Sunday 20 November 2011 Why We Cast Circles

Why We Cast Circles
Circles, We use them because circles protect us while you are performing magick. It is said that the longest journey begins with a single step. So, too, the exploration of magickal studies begins with a single step. Though the first step in a physical journey is often self-evident, the first step on a magickal journey is often not quite so clear. The solitary or isolated witch is often left standing wondering on this spanse of knowledge, wondering just where in the heck to begin. And wondering, too, if it's "okay" to start just anywhere. While it's true that studies can begin in any direction that attracts you, the necessary first step must be learning to make psychic shields. There are "Things of the Dark" out there. There are any number of explanations for what these things might be -- ghosts, demons, or simply uncontrolled urges of the subconscious mind. In truth, it doesn't matter what they are. What does matter is that their effect is very real and unless they are put under your control, they will drag you over the borders of sanity into psychosis. You are most vulnerable to them while you're in an "open" trance or meditative state. That's why the wise practitioner always begins by taking steps to define exactly what will be permitted through the portals of their "psychic shields" -- no matter how simple the ritual. And this, in a nutshell, is what "protective magic" is about. There are a number of ways to do this. The most common is to begin by drawing a circle (around a group or yourself) and invoking the one or more protective powers. Generally, this is done by candlelight, in front of an altar that holds certain magical objects. The circle may be further "secured" and "cleared" by using salt, salt water, rum, incense, or some other method. You may be wearing a special robe and will have taken a bath (or performed a cleansing ritual) earlier. The powers that protect you will be called on and then you will begin your ritual. Is it psychological?Yes! Is there a reason why protection rituals always take this form? Positively! Let's take a step back and see what you're actually doing and how the process works -- from a psychological standpoint -- and how to use this knowledge to help you refine your circles to enhance your rituals. Using special tools and clothing says that something unusual is going on and that it must pay attention. Acquiring hard-to-obtain items, drawing symbols, performing a symbolic sacrifice (donating money, say, to a good cause) are all ways of reinforcing the minds impression that this ceremony is very special and that the result will be very powerful. Organized, meaningful symbols, speak to your subconscious mind in ways it understands, reinforcing the goals you have set. Drawing the circle itself establishes boundaries within your environment ("The rest of the world can do what it likes Out There. All within this circle is in my control!"). Purifying the circle and consecrating it (sprinkling water which has been blessed and salt added) further enforce your territory, defining the borders where you are "safe". Nothing can enter this area except what you invite inside. You further tighten these borders by calling on certain Powers. You can call on any powers you like. Some use traditional Christian images. Others call up deities from the religion they are most comfortable with. And many people use the thought/image of a beam of light that represents either God/Goddess (whichever one they like) or the power of light and life and goodness in the Universe. The number of powers called as guardians varies. You may choose to invoke one powerful being to protect your circle. Or you might call on the Universal Being/Light and four guardians (one for each quarter of the compass). A third approach is to use a guardian for the four quarters of the compass and no higher being. There is no "absolutely correct" system; the correct system is the one that you are comfortable with. Take time to choose the guardians of your circle carefully. You should select guardians (gods or animals or some form of life) which have a deeper meaning to you and whose qualities are in harmony with your goals. For the new student, it's best to have all your Powers and Guardians from the same belief system/religion/mythic universe so that the symbols will be consistent and not confuse the Id. As your studies continue, you will find that your totems or guardians change. This is to be expected; as you explore new realms in your studies, you may find you need guardians who deal with very specific areas to strengthen and guide you in these new fields. But don't make the mistake of assuming that you'll become so powerful that you will never need the protection of the psychic shielding circle in some form. And don't assume that you will not need a circle for "positive" magicks such as healing. Open is open -- and open is vulnerable. And circles strengthen and protect you by defining what psychological influences will be allowed to work with you. Drawing the circle itself establishes boundaries within your environment. Purifying the circle and consecrating it (sprinkling water which has been blessed and salt added) further enforce your territory, defining the certain Powers. Casting A Circle in the Welsh Tradition Whether you are working constructive magick (and will be walking clockwise, or deosil) or destructive magick, like bindings and banishings (and will be casting a widdershins, or counter-clockwise circle), you will want to always begin in the east. This is where the sun rises and where all things in magick begin. Now, beginning in the east, mediate on the casting of the circle, light your elemental candles. You can use all white candles, or different colors to represent each element. Some traditions use yellow for air in the east, red for fire in the south, blue for water in the west, and brown for earth in the north. Next, light your altar candle. You should be in a peaceful and meditative state, and ready to accept the energy you'll need for the casting. We are now ready to begin construction of our protective space. In the Welsh tradition, they use what is called the three-fold circle, or the thrice cast circle. Water and salt, fire and air. Here is how we cast the first two circles: Pick up your athame and scoop 3 measures of charged salt and add them, one by one, to the charged water in your chalice. While doing so, send white light into the water, and chant, "Water and salt, where thou art cast, no spell or adverse purpose last, not in complete accord with me, and as my word, so mote it be." While chanting this, stir the water 3 times in a deosil direction. Carry the chalice around, beginning in the east (be sure to walk in the same direction each time around, according to the type of magick being performed) and sprinkle the cleansed water as you go, and chat the words softly to yourself, a total of three times. You will begin to feel a definite change in the atmosphere. Now, whether you use charcoal or cones, you will need to prepare your incense for the second circle. Use something protective like sandalwood, or frankincense and myrrh, or sage. As you add the herbs to the already burning charcoal, or as you are lighting the cone, chant: "Creature of fire, this charge I lay, no phantom in my presence stay. Here my will addressed to thee, and as my word, so mote it be!" The burning charcoal is your fire element, and the smoke is representative of the air element. Carry this around in the same manner and direction as you did with the water and salt, and softly repeat the chant to yourself, three times. Now comes the most important part: the drawing of the circle. Carefully draw your circle, using your staff, athame, or wand, and draw it directly on to the floor. Make it as perfect as possible (some people eve use string or tape as a guide). Use silver light streaming into your being (representing moonlight) and send electric blue, bright purple, or white light out through your chosen tool as you are walking around the circle. Always begin and end in the east. Make sure that you keep the elemental candles on the outside so that you can find your way back into the world. Once you have come back to the east elemental point, pound your tool on the floor three times and say something like: "The magickal circle is now cast. May it protect me in my work." Now your circle is cast, but you are not done. You are about to do a powerful spell, and, therefore, you need to be guarded against things that might want to take your energy for their own purposes. To insure against this you must call the elemental guardians of the four directions. The calling of the elemental guardians: Who, or what are the elemental guardians and why do you need them to work magick? Every time you perform a spell you are sending out strong vibrations to the entire universe. You are calling upon the powers that be to assist you and carry out your will. No matter how good your intentions are, or how positive your magick is, you are at risk every time you work a spell. For this reason, we, as Witches, need to be able to call upon those we love, they who make up nature, for protection. The essences of the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, are used every time you work a spell: fire and air in candle magick, earth in herbal magick, etc. It is the essences of the elements that make up all things, and help us in our magick. Begin in the east. Be strong and don't falter. You are essentially requesting the spirit of the air elemental to watch over you while you are working your magick. Stand tall, raise your strong arm, athame in hand, and say words similar to: "Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, Element of Air, I "summon thee. Breath of life, cleansing breeze, seed mover, be here now." Stand there until you feel the presence of the essence of air. You can seal the element by drawing an invoking pentagram in the air, visualizing it as bright blue or white light, or the color you associate with the element. Do the same with the other elements/directions, and, then, ask your spirit guide, if you have one, to be with you and to watch over you while you are working your magick. This is usually a very personal moment, and the request or invocation should be in your own words. Also you can ask your spirit guide to watch over your loved ones in case any negative energies are attracted to your work area. Next, ask your Goddess and/or God, in whichever aspect you prefer, to be present and guide you in your work. You have successfully cast a magickal circle. You can now raise energy and work your spell. Opening of the Magickal Circle: To open the circle, one you are done casting your spell, first, thank the Goddess and/or God for their attendance. Next, release your spirit guide, and don't forget to thank it, as well. Then, beginning in the east and working deosil or widdershins, thank the guardians of the four directions for their protection, and dismiss them in words similar to: "Guardians of the Watchtowers of the east, element of air, I thank thee for your attendance and protection. Blessed be." When this is done, go to the northeastern arc of your circle, where all things in magick come to an end, and, with your athame or staff, cut the circle and bring the energy back into yourself. It may take a little while. Now, go get something to eat! Magick always makes me hungry and you will probably need to restore your energy. Some witches eat or "ground" the energy while still in circle. I'm usually too beat and want to use the rest of the energy to properly open the circle, and then eat. Either way, just make sure that before the circle is open you have somehow collected all of the residual energies and channeled them in a constructive manner. The reason for this is that the magick you work, your own personal vibrations, are like a fingerprint. And, again, you don't want someone tapping off of your energy.
