Friday 25 November 2011 Consecrating Your Tools And Yourself

Consecrating Your Tools And Yourself

Consecrating means to declare or set apart something as sacred. Whenever you acrquire a new tool, it's traditional (but not required) to consecrate the tool using the four elements. Tools that are traditionally consecrated include the athame, sword, wand, incense holder, broom, chalice, pentacle, and Book of Shadows. However, you may want to consecrate candle holders, altar cloths, bells, drums, and anything else that you use in your rituals and spells. Consecrating your magickal jewelry or any personal charms that you use (such as mojo bags) will empower them.


* For Water: a dish of water, a sea shell or other item from the sea can be used
* For Earth: a dish of salt (sea salt or table salt) or a dish of dirt, other items that can be used to represent Earth include rocks, crystals, or precious stones
* For Air: incense and incense dish, other items that represent Air include a feather, a fan, the wind itself, or even blowing on the item yourself
* For Fire: candle, campfire, fireplace, or really anything that gives off heat
* Item(s) you wish to consecrate (You may do as many as you'd like in one ritual. Separate rituals are not needed for each item.)

BLESSING THE ELEMENTSBefore you consecrate a tool, it is traditional to ask the Divine to bless each element that you are using. Feel free to use whatever deities you want. I will use the Lord and Lady in the example. You don't have to do this step. Many people feel that because the elements are already sacred asking the Divine to bless them is redundant. You do not have an item to represent Spirit because the Divine represents the element of Spirit.

Because consecrating a tool is considered preparing it for magickal use, I don't feel it needs to be done in a circle, however you may cast a circle first if you prefer.

There are a few different ways to do Earth and Water, however Air and Fire are usually done simply by first lighting them then lifting them above your head. You can lift the dish of Water or salt (Earth) or place your finger or athame in them as you ask Goddess and God to bless them.

Do each element one at a time and say as you lift it or place your finger or athame in it: "Lord and Lady, I ask you to bless this Air!"

Say the same for earth, fire, and water.

Some traditions also take a pinch of salt and add it to the water then ask the Divine to cleanse and consecrate the water. This called making Holy Water or Blessing Water. I personally only do this ritual when I am going to use the water to cleanse the negative energy from something. I've never understood why a more elaborate blessing is used for water when all elements are used to consecrate a tool. I will post more about this ritual the week I focus on the element Water, but if you'd like to include it in the consecration ritual, you can find it here.

CONSECRATING THE TOOLThere are several variations of this. The most simple and quickest way is to pick up the item and sprinkle it with salt or dirt and say:

"I consecrate (name of item) by the power of Earth!"

For Air, pass it through the incense smoke and say:"I consecrate (name of item) by the power of Air!

For Fire, pass it through the flame or place the item close enough that it will reach the heat from the flame and say:"I consecrate (name of item) by the power of Fire!"

For Water, use the tips of your fingers to sprinkle the item with water and say:"I consecrate (name of item) by the power of Water!"

If you'd like to do a more elaborate blessing you may say the following:"I consecrate (name of item) by the power of (name of element). I bless and charge it to serve my purpose and my will. So mote it be! By the power of (name of element), it is done!"

Some traditions believe the consecration must be sealed by using the tool at once. A simple way to use the tool is to use it draw a pentagram in the air.


* a mirror (can be any size)
* an item to represent each element (Spirit is optional)
* a cloth or towel

Because this ritual is for personal empowerment, it is suggested to use your patron deity or a matron or elder deity. It's also suggested to do this skyclad.

1. Ground and center.

2. Cast the circle (optional)

3. Invoke deity

4. Repeat four times outloud:

"I am Earth. I am Air. I am Fire. I am Water. I am balanced. I am whole."

5. Pick up the mirror (or get in front of it) and say:

"I see the mirror. I see my reflection. I see myself."

6. Consecrate the mirror using the instructions from earlier in this post. After consecrating, use the cloth or towel to wipe salt and water away from the mirror. You need to be able to see yourself clearly.

7. Look into the mirror and say:

"I am the mirror and the mirror is me. My reflection shows me truly. I am the mirror and the mirror is me. As I am reflected to myself, so I am and will be. I am the mirror and the mirror is me."

8. As you gaze at yourself in the mirror, annoit yourself with the four elements. Be very careful not to burn yourself! Sprinkle salt or dirt on yourself and say:

"I am Earth. I see my commitment. I am Earth."

Hold the incense so the smoke will reach you and say:

"I am Air. I see my wisdom. I am Air."

Hold the candle so the heat will reach you and say:

"I am Fire. I see my Will. I am Fire."

Sprinkle yourself with water and say:

"I am Water. I see my Love. I am Water."

(Optional) Touch yourself using the item that respresents Spirit and say:

"I am Spirit. I see the God/dess in me. I am Spirit."

9. Continue to gaze into the mirror and chant:

"I am balanced. I am whole. I am balanced. I am whole. I am balanced. I am whole."

Do this as long as you would like. I suggest you chant until you feel the energy peak and the release it into the mirror (yourself).

End the chant with:

"So mote it be!"

10. Thank the elements.

11. Thank deity if invoked.

12. Close the circle if you cast one.

Place the mirror somewhere where you will see yourself everyday.

Ritual adapted from Balancing the Elements: A Spell for Self-Empowerment in The Way of Four Spellbook.
