fast. Two, make you pull Agro incredibly fast, if your Lancer doesn't know what he's doing. And three, run you out of mana incredibly fast. This is why I said Mana Infusion was such an important skill. You'll want to make sure it is up 100% of the time, make sure you've glyphed everything with mana reduction, otherwise you won't be able to maintain this rotation. Even with Mana Infusion though, you'll still constantly run short on manna, unless you have TERA Mystic babysitting you with Blue Balls. Don't be afraid to throw in some Mana Siphons. Try to initiate a pull, with Mana Infusion already on yourself, before you start your first rotation, as well. This will help with your mana issues.
Also, don't forget to keep Hail Storm up. Hail Storm doesn't have a cast time, so you don't really need to use while Celerity is up. Use it during the down-time that Celerity isn't up, though Celerity has a very short cool-down of 25 seconds, while it's up-time is 15 seconds, so it should be up a lot. That's all for TERA Sorcerer guide. I hope you found this useful. Overall, Sorcs are a great AOE, and single target DPS class. But, they excel in groups, and have trouble dealing damage to highly mobile targets, or when they need to be highly mobile themselves. They are also very squishy, and can't take many hits, which is why they are fairly difficult to master.