Friday 15 January 2010 Qod Blavatsky On The Responsibility Of Teachers And Gurus

Qod Blavatsky On The Responsibility Of Teachers And Gurus
[Note: The investigation quote does not neccessarily conscious the opinions of Morgan Drake Eckstein or the BIORC.]

"[Donate] is one predictable fact which the adherent necessity be completed aware. Namely, the emormous, in the region of infinite assign alleged by the moot for the sake of the scholar. From the Gurus of the East who teach bluntly or disguised, down to the few Kabalists in the Western lands who pocket to teach the fundamentals of the Sacred Science to their disciples--those western Hierophants creature repeatedly themselves unapprised of the discontent they incur--one and all of those 'Teachers' are focus to the precise proscribed law. From the thorough they begin "really" to teach, from the second they converse "any" power--whether psychic, mental, or physical--on thier pupils, they get upon themselves "all" the sims of that scholar, in friendship with the Occult Sciences, whether of slither or reason, until the thorough the same as initiation makes the scholar a Master and full-size in his turn. Donate is a anomalous and mystic self-righteous law, gravely reverenced and acted upon in the Greek, half-forgotten in the Roman-Catholic, and lately extinct in the Protestant Church. It dates from the to start with days of Christianity and has its cause in the law accurately stated, of which it was a symbol and an glare. This is the tenet of the accomplish blessedness of the connect surrounded by the god-parents who stand sponsors for a child.* These tacitly get upon themselves all the sins of the recently baptized child--(anointed, as at the initiation, a mystery truly!)--until the day the same as the child becomes a full-size unit, mature good and evil. Thus it is plain why the 'Teachers' are so reserved, and why 'Chelas' are essential to present a seven appointment probation to establish their gift, and mixture the front imperative to the sentry of each Master and scholar."

H. P. Blavatsky, Reasonable Occultism (Simple to Students)

*"So holy is the friendship in this manner formed deemed in the Greek Church, that a marriage surrounded by god-parents of the precise child is regarded as the last way of incest, is exact indecent, and is dissolved by law; and that accomplish outlaw extends even to the children of one of the sponsors as regards to those of the other."
