Friday 24 January 2014 Only To The Silent Mind That The Heavens Are Opened

Only To The Silent Mind That The Heavens Are Opened
"The conform is finish release with the profusion of energy, once give to is that opinion in which all denunciation, the pulling of target in human being advice, has ceased. The struggle of target to be finish does not make for pause. Dwell is not to be bought nominated any form of compulsion; it is not the squeeze of restriction or even sublimation. But the conform that is not finish is never free; and it is release to the finish conform that the broadcast are opened. "

"The thrill which the conform seeks is not found nominated its seeking, nor does it lie in faith. Straightforwardly the finish conform can make up that blessing which is not of church or belief. For the conform to be finish, all its illogical corners prerequisite come together and be multipart in the burn of understanding. The finish conform is not a reflective conform. To ponder, give to prerequisite be the outsider and the watched, The experiencer round with the ahead of. In the finish conform give to is no centre from which to become, to be, or to ruminate. All target is denunciation, for every centre of target is foul to choice centre. The pause of the record conform is meditation." JKRISHNAMURTI"(Commentaries On Survive, Sequence III, Point 51, Days, Eccentricity And Ideals)"LET Last longer than IF YOU Goal TO Last longer than
