Tuesday 7 January 2014 Selene Goddess Of The Moon

Selene Goddess Of The Moon
Selene was the Greek Divine being of the moon, or the moon in the flesh fashionable a divine middle. She was toddler of Hyperion and Theia, and sister to Helios and Eos. She was on a regular basis depicted as a individual on a steeplechaser or a steeplechaser flush chariot. Her lunar semi-circular was depicted as a crown upon her be in charge of. Current was a number of Goddesses related with the moon, but Selene was the truthful one who was meditation to be the moons divine made flesh.

In the Greek calendar, each month began with the new moon, and was cleft fashionable three ten day periods amongst the moons cycles. The opening ten days were presided over and done with by the waxing moon, the imminent ten the conclude full and full moon, and the go on ten by the waning moon. Festivals and rituals were thorough in the cycles of the moon.

Homeric Hymn to Selene:

"Long-winged Selene... at eventime in the mid-month : after that her outsized fly in a circle is full and after that her beams glisten brightest as she increases. So she is a a variety of minimum and a sign to nature men."

Hymn from Sappho to Selene:

"Selene (the Moon) was coming in to view in her comprehensiveness, and so the women took their setting all over the altar."

These in the midst of assorted other hymns assign Selene in her moon form, and how she affects civilization and activities about the month. Recurrent ancient cultures lived their lives around the phases of the moon. As assorted Divine being worshipers and witches do today.

To f?te Selene, label on her on the full moon. Point out her ancient newly picked light stimulating down on you, take on board its sacred female energies.

The consequent is a prayer to Selene, you can pray to her with white lit candles and sandalwood incense searing (the fragrance of the moon).

The shimmering stars all about the stimulating moon

Keep cover their newly picked faces, so full-orbed and momentous

In the sky she floats, flooding the shadowed earth

Similar to repugnant silver light.

Now rose the moon, full and silver,

While all over stood the maidens, as at a tombstone.

Thus sometimes, the women, underdone footed,

Leap in clock all over the fair altar,

Catastrophic the fine prosper of the mole.

Advance hither moon goddess, Selene, come,

And in golden goblets spill over richest nectar

All dissimilar in peak ethereal enhancement,

Thus to happiness us.

Blessings )O(

Adventure respectability of : Josephine Fence

Origin: esoteric-soup.blogspot.com