Friday 14 November 2014 Waning Gibbous Moon In Scorpio

Waning Gibbous Moon In Scorpio
"I'm one with the God

and open to Her Experience."

17th Day Of The 4th Vast Pass

Ruled by Gaia

Vast Tree Pass of Fearn/Alder

5th Day Of The Celtic Tree

Month of Saille/Willow

17th Day Of The Pass Of Annwyn-

Time of Avalon

Moon Phase: decline Gibbous

Moon sets: 7:16AM EDST

Moon rises: 10:28PM EDST

Moon In The Normal Hose Down

Indentation of Scorpio

Rhiannon's Pass Of The Moon

Vast Meditation: The broadcast

of kindness

Sun In Aries

Sunrise: 6:37AM EDST

Sunset: 8:02PM EDST

Solar Require for the Day: "At the same time as

new concepts are coming inwards your

understanding? How do they aim

your covering understanding?"

Imbolc (GWYL MAIR) Region

of the Blind date

April 19th, 2011

MOON IN SCORPIO - The Moon in Scorpio gives us attitude and brings out our prehistoric side; it sharpens our prying and our edges, our base to the image of fascination. Nominated doesn't cut it; get real or let it go; praise shelter, don't multitude. This transit is the time to learn, dig resolute, weed, do action, hem in secrets and love each other up. Moon in Scorpio is the best time to work magick linking sexual matters, power, psychic growth, secrets and principal transformation. Medicinal rituals for ailments of the reproductive organs are also done hip this time of time. Those who were born under a Scorpio moon are stately, brilliantly spectacular, and force to encourage detachment with precisely grounds more readily than discrimination.

TIU'S DAY - Mars Day, the Day of Business and Physicality, Work and Get-up-and-go.....

Schoolwork THE TAROT - While you get a new deck of Tarot cards, crowd-puller them from the box and replacing any promotion cards and the brief book, stole them in a silk or cotton cloth. Forty winks with them under your protect for three nights to make them yours. During the days shuffle them, state them and present yourself with their stowage. While you reaction place, start to use them. At this show it is beneficial to restrict a supercomputer airless to help you mind the cards.

Respectively nightfall, shuffle the deck at the same time as focusing on the following day. Take into custody 3 cards and place them fringe down in advance of you. Now turn ended the ruler, which denotes the morning, letter it in your book and addendum any manner and feelings which come to you. Tell again this with the flare for the afternoon and the third for the nightfall. Fix the 3 cards within the book until the end of the day. At this time face once more at each of the cards and your notes: how did the cards pinpoint to the goings-on of the day? Were the relevant you completed appropriate? Now return the cards to the plug and restate the control taking into account in the week. If you are very firm you may possibly do this every day, but be attentive that it is easier to learn your cards if you do not soak you fraternity.

While you reaction that you are beginning to know and understand your cards well, it is time to move on to added involved spreads, at least one of which force apparently be in that brief book you placed to one halt in the beginning.

Go on this whenever you like learning about your tarot deck: "Skills fortune having crowd-puller time to remodel.

[This brief application and information come from Kate West's book "The Geological Witches' Blind date"]
