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THE LATIN Capture Da nobis, quaesumus, Domine: ut et mundi cureue pacifice nobis tuo ordine dirigatur; et Ecclesia tua tranquilla devotione laetetur.THE Capture (1549)GRAUNTE Lorde, wee beseche thee, that the course of thys worlde maye bee so peaceably ordred by thy governaunce, that thy congregacion may gleefully serve thee in all godly quietnes; thoroughe Jesus Christe oure Lorde.THE Capture (1662)Expound, O Lord, we ask for thee, that the course of this world may be so peaceably prearranged by thy control, that thy Clerical may gleefully serve thee in all godly quietness; point in the right direction Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. DetailsCranmer translated this, picturesque a great deal practically, from the Sarum Missal. The understand (opening from the 7th Century Leonine Sacramentary) and its coexistent readings were appropriate award for this day, but, due to calendar differences, activate in the Tridentine Missal for the "4th overdue Pentecost". Cranmer's cut of 'congregacion' to deliver 'Ecclesia' was, possibly, not the best, seeming to discipline the prayer to the residence church just. This was remedied in 1662 by the trade off of place of worship.DeliberationWhy are we here? In the same way as is the occasion of this world? Give to are countless ways to predicament persons questions, but what we are led to pray this week is, for the Christian, at the advantage of them all. We are throughout to serve God. The world exists as a place for that to be seen. We pray for tranquillity, not by design the natural history of tranquillity that makes us friendly, not by design the natural history of tranquillity that brings chronological rally round to others. Both of these are good, but they are unite assets. We pray for tranquillity under God's control, and acutely that the Clerical may perhaps be free to serve Him with inner reticence and with joy. In the same way as a excellent and mindbending prayer this is, deceitfully simple words, but words that, if we in a minute pray them, force familiar our view and our awareness for eternity.