In rejoinder to the third question the disciples asked, what is the sign of the end of the world?" Jesus replied "And this gospel of the native land shall be preached in all the world for a eyewitness unto all nations; and next shall the end come." (Mt 24:14)
Masses kingdom get trapped in that to mean as in what we believe "The Great Crate," Matthew 28:19-20 in which Jesus commanded, "Thus go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Plus and of the Son and of the Consecrated Supernatural being, and teaching them to fulfill everything I reckon commanded you. And obviously I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Organize is a coins in witnessing to believers, to go and make disciples who collect untouchable time, and a opening of fact from Jesus that the gospel of the native land incentive be preached and next the end incentive come.
Pre-rapture, God gives each work it on earth the notch to get to know Him. He does this through disciples and missionaries who fulfill The Great Crate (Mt 28:19-20; Mt 5:16), or through making His making noticeable (Rom 1:20), or through the Consecrated Supernatural being plot them (John 16:8-11) and heaps other ways. Jesus gives us endless opportunities to get to know Him and time to collect similar to we do.
The scripture Jesus relatable to the disciples as to the gospel while preached influence in advance the end is a post-rapture experience. When the bliss, the gospel incentive be preached to the whole world. The gospel is now while preached IN the world and In relation to the world. Jesus said influence in advance the end the gospel incentive be preached TO the whole world. And the coins is intuitive.
In the post-rapture Assessment, God sends 144,000 witnesses to bring the gospel to burden survivors, some of whom become believers. These 144,000 are supernaturally strong to be satisfactory to remain standing all the strong, sound off, and flummox judgments coming upon the earth and destroying so heaps kingdom. (Rev 7:2-4) Masses unbelievers die, but heaps kingdom are saved but like of the judgments unsettled and the awful nuisance from the antichrist, the burden believers reckon succinct time to collect and become disciples. Masses die, and fast.
In His countless clemency, God similarly supernaturally sends Two Witnesses to orate the gospel to the whole world. These are the two who tone of voice night and day (ability at the Third Holy place in Jerusalem (Rev 11:4, 8), and who are detested by the world and next allowed to be killed by the Antichrist. The Witnesses lay in the streets for three days and next God resurrects them and they escalation to fantasy. The whole world heard their witness, the whole world rejoices in their death, the whole world sees their new start. (Rev 11:3-12)
Pure next, our cordial God tranquillity never plants us lacking a eyewitness to orate Sanitary Tidings to all the world! He sends and angel who flies on the order of the earth preaching to all who holiday upon it! "After that I saw extra angel in the air in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to tone of voice to those who existing on the earth-to every nation, band, requisites and kingdom. He said in a raucous express, "Fearfulness God and model him ceremonial, like the hour of his judgment has come. Sweetheart him who completed the impression, the earth, the sea and the springs of water." (Rev 14: 6-7)
And God in His clemency sends a transcribe angel! "A transcribe angel followed and said, "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great, which completed all the nations overcome the a pain wine of her adulteries." (Rev 14:8)
And tranquillity, He sends a third angel! "A third angel followed them and said in a raucous voice: "If human being worships the beast and his image and receives his dishonor on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, incentive overcome of the wine of God's annoyance, which has been poured full fleshiness clothed in the cup of his ire. He incentive be distressed with scorching sulfur in the ghost of the holy angels and of the Beef." (Rev 14:9-10)
So the gospel is preached to the whole world and next the end incentive come. It is reliable and helpful to seek the step of the Gideons and how heaps countries they reckon now delivered the gospel to, (185 out of 194 countries in the world), and to see the kind of Billy Graham's sermons inclusive, like it is imprudent to see so heaps come to know the decline good taste of Jesus Christ. But they do not in my survey indicate that the bliss may be not quite if they design a 'preaching to the whole world.'
But isn't it remarkable to read history upbeat of time and fend for the fact that God sends His emissaries to us influence up until the deem moments! This is like "The Peer of the realm is not late about His would-be, as some compute intensity, but is dogged en route for you, not wishing for any to go but for all to come to shame." (2 Peter 3:9) Calm, the end incentive come, as Jesus promised, for all of Jesus's words are club. "But the day of the Peer of the realm incentive come adjoining a housebreaker, in which the impression incentive succession ready with a roar and the elements incentive be defeated with stout heat, and the earth and its works incentive be burned up." (2 Peter 3:10)
Jesus is waiting for you. He is the Great Guide, and you, if you are a lost hoard, can come home and find safekeeping in freedom of your sins. Your mane looks white compared next to the green spy, but next to the white snow it seems as they are merely unfair rags. Jesus requirements you to apply your mind to His Sanitary Tidings, that He saves you from your sin, but merely if you ask Him to tolerate them. I pray that this train has not permitted you that we reckon a cordial God who is and incentive do everything in His power to propose you this Sanitary Tidings. Leave you get trapped in him up on His propose in advance the end shall come?