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Hi Sanction God that you wrote me and I thrust do the best I can to help. Let me try to explain the questions underside as best as I can. Also allow me to enlarge you this "connection" to some articles I wrote that asset be hands-on. The Divine Department of Godhttp://www.tribulation-now.org/2011/05/27/chronicle-project-mystery-solved/ Angel Wars and the Distinctive Sinhttp://www.tribulation-now.org/light-workers/Unite that I do not stay on the line all the answers but I thrust do my best underside
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Call WITHHELD wrote: Hi, I stay on the line this thrust in my central theme to become a Christian, but my living being says newage all the way. So I was hoping you may perhaps help me with my living being so I can abide by my central theme.1) Particularly what keeps me from becoming a christian is that I don't be keen on Christ died for my sins. I stature it was shady for him to die and I don't want any part of it at all. I stature it was wrongfor us to buff him. I would fairly return my probability and be judged subsequently rigorous for an easy way out, but I resent the love christians stay on the line for their untraditional liberator and it makes me wonder. Amen I can justification tell on to that darling. We are qualified that to the same degree a man named "Eve" ate an apple that we are to join about on earth and in some way permit that Jesus died for our sins. If you read the yarn "Angel Wars and the Distinctive Sin" you thrust decipher some amazing mysteries that stay on the line been revealed in these route day to some of us in a fairy-tale way. In fact, understanding these concepts, unfolds an understanding of the Bible and "why we are about" require never formerly. More willingly of having "cover look-in" in what other people manner us, we now can rigorous at the unanimous Bible as an explain to very nearly all our brawl. Jesus wasn't "proper" coming about to "die for our sins", he was coming about to exhibit us that if "he can die in the flesh" subsequently so can we. We are actually "fallen" sons of God from the orginal wars in the appearance. The new sin happened arguably millions of existence ago. We had to defeat from the "cup of laxity" as part of our "redemption" cage. The fact that you "jingle" what you jingle, is your "spirit" pulling at you inner. Your living being is warfare you to the same degree it requirements to be "fed" with the understanding of the "how and why" of the nuisance. This "spiritual tugging" is from God our Recoil. Also be concluding to return the time to read the "Sons, Souls, Elohim and Angels" articles here: http://www.tribulation-now.org/2011/01/11/souls-sons-elohim-and-angels/ Acquaint with are three of them so don't miss the unanimous set to the same degree donate are fairy-tale truths natural fiber in these writings. Now understand this oblige. I am not about to manner you that I am 100% smear with what I put in these articles. But I am about, as best as I can, to help you understand what is limit achievable the best understanding a mixture of of us stay on the line come to contain. We thrust certianly find out gone what the full truth is, but a mixture of of us stay on the line naked that Lucifer and his minions of fallen-angelics (Pleiadians, Andromedans, Draconians, Annunaki, and Greys, ("to name a few") stay on the line stolen and kaput a mixture of authentic books of the Bible that essential stay on the line been in donate, but were methodically unsophisticated. This changes everything. Jesus was on a DNA Convalescence propel. The "fallen angelics" and their "abductions / chipping" of the whatsoever coat has caused enormous brawl passing through highly advanced living being strictness methods that weight the supercilious vein of the "New Age" statute such as David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Creme and the Ashtar Tranquility private. You can further read "The Dulce Believe" (seek on it) and decipher the secrecy of these freaks on paper back in the antiquated 90s by Bruce Walton (Branton) who is now in labor camp in Utah for what he knows. 2) Wishy-washy and Love: a Luciferian subsequently told me that start burning, seeking the light, truth in all stuff was the one and particular true path eternally common to be true.A newager further understood light and love and reflected brightly on Jesus' tradition about inviting one just starting out, inviting God, not sinning etc. So knowing that Satanwould merrily put in his name to the truth so that we would antipathy it I entire Wishy-washy and Honoring really is the increase Axiom. Quick. So how do you manner the increase lie? Greatest Americans know this very well. In fact limit humans know this very well by now. What you do is you use 99.9% truth and mix it with proper.01 % lie. So if you return not in ONE Ode from the Bible you end up with the increase lie. Lucifer stole everything from our Recoil (the Lady God). It's a outstanding chart. We are the orginal light beings. We are "light". Christians are "sons of God" that are by definition "light". It is a hijacked concept. Fire not in this ONE verse from the Bible and you stay on the line a develop for riding a Merkabah light ship desirable to Hell. JOHN 14:6Jesus understood to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Recoil nevertheless passing through Me.NKJV You stay on the line to personal. That is an impassively outstanding chart. Sad, but outstanding. 3) Canny as serpents, simple as doves. Is that the dreadfully as saying Wishy-washy and Love? nope A serpent with wings is how to redeem the serpent in the garden of Eden which lost its wings. Snakes run on the bottom and spread rumors up to their intention, why, to the same degree they are completed low and cannot speak in the open. From the time when inhabit in power honor them witches and such, so they spread rumors all the rage power. Naah. That's all a contorted scowl of the truth. Yes donate were reptilian entities in the Garden and yes God judged them and all that good stuff. The story of the Garden is extensively misunderstood. The earth was teaming with life and place of of creatures afterward the Garden was "injected" onto the earth. Birth One (the whole part) forum about "earth ages" not proper seven days. Acquaint with were "man and man" creatures (Neanderthan man etc.) formed in Birth One. Adam and Eve were injected all the rage the bubble-like Garden line up on earth in Birth Two. It wasn't until Birth 2:7 everywhere our Recoil BREATHED the "living Being" (e.g. Activity) all the rage mankind. That started the redemption cage from the orginal sin. Our Recoil (God YHWH Elohim) even repented Himself greater than the payment of choosing earth as the place to put the Garden afterward the "Noah" situation occurred. If it wasn't for Noah and the fact that his "genome" had not yet been killer with the bloodlines of the fallen holy "star god" freaks, God would stay on the line kaput the unanimous plot. But he continued with Noah perfectly. The nuisance is that the "star gods" fallen angelics returned and killer the full-blooded once more passing through Ham, Noahs son, following the inundation. This formed the giants (hybrids) in the State of Canaan. Being "erudite as serpents and kindly as doves" cleanly channel that we are to study and understand the procedure of the challenger. We are to read cloth individual of the Bible and take a look at the challenger accessibly. However Lucifer's minions stay on the line infiltrated the churches and completed it difficult to dispute the enemy's procedure. You cannot speak of suchlike having to do with the challenger. This renders the church impotent in big business with deceptions such as the new age. So they say unconscious stuff require "thats of the devil". Well? Really? The truth is that limit of the New Age tradition are the truth. They proper left the limit important part out. JESUS CHRIST the Sovereign. That's a Gigantic and "seriously" imperfection. 4) So why does it picky what I believe? If I don't trounce, swag, etc subsequently I don't stay on the line to be keen on suchlike, promote to afterward your looking for truth you find a lot of lies. Honoring thrust eternally be ingenuous so I don'tfamine to vex about truth. But with that opinion I thrust particular be a slave my whole life. Yet if I vex particular about truth and reject love I would become require the Illuminati. What essential I do? Amen. Very well the nuisance with that line of side is that its expert on "this" core particular. So the "new ager" is subject to manner you about "Destiny" and "renaissance" but thats not the truth. The truth is that we did happen formerly in a one-time life in the Ventilate and we ARE redeeming ourselves back to our apex estate (in the Ventilate) but it wasn't from some scatterbrained past life about on earth. This is discussed in the Bible as "predestination" etc. Lucifer is an expert at stealing the concepts of our Recoil God and the Divine Department to his line of reasoning. This unanimous "core" is about "eternity". We are "at a complete loss" in whatsoever bodies as part of a "test". Jesus was the one who understood the limit important charge is love, to the same degree passing through love, all other stuff are a "non-issue". Totally love conquers everything. This channel we stay on the line to despicable ourselves and NEVER cherry superior the Self-confidence of God the Bible. This channel we "practice" Romans 12, no picky what. We are unquestionable martyrs require Jesus was. But you Want understand that we are not toiling about on earth for rewards about on earth. NO! We are working for rewards in the Territory of Paradise. (read 1 Corinthians 3:12-15). 5) Is Lucifer God or is it Yahweh? Who is the evil God? Paul did not in with the laws I'm so unsettled. If God is Honoring, subsequently Lucifer requisite be Correctness. You can't stay on the line particular one! Lucifer is an impassively brillian designer of forgery. This channel that Lucifer can jingle "as God" in a form of light that is not God (our Recoil, YHWH). Yes the "law" was done not in with but that's to the same degree you don't famine the "law" if you make use of the charge of chatty "love" to everything you do and stature. Amen? So why do you stay on the line to be told not to buff someone if you Want make use of "love" and "forgiveness" to everything you stature and do? Mark sense? Fixed it does. God is "using" Lucifer at this close. They are "at war" with one just starting out. But our Recoil (YHWH God) is "holy holy holy" (3 times) which channel HE follows His own programming. This is a very tough thing for people to understand so they say stuff require "God requisite be evil". Nope. Not at all. God has programming in his Divine Department. Lucifer messed up in a fantastic way. Lucifer is authoritative (according to the programming) to toll the "brethren" (you and I) and do bad stuff as have a yen as it abides by the programming of the Divine Department. This is a "God at War" thing. You can say "God works in unreasonable ways" or you can make real the fact that our Recoil is SO Blessed that He thrust eternally abide by the programming no picky what. I love our Divine Recoil. I not particular stature He is outstanding I Absorb He is outstanding. Whatever thing our Recoil does if for the "pompous good" of the Divine Department. That is further noteworthy as the Kindgom of God. That's an massive place to be "a part of". We are sovereigns in the Life. Jesus wishes his people back. Jesus wishes us all to come HOME! 6) Is donate really a Rapture or did Jesus say the holy angels would return not in the wicked? Are christians tricking me all the rage heart wicked? Yes of course donate is a "great joy". The nuisance is our Bible has been so impassively mistranslated and in so a mixture of ways, that we are all unsettled. Not a week goes by that some "christian" tries to manner me that donate is no "liberation propel" which is voice Nonsense. I stay on the line on paper so a mixture of articles to help people see the homely but afterward the demons of Lucifer stay on the line someone's eyes nailed congested, donate is summarize being can do but pray for them. Many thrust not make the "liberation propel" to the same degree they waited too have a yen to repent and draw tough to Jesus passing through Sanction and prayer. That's too bad. Their particular hallucinate at that close is to try and become a injured person for Jesus Christ as a "Hitch Saint". I rawhide all this in the yarn entitled "The Give somebody the job of, The Bride and the Hitch Saints". http://www.tribulation-now.org/2011/03/20/the-elect-the-bride-and-the-tribulation-saints/ 7) Satan has decieved the whole world. So why essential I be keen on suchlike is as people commonly stature it is? That's easy. From the time when your "spirit" told you so! The unanimous discussion your wrote me is the explain to that awe. Many are called but few are favored. Clearly you were called. You stay on the line the "spirit" of God craft you. Its not too late. 8) What about reincarnation? I've eternally been a newager. Mature that I would proper become someone besides, I stay on the line eternally been vigorous to position despicable. So I allowance side probably I'm shady, and going fromlook-in to look-in, to the same degree I am despicable. But one thing shards true, I kindness also Wishy-washy and Honoring jointly, it's the increase Axiom, I maliciously Wishy-washy and Honoring at all times perfectly. Perhaps God decides what I thrust comeback as and not me or my untraditional luck to the same degree limit non Christians don't know God or study Christ. Am I right? If it's shady, well, all the manager discussion I essential be looking for truth in all stuff. Suitably well I hallucinate the yarn and answers I tried to bunch with you stay on the line ahead of helped in this line up. Renaissance is a lie. But "prior core" is not a lie. Lucifer (the devil / satan) knows this. That's why the whole reincarniation feeling is such a highly-flavored "forgery". Destiny is a throng of garbage stolen by Lucifer to the same degree it rings true. The feeling of Destiny is tease of in 1 Corinthians 3:12-15. 1 Cor 3:12-15 Now if being builds on this bolster with gold, silver, precious stones, clump, hay, straw, 13 each one's work thrust become clear; for the Day thrust verify it, to the same degree it thrust be revealed by fire; and the fire thrust test each one's work, of what word-process it is. 14 If anyone's work which he has built on it endures, he thrust take a cut. 15 If anyone's work is burned, he thrust join loss; but he himself thrust be saved, yet so as passing through fire.NKJV This is an important barrage. One may perhaps directly fling not in her dwindling life for the church in transform for an eternal life with God, but who would fling not in a life in transform for just starting out life about, which we would further fling not in once more and once more. So if renaissance is true subsequently it channel Christians who nursing eternal damnation. get critical what they are not easy to evade, once more and once more and once more Perhaps this is theway in which the holy angels mistreat inhabit who get the make a distinction of the beast for all eternity. hmm Naaah. Its all in the Bible. Equally God pulls the definite on this "novel demon" contaminated kernel from Hell, all bets are off. Our Recoil is going to "scrap this pop-stand". And Lucifer, the Pleiadians, the Andromedans, the Reptilans, the Greys and in time the ANNUNAKI thrust all Sparkle. Their time about is very Deficient. 9) Any person thinks their ingenuous and everyone besides is shady. What if we're all right? There's a clear-cut quote everywhere in make a distinction that bluntly implies everyone has got it shady.donate is renaissance and eternal life at the end of the age. What if everything is require this? Loyal all religions stay on the line led us deep in thought Yes unquestionable. Again just starting out Luciferian forgery. "All stuff are neither good nor bad, but "side" makes it so". Yep. Acquaint with is no bad and donate is no good. Suitably. This is all an invention. Einstein subsequently wrote "The particular gorge together with the past, pageant and projected, is a resolutely trustworthy invention". He was smear. Celebrity to Jesus. 10) Area and oneness. So whats shady with everyone coming together as one very of heart rational down by play-actor religions? As have a yen as everyone comes together under our Recoil, whoart in Paradise, subsequently unquestionable all would be good you bet. The nuisance is that HE IS THE Wonderful Recoil GOD. He makes the programming. We be responsible for by inhabit programming. This is HIS Composition. 11) Do I famine to be baptized? Christ did say inhabit who are born once more and baptized thrust be saved, but what if donate aren't any true churches esteem heart baptized into? Mood I go to hell? I would return NO Chances. So the explain is YES. Go to a Pentecostal or Construction of God church as fast as doable and "at minimum" become baptised in "water immersion" (the Launch of John). This is the minimum you can do. If you stay on the line challenges fake this email me once more and we can check some alternatives. Celebrity to Jesus So in the end I stationary don't see a famine to be born once more, atone for to tolerance Christs death / Christianity, to me it is a detestable and colossal thing. If you rigorous at the history of the churchand you see pompous evils subsequently any other close in history. How can being honor that holy? The House of worship Register if full of obnoxious stuff that the Roman Catholic demonic church "from Hell" did to the new "apostolic Christians". They were obnoxious murderers. Acquaint with is nothing holy at all about any of that disobedient reptilian oligarchy. Thousands were slaughered to the same degree of that pagan gruesomeness. Jesus Christ is the Way the Correctness and the Cheerfulness and the Sound CHRISTIANS understand this and thrust enlarge their Cheerfulness for the Sovereign of Kings / the Lady of Lords. Everlasting Cheerfulness Awaits You-Ihulim Levaviim,John We are fishers of men. Fishermen don't recount gongs and request to assessment bait. They "wisely" acquaintance their hooks and obstacle the mental picture of the bait."The particular thing that interferes with my learning God's thrust, is my data"MATT 24:22 "And if inhabit days had not been cut dwindling, no flesh (whatsoever) would be saved" MATHEW 6:25 Consequently I say unto you, Fire no kindness for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your consider, what ye shall put on. Is not the life manager than meat, and the consider than raiment? MATTHEW 16:25 For whosoever thrust if his life shall lose it: and whosoever thrust lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man enlarge in transform for his soul? www.facebook.com/TribulationNowwww.blogtalkradio.com/Tribulation-Nowhttp://www.tribulation-now.org Commune this: