Tuesday 4 February 2014 Traherne Argument From Desire

Traherne Argument From Desire


From Thomas Traherne - "Centuries of Meditations"


Two supplies in get well Felicity I saw to be necessary and that Felicity prerequisite be get well, or not Felicity. The preparatory was the convalescence of its information, in temper, serviceableness, stem, and excellency. The moment was the convalescence of the system wherein they are enjoyed, for scrumptiousness, measure, and distance end to end.

And unless in these I possibly will be delighted, I should never be contented: Unusually about the following. For the system is always even more rapid than the thing.

And it far even more concerneth us that the system wherein we engage in be absolute and get well, than that the value which we engage in be absolute and get well. For the system, as we regard as its excellency, is itself a great part of the value of our pleasure.


In discovering the value or information to be enjoyed, I was healthy aided by recall that we were prepared in God's Figure of speech.

For thereupon it prerequisite of requirement pick up that God's Treasures be our Treasures, and His joys our joys. So that by enquiring what were God's, I found the information of our Felicity, God's Treasures staple ours. For we were prepared in His Figure of speech that we strength be in His similarity.

And herein I was mightily clear by the Apostle's blaming the Gentiles, and charging it upon them as a very great bother that they were at odds from the life of God, for hereby I ostensible that we were to be the life of God, some time ago we lived the true life of temper according to knowledge: and that by, blindness and defilement we had strayed from it.

Now God's Treasures are His own perfections, and all His creatures.


The Figure of speech of God implanted in us, guided me to the system wherein we were to engage in. For what we were prepared in the similarity of God, we were prepared to engage in as soon as His similarity.

Now to engage in the resources of God in the similarity of God, is the utmost get well holiness God possibly will devise. For the resources of God are the utmost get well resources, and the system of God is the utmost get well system.

To engage in as a result the resources of God as soon as the similarity of God is to engage in the utmost get well resources in the utmost get well system. Upon which I was utmost infinitely delighted in God, and knew existing was a Idol from the time when I was delighted.

For in exerting Himself overall in achieving consequently an immeasurable Felicity He was infinitely courteous, great and glorious, and my wishes so respected and greedy that zilch less than a Idol possibly will win over them.


This be amazed as seen, incentive never be earlier period. It is a great part of the good intent. A milestone of Contentment is Contentment.

It transforms the Inner self and makes it Adorable, it powerfully calls us to communion with God, and weans us from the society of this world. It puts a lustre upon God and all His creatures and makes us to see them in a Augur and Eternal Otherworldly. I no significantly discerned this but I was (as Plato saith, In summ^a Rationis arce quies tenancy) seated in a throne of equanimity and get well rest. All supplies were well in their proper spaces, I in competition was out of rack and had like to be mended.

For all supplies were God's resources in their proper spaces, and I was to be restored to God's Figure of speech. Whereupon you incentive not suspect, how I was isolated from all endeavours of shifting and refurbish exterior supplies. They lay so well, methought, they possibly will not be mended: but I prerequisite be mended to engage in them.


The Figure of speech of God is the utmost get well creature.

When existing cannot be two Gods the utmost endeavour of Almighty Position is the Figure of speech of God. It is no blasphemy to say that God cannot make a God: the profile thing that He can make is His Image: a utmost get well creature, to engage in the utmost get well resources, in the utmost get well system.

A creature endued with the utmost divine and get well powers, for measure, kind, stem, distance end to end, and excellency is the utmost get well creature: intense to see all time without end with all its information, and as a mirror to transport all that it seeth : intense to love all it contains, and as a Sun to flash upon its caves: intense by sparkling to disclose itself in beams of mood and to consider all it illuminates with beauty and glory: intense to be knowledgeable, holy, glorious, blessed in itself, as God is; staple adorned inwardly with the awfully kind of beauty, and outwardly agreeable to all creatures.


From Thomas Traherne - "Centuries of Meditations, Third Century"



This is the awfully crux as oft recycled by CS Lewis - particularly in "Shocked by Joy"; and by JRR Tolkien - particularly in "On Gnome Stories" and "The Injury of Men "

