Monday 24 October 2011 Reprogram Your Thoughts To Create Your Ideal Life

Reprogram Your Thoughts To Create Your Ideal Life
Thank you to a reader of the blog for sharing this with me via email. I love when we come together to share our personal truths!

How much time do you spend thinking about what state your consciousness is in threw out the day? If your like most people on earth at this time, it is very little. Yet all the world we see around us is a product of first thought, then emotion, then action. When you get angry and scream at the car in front of you, there is a measured effect on your consciousness which will ABSOLUTELY effect your happiness. Take these things into consideration, and realize the great work or the ascension we hear so much about in this 'new age' time is ultimately about Self Mastery and taking up your divine right and responsibility as a creator.

- Justin


What causes things to materialize in our lives?

Actually there are two causes of things to materialize in our lives. A Primary, and a Secondary Cause.

The Primary Cause of everything is God or Infinite Thought. Primary Cause created everything from the beginning of time and doesn't rely on anything pre-existing to create something.

Primary Cause does not work or materialize anything based upon pre-existing limitations or obstacles. This is the "cause" of miracles, which work beyond any limitations or "logic."

In the beginning, there was nothing. If God relied on pre-existing conditions, God would have said, "There is nothing so I can't create anything." So, everything is made of infinite thought, or God.

The mathematical equation is God + nothing = God. This is very important to understand before we go onto Secondary Cause.

Since God is Infinite Thought, Infinite Love, and Infinite Power, It has no beginning or end, and can never be divided. God's, Primary Cause is equally infinite in all things, including ourselves. If God's infinity was separate from us, it would not be infinite.

In reference to materializing, Secondary Cause is quite different from Primary Cause. Secondary Cause relates to "conditions" we experience in the physical world. Secondary Cause is not able to create anything new, only the same negative condition over and over again.

The "misery" of life is the result of Secondary Cause, and produces more misery over and over again. Secondary Cause only functions with what it believes to be real or possible.

The Secondary Cause is what human beings concentrate on, and in turn, become limited by in our everyday lives.

There are two areas of the mind (not brain) that relate to the two types of causes.

The conscious mind only relates to Secondary Cause. As a matter of fact, many people will argue with another (or themselves) as to why something can't happen because it is illogical. Secondary Cause occurs by concentrating on the logical limitations in life. This causes great confusion for individuals and the planet.

The subconscious mind only relates to Primary Cause. The individual's subconscious mind is the infinite connection to the Infinite Subconscious Mind of God.

Anytime you witness another person experiencing success or greatness in life, that individual first recognized an Infinite Connection, and a wonderful life experience followed.

How do you begin living with your subconscious mind's Primary Cause, and stop miserably existing with the Secondary Cause of the conscious mind? On one hand, it isn't that hard, but there is a need to change some things with your thinking.

Begin conditioning your thoughts to only think of what you want in life. Every time you begin thinking about limitations, obstacles, negativity (news included) or anything opposite of infinite love, beauty, and happiness-stop!

Gently change your mind from the negative or limiting thought to what you desire to materialize. This conditioning is just like physical exercise. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

After you begin practicing this process of reprogramming your conscious thoughts, you will experience a rapid increase in personal manifestation powers within.

This is the major lesson of the ancient secrets passed on through the sages, prophets, and saviors throughout time. This is how you recreate your connection with God's infinite mind and become a miracle worker.

This is the Spiritual Revolution in time. This is the time we re-member with our Oneness to everything that ever was or ever will be. This is the time for you to begin proactively creating your ideal life into the physical world.

In Loving Service,

Dr. Michael J. Duckett