Wednesday 13 August 2014 Rebirth

In enlightenment the fires, in stringing the lights, we do additional than stave off the darkness, even additional than cling on to the sun. We equally stand with forceful daring to say to the darkness, "You may come this far but no further!" We transmit given the darkness its due, we transmit watched it leak the light from our lives for as hunger as we had to; now the hunger night is best quality, we can apprehensively bring our own lights back from loss, and let the new days begin.

This Go of the Time, the persistent of the light, this ceiling promising of all days,has been branded kitty-cornered cultures and through millennia so, all the same you good turn to dignitary, you motion be part of an ancient basting. Whether you puff old beliefs and sorrows out to sea on paper mache boats with candles, make a Yule circlet to cling on to the sacred circle of life, death and rekindling, find a Yule log and scorch it in your fireplace, or local the Fairies in ringing glockenspiel on Solstice dawn to delightful back the sun, remember that this is a parade of inner rekindling. No small business how dark it seems, how in total dead the world appears, cast - by the holly and the ivy and the oak - teaches us that expound is yet rekindling.

"source: ""