Thursday 3 November 2011 Train Them Up Tuesday Childhood

Train Them Up Tuesday Childhood
"PARENTS WHO LOVE GOD BEST WILL NOT ALLOW THEIR CHILDREN TO LEARN ANYTHING WHICH COULD NOT BE PRESSED INTO HIS SERVICE."That saying came from Catherine Booth who was the Mother of The Salvation Army. She was born January 17, 1829, and God gave to her the very best gift He can give any child~a good and holy mother.Katie Munsford, as she was then called, had no sister to play with, and of her four brothers only lived to be a man. But her dear mother more than made up for every lack, and from her lips the little girl learned those blessed lessons which, in her turn, she has taught them to us.One lesson Mrs. Munford taught Katie was that our bodies will not live forever. She took Katie to the funerals of her infant brother when she was not more than two years of age. Spiritual things were real to Katie because they were real to her mother.Truthfulness was a second lesson which remained with Katie all her life. She was only four years old when her mother found her one evening sobbing bitterly in her little cot, long after she should have fallen asleep. She had told a falsehood, and her conscience would not let her rest. Her mother talked with her and prayed with her until Katie knew she was forgiven by her Heavenly Father.Another lesson that her Mother taught Katie was to love her Bible. She could read nicely when she was but five years old, and she love to stand by her mother's side and read the Bible stories aloud. This love for her Bible grew deeper every year, so that by the time she was twelve years old she had read it through eight times. In later years people often wondered how it was that she knew her Bible so well, and could so quickly answer their difficulties and objections in Bible words. The secret lay with her early training.When Katie was twelve years old she became interested in the drink question. She became the secretary of a Juvenille Temperance Society and did all she could to get boys and girls to promise never to drink. She was interested in the heathen. She would go round to her friends collecting money to pay for preachers to be sent to them. No one told Katie to do all this ~ but her early training by a mother that love God above all things ~ stayed with Katie. You see, God was all the time giving Katie the best training He could and teaching her. God had plans for Katie in the future and her Mother was helping to mold her. Are you molding your children in the right way? You will make mistakes but the main thing is to live a life before them that they might say "When I grow up I want to be like my Mother, especially the God that Mother serves.By Aliene