Friday 25 April 2014 Wisewoman Traditions Take Heart From Hawthorn

Wisewoman Traditions Take Heart From Hawthorn

WiseWoman Traditions

Take Heart from Hawthorn

Its many common names include whitethorn, hagthorn, ladies' meat, quickthorn, maytree, and mayblossom. Its magic and medicine are ancient and memorable. From the earliest records, hawthorn is one of the sacred trees. Hawthorn is the sixth tree of the Ogam cycle, Hath. Hath precedes Quer, the oak, center tree of the cycle of thirteen. Hawthorn is said to guard the hinges and to oversee crafts. A branch of flowering hawthorn placed in studio or workshop is believed to make the craftsperson skilled and successful. Hath shuts what is open and opens what is shut. Her magic, like her medicinal effect, is slow but long lasting.

The day of the fairies' return is not a calendar date, but, according to Ellen Everet Hopman, author of Tree Medicine, Tree Magic, "the day the hawthorn blooms." As the fairy gates open this May, open your heart to hawthorn. Let its beauty and strength imbue you with great heart, for hawthorn is the herb of healthy hearts.

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