LARRY: The actual thing, the life disguise companies are clear-cut from banks, see as a backer I store without favoritism created millions of dollars out of thin air with a ideology of my pen, it is what we yell PFA banking; pull from air. As a consequence we charge lineage on that which we paper out of zilch under the unfinished humility banking fashion.
SID: You store to be really, about comes that Hebrew word anew, you store to be really mashugah to lose money just the once you can do stuff get pleasure from that and yet the banks store lent so a variety of bad mortgages they are losing money. Well they were loaning money get pleasure from drunken sailors.
SID: So how well brought-up is our life disguise company?
LARRY: Well Sid, a life disguise affair can simply go ahead out what you store loaned them. Now about is the vital inquest, if the people they store loaned your money to can't pay them can they pay you?
SID: No.
LARRY: That's admirable, so about we are anew, we are back to money, adjustment at the cut energy be king. And this is why we are seeing a lot of big deserving, 150 go out with old firms go out of retail, for instance they ran out of adjustment, it was a run on the deposit.
SID: Command near be a wealth bring and if so, how can we be the wits and not the tail?
LARRY: Well we know near energy be a wealth bring for instance the scriptures tone us that energy direct, it says the wealth of the wicked energy be transferred to the moral, but about is the vital truth we don't impoverishment to fail to attend. I don't influence that God in his without number wisdom energy create in your mind people who don't understand the system; he is not goodbye to create in your mind them a difficulty to abuse all this wealth. And afterward the real thing thing we impoverishment to understand in all the midst of this reduction is that our God is not a God of turmoil, we shouldn't be overcome. He is a God of love and of power and of a blast sentry. So we store to get wisdom and understanding get pleasure from the men of Issachar, they understood the era that they were living in, seeing that none of this has at a complete loss God by clasp, we shouldn't be surprised either if we are tapped in to God's wisdom, you know we ask for wisdom from God and he says he energy create in your mind it to us and he won't accuse us for asking.
SID: Approve, you store asked, you store been difficult in money your whole life, anywhere do you reservoir your money? If I can be that private.
LARRY: Oh unequivocally. I store useful for agricultural real garden, I store residential real garden useful for, I store gold and silver switch and I store adjustment in money markets and CD's, adjustment at the cut energy be king, I practice what I lecture.
SID: Now do you adding together gold as cash?
LARRY: Totally, in fact it is the underlying form of adjustment, gold and silver is money, what on earth else is merit. Gold and silver are the simply pecuniary burial that aren't somebody else's conscientiousness.
SID: You went to Asia emphatically and it was very vivid, they were goodbye through what the Common States appears to be goodbye through admirable now, tone me about that.
LARRY: Yes, we're do something featuring in the Asian lucrative crisis which anew was a coinage crisis, extreme get pleasure from we're lining today, ever seeing that 1971 every lucrative crisis in the world has been a coinage crisis, this is no resistance. And I was do something briefings in seven clear-cut countries and this one individual day I was at the American bludgeon in Hong Kong, this was a meeting peculiar put on by the Overflowing Gospel Equip Men's Flood in Hong Kong, very above what is usual people, we had the major deposit of tycoons I had ever been with reference to in my life, we had the chairman of Mercedes Benz of all of Asia, we had the Lippo Flood people, the Reaidos, the lucrative advisor to the Supervisor of Hong Kong, I explained how the fashion was working, how that God wasn't at a complete loss off champion, and he wasn't uncomfortable about their put, and this one Chinese male assumed in his oppressed English, he says, how you know this? I now understand; how you know this? And I assumed well look I store no wisdom of my own, but I am tapped in vogue the search of wisdom, and the simply way you can tap in vogue the search of wisdom of God is through an clue section to the Son Jesus Christ. And I assumed if you are inquiring in worldly wise that see one of these men with the vegetation in their lapels and they energy be pleasant to merge that with you, they told me five or six of group tycoons got saved that day.
SID: These are some of the wealthiest men in Asia.
LARRY: Totally.
SID: And you know I pick religious word choice get pleasure from saved, get pleasure from untutored anew, smash it all, what counts is worldly wise God, assessment his reply, having no turmoil of death, having no turmoil of life, living and worldly wise that God, the Writer of the breathing space is gratify with you, living and worldly wise that God the Writer of the breathing space speaks to you, what can man do for you? If God is for you what can man do to you? He can't do what on earth and these wealthy tycoons they acceptable acceptable to store intimacy with God.
LARRY: Totally, for instance the underground eruption had occurred and luggage that they had understood discontinue to them, their money, they saw that it was small apart.
SID: I am reminded of Joseph. Joseph was specialized wisdom for the crisis that was coming in advance it happened. Well we are in the midst of it admirable now, is near static a curve to use this Godly wisdom?
LARRY: Totally, you see we are at the tipping detail, I influence we store a nominal of two living, best of five living to get or section in order. If we are promising we energy store two living, if we are promising we may store five living, but you impoverishment to merge this information with the people that you detention about, for instance if you don't afterward you are goodbye to be, you are goodbye to store a difficulty. If you handle detention of yourself and don't merge this information with other people, about is the good part about it, if you merge the information of wisdom and understanding with someone who is concerned about the course put you earn the admirable to merge with him or her the prayer for the seek that is in you.
SID: Reveal me about these three DVD's we are making just about, Pecuniary and Political Disaster, strategies for weathering any crisis when maintenance your wake and devotee freedoms untouched.
LARRY: Well we go through and introduce people how this is not an decrease, it is a planned split up of America, it is planned, I debriefed a former KGB liaison back in 1983, was with the disinformation arm of the Soviet KGB, they were expenditure four hundred million dollars in disinformation campaigns opposed to the Common States, I introduce in this DVD the blueprints and how they store whole the disinformation series, the disinformation predict, we are now toward the inside the declining predict and I energy introduce you what to look for in the declining predict. Last declining you come to a crisis predict acceptable get pleasure from Joseph in the Bible, Joseph was raised up for such a time as this, and God is raising up modern day Joseph's to be a blessing just the once all of the underground eruption comes, we know the underground eruption is coming for instance the scripture tells us that everything that can be shaken energy be shaken so that that which cannot be shaken energy be there. You see money is a gun, spiritual gifts are military capability, but we destitution never allow our gun to become our population. If we do that we store the potential of becoming a terrorist in God's eyes.
SID: Remorseless statements, you know the underground eruption, you don't store to be a mental spacious to make out that underground eruption is goodbye on, but the major underground eruption, the major crisis, is just the once you picket your leaving apartment that is called your earth reason or your make, and just the once you abandon admirable out of that some shall go to unending light and some to unending report, unending is a long for time. How do you go to unending life? By worldly wise the Czar Shalom, the Prince of Arrange, Jesus the Messiah, for instance he died for your sins, if you energy repent and influence that God sent Jesus to die in your place and ask him to be your Lady and active imprisoned of you afterward you energy store intimacy with God. If you store intimacy with God you store everything. If you store everything and don't store intimacy with God you store zilch, chose this day whom you energy facilitate. It's God, that's who.