Monday 15 October 2012 Hex Season 2 Episode 1 Cursed

Hex Season 2 Episode 1 Cursed
When we left our intrepid heroes, Azazeal had just used his demonic pro-life speech to convince the doctor to preserve his evil evil baby by Cassie. Cassie was vapid and annoying. Thelma was awesome and stole the show. Troy was mopey and Azazeal was criminally hot. And everything was very very spooky. Oh and the baby is causing the barriers between worlds to fail, causing ghosts, demons and other badness

With that summation, we now move on to Season 2

Flash back to London in 1849 where a woman in white net curtains is levitating a jar (it looks like the Cunari - the spooky jug), watched by Azazeal. He pays a man to sleep with the levitating woman (clearly looking to produce the magical world breaking child), but he is watched by another woman. She goes to see the levitator, looking very sad and sympathetic - the slits her throat. It's really well acted, without a word being spoken this was all conveyed, including the murderer's grief and sadness about having the murder the woman. Kudos.

This is, of course, all Cassie's dream - and she's woken abruptly from this by Thelma and a glass of water. Cassie has been trying to stay away for 3 days to avoid her dreams, including taking dubious wakey-wakey medicine. Anything is better than her dreams, she says. Oh yes, says the creepy moving gargoyle who has clearly heard her and is now setting out to prove her wrong - and appears on the other side of the window to scare her. In a bemusing show of fortitude, Cassie not put off my demonic entities leering through windows - and goes to steal some cake from the kitchens (I do admire someone who is single mindedly determined to have cake). But, there is something in the kitchen as well (interrupting her cake stealing!), to which Cassie responds by battering it with a ladle (I quite agree, nothing should be allowed to interrupt cake). Unfortunately "it" in this case is Felix, another student (who is already cursed with the name Felix and doesn't deserve more abuse).

Another normal day at school - the presence of the ugly gargoyle (assumed to be a nephilim) means Cassie and Thelma are aware that Demonic Child survived (and think torturing Azazeal is appropriate). It seems Troy and Gemma have both left this season - but Roxanne and Leon are still very much present. As is wet teacher Jo - who is awfully distracted. Oh, and Cassie is still not-flirting-honest with Thelma.

Cassie goes to see Dr. Surtees, her anti-choice doctor who has been avoiding her, for obvious reasons. He runs from Cassie, trying to fob her off - and ends up in his little room with... the murderous girl from Cassie's dreams of 1849 London.

Back at the school, Cassie recounts all this to Thelma over sausages with promises to do said Doctor harm. And we see Awesome headmaster with Jo who is very very distracted again - but she does call out Awesome Headmaster on his condescending sexism. So go more distraction!

