Monday 3 November 2014 The Hoodoo Truth Anna Riva Oils

The Hoodoo Truth Anna Riva Oils
There are a lot of people online who bash Anna Riva products because they are not made with 100% natural ingredients. I too felt a bit upset when I learned they are made of artificial ingredients or chemicals. This said, I still have a fondness for them because they were the first spiritual oils I was taught to use.

The good thing about Anna Riva oils is that they are strongly scented. In fact, they scent does not fade with time. I have a bottle of Anna Riva amber oil that I bought years ago that still smells just as strong as it did when I first bought it.

Now, as I mentioned above the first teacher to teach me to use spiritual oils worked exclusively with Anna Riva oils. However, she would add roots or herbs to the bottles and pray over them. When doing professional work with clients she would also remove the label from the bottle and give them to the client to use. So this was how I was taught to use Anna Riva oils, to add natural roots or herbs to the bottles and to pray over it.

I currently have about 3 bottles, protection, amber, & rose, of Anna Riva oil in my stash of spiritual oils. I don't care what people online have to say. Anna Riva oils have always worked for me. I've always seen results when using them. This said I have payed 7-10 for spiritual oils by big name people online that haven't produced any results for me. Now why would I continue to pay up to 10 for a bottle that contains natural ingredients but that doesn't work compared to paying for a reasonably priced bottle of Anna Riva oils to which I add natural ingredients and which always work for me? It's doesn't make sense for me to continue purchasing expensive oils from online occult shops. Therefore I no longer purchase any of the expensive spiritual oils from big names online.

Now, the only problems I have with Anna Riva oils is that they aren't sold in 1 oz size. You can purchase them in a 4 oz or 16 oz sizes but that seems a bit unreasonable to me. I prefer 1 oz sizes and currently Anna Riva is not being sold in 1 oz sizes. The closest is there 1/4 oz size. Another problem I have is that the gold label quickly wears off and you have to create your own label or risk forgetting what type of oil it is. I've found that if you put clear tape over the label you can make it last longer. A person online also recommended for me to try applying clear fingernail polish to the label so I will have to try that. The last problem I have is with the oils for enemy work. Oils for enemy work shouldn't smell nice and pretty. They should be strong and somewhat offensive. For that reason I do not use Anna Riva's enemy work oils. For such I rely solely on the oils I make myself with essential oils added to a carrier oil base or from the cold or hot infusion method of making oils.

So the purpose of this blog entry is to try to counteract the nonsense online. Professional workers have and do use Anna Riva oils. You can and will see success when using them.

See Also:

Anna Riva
