The Interpreter Micah was untutored in Moresheth, which is why he is called "the Moreshite". He belonged to the band of Judah and is along with the twelve drop prophets. Micah lived in Jerusalem from 748-696 B.C. during the reigns of kings Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, seeing that the Nation of Judah suffered from steady invasions from the Assyrians. He was draw near to a extra of the Interpreter Isaiah. His book, in black and white in the Hebrew language, is venerable for its lucidity and function of phrases and consists of seven chapters. The acme three chapters presage the damage of Samaria. In the in that case two he prophesied the byword of the Tidings of God, the Glisten Accomplice of the Angelic Trinity.
"But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, whilst thou be mini along with the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth power been from of old, from interminable" (Micah 5:2).
"He atmosphere stand and conduct His crowd in the strength of the Noble, in the disorder of the name of the Noble His God. And they atmosphere be real resolutely, for consequently His magnificence atmosphere reach to the ends of the earth" (Micah 5:4).
In the continue two chapters the Interpreter rebukes the staff of Israel, urges them to repent, and in a form of questions he reminds them how to twirl in their lives. He says:
"And what does the Noble covet of you? To act fair and to love loveliness and to twirl fairly with your God" (Micah 6:8).
This take in is obviously timeless and induce.
The Interpreter Micah did not tremble to tell off the excesses of Ruler Ahab, which is why he was maltreated many time. In due course he was arrested and hanged by his son, Ruler Joram. His association was at ease by his family and mystifying in Moresheth.
His life and character gives us the path to heighten the following:
First, maximum prophets in the Old Testimonial had a martyric death. This is testified in their synaxaria, but moreover by Christ Himself, Who told the Scribes and Pharisees - what time the grating "woes" addressed to them - the following:
"Thus I am manner you prophets and insightful men and teachers. Undeniable of them you atmosphere spurt and crucify; others you atmosphere tie in your synagogues and track from town to town. And so upon you atmosphere come all the posh blood that has been unwrap on earth, from the blood of posh Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered amongst the temple and the altar. I notify you the truth, all this atmosphere come upon this colleagues. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who spurt the prophets and stone group sent to you, how often I power longed to event your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not timely" (Matt. 23:34-37).
This indicates that the lot of God's staff in this world are problems and martyrdom. But the problems of the birthright are not minus alleviate, for they are overshadowed by the uncreated Improve of God, which consoles them, strengthens them and redeems them, as the Interpreter David stresses:
"A birthright man may power many harms, but the Noble delivers him from them all... the Noble redeems his servants" (Ps. 34:19, 21).
It moreover shows that all group who do not love the Sunlight, in the role of by it all wicked works done "in secret" are manifested, cannot fetch the expected and illumined message of love proclaimed by the prophets of all ages. This is why they conflict adjacent to all group who "rightly teach the word of truth", and in various ways they try to witticism and be exclusive of it. Yet stage is the "vote for word", the "new Israel", the "holy staff of God", who are, as Saint Symeon the New Theologian says, "group who power been baptized and group clear-cut in the hope". In other words, all group who power been baptized and tackle in the Church to be real fair, supportively and mistreat animatedly the commandments of Christ. They consist of the "mini leaven" which leavens the "whole protrusion", as well as the spiritual salty that keeps commune from rotting and moldy.
Glisten, in the Old Testimonial the Interpreter Micah urges the staff to be birthright, to love and to be real according to the atmosphere of God. And in the New Testimonial Christ blesses group who greed and appetite for vengeance, and He even qualified that height love embraces ones enemies. Guaranteed, He acknowledged this with the safeguarding of His commandments, saying: "He who has my commandments and keeps them, loves Me". Uprightness, lenience and the safeguarding of the commandments of God are tied together, in the role of he who loves God and keeps His commandments, loves others, as well as all of creation, and struggles to be birthright. As well, the vengeance of God is unvarying with His love, and seeing that we say that God is birthright, we mean that God is love. If God was birthright in the court appreciation of the detention, consequently all of us would be punished dissertation, like we every time sin and none would pass the time live on earth.
Anywhere stage is true love, which is unvarying with be deprived of, not blame is exceeded. In spite of this, seeing that love is condensed or lost consequently each of us tries to find our not blame. For kind, a mother that loves her child does not trawl her own not blame, but she sacrifices herself for the child, even whilst she has become disappointed by the child in one way or unique, in the role of true love covers all property and endures continually. To boot amongst spouses, seeing that love ceases to park, consequently they way out to vengeance and each tries to find their own not blame.
The preaching of vengeance, love and field to the Triune God, the Church and the ecclesiastical domestic, in a commune conquered by plotting, scheming, mendaciousness and egocentricity obviously provokes reactions. But it takes foundation, blooms and bears fruit everywhere stage is a good character, reticence and geniality.
Source: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", , July 2013. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.