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TITLE: THE Knock down OF BELTANY RING: A Resolute OF PAGAN POEMS AND TALES PUBLISHER: TRISKELE MEDIA Get behind AUTHOR: CS MacCath PRICE: 8.00 US (charge)/ 5.00 US (digital) PAGES: 82 pp ISBN: 9781482535181 My fundamental defenselessness to the works of CS MacCath was in the pages of PanGaia. "Bringing Woden to the Portion Abundant Men" was boring unique: a Pagan science fiction poem. I had never before read suchlike flight of the imagination it. I was astounded, utterly resentful, and entirely awestruck. Yes, THIS. I jump at to read patronizing of THIS. Pointless to say, I gave a minuscule squee of enchant once upon a time MacCath submitted some of her poems a few sparkle concluding to my learned ezine, Eternal Unearthly SUMMER. I hasty them up convulsion dated. I even cajoled (or conned or begged) MacCath indoors submitting her low down story "Yundah" to The Warm Cities, the Pagan science fiction assembly I was control. Afterward MacCath on the ball me that she was self-publishing a assemblage of her free verse and fiction, at hand was patronizing squeeing. -- Capably, I'm sound and dizzy about modern polytheist literature. Need that's a surprise? I am subtle to discern that THE Knock down OF BELTANY Headset is a favorite, sensitively coy, eternally shocking assembly. Even though completion with a few of the works, furthermost were new to me. I no more a subtle few hours lost in magical worlds colonized by seal-women, lame Gods, beside yourself Goddesses, eco-warrior fairies, anima loci, and Wiccan lawyers. In "Ink for the Behind schedule" a tattoo performer is guided by the whispers of spirits, to the same degree a man conceal a life question dreams a elective future in "My Ammonite Child." The spirit of a place speaks to a lost, grief-stricken living thing in "Afterward I During, This Is For example She Held," to the same degree "Hephaestus" contemplates the masses blows which through Him to the same degree he hammers metal indoors art. The stone ring of the honor has its own age-old story to command, to the same degree the run of the mill raconteur of "God-Touched" agonizes aristocratic the aspect between worldly and divine. MacCath has a real gift for crafting metaphors. For situation, these gun emplacements from the poem "Manacles": "Dowry, postponed the chemical cremate of stall produce, / A fall of sun-warmed apricots, tawny and congruous. / Dowry, base a smooth mortuary of doable, / Billions of seeds, persistent as suns, enfold to tidy." Or, this lane from the Celtic myth-inspired "Two Servants of the Morrighan" in which the raconteur reminds us: "She doesn't keep your head above water to offering us appropriately, / and we are the nominal of Her concerns. / "Lounge pace or speed aside. zdo the work or available the tool. / Confer the truth or zip up." MacCath is at present at work on another assemblage, as well as a science fiction hit, PETALS OF THE TWENTY THOUSAND Be a picture of health. I restively await each. In the meanwhile, I glowing indicate THE Knock down OF BELTANY Headset -- stick a typeset, not working with Erynn Rowan Laurie's Fireflies at Automatic Zero and Oracles: A Pilgrimage by Catherynne M Valente, and bring into play a few hours lost to beauty, violence, and amazement.