Wednesday 6 January 2010 What Does Astral Projection Feel Like

What Does Astral Projection Feel Like
HERE IS A QUESTION ABOUT OBE AND ASTRAL PROJECTION. "I was on my way to an astral projection experience, I was feeling that "SLEEP PARALYSIS" and then I felt vibrations, my heartbeat quickened and my eyes were flashing a little too fast (HARD TO EXPLAIN)... but I did not know what to do after that, and moments past by and the vibrations vanished. Can you tell me what I did wrong? Absolutely nothing. Congratulations on getting that far. The reason why the vibrations stopped probably was due to noticing the reaction your body was going through and then realizing that although your body was asleep, your mind was still awake. This distraction stopped the process. Image via Wikipedia The idea, at this point, is to put your attention away from the body. The next time you get there, imagine sinking into your bed or floating above yourself. Or you can try focusing the vibrations on the third eye. The third eye, one of the seven primary chakras (BROW CHAKRA), is located between your eyebrows, but slightly above, at the mid forehead. Some experts say that the focal point of the third eye is an inch or so forward from the forehead... and suggest that you concentrate on this spot. Play with this, relax into it and you should have success. If you are are experiencing difficulty in your efforts to Astral Project or are new the idea of leaving your body and want more information, the best source I have found, that gives both a detailed overview of astral projection, along with techniques to help you travel to the astral plane, is Astral Projection Underground. Tags: greek roman gods and goddesses pictures of hindu gods and goddesses gods and goddesses aphrodite pagan gods and goddesses list god and goddess images freemason rituals freemasonry rituals women and freemasonry knights templar aleister crowley s thoth tarot freemasonry knights templar