Friday 14 June 2013 Christ Consciousness

Christ Consciousness
All of life is in a constant pattern of growth and evolution. Humanity is on the verge of a major change in our evolution. The idea of Christ consciousness is spreading. This idea is of the human mind taking on Christ like ideals to lead to the next phase in human evolution. This ideal of Christ Consciousness means being able to unconditionally love others and yourself, to be nonjudgmental of others, and to understand the flow of spirit through all aspects of life. The ankh represents eternal life. Running down the middle of the cross is the 7 chakra energy centers found in every human. In the middle of the cross is the heart chakra, where love is given and received. Growing out from the heart chakra is 4 Fibonacci Sequence spirals. This sequence of numbers (1,1,2,3,5,8,13....add the last 2 numbers to get the next number) is found as the growth of pattern throughout all of natural world and the human body. Everything grows in this spiraling pattern, even universes. Through the love of the heart, we as humans can continue to grow to even greater beings. The lines with circles extending from the center are life lines leading to DNA. The DNA is also in the Fibonacci Sequence. As you extend further away from the one source of life you make your life more complicated. When in order with spirit life is simple and flows smoothly.